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St. Bartholomew

Improved 1662

How it stood before.

This had been of old the Collect for Ascension Day, on which our venerable Bede repeated it as he was dying. Malms. 1. i. c. 3.

Lord, make us to have a perpetual fear and love of thy holy name, for thou never failest, &c.

Whose providence is never deceived, &c.

That we running to thy promises, may be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure, &c.

To avoid the infections of the devil, &c.

That the working of thy mercy may in all things, &c.


In the Breviaries new Prayer was added, mentioning St. Paul's intercession; An. 1549 the old Prayer alone out of Greg. Sac. was restored, which had our walking after his example only, which was a little varied An, 1662.

The Breviaries had put in a new Prayer about the B. Virgin's intercession, which was cast out in 1549, and the form, being in St. Greg. Sac. Pamel. 211. restored.

As thou hast taught St. Philip and the other Apostles, &c.

To preach that which he taught, &c. was altered, because there is no writing of his extant. This Collect is no older than the Sacramentary ascribed to Alcuinus. The old Offices have another Collect for it, and call it the Octave of Pentecost.

Trinity Sunday

* Had Dr. Comber said Missal instead of Breviary he would have been more correct. For though the Collect of the day was used in



Consisting of such Collects as were composed anew, and substituted in the Place of those that, containing either false or superstitious Doctrines, were on this account rejected.

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the Breviary, yet it was taken from the Missal. Thus, in our Morning Prayer, the Rubric directs that the first Collect, i. e. the Collect of the day, "shall be the same that is appointed at the Communion." By Members of our Church, and Dissenters, the Breviary, Missal, and Ritual, three very different books, are at present generally confounded. The Breviary contains Mattins, Lauds, &c. and if the reader considers it, as corresponding with our daily service, he will not form a very erroneous opinion. The Missal, or Mass Book, answers to "the or"der for the celebration of the Lord's Supper," together with "the "Collects, Epistles, and Gospels to be used throughout the year." The Ritual is composed of occasional Offices, viz, Baptism, Matrimony, Visitation of the Sick, &c.

Yet in the composition of some of these Collects, the Compilers appear to have had an eye to the Missals and the Breviaries. They have, in some instances, preserved the introduction, and amplified, or given a different turn to the petitions. It is also worthy of remark, that all the Collects of this class were not objectionable in the original forms. Some of them, and particularly that for Quinquagesima Sunday, were only less appropriate, as agreeing less with the subject of the Epistle and Gospel, than the new forms introduced by the Compilers.

The preceding tables are fitted rather for the information of the inquisitive, than for the benefit of the devout. For the use of the latter, I here insert a common table of the Collects for Sundays and holidays arranged alphabetically, according to the different subjects of which they treat:


Prayers for deliverance from, and support under Affliction.-Collects for the third Sunday after the Epiphany, eighth after Trinity, and fifth Sunday in Lent.


For the guardianship of Angels-Collect for St. Michael.



For Chastity-Collect for the first Sunday in Lent.



For the imitation of Christ-Collects for the Sunday next before Easter, and the second Sunday after Easter.

For the benefit of Christ's death-Collect for the Annunciation.


For the Universal Church-Collects for the fifth Sunday after Epiphany, the third Sunday after Easter, St. John the Evangelist, and the two first Collects for Good-Friday.

For the Unity of the Church-Collect for St. Simon and St. Jude.

For the Peace of the Church-Collects for the fifth, sixteenth, and twenty-second Sundays after Trinity.


For spiritual Comfort-Collect for the Sunday after the Ascension.

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That we may follow the Example of Christ-Collects for the Sunday next before Easter, and the second Sunday after Easter.


For a right and firm Faith-Collects for Trinity Sunday, St. Thomas, and St. Mark.

For Faith, Hope, and Charity-Collect for the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.


For Grace and Assistance in our Christian Course -Collects for the fourth Sunday in Advent, second in Lent, Easter-Day, third Sunday after Easter, and the first, seventh, and thirteenth, after Trinity.


For Heavenly Desires-Collect for Ascension> Day.

For admittance to the enjoyment of God in Heaven -Collects for the Epiphany, the sixth Sunday after Epiphany, and the Sunday after Ascension.


For Humility and Patience-Collect for the Sunday before Easter.


For Illumination, or a right Judgment in all things -Collects for Whitsunday, first Sunday after Epiphany, and the ninth after Trinity.


For deliverance from Judgments-Collects for


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