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evermore united to Thee, whom have I in heaven through the One Mediator, but Thee? and there is Jesus Christ, my only Lord and Saviour.] Amen.

Direction of the Intention.

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none on earth that I desire in comparison of Thee.

Supplication for Grace.

THOU Great Father

of Mercies! look up

MOST High and Most Mighty God! on the face of Thy Christ, to the Praise and Glory of Who, with the most perfect Thy Supreme Majesty: in Love, was obedient to Thee remembrance of the Most unto death, even the death Holy Life, Passion, and of the Cross, and by virtue Death of Jesus Christ my of His merits give me grace Saviour and in thanks that I may obey Thee faithgiving for all the gifts and fully. Grant, I beseech blessings which Thou hast Thee, that through His bestowed on me an unwor- merits and intercession I thy sinner, and upon Thy may obtain those things whole Church: for the par- which I am not worthy to don of my numberless sins; ask.

and for my salvation; and

infirmities, your wants; ask Him to pardon all, and help you with His grace.

of my neighbours......for Lay before Jesus your sins, your the bliss of the departed I, an unworthy sinner, desire to join in offering JESUS, Saviour of the up this Holy Sacrifice, [and world! Who camest to receive the Mysteries of to save sinners, and saidst, the Most Holy Body and "Come unto Me, all ye that Blood of Thy Son.] Of a labour and are heavy laden, truth, O Lord, in Thee alone and I will refresh you:" lo, is all that can satisfy the I, a sinner, dare to come desires of my heart. For unto Thee; for with Thee

Devotions to be used before Holy Communion.


there is plenteous redemp- O Lord! a broken and tion. I come unto Thee, a contrite heart Thou wilt from Whom I have erred not despise. This do I and strayed as a sheep that first offer unto Thee, that is lost but O Thou Good I may the more safely offer Shepherd, Who didst lay the Sacrifice of Thy predown Thy Life for Thy cious Body and Blood. sheep, Who camest to seek Break Thou, therefore,

and to save that which was the bonds of my sins. For lost, seek thy servant, O thus shall I worthily offer Lord, for I do not forget unto Thee the sacrifice of Thy commandments. praise, and call upon the

I come unto Thee, pierc-| Name of the Lord. ed with many wounds, griev- Lord, all my desire is beously oppressed with so fore Thee: my heart is many evil passions: but, ready, O God, my heart is Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou ready: I offer unto Thee canst make me whole. Thou my whole heart and my knowest that it is the sick all. "Like as the hart dewho need a physician. But sireth the water brooks, so Thou art that Samaritan, longeth my soul after Thee, the true Physician of souls, O God!" Who hast borne our griefs; Thou art He Who gavest, as the medicine for my soul, the Sacrament of Thy precious Body and Blood.

Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love, to be used as there is time, or as occasion may serve.

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CHRIST Jesu! very
God and Man, of

Have mercy, therefore, upon me, O Lord, and heal One Substance, Majesty, my soul: for I have sinned and Power with the Father, against Thee. A troubled I believe and confess that spirit is a sacrifice to Thee, Thou art really and truly

present in this Holy Sa-lthy art Thou to be loved, crament: Thou Who, sent Who hast done so much from Heaven, didst come for love of us! I will love on earth to seek and to Thee, O Lord, my Strength. save that which was lost: O Lord, who art Love! Who wast born of the Vir- he that abideth in love, gin, didst suffer, wast cru- abideth in Thee. I desire cified, and died and in to [receive Thee in this remembrance of Thy Love Sacrament, that I may] be didst leave us Thy Body and more firmly bound to Thee Blood in this Sacrament. in the bonds of love. Who shall separate me from the



I love Thee, O Lord,

LORD of Hosts! love of Christ my Saviour? blessed is the man O that neither life, nor that hopeth in Thee! Why death, nor change of state, art thou then so vexed, O nor any creature, may ever my soul, and why art thou have power for this! Thou so disquieted within me? art my God and my All. Hope thou in God, the Thou art the portion of Fountain of all goodness, mine inheritance, and my and the Giver of all grace, lot. Who is present in this Sacrament: He is good and who art so loving to me, gracious, and of great mer- and long to love Thee cy unto all them that call above all things: and thereupon Him. In Thee, O fore do I now desire to Lord, do I trust: O let me [receive Thee, that I may not be disappointed of my feed on Thee, and be hope! changed into Thee, and] be made one spirit with Thee, so that I may cleave unto Thee for ever!

MOST Dear Saviour,
Christ Jesus! how wor-


In Preparation for the Holy Communion,

Which may be used in addition to or instead of the foregoing, by those about to communicate.

MOST Merciful God, PURIFY, O Lord, with incline Thy pitiful the Fire of Thy Holy ears to our prayers, and Spirit, our hearts and reins: enlighten our hearts by the that we may serve Thee Grace of the Holy Spirit, with a pure body, and please that we may worthily ap- Thee with a clean heart: proach Thy Holy Myste- through Christ our Lord. ries, and love Thee with an Amen. everlasting love: through

Jesus Christ our Lord. O GRACIOUS Lord


Jesus Christ, I Thy sinful servant, nothing presuming on my own deserts,

VISIT, we beseech thee, but trusting in Thy Mercy

O Lord, and cleanse and Goodness, with fear our consciences: that Thy and reverence approach to Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Table of Thy Most may, when He cometh, Sweet Feast. For my heart find in us a dwelling pre- and body are defiled with pared for Himself: through many sins, my mind and His Merits. Amen. tongue have not been faith

fully guarded. So then, O| Hail! Holy and Precious Gracious God! O Terrible Blood which did flow from Majesty! I, miserable that the wounds of my cruciI am, being in a great strait, fied Lord Jesus Christ, and turn to Thee, the Fountain wash away the sins of the of Mercy. To Thee I has- whole world! Remember, ten to be cured, under Thy Lord, Thy creature which protection I flee, longing Thou hast redeemed with to have Thee for my Sa- Thine own Blood. I reviour, before Whom I can- pent me that I have sinned, not stand as my Judge. and long to amend what I To Thee, O Lord, I shew have done. Take from me, my wounds, to Thee I lay then, most merciful Father, bare my shame. I know all my iniquities and sins, my sins, many and great, that, purified in mind and for which I fear, but I hope body, I may be made worin Thy mercies, which are thy, worthily to taste the countless. Look down, Holy of Holies. And grant then, on me with the eyes that this sacred foretaste of Thy mercy, O Lord of Thy Body and Blood Jesus Christ, Eternal King, which I, unworthy, purpose God and Man, crucified to take, may be the remisfor man! Hear me, who sion of my sins, the cleanshope in Thee: have pity ing of my offences, the on me who am full of mise- scaring away of all evil ries and sins, Thou who thoughts, the renewal of all wilt never cease to pour good desires, the faithful forth the streams of Mercy! performance of works well Blessed be Thou, Life-giv- pleasing unto Thee, the ing Victim, who for me and most firm protection of all mankind wast offered soul and body against the on the Cross of suffering! | wiles of my enemies. Amen.

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