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No. 14, Tavistock street, Covent-Garden. JAMES CREIGHTON, most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he continues to augment his Circulating Library, by the daily addition of Valuable and Expensive Publications in every class of Literature.

Subscribers to his Library may be assured of being liberally supplied with the best Modern Publications, conducive to Information, Amusement, and useful Instruction.

FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. Patronised and used by their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of CLARENCE and KENT, and Gentlemen in the Navy and Ariny, who have found the good effects in long voyages.

TROTTER'S ORIENTAL DENTIFRICE, or ASIA. TIC TOOTH POWDER, has been for twenty years recommended, a single box, a sufficient quantity to ascertain its efficacy and virtues, being acknowledged by the most respectable medical authorities, used by many and recommended. The Powder cleanses and beautife the teeth, sweetens the breath, possesses no acid that can corrode the enamel, and puts a beautiful polish of the Teeth-From its astringency it strengthens the destruction of a whole set of teeth) preserves sound Catalogues and Cards of the Terms may be had on estimation of those who have been in the babit on teeth from decay. But what has enhanced it in the application at the Library; where attendance is given using it, is, that it prevents the return of the tooth from eight in the morning till eight in the evening. [598ache, with which before they had been violently afflict

Grateful to a discerning Public, for the Patronage he has hitherto experienced, J. Creighton will persevere in the utmost exertions to merit a continuance of fa-gums, eradicates the scurvy, (which often proves the


ed. Likewise a Tincture which possesses the power of easing the most violent Tooth-ache, and is a wash with the Powder.

A Caution-Any Asiatic Tooth Powder, without "M. Trotter," on the stamp, are counterfeits Sold, wholesale and retail, at her Warehouse, No. 3, Beau fort-buildings, Strand; and most of the principal Houses


TO MARRIED LADIES IN PARTICULAR. The most important Domestic Medicine ever discovered is TURNER'S IMPERIAL LOTION, for the Cure of the following Complaints:-Inflamed breasts of Lying-in Women, sore or ulcerated Nipples, Erup-in Town and Country. tions of every description incident to Children, OpthalFOR ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN. mia, or Inflammation in the Eyes, St. Anthony's Fire, the Piles, Chilblains, Scalds and Burns, and every de PETITS PATES, OR PURIFYING SWEET CAKES. scription of Inflammation the human body is liable to; From the prevalence of Diseases of the Skin in Child. more particularly as an extraordinary Beautifier of the ren from Inoculation, and other causes, and the diff Skin, rendering it clean, smooth, soft, and white, re-culty of eradicating them, it has been long wished that moving very expeditiously every sort of Pimple, Erup-an alterative could be devised that should comprise real tion, Sunburn, and defadation whatsoever; it may be benefit in a small compass, and at once be innocent, used without the least restraint, as the Proprietor as-cheap, pleasant, and effectual A practitioner of great sures the Public that it does not contain the smallest particle of Mercury, and one bottle will be a sufficient conviction that it is the most valuable Medicine ever offered to the Public.

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experience contrived, many years since, a Medicine of this description for his young patients, and gave it a form peculiarly adapted to the Palate and Stomach of Children. The success of it fully answered his expec tation in all Eruptions upon the Skin, whether arising from original Impurity of the Blood, or acquired by the Vaccine or Variolous Inoculation, Natural Small Pox, Measles, or any other cause; and it is now with coun dence recommended to the attention of the Public.

Sold by F. Newbery and Sons, at the only Wate house for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, St. Paul's Church-yard, four doors from Cheapside, London, price 2s. a Box, containing 20 cakes or doses, and Sd, the duty Observe that the words "F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the stamp.



KERNOT and BLAKE, Chemists, No. 33, St James's-street, London, take the liberty of submitting! to the notice of the Nobility, Gentry, and Families TREASURES OF THE TOILETTE. leaving town, the following choice and useful MEDIBeauty restored and preserved to the last stage of life CINES, prepared and sold by them, viz-Turkey by Venus's Vegetable Bloom and Powders, whose un-1 Rhubarb and Jamaica Ginger, in the form of Pills, for equaled qualities for whitening and beautifying the complaints of the bowels, indigestion, &c.-Concen- Skin, stands unrivaled, is sold only by W. Dewdney, trated Essence of Jamaica Ginger, for the gout, spasms, No. 55, Fleet-street, London, with directions. He begs indigestion, &c.-Consentrated Essence of Yellow Bark, leave to recommend to their particular notice his volsuniversally esteemed as the best corroborant after long tile fragrant Lavender Water, as superior to all others, fevers, and very beneficial in all nervous complaints.a new discovery of his own. Likewise his extract of Chalybeate Aperient, or true Cheltenham Salts, pre- Violets and Roses, and the following improved Per pared from the Chemical analysis of Dr. Fothergill.-fumes of his Manufactory:-Egyptian Mignonette, Prepared Charcoal, a most efficacious and agreeable anticeptic, for cleansing, whitening, and preserving the Teeth and Gums.-Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar, for Headaches, &c.-Cordial Essence, or Tincture of Turkey Rhubarb.-Pommade Divine.-Ipecacuanha Lozenges, for Coughs, Cold, Asthias, Hooping Cough, in all cases attended with a difficulty of expectoration, and every other denomination of Lozenges and Tablets of an improved kind.


Polmyrene Violet, Almond, Ceylon Bandana, Vegeta
ble, Italian, Palm, and Windsor Soaps, Milk of Almond
and Roses, antique Oils of Carnations, Jassmine and
Roses, Violet, Òrris, Mignonette Powders, and Honey
Water of a superior quality; Fine Rouge, Carmine,!
and Powders, for the Complection; Improved Har,
Tooth, and Nail Brushes with silver wire; Shell, Ir
and Horn Combs; all sorts of Hair work and Jewellery
made, altered, and repaired.

and Co. 229, Strand, near Temple-bar; Mr. Willis, 6, New-street, Covent garden; Mr. Ward, 324, near Middle row Holborn; Mr. Crisp, corner of Springgardens; Keith and Co. 30, Haymarket; Mr Holmes and Miss Randell, (late Tutt), Royal Exchange, London; Mr. Bull, 79, Dame street, Dublin; Mr. Coghlan, 32, Grand Parade, Cork; Mr. Reaburn, North Bridge, Edinburgh; Collins, Salisbury; Mr. Shephard,

Myler, and Mrs. Keene, Bath; Mr. Billings, Printer, and Mr. Danson, 40, Church-street, Liverpool; Mr. Harris, Printer, Gloucester; Mrs. Jones, Oxford; Mr. Hudson, Cambridge; Mrs. Gregory, Brighton; Mr. Burges, Ramsgate; Mr. Seldon, 51, Cheltenham; and of most Venders in Town and Country.

TO THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. PRINCE's PASTE PEARLS for concealing De-Bristol; Mr. Blanchard, York; Mr. Cruttwell, Mr. cayed Teeth in Front, so as not to be discovered they are decayed: is particularly recommended to persons residing at a distance from a Denust, who have the misfortune of loosing a front Tooth, as they may, by the use of the Paste Pearls, substitute a front tooth themselves in a few minutes, by following the inclosed directions. They have been found of infinite service by persons wearing artificial teeth, who are in the habit of travelling, as in case of any accident they are possessed of a substitute to supply the deficiency till the assistance of a dentist can be procured. Half-a-guinea per box, containining six paste pearls, or a box containing fifteen

at one Guinea.

Orders from any part of the Country will be sent by Coach, by sending the Money in a letter, directed to to vend the above articles, by sending their orders Mr. Prince, No. 333, Oxford-street. Venders wishing to the Proprietor, as above, or to any wholesale vender they deal with in London, will be supplied, and receive liberal allowance. [594


PRINCE'S CHERRY LOTION for refreshing the mouth, and immediately sweetening the breath; most persons more or less being subject to this unpleasantness. It is, likewise, the only article discovered for fastening teeth, though ever so loose, and is of great value to persons wearing artificial teeth fastened to their natural, as it prevents the human teeth becoming loose; Mr. FALEUR, of Woburn place, impressed with a case which too frequently happens. Those who wear the liveliest sense of gratitude for the countenance and artificial teeth ought not to be without it, as it keeps support he has already experienced in his profession, them sweet and clean; also preserves and whitens the feels it his duty to caution the Public (but more partiteeth; is warranted innocent. A single trial will con-cularly those Ladies and Gentlemen who have honoured vince those who have never used it, that the Cherry him with their notice and commands) against the inLotion is the best Lotion for cleansing all foulness from vidious attacks of a man who, actuated by malice and the mouth, and what is now seen on the toilet of every disappointment, is indefatigable in his efforts to injure person of fashion. Ten shillings and sixpence a bottle, him in the public estimation. The ungenerous calumny or a dozen for 51. duty included.

has been given in various publications, but so cautiously worded that Mr. Faleur cannot drag him before a tribu

PRINCE's CHERRY PASTE, for cleansing, pre-nal of justice. serving, and whitening the teeth, curing the scurvy in the gums, making the gums and lips of a healthy red, is pleasant to the palate, and warranted innocent. The Cherry paste is highly esteemed by the nobility. Those who once use it will never make use of any tooth powder, they being generally of a sandy nature, and by constant using, destroy the enamel of the teeth, and renders them more harm than benefit. The Cherry Paste, 2s. 6d. per pot, or one dozen at 11. 4s. duty included.

PRINCE's MUSHROOM gives immediate relief to the Tooth-Ach, and has relieved persons who, for several nights, could not sleep for pain; after trying in vain, several articles, found immediate relief by the use of the Mushroom. Persons subject to the Tooth Ache ought never to be without it. Mr. P. during his practice, has often found, that those who have been in the habits of using tinctures for the Tooth-ach,.have been the means of destroying their whole set of teeth, occasioned by the strong acids which they generally contain. Mushroom 2s. 6d. each, or one dozen at 11. 4s. duty included.

Mr. Faleur disdains to follow this envious disappointed man in the low and scurrilous language he has thought proper to adopt. His aims and wishes are to recommend himself to a generous public, by his efforts to please, and to become useful to those who may have occasion for the exercise of his talent; and so far has he succeeded as to be enabled now to announce, that several of his much respected patrons and friends, who have felt indignant at the ungenerous attempts of this envious calumniator, have voluntarily come forward and generously desired that they may be refered to as vouchers for Mr. Faleur's capability in his art.

Mr. Faleur has now to produce a specimen of this Advertising Artist's skill-Nine Artificial Teeth, which a Gentleman, who ranks high in the State, was good enough to bring him from the same generous motives, with permission to use his name, and for which he was impudently charged the monstrous sum of sixty guineas.

Mr. Faleur begs leave to add, that in consequence of Each article is signed "Prince" on the outside, and neral Teeth so incorruptible, that he engages to replace various experiments, he has succeeded in making Mimay be had of the Proprietor, No. 333, Oxford street, them, free of expence, if they are ever known to wear and by appointment, Messrs Harding and Howell, late or change colour. Their effect will prove so ben ficial Dyke and Scribe, 89, Pall-Mall; Mr. Butler,,4, Cheap-as to answer every purpose of mastication; and, at the side, corner of Paternoster-row; Mr. Rigge, 65, Cheap same time, the appearance so natural, as to impose on side, and at his Warehouse, 52, Park-street, Grosvenor- the most critical observer. square; Barclay and Son, 95, Fleet-market: Bacon and Co. Oxford-street, opposite New Bond-street; Mrs. Allen,76, Oxfordstreet, opposite the Pantheon; Withers



CAUTION The efficacy of the Russia Oil has of late been complained of, occasioned by unprincipled persons circulating counterfeits, which is imposed on different shopkeepers in town and country by impostors, who travel about, asserting themselves the Proprietor. Purchasers of the Russia Oil, are particularly recommended to observe, that none can be genuine but those that have a label affixed on the outside of each bottle, with the original Proprietors names, "Mochrikufsky and Prince", which signiture in future, as a further security, will, instead of being signed with red ink, be signed in gold ink. To counterfeit it is felony. Shopkeepers wishing to be supplied with the genuine Russia Oil, by apply ing to the Proprietor, A. Prince, 333, Oxford-street; or at any wholesale perfumers or medicine venders whom they deal with in London, will receive liberal allow


Beware. The show bills, as also the wrappers which inclose the counterfeits, are exactly imitated with the Russian Eagle; it is therefore particularly necessary only to observe, that it is signed as above; as any Russia Oil selling without that signature are coun terfeits, and the circulators impostors.

Ladies and Gentlemen who wish the Ornament of a FINE HEAD of HAIR, need only make a fair trial of the RUSSIA OIL, particularly as it is found necessary to moisten the Hair when dressing; it is used by the Royal Family, and Ladies of the first circle. It is a nourisher and improver to its growth, prevents its falling of, and is so great a preserver and strengthener to the Hair, as to prevent it becoming bald or turning grey, to the latest period; also restores Hair on bald places. Several Gentlemen, who have been bald have declared after using the Russia Oil regularly for three months, became nearly covered with Hair. It serves as a substitute for pomatum, and is recommended to Ladies who use dressing irons, as it prevents the ill effects occasioned by their heat. It is of much use to those who wear artificial hair, as it gives it a natural gloss. To comment on the many valuable qualities the Russia il possesses is useless; it need only be said, it ought not to be omitted by those who have the ornament of a fine head of hair, and wish to retain it; also ALLNUTT'S ACIDULATED ROSE LOZENGES, those deficien, who want to profit by its virtues. It is recommended for Children, as it improves the regularity of its growth: is warranted innocent.---Price 7s. per Bottle, or one bottle containing four small, at a


(For Mr. Prince's other Advertisement of his Inestimable preperation, see the preceding page of this Compendium). [595

AND ALSO HIS ODORANT ROSE LOZENGES, Are recommended for their agreeable flavour, fine fragrance, and great efficacy in facilitating expecto ration, relieving Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenesses, and To be had of the Proprietor, 333, Oxford-street; and, preserving and improving the voice, as at once the by appointment, at Mr. Smith's, Perfumer to his Ma-most elegant and efficacious preparation of the Rose, in jesty, 110, New Bond-street; Hendrie, Perfumer to her the form of a Lozenge, that has ever been offered to Majesty, Titchborn street; Bayley and Blew, Perfu- the Public. These Lozenges have been used as an ar mers to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess ticle of luxury in the first circles of Rank and Fashion, of Wales, and Duke and Duchess of York, Cockspuron account of the delightful fragrance they give the street; Messrs Harding and Howell (late Dyde and Scribe) 89, Pall Mall; Rigge, No. 65, Cheapside, and at his warehouse, 52, Park-street, Grosvenor-square; Bacon and Co. 150, and Allen, 75, Oxford-street'; Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, corner of Paternoster-row; Newbery and Son, 45, St. Paul's Church-yard; Dicey and Sutton, Bow Church-yard; Barclay and Son, 95, Fleet-market; Shaw and Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church-yard; Withers, 229, Strand; Willis, 6, New street, Covent-garden; Ward, 324, Holborn; Holmes, Bolton, and Tutt, Royal Exchange, London; Bull, Dame-street, Dublin; Coghlan, 32, Grand Parade, Cork; Raeburn, North bridge, Edinburgh; Woolmer,, Exeter; Grenville, Plymouth Dock; Shepherd, Bris tol; Collins, Salisbury; Crutwell, Bath; and most principal Medicine Venders and Perfumers in Town and Country.

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breath. Medical men have evinced their high estima-
tion of them by using them habitually, to prevent the
effects of damp air, and relieve recent colds, &c. &c¢
These elegant Lozenges are prepared and sold, whole
sale and retail (only), by S. Allnutt, Chemist, No. 153,
Strand; and, by his appointment, of Messrs. Bacon and
Co. No. 150, Oxford-street; Ward, No. 324, Hol
born; Tutt, Royal Exchange; Vade, Cornhill; Crisp,
Spring Gardens; Hazard and Binns, Bath; and by all
respectable Venders in the United Kingdom. The
Acidulated Rose Lozenges are sold in boxes at 2s. 6d.
each, or six for 13s. 6d. The Odorant, in Boxes, at
2s. for six or 10s. 6d.

ERATA In Advertisement, Mr. Collicott, last The Proprietor informs his Agents and Venders, that! Month, read Patent Hat Powder, instead of Toothhis signature, in future, instead of being signed in red ink, will be signed in gold.


London: Printed by and for JOHN BELL, Proprietor of the Weekly Messenger, Southampton-Street, Strand. July 1, 1807.

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