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modern enthusiasts so often pretend.newed to repentance." He charges After having escaped from so many Timothy, his beloved disciple, to dangers, surmounted so many diffi-beware, lest he be led away after the culties, and overcome so many temp-vicious example of Hymeneus and tations, he felt himself constrained to Philetus, two apostate teachers, who, declare," not as though I had alrea- as he expressly affirms, "have erred dy attained, either were already per-from the truth, and made shipwreck feet, but I follow after it; I count concerning the faith." These men not myself to have apprehended, I were once in a justified state. They press toward the mark." He never had their sins remitted unto them in considered those, whom he had been baptism, and received a conditional the means of converting, as free from promise of their perseverance in faith; every danger of falling from grace. but they turned away from the faith; He constantly exhorts them "to stand they apostatized from the truth; they fast in the faith," alleging, that "if fell from grace; and by these means after they have once escaped the pol- they lost their justified state, and inlutions of the world, through the curred the penalty due to this aggraknowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, vated sin. A LAYMAN. they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse than


the beginning." He tells them, that From the Evangelical Luth. Intelligencer.

"it had been better for them, never

to have known the ways of righteous


In a former number on this inter-

ness, than after to have known them, esting topic, we promised to consito turn away from the holy command-derHe exhorts the Romans, tional discipline. 1. The importance of congrega, "who were engrafted in and partook 2. What offences require its exerof the root and the fatness of the ol-cise. ive tree, not to be high minded, but constantly in fear, lest they should be broken off." He accuses the Galatians, "who had put on Christ— received the spirit of adoption," and

3. Who the persons are by whom it should be administered; and

4. In what manner it should be carried into effect.

The first two divisions of our sub

ject have been discussed, and we shall now proceed to show

3. Who the persons are by whom &c.

ran well" of being soon removed from him who had called them." He encourages the Hebrews, "to hold There is a diversity of sentiment the beginning of their confidence on this subject, and we are free to confess, that according to our appresteadfast unto the end," assuring hensions, it is somewhat involved in them, “that it was impossible for obscurity. Many are of opinion that them, who were once enlightened, civil magistrates constitute the only and tasted of the heavenly gift, and proper authority to execute ecclesiastical as well as political laws. were partakers of the holy ghost, and have tasted of the good word of God foundation of the mode of procedure view prevails in Europe, and is the and the powers of the world to come, in various parts of the church there. if they should fall away, to be re-But the Lutheran community in the


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United States, are decidedly and particular case is taken into consideuniversally opposed to this principle ration, debated and decided, and a

-opposed to every appearance of the committee is appointed to carry the most remote alliance between church decision into effect. Hence, the and state, and would deprecate it as power of excision (says a Congregathe most serious calamity that could tional writer) lies in the church (the befal our Zion. As "the kingdom assembled members who constitute of Christ is not of this world," we the congregation.) The officers take believe that the church's power is the sense of the members; and after exclusively spiritual, that she needs the matter has been properly invesno aid whatever from the arm of go-tigated, and all necessary steps tavernment, to enforce her laws, or ken to reclaim the offender, the coerce obedience to her require-church proceeds to the actual excluments. All we, as Lutherans, ask sion of the person from among them, or wish, or want for her from the ci- by signifying their judgment or opivil polity, is--just to let her alone.* nion, that the person is unworthy a Another, and indeed the only scrip-place in God's house." This mode tural view on this subject is, that it is the prerogative of the church to administer her discipline. In confirmation of this view, we have only time and space to refer to the following passages of scripture: Mat. xviii, 17-1 Cor. v, 3, 5-2 John x. 11.

of procedure, to say the least, is plausible and seems to compare well with some of the directions and usages of the primitive christians, recorded in holy scripture. Our Presbyterian brethren differ somewhat in their interpretation of the word church when But though it is very evident that used in the sense above stated, and it belongs to the province of the comprehend by it, the representachurch to carry its discipline into ex- tives or officers properly appointed ecution, this by no means relieves to superintend the concerns of the the subject of the obscurity suggest-church, to wit, the minister and layed above. The great question is, elders. Agreeably to this view, diswhat are we to understand by the cipline is administered among them term church, when employed to de-by the pastor and elders, in the mansignate that power by which disci- ner and by the authority of the pline is to be administered? The In-church, so that, what they do, the dependent or Congregational church-church is said do, in the same light es believe that it signifies the collec-in which the acts of a state legislative body of all those who compose an individual congregation, and consequently teach, that the proper persons to administer discipline, are the professing members of the church generally, assembled together for that purpose. Accordingly, when an act of discipline is to be performed, the members in full communion hold a public meeting in the church, in which the minister presides; and the

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ture are declared to be the acts of
the people. The Congregationalists
recognize but two office-bearers in
their connection, namely, bishops or
pastors, and deacons, the former to
attend to its spiritual affairs, and the
latter to direct its temporal concerns.
But the Presbyterians have their lay
or ruling elders, and labor hard to
prove that they are originally of di-
vine appointment. We for ourselves
have examined their arguments, and
do not hesitate to pronounce them in
We ve-
our opinion, inconclusive.
rily believe, that the scripture evi-
dence in favor of confirmation, is,
to say the least, quite as clear and

decided, as that adduced to support|| church, but like the Presbyterians, lay-eldership, and yet Presbyterians the officers of the church. But we reject the former without a moment's differ from the latter also, in that we hesitancy.

have a great variety of officers. They have only elders, namely, preaching elders or ministers, and ruling elders; we have both, and likewise deacons, (and to these some churches add trustees.) We believe that the bishops of the primitive churches correspond exactly to the pastors of modern ones. That bishop, elder and pastor, are only different terms for the same office, is evident from Acts xx, 17, compared with v, 28. Titus i, 5-7, and 1 Peter v, 1, 2.They are called bishops, which signifies overseers, because they overlook the spiritual concerns and watch for the souls of their spiritual brethren. Acts xx, 28. 1 Tim. iii, 1.Pastors or shepherds, because they feed the flock of God with truth; Eph. iv, 11.-Rulers, because they guide the church; Hebrews, xiii, 7. Elders, because of their age, or of their possessing those qualities which age supposes; Titus i, 5.—Ministers, because they are the servants of Christ and the gospel; Eph. vi, 21. Their duties, as well as those of the other officers, are principally pointed out in the Formula,* except trustees, whose chief business is, to have

Our business, however, at present, is not to exhibit the opinions of others, but to point out what we Lutherans believe to be the correct course of conduct in the process of administering discipline; and we are proud to say, that in our own view, we greatly have the vantage ground. We believe that the New Testament has laid down no specific form of discipline, and that we are left to adopt that mode of procedure, which expedience and the general and unequivocal principles of the gospel dictate. We do not mean by this, that the Lord Jesus Christ has left no apostolic precept or example, which is either directory for our practice, or obligatory upon our conscience in the government of the church; but simply, that he has given no specific directions that are obligatory under all circumstances, and adapted to every case, and only established general principles, and left us to deduce from them such specific regulations as may seem best adapted to the peculiar exigencies of the church, and most subservient to the promotion of the divine glory. That this is the common belief of Lutheranism, we ap-charge of the property belonging to peal to its acknowledged authorities. the church; but where this class of Accordingly, when the term 'church' officers does not exist, the trust imis used to express the authority posed upon them, devolves upon the whereby its discipline is to be admi- deacons. nistered, we understand it to imply, not like the Congregationalists, the individual members belonging to the

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Now, from the foregoing remarks, it appears that the proper authority to administer discipline, is the church, and that by the church, we are here to understand, the church-officers in general, viz. pastors, elders, deacons and trustees. The two latter, however, are rather to be regarded as temporal officers, and though by virtue of their office, they are bound to be present and to express their sentiments when a question of discipline is to be decided, yet, in our opinion,

* Vide Formula, chap. 3, sec. 1, and 6.

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they have or should have no vote. be administered, we beg the attention The duty of judging an offending of the indulgent reader, while we go brother, is purely spiritual, and there- on to considerfore devolves upon those whose office

4. The manner in which it must be

is purely spiritual, viz. the pastor||carried into effect. and elders.*

though reason must be the steersman at the helm, the needle points so steadily and so clearly the direction we are to take, that we cannot well miss our course.

Here we are not left to navigate If it be asked, what authority we our vessel on the troubled ocean of have for this regulation? We an- theological opinion, or the uncertain swer, as good as any other church sea of expediency, where opposing has for its peculiar mode of adminis- currents, stormy winds, and concealtering discipline. We refer to those ed rocks may endanger our safety. broad principles laid down in God's No, we feel as if we were now traword, and to that authorised expedi- velling on terra firma, and if, occaency deducible from those princi- sionally, we should have to venture ples, and demanded by the peculiar out upon the dubious waters of conwants and sometimes conflicting cir- jecture, we have an unerring comcumstances of separate churches.-pass, which is the word of God, and That pastors and deacons are of divine appointment, is granted by all protestant churches; that pastors or preaching elders, are required to "rule well," as well as "labor in word and doctrine," will not be questioned. And as for lay elders and trustees, we do not believe that any direct authority can be found in scripture for either, but we claim upon grounds of expediency. And the Lutheran church believes, as already proven, that when explicit directions are wanting, expediency is to be consulted in determining the best plan to regulate the economy of God's house, and promote the glory of our divine Master. We have only yet to add, that all above church officers, who, in their collective body are designated by the appropriate appellation of "church-council," are elected by the members in full communion with the church, for a term of not less than two nor more than eight years, vide Formula, chap. 3, sect.


Having thus ascertained who the persons are by whom discipline should

* In these remarks, as well as in some others which are yet to be advanced, we may perhaps not precisely fall in with the established views of the Lutheran Church; should we mistake those views, or glide into any errors or misstatements, we shall be glad if any of our brethren will have the goodness to correct us.

But before we proceed to discuss this particular, we must premise, that many unimportant misunderstandings and trivial moral obliquities transpire in a congregation, with which the church should not be troubled, but which should be privately adjusted by the individuals concerned. Thus, "if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault, between him and thee alone-if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more," &c. Mat. xviii, 15, 16. So far, we perceive the subject of difference or offence is not to be brought before the church. But if an injured or offended member, has employed the means just recommended, and found them ineffectual, that is to say, if he has privately ad monished his erring brother, calmly and amicably argued the case with him, mildly and seriously endeavored to convince him of his mistakeif he has, moreover, continued his benevolent exertions, and taken with him one or two of his christian brethren, and in their presence and with their aid, yet further reasoned the matter with him, and he will not come to an agreement, or refer the

temple of Jehovah, incur the frown's of God, and injure the best interests of his cause. Hence the command of the Master must be obeyed, “that wicked person must be put away from among us," and be regarded 6 as an heathen man and a publican.'*

Previously to the final act of excommunication, the transgressor should be cited before the church-council, to assign cause why sentence of expulsion should not be passed against him; if he attend, possibly the matter may yet be adjusted, and he restored; but if he refuse to appear, the case must terminate against him.

case to their arbitration; what is the a disgrace to the congregation; to next measure to be adopted? The retain him any longer in the bosom Saviour replies, "Tell it unto the of the church, would be to defile the church." Here, then, the jurisdiction of the church commences.* * The case must be reported to the pastor or elders, who are the representatives of the church; and the pastor or elders may either immediately join their admonitions to those of the persons already engaged in it, which perhaps will be sufficient to produce the desired effect, or they may lay it before the assembled church-council at their next meeting. Should they find the complaint to be frivolous or groundless, they should rebuke the complainant, and take no further notice of the matter; but if they judge it sufficiently serious to become a subject of discipline, they must appoint a discreet committee from among themselves, to wait on the "brother that has trespassed," and in their official capacity use efforts similar to those above suggested, for the purpose of bringing about the same result. This deputation may be repeated, if the case seem to require it. Should the offender manifest satisfactory evidences of contrition, a simple and affectionate admonition to him to " go and sin no more" will suffice, and he should forthwith be restored to the confidence of the

In the foregoing remarks, we have supposed the case of a trespass of one individual against another. But should a member be guilty of misconduct which is an offence against the church at large, (vide part 2 of this article,) then every member should consider it his duty to admonish him, in the spirit of meekness and affection, agreeably to James v, 19, 20, and the church-council are bound to take cognizance of it, whether formally reported to them or not, and to proceed as above stated.

In some cases, when a member is church. But if he be obstinate, de- high crime or scandalous offence, the de-notoriously known to be guilty of a nying the charge or palliating his sin, and persist in this course from painful operation of excision should time to time, then the church-coun- ing all those preliminary measures be forwith performed, without takcil should proceed to execute the law by separating him from the commu


His contumacy has awfully aggravated his original offence. He has now pertinaciously neglected to hear the church. He has become a stumbling block, a blur, a dishonor,

* So soon as the church takes up the matter, a resolution ought to be passed by its officers, suspending the individual from the privilege of communing.

Every Church-Council should hold stated meetings for the transaction of congregational business-in towns those meetings should be monthly, in country churches it may be sufficient to hold them quarterty.

* If it be asked, how long the efforts of the pastor and elders for the recovery of an offending member, should be continued, and how often reiterated? We think the answer must depend upon the circumstances of the case. Sometimes there may be such a degree of depravity and obstinacy discovered as would justify an immediate expulsion; and on other occasions there may be such an appearance of hope as would warrant a repetition and perseverance of effort, for the space of three, or four, or even five months, But in no ordinary instance, should a question of discipline be pending more than four or five months. If in that time an erring member cannot be gained, he is unworthy of any further special exertions.

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