panies, whose trainings or musters may be regulated by a vote of the members of said companies. On motion of Mr. Moran, 1 Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reviving all that part of the law for the relief and settlement of the poor in 1829, so far as regards the township of Detroit, authorizing the election of a board of directors, which appears to have been unintentionally repealed by the 25th section of an act passed on the same subject on the 22d of April, 1833; and to report by bill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Hascall, Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of removing the county site in the county of Shiawasse. On motion of Mr. Martin, Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the appointment of a territorial printer, whose duty it shall be to publish all legal notices required to be published in a newspaper by any law of the Territory. Mr. Doty gave notice that, on tomorrow, he should ask leave to introduce a bill to provide for the establishment of seats of justice, and to repeal the laws now in force upon that subject. Mr. Martin gave notice that, on tomorrow, he should ask leave to introduce a bill to provide for the election of a county assessor, and for other purposes. On motion of Mr. Hascall, Resolved, That the committee on internal improvement be instructed to inquire into the expediency of incorporating a company, with power to construct a rail-road from Detroit to Pontiac. Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution to inquire into the expediency of repealing the eighth section of the "act to provide for the election of county treasurers and coroners, and to define their powers and duties," and to amend the act, so that the county treasurers may be authorized to appoint a deputy, made an unfavorable report on the resolution. The Council concurred in the report. The engrossed bill to amend the act to provide for defraying the public and necessary expenses in the respective counties of this Territory, and for other purposes, was read the third time and passed. On motion of Mr. Martin, The Council proceeded to the consideration of the report of the judiciary committee, adverse to the compensation of associate judges of the circuit courts while in attendance at court, made on the 27th instant. Mr. Stockton moved to lay the said report on the table. The motion was lost. 1 The Council concurred in the report. On motion of Mr. Doty, The Council proceeded to the consideration of the memorial to Congress, praying for the admission of the Territory of Michigan, as a state, into the Union, and for the establishment of a territorial government west of Lake Michigan, made by the committee on territorial affairs on the 27th instant. On motion of Mr. Doty, the words "undersigned members of the," in the first line of the memorial, were stricken out. On motion of Mr. Farnsworth, the memorial was laid on the table. THURSDAY, January 30, 1834. Mr. Doty presented a petition from the stockholders of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, praying for a charter for a branch bank, and for an increase of capital. Referred to the committee on incorporations. Mr. Farnsworth presented a petition from sundry citizens of Michigan, praying for an extension of the road from Fort street to a point west of Spring Wells. Referred to the committee on incorporations. Mr. Bacon presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the county of Lenawe, praying that townships eight, nine and ten, south of ranges one, two and three east, may be organized into a separate township by the name of Fairfield. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Bacon presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the county of Lenawe, praying for a removal of the seat of justice. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Stockton gave notice, that on a future day, he should bring in a bill to define and regulate the fees of associate judges of the circuit courts. The president announced, that he had this day presented to the executive for his approbation, the bill further to provide for the distribution of the laws. On motion of Mr. Stockton, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the memorial to Congress for the establishment of certain mail routes in the Territory of Michigan. Mr. Stockton moved that the memorial be amended by adding to it the following resolution : Resolved, That the president of the Council be and he is hereby requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing memorial to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Delegate in Congress from this Territory. The amendment was adopted, and the memorial so amended, was concurred in by the Council. Mr. Britain moved to proceed to the consideration of the following resolution submitted by him on the 29th instant: Resolved, That the committee on territorial affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of communicating with the Senate and Assembly of the State of Ohio upon the subject of the Wabash and Erie Canal. Mr. Stockton moved the following as a substitute to the said resolution: 1. Resolved, That the executive of the Territory of Michigan be authorized to open a correspondence with the Executives of Ohio and Indiana on the subject of the location of the Wabash and Erie Canal. 2. That the committee on the judiciary inquire into the expediency of appointing commissioners to confer with the Ohio and Indiana Legislatures upon the same subject. On motion of Mr. Stockton, The resolution and the substitute were laid on the table. FRIDAY, January 31, 1834. Mr. Hascall presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of Oakland and Macomb, praying for the removal of the legal disabilities of Samuel Fowler, and the restoration to him of the rights of which he has been deprived. Referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Millington presented several remonstrances from sundry inhabitants of Saline, in the county of Washtenaw, against the division of that township. Referred to the committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Bacon presented two petitions from sundry inhabitants of the county of Lenawe, praying for the incorporation of a bank, to be located at Tecumseh in that county. Referred to the committee on incorporations. Mr. Bacon, from the committee on territorial affairs, to whom were referred several petitions for the erection of a new county out of parts of the counties of Washtenaw and Jackson, and a remonstrance against the same, made a report unfavorable to the prayer of the petitioners, and moved that the report be accepted, and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. The motion was adopted. Mr. Bacon, from the same committee, made a report adverse to the removal of the seat of justice in Jackson county. On motion of Mr. Bacon, the report was accepted, and the committee discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Bacon, from the same committee, to whom the reports of the Auditor and Treasurer of the Territory, in relation to the receipts and expenditures of 1833, were referred, moved that the said reports be spread upon the journals of the Council, and fifty copies of the same be printed for the use of the members. The motion was adopted. F AUDITOR'S OFFICE, DETROIT, 6th January, 1834. TO THE HONORABLE THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL: I have the honor of transmitting to you a report of the receipts into the Treasury, and moneys drawn therefrom, during the last year; balance in the Treasury on the 1st instant, $2787 06, subject, however, to the several balances stated below that remain unexpended by the agents for repairing the roads, and nine bridges. Respectfully, your most ob't. serv't. ROBERT ABBOTT, Auditor of Michigan. $55 75 100 00 40 00 100 00 125 00 10 14 1000 00 $1430 89 LEVI COOK, Treasurer, for receipts and expenditures, with the Territory of Michigan. in account Dr. 1833. March 19. To cash of J. C. Cole, auctioneer, Monroe county, Dr. D. C. for duties arising on auction sales, 1st quarter, 302 "cash of Samuel Munson, auctioneer, Oakland 1 00 22. "cash of O Allen, sheriff of Oakland } 9 19 240 00 249 19 Less 5 per cent. for collecting, 12 47-236 72 April 16. 18. 19. "cash of Melvin Dorr, auctioneer, Oakland coun- 40 20 89 30 |