Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Building and Loan Associations
Cemetery Companies

Charitable, Educational, etc., Corporati
Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trad
Civic Leagues or Organizations

Pleasure, etc., Clubs

Mutual Insurance Companies, etc., of L Farmers' Associations Operating as Sal Holding Companies

Federal Land Banks and National Farm

Personal Service Corporations

Sec. 232.- Net Income Defined
Sec. 233. Gross Income Defined

Foreign Corporations


Sec. 234.- Deductions Allowed

Business Expenses


Interest Paid or Accrued
Taxes Paid or Accrued
Losses During Taxable Year
Bad Debts Charged Off during Year
Dividends from Certain Corporations
Exhaustion, Wear and Tear, and Obsole
Foreign Corporations Deductions

Sec. 235.- Items Not Deductible
Sec. 236. Credits Allowed

Interest upon U. S. Obligations and Bon


Specific Exemption for Domestic Corpor

[blocks in formation]

Second Bracket

Income from Government Contracts


Sec. 302.- Limit of Amount of Tax

Sec. 303.-Computation of Tax

Sec. 304. Exempt Corporations ....... Sec. 305.-Reduction of Specific Exemptio Sec. 310.-Credits

"Prewar period" defined

Sec. 311.- War Profits Credit

Sec. 312.- Excess Profits Credit

Sec. 320. Ascertaining and Returning of

Sec. 325. Invested Capital


Intangible Property

Tangible Property

Borrowed Capital

Inadmissible Assets

Admissible Assets

Stock having no Par Value

Sec. 326. "Invested Capital" Defined an Deductions from Invested Capital ... Invested Capital for Period


Sec. 327. Determination of Taxes in Cer-
Sec. 328. Computation of Tax in Certain
Sec. 330. Re-organizations

Partnerships or Individuals

Sec. 331. Re-organization after March 3, Sec. 335. Computation where Fiscal Yea

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