luals carrying on business in partnertax only in their individual capacity. puting the net income of each partner distributed or not, of the net income ble year, or, if his net income for such the basis of a period different from that het income of the partnership is comare of the net income of the partnerI of the partnership ending within the the basis of which the partner's net urpose of the normal tax, be allowed as lits allowed to him under section 216, ich amounts specified in subdivisions are received by the partnership. rtnership ends during a calendar year from those for the preceding calendar ch preceding calendar year shall apply s share of such partnership net income the part of such fiscal year falling rs to the full fiscal year, and (2) the aring which such fiscal year ends shall idual member of a partnership which beginning in 1917 and ending in 1918, y excess-profits tax imposed upon the e Act of 1917 with respect to that part 7, shall, for the purpose of determining of t pora tribu at t hold tion SE in w or p emplo dispo annu or de any 1 divide its ne (b) a the Co annua per ce such t securit agent. (b) similar tions and the stockholders thereof: Provided, of this subdivision amounts distributed by a poration during its taxable year shall be acce tributees; and any portion of the net income re at the close of its taxable year shall be accou holders of such corporation at the close of its t tion to their respective shares. PAYMENT OF TAX AT SOURC SEC. 221. (a) That all individuals, corporain whatever capacity acting, including lessees or personal property, fiduciaries, employers, employees of the United States, having the co disposal, or payment, of interest, rent, salar annuities, compensations, remunerations, emol or determinable annual or periodical gains, p any nonresident alien individual (other tha dividends from a corporation which is taxable its net income) shall (except in the cases prov (b) and except as otherwise provided in reg the Commissioner under section 217) deduct a annual or periodical gains, profits, and inco per centum thereof: Provided, That the Comm such tax to be deducted and withheld from securities the owners of which are not knov agent. (b) In any case where bonds, mortgages, or similar obligations of a corporation contain a by which the obligor agrees to pay any porti hall not be required in the case of a 'eceive such interest, if he files with the February 1, a signed notice in writing edits provided in subdivisions (c) and case of a nonresident alien individual tions prescribed by the Commissioner ation, or partnership required to deduct this section shall make return thereof ach year and shall on or before June ficial of the United States Government very such individual, corporation, or able for such tax and is hereby indemdemands of any individual, corporamount of any payments made in accordis section. tax is required to be withheld at the be included in the return of the recipmount of tax so withheld shall be credcome tax as computed in such return. er this section to be deducted and withf the income, it shall not be re-collected nor in cases in which the tax is so paid upon or collected from the recipient of agent for failure to return or pay the Fraudulent and for the purpose of evad (3) In the case of an alien resident of the citizen or subject of a foreign country, the ame paid during the taxable year to such country, from sources therein, if such country, in impos a similar credit to citizens of the United States try; and (4) In the case of any such individual who i nership or a beneficiary of an estate or trust, h of such taxes of the partnership or the estate or taxable year to a foreign country or to any po States, as the case may be. (b) If accrued taxes when paid differ from t credits by the taxpayer, or if any tax paid is re part, the taxpayer shall notify the Commissio mine the amount of the tax due under Part II o or years affected, and the amount of tax due u tion, if any, shall be paid by the taxpayer up by the collector, or the amount of tax over] credited or refunded to the taxpayer in acco visions of section 252. In the case of such a ta: the Commissioner as a condition precedent to credit may require the taxpayer to give a bo factory to and to be approved by the Comm sum as the Commissioner may require, conditi by the taxpayer of any amount of tax foun redetermination; and the bond herein prescril further conditions as the Commissioner may re (c) These credits shall be allowed only if t evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner sh income derived from sources within such foreig d agent or by the guardian or other - of the person or property of such RSHIP RETURNS. nership shall make a return for each ly the items of its gross income and title, and shall include in the return The individuals who would be entitled f distributed and the amount of the dividual. The return shall be sworn Th prece partr porat SEC (excep (1) a service or in o or pro tributic or prof E FOR FILING RETURNS. shall be made on or before the fifteenth wing the close of the fiscal year, or, basis of the calendar year, then the fore the fifteenth day of March. The easonable extension of time for filing ment good cause exists and shall keep sion and the reason therefor. Except are abroad, no such extension shall be the collector for the district in which or principal place of business of the f he has no legal residence or principal ited States, then to the collector at 1, 1918. (b) earning distribu thereaft profits a personal earnings to March wise, exe lated sin (c) A sidered in Amounts |