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acter, 205 ff; ideal of society in, 205; religious life and literature in, 206; inflamed against North, sources of misunderstanding, 207; plantation life in at best, 208; concentration of interest in on national politics, 208; concentrates on secession movement, 209; duelling and street affrays common in, 209; men of in Texas, in Mexican war, and as filibusters," 209-10; believes all war-spirit extinct in North, 210; causes of united action in, 211; North impatient of political dominance of, 212; patriotic sentiment still powerful in, 214; disunion sentiment strongest in Gulf and Cotton States, 214; reasons for success of secession movement in, 218 ff; leaders of resign from Buchanan's cabinet, 224; leaders of in Congress favor secession, last formal presentation of ultimatum of in Senate, 225; general sentiment in against armed repression of secession, 227; So. Carolina leader of, 229; views on Civil war in, 237; bitterness against North in, 241; moral effect of war on, 244; courage of in war, 262; advantages of North over, 264; social conditions in after war, 275; State legislatures and conventions resumed in, 275, 276; 13th amendment ratified in 276; Senators from refused admission to Congress, 218; reports of Gen. Grant and Carl Schurz on conditions in after war, 286 ff; views of on negro labor, 287; laws governing negro labor in after war, association of whites and negroes forbidden in, 290; Congressional represent. of conditioned on negro suffrage by 14th amendment, 298; proposed to refuse suffrage to leaders of, 299; mistake of such course, 301; excepting Tennessee, rejects 14th amendment, 304; reconstruction of, see Re

construction; government of under reconstruction bill begins, 307, 310; number of negro voters in various States of, 311; trials and struggles of under new conditions, under martial law, restored to self-government, 316; unfitness of negroes in for suffrage, whites refuse to vote, constitutional conventions held and negro delegates chosen, 317; typical attitude of whites in; under "carpet bag" rule, 318, 332; Northern immigration into, 319; Northern teachers insulted or disdained in; Northerners in politics in; legislation in during reconstruction, 320; extravagance, waste and corruption in under Republican governments; exaggeration of, 321; negro rule in, 319, 321; resumption of white leadership in, 322 ff; continued interference of Congress in, 326; growth of Republican opposition to Federal interference in; repudiation in, 332; Democrats organize resistance to Republican rule in and practice intimidation, 339 ff; Federal troops withdrawn from, 353; regeneration of, 354; whites in driven to labor, 355; end of Federal interference in, 371, 402; negro suffrage practically nullified in, civil rights secured to negroes, 372, 382, 388; refuses social equality to negro, 373, 407-8; fear of race mixture in, 374, 407; development of industrial democracy in, 379; present condition of politics in, 379 ff; why "solid," 380; life in diversifying, growth of literature in, 380; growth of standard of education in, 381; widening gulf between the races in, 382; legal and practical limitation of suffrage in, 382 ff, 388; efforts in to restrict negro education, 385; negro still has industrial freedom in, 385, 395; pronounced attitude of on social inferiority of negro, 386; hopes for better

conditions, growth of goodwill and confidence in, 389; amount spent by for negro education, 397; educational and industrial problems of, 397 ff; suffrage laws in, 400; politics in, no Longer a struggle between whites and blacks, 401; scheme to reduce representation of under 14th amendment, 403; government aid to education in advocated, 404; disproportionate share of national expense borne by, 405; problem of social equal. of races in, 406 ff. South Carolina (see also CAROLINAS, THE), demands representation based on slave numbers, II; refuses to join Union if slave trade forbidden, 12; revolts over tariff, claims right of nullification, 32; passes law against negro seamen, 73; considers secession, 221; passes ordinance of secession, 223; occupies Ft. Moultrie and Castle Pinckney, 224; leads South, 229; emancipation in, 260; provisional government formed in, 275; reconstructed, 310; negro voters in majority in, 311; under "carpetbag," rule, 332 ff; Presidential and State vote of contested (1876), 348 ff; legal limitation of suffrage in, 383.

Southern Democracy, asserts universal right of slave-holding, 186.

"Southern Planter, A," 100.

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Stanton, Edwin M., AttorneyGeneral, 224; in Lincoln's cabinet, 249; attitude of on emancipation proclamation, 257; in Johnson's cabinet, 274; supports Johnson in reconstruction plans, 276; becomes bitterly opposed to Johnson, 303; removed by Johnson, 311. "Star of the West," sent with supplies to Anderson, driven from Charleston harbor, 224. State rights, theory of, 133. States, relative power of in Congress determined, II.

Stearns, George L., supports John Brown, 160.

Stephens, Alexander H., sketch of his life and views, 137 ff; political activity of, 138; in Congress, and Vice-President of Confederacy, 139, 227; explains defection of Southern Democrats, 189; supports Douglas in 1860 campaign, 193; opposes secession, 211, 215; labors against secession, 219, 221, 225; Vice-President of Southern Confederacy, 227; pleads for negro rights, 302. Stevens, Thaddeus, Republican leader in Penn., 276; leader of House, 281; sketch of, 282; opposes Pres. Johnson's reconstruction plan, 285; his drastic reconstruction bill defeated, 306; House prosecutor of Johnson, 311; death of, 331.

Story, Judge, on taxes in Miss., 336.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, publishes "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 97; her views of slavery as pictured therein, 109; publishes "Dred,"


Suffrage, manhood, adopted, 21; equal, without test passed in North, 308; negro, representation of South conditioned on, 298; proposal to refuse to leaders of South, 299-see also Amendments, Constitutional; Springfield Republican favors educational test for, 308, 310;


unfitness of negroes in South for after war, 317; of negroes practically nullified in South, 372; legal limitation of South, 382 ff; 388. Sumner, Charles, opinion of abolitionists, 54; joins Free Soil" party, 81; in Senate, 92; denounces slavery in Congress, assaulted by Brooks, 122; in Republican party, 127; opposes admission of Senators from Confederate States, 270; Lincoln refuses to quarrel with, 270; Republican leader in Mass., 276; sketch of, 282; in Senate, 284; opposes Pres. Johnson's reconstruction plan, 286; belief of in Republican party, 309; quarrels with Grant, 328; death of, 331.

Sumner, Colonel, in Kansas, 118.

TANEY, Chief Justice, in Dred
Scott case, 147.
Tappan, Arthur, 40, 44.
Tappan, Lewis, 44.

Tariff, of abominations, 32; protective, 31 ff; compromise on, 33 ff; supported in Georgia, 211; adopted by Republican party, 190; burden of to South, 405.

Taylor, Zachary (Gen.), 76; nominated by Whigs, 81; elected, 82; denounces threats of disunion as treason, 89; favors admission of Calif. as free State, 90; death of, 90; in North, 208. Tennessee, added as slave State, 23; votes against holding secession convention, 227; secedes, 235; provisional govt. estab. in, 267, 275; rights of negro conserved in, 302; readmitted under 14th amendment, 303. Tenure of office law, passed; Pres. Johnson accused of violating, 311.

Territories, power of Congress

over, 149. Texas, annexation of, 74 ff; slavery re-estab. in, 75; becomes a state, 76; emancipation in, 260; silent on 13th amendment, 262;

provisional govt. of, 275; reconstructed, 310; relative number of negro voters in, 311; under martial law, 316; becomes Democratic, 323.

Thayer, Eli, originates New Eng. Emigrant Aid Society; 116. Thomas, Lorenzo (Gen.), Sec'y of War, 311.

Thompson, George, aids Garrison,


Thompson, Richard W., Sec'y of Navy under Hayes, 353. Tilden, Samuel J., leader of Democrats, 313; nominated for President; characterized; apparently elected, 347; election contested, 348 ff. Tomlinson, Reuben, Repub. candidate for governor of S. Carolina, 332.

Toombs, Robert, sketch of, 136 ff; political activity of, 138; gives moral support to Preston Brooks, 138; in Confederate cabinet and army, 139, 227; supports Breckinridge in 1860 campaign, 193; advocates secession in Georgia legislature, 211; supports secession movement, 221; states South's ultimatum in Congress, 225; in Confederate cabinet, 227.

Trade unions, attitude of toward negroes, 385, 395; danger of excluding negroes from, 396. Trumbull, Lyman, elected Senator, 177; favors admission of Senators from Louisiana, 270; in Senate, 283, 284, 285; favors Freedmen's Bureau bill, 294; votes to acquit Pres. Johnson, 312; in opposition to administration, 331.

Tuskegee Institute, 378; function of, 398.

Truth, Sojourner, 96.

"Twenty Years of Congress," Blaine's, quoted, 307, 310. Tyler, John, becomes President, 71.

"UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," 97 ff; reception, 98; "Key to," Key to," 99; criticism of, 99,

[blocks in formation]

VAN BUREN, Martin, 30; becomes President, 71; receives "Free Soil" nomination, 82. Van Winkle, Senator, votes to acquit Pres. Johnson, 312. Vardaman, Gov., of Mississippi, 388.

Virginia, tries to discourage slave trade by tax; slave labor foundation of aristocracy in, 6; remonstrates against continuance of slave trade, 8; forbids importation of slaves, passes law regarding manumission of slaves, number of slaves in 1790, 9; against strengthening the slave power, II; protests against restraint of Congress to forbid slave trade, 12; consents (1778) to abolish slave trade, 18; stops importing slaves, 20; convention for revis. of constitution, 41; general emancipation debated, 42 ff; plans for fail, 43; passes severe laws against incitement to rebel, instruction of slaves, etc., loses leadership of South, 44; Mrs. Burton Harrison's personal reminiscences of before the war, 100; calls convention to consider secession, 222; calls peace congress, 228; secedes, 235; emancipation in, 260; loyal State govt. in recognized, 275; delays her final restoration to Union, 310; relative number of negro voters in, 311; under martial law, 316: Democrats regain, 323; legal limitation of suffrage in, 383; co-operation of whites and negroes for good govt, in, 401,

WADE, Benjamin, in Senate, 114; in Republican party, 127; favors radical reconstruction, 270; in U. S. Senate, 283, 285. Walker, Boston negro, issues Appeal, 41. Walker, Robert J., 117; appointed governor of Kansas, 150; defeats fraud in ballot, and is deserted by Buchanan, 152.

War, terrors of. See CIVIL WAR, 237 ff.

"War Between the States," by Alex. H. Stephens, 189. "War Democrats," 194, 253. Warmouth, Henry C., in govt. of Louisiana, 341.

Warner, Col., in govt. of Miss., 336.

Warren, Henry W., in govt. of Miss., 336, 337; on conditions and experiences in Miss. during reconstruction, 337 ff. Washburn, Israel, Jr., helps organize Republican party, 114. Washington, city of, threatened by Confederates, 237. Washington, George, 2; opinion of New Englanders, 2; conception of liberty and of slavery, 3; favors Revolution, 8; against strengthening slave power, II; views of on slavery, 15; private life and character of, 15 ff; his treatment of his slaves, frees them, 16; on necessity of abolishing slavery, 391. Washington, Booker T., pupil of and successor to Gen. Armstrong; his aims and methods; personal story of, 378; entertained by Pres. Roosevelt, 386. Watterson, Henry, in Hayes-Tilden contest, 352. Webster, Daniel, defends protective tariff, 32; debate with Hayne, 33; his public life characterized, 64 ff; 7th of March speech on slavery questions, 87; defects of speech, 88; political and moral characteristics 88; in Fillmore's cabinet, 90; allied with upper classes, 92; as Pres, candidate defeated in


Whig convention (1852), 92; death of, 93.

Weed, Thurlow, votes for Taylor, 82; helps prolong Whig organization in N. Y., 115; supports Pres. Johnson, 303. Weld, Theodore D., 37. Whig party (see also WHIGS), beginnings of, 31; on verge of dissolution, 93; end of, 153. Whigs, nominate Clay, 75; gain majority in House, 79; nominate Taylor, 81; nominate Gen. Winfield Scott; defeated by combined Democrats and "Free Soilers," 92; vote against Kansas-Nebraska bill, 114; unite with "Free Soilers" to form Republican party; organization prolonged in N. Y., 115; in Republican party, 127. Whitman, Walt, volunteer nurse, pen picture of war, 247. Whitney, Eli, 23.

Whittier, John G., joins anti-slav

ery movement, 44, 56; criticises Webster in poem "Ichabod,"

88; poem

on settlement of

West, 116; in first Republican campaign, 130; his labors for freedom, 144. Wilmot proviso, 80.

Wilson, Henry, joins "Free Soil" party, 81; elected Senator, 115; sketch of, 283; opposes Pres. Johnson's plan of reconstruction, 286; against exclusion clauses in 14th amendment, 302. Wilson, Woodrow, "History of the American People," criticised, 334.

Wise, Henry A., opinion of John Brown, 164.

Wise, John S., shows effects of John Brown's raid in South, 169; criticises Bourbonism in Southern politics, 388.

Women's rights, 56; cause advanced, 94.

Wood, Fernando, 352.

Woolman, John, protests against slavery, 7.

Woolsey, Theodore D., 36.
Wright, Elizur, 44.


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