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are, 1. Parentage.-2. Perfect Birth.-3. Gra- will produce a tree, or plant, of the same sort, dual Growth. 4. Natural Constitution.-5. and possessed of equal beauty and duration, Form.-6. Sex; and, 7. The Efforts of Nature || provided two points be attended to.-1. That to renew the Distinctions of Youth. the seed be sound and wholesome.-And, 2.

"Each of these particulars it will be pro- That it be deposited in a proper soil. per separately to consider.


"There is no circumstance which seems

"1. The seed must be sound and wholesome. Hence, in animal life, the advantage of being descended from ancestors, who have no taint in more to indicate health and probable longevity their progeny. By some authors, the existence their constitution likely to affect the health of to any individual, than his being descended of hereditary diseases is totally disbelieved; from healthy and long-lived ancestors. It is though they acknowledge, that there exists a well known, that children have a predisposition predisposition to that effect: bu daily expeto suffer from the maladies of their parents;rience must satisfy every man of common ob and, on the same principle, they are well entitled to enjoy the perfections of those to whom they owe their birth. Indeed, in the course of all the numerous inquiries which we have made regarding this branch of the subject, it frequently appears, though the rule is far from being universal, that wherever any individual was distinguished for longevity, his progenitors, either on the paternal or maternal side, enjoyed a similar duration or length of life.

"Let it not be supposed, however, that having aged parents is an infallible criterion of long life: we see every day how much, in this respect, persons even in the same family differ from each other; and how often the brothers and sisters of those, who have lived beyond a century, have died, some in infancy, some at manhood, and some at the other periods of life.

"Indeed, the result of the most extensive and particular inquiry that has hitherto been made regarding old people, namely, the reports

transmitted to the author from Greenwich and

servation, that there are many maladies, a disposition to which children will inherit from their parents, even where endeavours have not been wanting to check that tendency. There are some instances indeed, where, by great care, the gout, to which the father has been a martyr, has not affected the son; but unless the same care has been continued, the grandson suffers from the disease.

"It is also to be observed, that the parent must be afflicted with the disease before the child was born, or at least, that there must have been a previous taint iu his constitution; otherwise, no predisposition, or hereditary tendency, takes place, there being, in this case, no retrospect. For instance: if no gouty taint had existed in a family, and if the parent were not affected by it, till he had reached forty years of age, all his children born previous to that period would be exempted from it; whilst all those born afterwards could hardly escape a disposition to that malady.

"2. The seed must not only be wholesome, Kilmainham hospitals, and from the workhouses but deposited in a good soil. And here it may in London and the neighbourhood, proves to be observed, how much, in regard to animal what extent the rule may be justly, depends upon the healthy state of the The number of individuals beyond 80, con- mother. Indeed, it is confirmed by experience, tained in these reports, amount to no less a that the state of the child's health, and the number than 598; of thesc, 303 affirmed that greater or less strength of its constitution, dethey were descended from long-lived ancestors;pends much more on the condition of the mobut the remaining 295 either could not give anyther than that of the father. By a weakly faaccount of that important circumstance at all, ther, a robust child may often be produced, or declared, that there was nothing remarkable ||provided the mother has a sound and vigorous in regard to the longevity of their ancestors. body. On the other hand, the strongest man Though having aged parents, therefore, may will rarely obtain a lively, healthy child, from give a predisposition to a lengthened duration a mother who is weak and sickly. of life, yet a variety of other circumstances, more especially those which are afterwards enumerated,- -as perfect birth, gradual growth, &c. must contribute thereto.

"That long-lived parents should, to a considerable extent, have children likely to live long, is not to be wondered at; the same cirumstance takes place in vegetable as well as in animal life: the seed of every tree, or plant,

"There is reason to believe that the outward shape, at least of the male, depends more upor the father than the mother; but that the talents and the structure of the mind are derived from the mother. The first point is ascertained in this manner: If any person will compare a father of 60 and a son of 50, he may possibly see very little resemblance; bu if he will retain in his mind the image of the

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father at 60, and compare it with the appearance of the son when he approaches to that age, the similarity will become most striking, in regard to looks, voice, habits, &c.; consequently the original frames must have been, from the beginning, extremely similar. the second point, a clever woman has seldom children remarkable for deficiency of parts; nay, the abilities of many families may be traced to one distinguished female, who introduced talents into it, or, according to a common expression, mother-wit, which have descended not only to her children, but have become hereditary in her posterity.

"In considering how much the healthiness of the children depends upon the condition of the parents, it has been suggested, that diseased persons should be prohibited to marry, as likely to produce nothing but disease, deformity, and political mischief. This, however, would be going much too far: yet nothing surely can be better founded, than strongly to recommend to those, who are likely to inherit any family disease, to be peculiarly circumspect in their manner of living, and to guard against its attacks, at least at an early period of their lives, by an attention to air, to exercise, and to diet. It is certain, that family diseases have often, by proper care, been kept off for one generation; and there is some reason to believe, that, by persisting in the same course, and forming judicious connubial connexions, such diseases might at length be wholly eradicated; and that a family constitution may be found as capable of improvement as a family estate.


"It is well known, that nine calendar months are the proper period, during which the foetus ought to remain in the womb of the mother; and such is the beautiful arrangement which Nature has made for its protection and nourishment, that should it be sooner expelled, in consequence of any accidental circumstance, no possible care or attention, after birth, can well compensate for the advantages of which it has thus been deprived; though great care, or the circumstance of having healthy parents, will go far in remedying even this heavy misfortune.

"There was formerly an idea, that children of eight months growth seldom, if ever, throve; || whilst those of seven months might.

"It is certainly of importance to the health of the child, and the future strength of the individual, that the foetus should complete nine months in the mother's womb. As to the allegation, that children of eight months will not thrive, when those of seven months will, mo

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dern experience has proved that the idea is ill founded. It is now perfectly ascertained, that, with one exception, the louger the fœtus remains in utero after the seventh month, the stronger and healthier it proves; so that a child born at the end of the eighth month, has a better chance of living than one born before that time. It is incredible, at the same time, what variety, in degree of vitality, is observed in the foetus. In some, the slightest circumstance destroys life; whereas, in others, the vital principle is with the utmost difficulty extinguished.

"In regard to the question, whether a fœtus of seven months old may become a person dis tinguished for health and longevity, there is a living witness that such a circum-tance may take place; for James Donald, an old man residing near Dunbarton in Scotland, aged about 100 years, was born, it is said, in the seventh month.

"As there ought properly to be but one child at a birth in the human race, among the cases of imperfect birth, ought to be enumerated those instances, where more infants than one have at once been produced. For, as Ba con has well remarked, the first breeding of creatures is ever most material; consequently, a lesser compression, and a more liberal nourish. ment of the young one in the womb, tends much to long life. This happens, either when young ones are brought forth successively, as in birds, or when there are single births. In regard to the human race, when there are only twins, it does not seem to make any material difference; and an example has been transmitted to the author, from Montrose in Scotland, of twin brothers of the name of Watt, both still living, who have passed the 80th year of their age. This is, however, the only instance of such a circumstance that has reached our knowledge; and it is believed, that no example can be produced of any case, where a greater number than twins have been distinguished for long life.


"Lord Bacon seems to have been the first, who, by a careful and minute inquiry into the duration of the lives, both of man and a num. ber of different animals, established this important principle, that creatures in general liveð in proportion to the slowness with which they reached maturity; and, indeed, this is the case in regard to the vegetable as well as the animal kingdom. It is a sign, he observes, that Nature finishes her periods in larger circles.

"It is owing to this circumstance, that people in cold countries, and whose growth is not ac

celerated by enriching food, or early debauchery, live much longer than the natives of warm countries, who are reared in a manner in hot-bed, and who are full-grown men and women at 12 years of age.

Nay, the gradual expansion of the mental faculties is almost as important as the growth of the person. It rarely happens that premature genius lasts long. Such prodigies seldom survive the fiftieth year of their life, and in general they perish at a much earlier period.

"Perhaps one principal cause why the duration of human life is, on the whole, lessened in periods of civilization and industry, is this, that all descriptions of men are brought forward too rapidly. The children of the poor are compelled to work before their strength is at all matured, which injures their growth, and lays the foundation of future diseases. The childern of the opulent, on the other hand, have their education unnecessarily hastened, and they enter into the world before they are fit to guard against its snares. It is certainly necessary that a foundation be laid, in early

mals, in general, should live eight times the number of years which is requisite to the attainment of their perfect growth; and, on the idea that man attains to full maturity at 20 years, a strong presumption thence arises, that the age of man might be extended to 160 years.

"But Buffon justly remarks, that persons of either sex, who are long before they arrive at their full growth, should outlive those who advance more rapidly to that point, because, in the latter case, the bones, cartilages, and fibres, are later in arriving at that degree of rigidity which is necessary to their destruction.


"It is hardly to be credited, how much individuals, even those who resemble each other in several respects, vary in constitution or temperament; and still more, such as differ in form, looks, size, complexions, &c. You will that can brave all the elements. One bears see one affected by the least cold, and another

pain with ease and fortitude, whilst the least bodily trouble affects the other most severely. and gentle, whilst with others they are violent, With some constitutions all distempers are mild youth, for the most essential branches of eduand cured with difficulty. One person, you cation, as grammar, writing, and arithmetic, and some knowledge acquired of the learned will find, liable to catch any contagious dislanguages, and of the most important languages order, whilst another may visit, without hazard, of modern times. If a good foundation, how-houses the most infected with the plague, or ever, be laid, and if there be any turn or dis-other similar malady. One is inclined to get position for the acquisition of learning, it is fat and unwieldy, even at an early age, whilst astonishing how soon a youth of genius will others remain light and active, even to the acquire all the knowledge essential for the close of life. In some there seems to be a generality of the situations of life, without certain bodily and mental disposition to lonbeing too much hurried on: but if he begevity; in consequence of which many indi brought forward too early, he gets into com-viduals, frequently under the most unfavourable pany beyond his years, he must, to a certain circumstances, and in the most unwholesome extent, follow their example; he gets habits of climates, have attained to a great and happy dissipation, the growth both of his body and age; whilst in others, the most salubrious mind is unfortunately accelerated, and he lays a country air, a district abounding with aged infoundation either for a sickly and miserable old || habitants, a strict adherence to the best rules age, or perhaps for a premature dissolution. of diet, a regular course of recreation and ex"Though it is generally acknowledged, that|ercise, and, when necessary, the aid of the the duration of life may be reckoned from the||most skilful physicians,-even all these advanperiod required in growing to maturity, yet tages combined, are not sufficient to insure a authors differ regarding the manner in which long and healthy life. the result ought to be calculated. Buffon "It would certainly be desirable to know, contends, that though man finishes his longi-why the buman body, being equally organized, tudinal growth, or arrives at his highest sta- as far as anatomical observations shew, do not ture, when he reaches the 16th or 18th year of the same general causes produce the same efhis age, yet that his body is not completely fects upon all? What is the real difference beunfolded, in regard to thickness, before he has tween one constitution, or temperament, and attained 30. A man, therefore, who grows till another? Is it founded upon any difference in 30, ought to live till 90 or 100, or three times organization, hereditary or otherwise? Or is it the period of his growth. only the consequence of a certain continued manner of life and habit? It is said, that such questions are inexplicable by the laws of animal

"Lord Bacon, on the other hand, considers it to be a rule of nature, that aniSupplement-Vol. II.

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economy; and that the idea of distinct tem-storation and healing; by means of which the perament is a chimera; nay, that if distinct losses we daily and hourly sustain are not only temperaments did exist in nature, they must ||repaired, but repaired well. This not only debe altered by so many adventitious circum-pends on a sound digestion, and a regular cirstances, that the consequences drawn fromculation of the blood, but also upon the perfect them must in general be erroneous. Instead of entering, therefore, into such abstruse speculations, we shall proceed to consider, what are the signs of a constitution the most likely to enjoy health, and to attain longevity.

"It is said, that the great Boerhaave learned the characteristic signs of perfect health from dealers in slaves, who, from long practice, necessarily become particularly well acquainted with the doctrines of signs or symptoms; and some useful information might be obtained, by ascertaining the system pursued by them in such examinations. The following are the signs which, according to medical authors, denote a good natural constitution, and prognosticate long life.

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state of the absorbing vessels, and the organs of secretion; by means of which our nourishment not only reaches the place of its destination, but also perfectly pure, and completely freed from all extraneous and pernicious mixture. It is this circumstance which has enabled persons, as a Duke de Richelieu and a Louis XV. to attain great age, amidst a life of debauchery and fatigue; for, with such an advantage, consumption may be exceedingly strong, without the individual suffering much, if it be speedily repaired. Nor is a strong natural power of healing less advantageous, since it keeps back and removes the cause of disease: this is more especially exemplified in savages, who are in so healthy a state that the most dreadful wounds heal up without surgical assistance.6. An uniform and faultless conformation of the whole body; as an imperfect structure gives an easy opportunity for the rise of local diseases, which may bring on death.-7. No particular weakness of any part; for, even where the organization is apparently good and perfect, there may be a secret enemy in some part or intestine, from which destruction may afterwards be conveyed to the whole body.— 8. A medium quality in the texture of the organization, strong and durable, but not too dry or rigid; which latter qualities are ex

"1. A sound stomach and organs of digestion; without which it is impossible to enjoy good health, or to attain to great age. Lord Bacon justly calls the stomach, the father of the family; for if it goes wrong, the whole body suffers. It is the principal and most important organ for the restoration of our nature; and, indeed, when our stomach is in good order, the passions, which are so often the causes of disease, have a less destructive influence on our bodies.-2. A well-organized breast, and organs of respiration; breathing being one of the most incessant and necessary of the vital operations, the means of rendering the blood, ex-tremely prejudicial to the duration of life.— hausted in the course of circulation, again ca- In the last place, in the words of an eminent .pable of serving the purposes of life.-3. A physician, Sani denique hominis est, venerem heart not too irritable. Though the circulation appetere, et ad eam valere, et sobolem procreare ;' of blood is essential, yet it necessarily occa and indeed it seldom happens, that those who sions a great waste, or internal consumption. are in this respect deficient, or whose persons Those, therefore, who have a hundred pulsa-are mutilated, live long. tions in a minute, must be wasted much more "But it must not be supposed, that without speedily than those who have only sixty. A stout, uniform pulse accordingly is a strong sign of long life, and a great mean to promote it; where a pulse, either always quick, or where every trifling agitation of the mind, or other circumstances, increases tsi rapidity, 'can hardly be accompanied by long life. A certain degree of rest is absolutely necessary, that the nourishing particles may cttle, and be converted into the substance of our bodies. 4. A good temperament. The best is the sanguine tempered with a little of the phlegmatic: this produces a serene, cheerful mind, moderate passions, undaunted courage, and that state of soul, which is the most fitted for longevity.-5. A strong natural power of re

a natural good constitution the enjoyment of good health and longevity cannot be expected; many examples, as that of Galen and others, prove the contrary; and indeed it is to be observed, that strong constitutions sometimes de not last so well as the more feeble; for, in the first place, those who enjoy that advantage, are tempted to take less care of their health, and to use greater freedom with it; and, in the second place, they often suffer more from the same disease than those who have less energy to contend with it, the vehemence of the disorder being sometimes aggravated by the strength of the patient.

5. FORM OF THE INDIVIDUAL. "Among the various circumstances which

necessarily tend to promote health and longevity, independent of attention to the observance of particular rules, there is none of more essential importance, than the form which the individual receives from nature; for it is evident, that, in so delicate a machine as man, any material fault, in regard to structure, must sooner or later be fatal.

of the body. From the joining of the collarbones, to the articulation of the shoulder-bone with that of the arm, is one face; when the rm hangs down, or is bended forward, it is four faces in length; two between the joint of the shoulder and the elbow, and two between the elbow and the root of the little finger, in all five faces, aud an equal number for the other arm, which is precisely the length of the body; about half a face remains for the length of the fingers; but it must be remarked, that half a face is lost in the joints of the elbows and shoulders, when the arms are extended. The

"As it is probable that the form most likely to please the statuary and painter, from the beauty and symmetry of the shape, is the best calculated to enjoy good health, we shall first give the dimensions which these artists have fixed upon as the standards of perfection, pre-hand is about a face in length, the thumb a vious to any medical or anatomical description

of a similar nature.

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third of a face, or nose, and the longest toe is nearly of the same length with the thumb. The under part of the foot is equal in length to the sixth part of the height of the body.

"Such is the standard, according to which we may form an idea of the best proportions of the male human figure; though it may be impossible to find such a degree of symmetry and perfection in any one individual that ever

"Medical men, in the views they give of the form the best calculated for health and longevity, deal more in general description than in such minute details. According to Hufeland, who has dwelt more fully than any other medical author upon this part of the subject, the following is the portrait of a man destined for longevity :


"Artists commonly divide the height of the body into ten times the length of the face; they likewise divide each face, or tenth of the body, into three equal parts: the first commences at the springing of the hair on the forehead, and terminates at the root of the nose; the nose is the second division; and the third extends from the nose to the end of the chin.existed. In measuring the rest of the body, they use the term nose, or length of the nose, to denote the third of a face, or the thirtieth part of the body. The first face begins at the root of the hair, above the forehead, and extend: to the end of the chin; but from the top of the forehead to the crown there is still a third of a face, or a nose, in height. Thus, from the top of the head to the end of the chin, there is a face and a third; from the chin to the juncture of the clavicles, or collar-bones, two thirds of a face; and, therefore, from the top of the breast to the crown of the head, is twice the length of the face, or the fifth part of the body; from the joining of the clavicles to the under part of the nipples, they reckon one face; from this to the navel, is the fourth face; and the fifth extends from the navel to the division of the inferior extremities, which should complete half the length of the body. Two faces are ex hausted between the thigh and knee, to the last of which they allow half a face, being the first half of the eighth face; two faces are assigned || between the knee and top of the foot; and from that to the sole, half a face; which completes the ten faces, or length of the body. This division has been made from men of nary size; but, in those of a higher state, they allow but half a face additional, between the nipples and the commencement of the thighs, which, in tall men, is not the middle of the body. When the arms are fully stretched in a horizontal line, the space between the tips of the middle fingers is equal to the length


"He has a proper and well-proportioned stature, without, however, being too tall. He is rather of the middle size, and somewhat thick His complexion is not too florid; at any rate, too much ruddiness in youth is seldom a sign of longevity. His hair approaches rather to the fair than the black; his skin is strong, but not rough. His head is not too big; he has large veins at the extremities, and his shoulders are rather round than flat. His neck is not too long; his belly does not project; and his hands are large, but not too deeply cleft, His foot is rather thick than long; and his legs are firm and round. He has also a broad arched chest, a strong voice, and the faculty of retaining his breath for a long time without difficulty. In general, there is a complete harmony in all his parts, His senses are good, but not too delidicate; his pulse is slow and regular.

"His stomach is excellent; his appetite good; and digestion easy. He eats slowly, and has not too much thirst, which is always a sign of rapid self consumption.

"In general, he is serene, active, susceptible of joy, love, and hope; but insensible to the impressions of hatred, anger, and avarice. His

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