Imágenes de páginas
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Alamayou, son of Theodore of Abys- Alumbagh, held by British, iii. 107;

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sinia, iv. 229

Albert, Prince, on the Queen, i. 7 ;
Bedchamber question, 137; mar-
riage, 143-47; character, 145–46;
his Protestantism, 147-49; natu-
ralization, 149-50; annuity, 150-
52; receives title of Prince Con-
sort, 152; regency question, 152–
53; position in England, 153-55;
against duelling, 155-56; the at-
tempts on the Queen's life, 162–63;
presence of in House of Commons,
404; industrial exhibition, ii. 62;
Peel's death, 72–73; Great Exhibi-
tion, 106–20; as a public speaker,
107-108; opposition to Great Ex-
hibition, 113; relations with Pal-
merston, 125-29; disagreements
with Palmerston, 130-38; Kos-
suth deputation, 147; Palmerston's
dismissal, 157; and Vienna Note,
255, 257; and Crimean War, 314–
15; and Louis Napoleon, 335; let-
ter about Louis Napoleon, iii. 140–
41; death of, 308–12; and Exhi-
bition, 342


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left in charge of Outram, 109
America and Mexican intervention,
iii. 332; and Russell, iv. 74
American Civil War, ii. 246, iii.
284-341; the Secession, 285; Fort
Sumter, 286-87; the blockade,
287; England recognises Southern
Confederation, 288-91; diplomatic
controversy, 291-92; feeling in
England, 292–96; Northern de-
feats, 296-98; French sympathy
with South, 298-99; the slave
Anderson, 300–2; 'Trent' affair,
302-7; Prince Consort, 308-12;
Confederate cruisers, 312-13; the
‘Alabama,'313-15; America's com-
plaint, 315-18; the controversy on
the Confederate vessels' question,
319-27; Vicksburg and Gettys-
burg, 327; Mexican intervention,
327-34; Richmond taken, Lee sur-
renders, Jefferson Davis captured,
332; Lincoln assassinated, 334;
end of the war, 334-36; England's
Southern sympathies, 336-41
Anderson, case of slave, iii. 300-1
Andrassy note, iv. 451
Anson, General, iii. 78
Anti-Corn Law agitation, beginning
of, i. 123-24; account of, 324-59
Antonelli,Cardinal, sympathizes with
North, iii. 298

Appeal, Court of, iv. 386
Apponyi, Count, and Schleswig-Hol-
stein, iii. 376-77
Arch, Joseph, iv. 365–71

Ardahan, ceded to Russia, iv. 482
Argyll, Duke of, and North, iii. 337;




account of, iv. 9-13; Indian Secre-
tary, 1868, iv. 261; friend of
Sumner, 335

Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso, quoted,
iii. 351

Army Purchase, iv. 296-303

Arnaud, St., at Crimea, ii. 294, 299;
ill-health of, 301-303; at Alma,
311; death of, 336
Arnold, Matthew, and Goethe, ii.
350; his works, 384-85

'Arrow,' the lorcha, case of, iii. 7–
22; boarded by Chinese, October
8, 1856, 8; British or Chinese ?
its registration, 9; Consul Parkes
applies for aid to Sir J. Bowring,
10; Sir J. Bowring's desire to
enter Canton, 11-13; Yeh returns
the men, Admiral Seymour bom-
bards Canton, 12; Yeh offers re-
ward for heads of Englishmen, 13; |
Lord Derby's motion, 13-15; Cob-
den's motion, 15-16; new pleni-
potentiary sent to China, 22
Artizans' Dwellings Bill, iv. 424-

Ashantee, war of 1863, iii. 355–56;

war of 1873, iv. 399–402
Ashburton Treaty, i. 319-20
Ashley, Evelyn, on Palmerston and
Pacifico case, ii. 52; Palmerston's
dismissal, 154

Ashley, Lord (see Lord Shaftesbury)
Assis, Francisco D', and Spanish
marriages, i. 431–32
Atlantic cable, iv. 88–92
Auckland, Lord, treaty with Runjeet
Singh and Shah Soojah, i. 231;
Simla Manifesto, 234-35; failure
of, 258-60

Augustenburg, Prince of (see Schles-

Aumale, Duc D', and Spanish mar-
riages, i. 429

Australia, discovery of gold in, settles
transportation question, iii. 34


Australia, South, and confederation,

iv. 198

Australia, Western, unsuited for
convict settlements, iii. 34-36;
thought of, for convict settlement,
42; and confederation, iv. 198
Austria, war with France, ii. 174;
Kossuth in England, 141-46; and
Russia, 223; Prussia and Crimean
War, 279-83; Vienna Conference,
332; exertions for peace, 341;
Congress of Paris, 342; France
and Italy, iii. 201-204; consulate
at Damascus destroyed, 274; and
Poland, 358-59, 365; and Schles-
wig-Holstein, 366-70; war with
Denmark, 370-79 ; war with
Prussia and Italy, iv. 69; excluded
from German affairs, 88; and Ber-
lin Treaty, iv. 482–83
Ayrton, Mr., iv. 320-21
Azimoolah Khan, Nana Sahib's agent
in England, iii. 84-86


ACON, Lord, ii. 121; iii. 52
Bailey, P. J., ii. 386

Baines and borough franchise, iii.

Bajee Rao, iii. 84
Balaklava, ii. 309–10
Ball, iv. 431

Ballot, and Lord Durham, i. 65
Ballot Bill, iv. 307–317

Balzac's Peau de Chagrin, quoted by
Huxley, iv. 521

Baring, Mr., Budget of, in 1841, i. 201
Baring, Consul, and Bulgarian mas-
sacres, iv. 458

Bank Charter Act, i. 311; suspended,

425; suspended, iii. 136; iv. 69
Bank, Royal British, failure and
frauds of, iii. 5

Banks, Post Office Savings, iv. 182
Batoum, ceded to Russia, iv. 482
Baxter, Mr., resigns, iv. 396


Bazaine, and Metz, iv. 325
Beaconsfield, Lord, speech of, at
Aylesbury, iv. 462-64; speech at
Guildhall, 466-67; and Carnar-
von's resignation, 473; and Jingo-
ism, 474; and San Stefano treaty,
476; and Derby's resignation, 477;
and Indian troops, 478; at Berlin
Congress, 479-80; and secret
treaties, 485-87; 'Peace with
Honour,' 487-88; his influence


Lord Durham, i. 68-9; a tempo-
rary convict settlement, iii. 36
Bernard, Mountague, and 'Alabama'
claims, iv. 339

Bernard, Simon, and Orsini affair,
iii. 142; arrest, trial, and acquittal,

Berry, Mr., and Victorian deadlock,
iv. 201

Berryer, defends Montalembert, iii.

waning, 492–95; and Afghanistan, | Bessarabia, cession of, ii. 343; ceded

496-98; appeal to the country,

511; Tancred quoted, 518

Beal, James, and Mill, iii. 413
Beales, Edmond, and Poland, iii. 360;

Hyde Park meeting, iv. 80-84;
defeat of, iv. 252, 351

Bean attempts the Queen's life, i.

Beaumarchais, iv. 79

Bedchamber question, i. 131-42
Belgians, Queen of, and Spanish

marriages, i. 431-32, 435-36
Belgium in 1848, ii. 3; Consulate of,
at Damascus, destroyed, iii. 274;
independence of, iv. 326
Benedek the Irresistible, iv. 88
Bentham, Jeremy, opposed to trans-
portation, iii. 29

Bentinck, Lord George, and Country
Party, i. 386; and Protectionists,
366; and Prince Consort in House
of Commons, 404; and Coercion
Bill, 410-11, 415; Irish Railway
grant, 425; slave-grown sugar,
426; resigns leadership, iii. 171
Bentley, Dr., and Dr. Parr, story of,
iii. 221

Beranger, and Napoleon, iv. 376

Berar annexed, iii. 59


to Russia, iv. 482

Beust and Danish Question, iii. 378
Beyrout, Druse disturbances near,
iii. 273

Birmingham enfranchised, i. 109, 336
Bismarck, a joker, ii. 264; on Louis
Napoleon, 335; and Schleswig-
Holstein, iii. 369; and Russell,
iv. 73; and Franco-Prussian war,
323; and Belgium, 329-30; and
Black Sea, 331-32; phrase of, 472;
and San Stefano treaty, 479
Bithoor, iii. 84

Black Friday, iv. 69

Black Sea, Allied squadrons in, ii.
267; Black Sea Question, ii. 272–
74, 283-87, 332; at Congress,
Paris, 343

Black, William, iv. 552
Blackie, Professor, and Ernest Jones,
ii. 17

Blackmore, Richard, iv. 551-52
Blanc, Louis, in England, iii. 146
Blanc, Dr., prisoner in Abyssinia,
iv. 224

Blockades and Congress of Paris,
ii. 346

Bokhara captives, i. 266–68

Bolton-le-Moors, commercial crisis
in, i. 332

Bomarsund, capture of, ii. 347

Berlin Memorandum, iv. 452-54; | Bombay Gazette of May 1, 1857,

Berkeley, Henry, and Ballot, iv.


Congress of, 480-85

Bermuda used for transportation by

iii. 44

announces India quiet throughout,




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Bogle, Paul, and Jamaica rising, iv. 34
Bradlaugh defeated, iv. 252
Bradshaw, M.P. Canterbury, i. 21
Bramwell, Baron, on tickets of leave,
iii. 41

'Brass Band,' the, ii. 94

Brett, Messrs., and Atlantic Cable,
iv. 89

Brett, policeman, killed at Manches-
ter, iv. 143-44
Brewster, Sir David, ii. 355, 357
Bright, John, i. 34, 38, 44; less ex-
treme Radical than Lord Durham,
110,272; Free Trade League, 342–
43; first meeting with Cobden,
343-44; Cobden's appeal to him to
join Free Trade agitation, 344-45;
Free Trade and Repeal movements
contrasted, 347-48; on famine aid-
ing Free Trade, 361; entered Par-
liament, 386; on Irish emigra-
tion, 424; Ernest Jones's speeches,
ii. 17; Ecclesiastical Titles Act, 90–
91; Kossuth compared with, 139;
compared with Gladstone, 209;
Crimean War, 289-91; on death
of Czar Nicholas, 331; unseated,
General Election, 1857, iii. 20–21;
condemns Canning's proclamation,
121; alluded to by Lord Palmer-
ston as 'honourable and reverend
gentleman,' 158; Opposition, 1858,


168; by nature an orator, 190;
re-appearance in politics, 206;
scheme of Reform Bill, 207-8;
"Fancy franchises,' 212; Willis's
Rooms meeting, 215; once votes
differently from Cobden, 222; Pal-
nierston's reasons for not offering
office to, 222; Commercial Treaty
with France, 232; repeal of Paper
Duties, 244; Reform Bill, 1860,
255; and' Alabama,' 318; and the
Northern States, 336; and Quar-
terly Review, 344; and Cobden's
death, 406; and Parliament, 1865,
416-17, iv. 2; and Revolutionary
Epick, 15-16, 18; and Jamaica,
44; and Reform Bill, 1866, 58;
eloquence of, 62; and Reform,
1866, 65; and Russell, 73; and
Reform League, 81; 98; 100;
mentioned by Lowe, 108; on Re-
form Bill, 107; and 'residuum,'
111; and tea-room party, 112-15;
and suspension of Habeas Corpus
Act, Ireland, 123-24; and Man-.
chester prisoners, 145; and Clerk-
enwell case, 149; and Canada,
186; and Irish Church, 242, 245;
President of Board of Trade, 259–
60; anecdote of, and W. P. Wood,
261; and Irish Church disestab-
lishment, 264; and Irish Church
Bill in House of Lords, 269; and
Ballot, 312; a friend of Sumner,
335; and indirect Alabama claims,
343; and republicanism, 362;
Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster,
395; and liberal leadership, 428;
physical health of, 433-34; and
Bulgaria, 458
British Columbia, founded 1858,
joined to Canada, iii. 191–92
British Critic, by Newman, i. 211
British Museum, Hume on Sunday
opening of, i. 190

'British Party' in Ireland, iv. 237-38

[blocks in formation]

Broadhead, and Sheffield outrages, | Bull, Papal, on hierarchy in England,

iv. 154-58

Brontë, C., ii. 396-99.

Brougham, Lord, i. 6, 28, 30; de-
scription of, 31-35; attacks Cana-
dian policy, 73-74; and Durham,
at Reform banquet, 1834, 74-75;
Bedchamber question, 136; Prince
Albert's precedence, 149; O'Con-
nell trial, 296; slave-grown sugar,
426; Pacifico case, ii. 52; opposes
Great Exhibition, 111; Jewish
claims, iii. 174; and slavery, 300;
death of, iv. 252-55
Brown, John, iii. 226

Browning, Mrs. E. B., ii. 358; 383-

84; on Napoleon and Italy, iii.

Browning, Robert, ii. 358; and Ten-

nyson, 377-83; and Druses, iii.

Bruce, Frederick, Minister to China,
iii. 261-65

Bruce, Henry Austin, in 1868 minis-
try, iv. 261; the Licensing Act,
354; resigns Home secretaryship,
395; made Lord Aberdare, 395
Bruce, James, and Buffon, iv. 220-

Brunnow, Baron, and Palmerston's
dismissal, ii. 156

Brydon, Dr., last man of Cabul
Army, arrives at Jellalabad,
256; in siege of Lucknow, iii. 110

ii. 76-77, 101

Bull Run, Battle of, iii. 296

| Buller, Charles, i. 37, 47 ;


Durham in Canada, 66, 77 ; Trans-
portation Committee, 1837, iii. 29
Bulwer, i. 47

Bulwer, Sir H. (see Dalling), letter
of Palmerston to, iii. 281
Burdett, Sir Francis, i. 47; and
Cochrane, iii. 282

Burke and Warren Hastings, iv. 50;

and 'a low-minded inquisition into
numbers,' iv. 54; and corporate

rights, 280; and heroic virtues,
311, 312

Burke, Colonel, trial of, iv. 142-43
Burmese territory annexed, iii. 59
Burnes, Captain Alexander, at Cabul,
i. 225-27; and Dost Mahomed,
228-31; despatches garbled, 233-
34; murder of, 238-40

Burns, Robert, on William IV., i. 5;
ii. 356

Butler, Captain, in Crimean War, ii.

294; killed, 295, 341

Butt, Isaac, and Home Rule, iv. 382–
84; 431, 493

Byron, ii. 354; and Russell, iv. 73;
from an Irish point of view, iv.

Byron, Lady, iv. 379

Buccleuch, Duke of, opposed to Corn CABLE, Atlantic, iv. 88-92

Laws' repeal, i. 372; withdraws

opposition, 376

Buchanan, Robert, iv. 540-41

Buckingham, Duke of, Colonial
Secretary, iv. 106

Cabul, Burnes at, i. 225-40 ;
entry of Shah Soojah, 236-37; in-
surrection in, murder of Burnes,
238-40; withdrawal from, 250–
256; occupied, iv. 496–97

Buckle, Henry Thomas, iv. 527-28; Cadiz, Duc de (see Assis), i. 431-32


Buffon and Bruce, iv. 220-21
Bulgaria, and Czar Nicholas, ii. 236;
massacres in, iv. 455–60; and
Treaty of Berlin, 481

Cæsar, Froude's picture of, iv. 532
Cairnes, Professor, and Irish Uni-

versity Scheme, iv. 391

Cairns, Mr., afterwards Sir Hugh,

capacity for debate, iii. 123; So-

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