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To His Excellency, Daniel W. Jones, Governor of Ark


SIR-I have the honor to submit to you, in obedience to the law, my report for the two years ending December 15, 1898:

As custodian of the Great Seal of the State, and by virtue of his position and the requirements of the law in relation thereto, the Secretary of State issues all commissions and other orders of the Chief Executive, receives and files all articles of incorporation and other corporation papers required by law to be filed in his office, is ex-officio State Librarian, and has the custody and sale of all books belonging to the State. I therefore beg to submit the following statement showing the earnings of my office on account of fees and sale of books for the two years ending December 15, 1898:


I beg to submit the following financial statement for the two years ending December 15, 1898:




Receipts for fees and sale of

books from December, 15,

1896, to March 31, 1897....$ 2,413.10 $11,356.85

Receipts for fees and sale of

books from April 1, to June

30, 1897 ...

Receipts for fees and sale of books from July 1 to Septem

ber 30, 1897

Receipts for fees and sale of books from October 1 to December 31, 1897....

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[blocks in formation]

.$ 10,834.00 $ 2,611.05

Receipts for fees and sale of books from October 1 to December 15, 1898..

Total receipts for the year


Total receipts for fees for one year ending
December 31, 1897....

Total receipts for fees for one year ending
December 15, 1898..

Total for two years

Total receipts for books for one year ending

December 31, 1897..

$ 6,576.80


..$ 17,410.80

.$ 2,982.35

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The sum appropriated by the last General Assembly for the care and repair of the State House and grounds was only $1,250, for the two years, hence I have been unable because of lack of funds to make any permanent improvements in the house or to ornament the grounds, further than to keep them as comfortably and as pleasant as the means at hand, very judiciously husbanded, would possibly allow. It was necessary in order to keep the different departments of the building comfortable and habitable, to make almost weekly repairs, some of which cost heavily. Among the largest expenditures that might be enumerated, was the painting of the roof, which became necessary in order to save the roof sufficiently intact to protect the offices from serious damage. But the roof has been patched up and repaired about as long as it will bear, and I think it would be well for the legislature to provide for a new one, as it is a waste of money to make further repairs on it.

Another item of considerable expense was the rebuilding of a considerable portion of the brick Armory building North of the Supreme Court department, a corner of which was falling down and had become dangerous. In addition to this the closets used by all the Departments of State and the Legislature for years, had become absolutely abnoxious, the pipes all having worn out, were beyond repair. All these have been replaced anew. A considerable amount of new tiling has been laid and gutters repaired. These items alone exhausted a very considerable proportion of the whole fund appropriated for all repairs for two years.

I would suggest that in addition to the ordinary appropriation for care and repair of the State House and grounds, that an additional sum be appropriated for all repairs for two years.

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