1833. Cr. D. C. Jan. 1. By balance in the Treasury as per report this day, 3037 94 Feb'y. 6. By cash of H. Cottrell, sheriff, St. Clair, 66 9. " do of James Patchin, sheriff, Lenawe, do of Solomon E. Mason, Berrien county, 2. "cash of Joseph Cole, auctioneer, Monroe county, 93 66 do of Orin White, sheriff, Washtenaw, 17 74 do of Levi Humphreys, sheriff, Monroe, 93 63 11 01 do of E. Brooks, auctioneer, Wayne, 101 08 66 do of J. M. Wilson, sheriff, do of 66 March 7. By cash of Joseph S. Cole, auctioneer, Monroe, 173 00 June 12. By cash of Sidney S. Hawkins, auctioneer, Wayne, 189 11 Aug. 19. By cash of H. Cottrell, sheriff, St. Clair, Oct. 1. By cash of O. Allen, sheriff, Oakland county, 41 85 18. " do of E. Brooks, auctioneer, Wayne county, Nov. 1. By cash of C. Hewet, deputy sheriff, Lenawe, 9 57 G 1833. Dec. 3. By cash of Sidney S. Hawkins, auctioneer, Wayne, 12. " do of Samuel Dexter, amount of money ad. Cr. 73 12 vanced to the commissioners locating 171 00 1 34 D. Duncan, sheriff, Calhoun, 10 00 James Patchin, sheriff, Lenawe, 47 79-245 98 Balance in the treasury carried to the credit of new account, $7403 33 1834. January 1. Balance in the treasury this day, Detroit, 1st January, 1834. $2815 21 On motion of Mr. Bacon, the resolution of the 23d of January, in relation to a military road from Fort Gratiot to the mouth of Looking Glass river, heretofore referred to the committee on territorial affairs, was referred to the committee on internal improve ment. On motion of Mr. Hascall, The bill to provide for the organization of two townships, to be called Mia and Commerce, was read a second time. On motion of Mr. Bacon, The said bill was referred to the committee on territorial affairs. A message on executive business was received from the Governor, by Mr. Pritchette, his private secretary. The following message was received from the Governor, by Mr. Pritchette, his private secretary: To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan: I have this day approved and signed, and herewith return to you, the bill entitled "an act further to provide for the distribution of the laws." G. B. PORTER. January 30, 1834. In pursuance of notice Mr. Stockton asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to define and regulate the fees of associate judges of the circuit courts. Messrs. Stockton, Hascall and Farnsworth were appointed the committee to prepare and bring in the said bill. In pursuance of notice, Mr. Martin asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to provide for the appointment of a county assessor, and for other purposes. Messrs. Martin, Stockton and Moran were appointed the committee to prepare and bring in the said bill. In pursuance of notice, Mr. Doty asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to provide for the establishment of seats of justice. Messrs. Doty, Millington and Hascall, were appointed the committee to prepare and bring in the said bill. Mr. Bacon asked and obtained leave to withdraw from the files of the Council the petition of George D. Brigham. Mr. Britain presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of School District No. 2, in the township of Ontwa, county of Cass, praying that the proceedings organizing the said district may be legalized. Referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Britain presented a memorial from sundry citizens of the Territory of Michigan, praying for the establishment of a Bank at St. Joseph in the county of Berrien. Referred to the committee on incorporations. On motion of Mr. Bacon, The Council proceeded to the consideration of executive business; and, having disposed of the same, the Council adjounrned until Monday, 11 o'clock л. м. MONDAY, February 3, 1834. The president presented a petition from the county clerk of Wayne county, stating the loss of a number of licenses in the removal of his office, and praying that the auditor of the Territory be authorized to investigate the loss, and make such settlement as may comport with the rights of the Territory and justice to the petitioner. Referred to the committee on claims. Mr. Martin presented a petition from Hiram Wilmarth, praying for a correction in the act to authorize the sale of certain lands, approved March 18, 1833. Referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Moran presented a petition from sundry citizens of Detroit, praying for the passage of a law to regulate the size of bricks throughout the Territory. Referred to the committee on internal improvement. On motion of Mr. Stockton, Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement inquire into the expediency of allowing the commissioners to lay out a territorial road from Point du Chien to the Fort Gratiot road, a further time to complete their returns, and also to fill any vacancy that may have happened in said commission. Mr. Martin laid on the table the following resolution: Resolved, That the territorial treasurer be, and he hereby is directed to transmit to the county treasurer of the county of Brown, all such sums of money as may have been received for taxes and duties from said county, contrary to law. On motion of Mr. Farnsworth, Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement be instructed to inquire into the expediency of memorializing Congress for an appropriation sufficient to extinguish the rights of private companies to certain bridges on the United States road leading from Detroit to the foot of the rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie. On motion of Mr. Bacon, Resolved, That the committee on the militia inquire into the expediency of reorganizing the several brigades of militia in this Territory. Mr. Doty laid on the table the following resolution: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Territory do cause the laws enacted at the present session of the Council, to be published so soon as they are deposited in his office, in the following newspapers, to wit: The Democratic Free Press, printed at Detroit; the Michigan Sentinel, printed at Monroe; the Michigan Emigrant, printed at Ann Arbor; the Michigan Statesman, printed at White Pigeon; the Galenian, printed at Galena; and the Green Bay Intelligencer, printed at Navarino. On motion of Mr. Doty, Resolved, That the committee on incorporations inquire into the facilities granted to trade and commerce within the Territory, by the monied institutions of the country; and whether any other facilities ought to be granted by the incorporation of other banks at different places in the Territory; and that said committee do report by bill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Doty, Resolved, That a select committee be appointed to inquire into, and report to this House, the causes for the delay in printing and delivering the volume of the condensed laws of the Territory. The committee consists of Messrs. Doty, Renwick and Stockton. On motion of Mr. Britain, Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending an act defining the mode of laying out and establishing territorial roads, approved April 23, 1833, as to require, in the field notes of each road, the course and distance of an adjacent section corner upon every three miles of said road. The president announced, that, on the 31st of January, he had submitted to the Governor for his approbation, "an act to amend the act for defraying the public and necessary expenses in the respective counties of this Territory, and for other purposes." Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, reported a bill to establish a district court in certain counties, and to define its powers and duties. Mr. Doty, on leave granted, introduced a bill to provide for the establishment of seats of justice. Mr. Doty from the committee on the judiciary, reported a bill concerning the action of right. Mr. Martin, on leave granted, introduced a bill to provide for the election of a county assessor, and for other purposes. Mr. Hascall gave notice, that, on a future day, he should ask leave to introduce a bill to abolish imprisonment for debt. The Council adjourned. TUESDAY, February 4, 1834. Mr. Hascall presented a petition from the inhabitants of township 1 north, of range 7 east, in the county of Oakland, praying for its organization as a separate township. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Millington presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the township of Bridgewater, in the county of Washtenaw, praying to be annexed to the county of Lenawe; and also, a remonstrance from sundry inhabitants of Washtenaw against the prayer of the said petition. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Martin presented a petition from Daniel Jackson and others, withdrawn from the files of the last Council, praying to be incorporated as a company to improve the communication between Green Bay and the river Mississippi. Referred to the committee on internal improvement. Mr. Hascall presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Oakland and Macomb, praying for the incorporation of a bank in the town of Shelby, Macomb county, to be called the Clinton River Bank. Referred to the committee on incorporations. The following message was received from the Governor, by Mr. Pritchette, his private secretary. To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan: I have this day approved and signed, and herewith return to you, the bill entitled "an act to provide for defraying the public and necessary expenses in the respective counties in this territory, and for other purposes. January 31, 1834. G. B. PORTER. |