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bill under consideration, and instructed him to report the same without amendment.

On motion of Mr. Martin, the bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time tomorrow.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the Council resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the bill to incorporate the village of St. Joseph; and, after some time spent therein, the committee rose, and Mr. Bacon reported, that the committee of the whole had had the said bill under consideration, and instructed him to report the same with an amendment.

The question on concurring with the committee in the amendment to the fourth section, by adding, after the word "taxes," the words "on polls and," being taken by yeas and nays, it was decided in the affirmative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Martin, Moran, Satterlee8.

Nays: Messrs. Hascall, Millington, Renwick, Stockton, M'Donell, president 5.

Mr. Millington moved to amend the said 4th section, by adding to it the following words: "That polls in said village shall be esti

mated at


And the question on the proposed amendment being taken by yeas and nays, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Millington, Renwick--2.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin, Moran, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president-11.

On motion of Mr. Bacon, the words "on the said estates," were added to the last line in the fourth section.

Mr. Britain moved to strike out the proviso in the 4th section. The motion was disagreed to.

Mr. Durocher moved to add the following proviso to the 14th section of the bill:

"Provided, That no licenses shall be granted to such groceries and ale-houses to retail any spirituous liquors by any small measure under a quart; nor shall any spirituous liquors be drunk in said groceries, ale-houses, out-houses, yards or gardens, appertaining to such groceries and ale-houses."

On motion of Mr. Martin the proposed proviso was amended by inserting, after the word "gardens," the words "barns or stables." The question on the said proviso, as amended, being taken, it was rejected.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time tomorrow. The Council adjourned.

FRIDAY, February 28, 1834. Mr. Moran presented an account of John M. Wilson, sheriff of the county of Wayne, for attendance on the supreme court of the Territory. Referred to the committee on expenditures.

Mr. Renwick submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That any members of the Legislative Council, who are stockholders of the Bank of Michigan, the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, or the Bank of River Raisin, shall be excused from voting on the passage of the bill to establish branches of the Bank of Michigan, the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, and the Bank of River Raisin.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the resolution was laid on the table. Mr. Stockton called up the additional rule, submitted by him, as rule 52, for the government of the Council, requiring the votes of nine members to charter any monied institution.

Mr. Bacon moved the reference of the proposed rule to the committee on the judiciary.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, they were as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin-7.

Nays: Messrs. Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president_6.

Mr. Millington submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the judiciary committee, to whom has just been referred the proposed additional rule for the government of the Council, report before two o'clock P. M. of this day.

Mr. Doty moved to amend the resolution so as to require the committee to report at the next session of the Council.

On this motion, the yeas and nays being demanded, were as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin7.

Nays: Messrs. Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee Stockton, M'Donell, president_6.

So the said amendment was adopted.

Mr. Stockton moved further to amend the resolution, so as to give the committee on the judiciary leave of absence until the next session.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Martin, Millington, Renwick, Stockton-4. Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Moran, Satterlee, M'Donell, president--9.

The question on the adoption of the resolution was then taken by yeas and nays, and decided in the affirmative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin-7.

Nays: Messrs. Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president-6.

Mr. Millington offered the following resolution:

Resolved, As the sense of this Council, that it is improper for any member thereof to vote on a question in which he has a direct personal interest.

On motion of Mr. Doty,

Resolved, That the Council do now proceed to the reception and consideration of reports of committees.

Mr. Bacon, from the committee on territorial affairs, made a report adverse to the division of the township of Shelby, in the county of Macomb, which was laid on the table.

Mr. Bacon from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill relative to the county of Shiawasse, made a report, recommending the striking out all the said bill after the enacting clause. Laid on the table.

Mr. Bacon from the same committee, to whom were referred sundry petitions and other papers on the subject, made the following report, which was laid on the table :

The committee on territorial affairs, to whom were referred the petitions and papers, praying a removal or review of the county. seats of Lenawe, Cass, Branch and Berrien, report:

That your committee have given that attention to the subject which the case seemed to require, and a majority of said committee agree to a review, but cannot agree on the details of a bill; and beg leave to submit the following resolution, and be discharged from the further consideration of the subject:

Resolved, That the petitions and papers relative to a review or removal of the county seats of Lenawe, Cass, Branch and Berrien, be referred to a select committee of five members, to be chosen by ballot.

Mr. Doty, from the committee on territorial affairs, reported
A bill in addition to the act to regulate highways.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, reported
A bill in addition to the act for the punishment of crimes.
Mr. Stockton, from the committee on internal improvement, re-


A bill to amend the act, entitled "An act to establish certain territorial roads," and for other purposes.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, reported
A bill to repeal the act concerning county seats.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, reported

A bill to amend the act, entitled "An act for the relief of insolvent debtors."

The foregoing bills were severally read the first time.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Reed, made a report adverse to the prayer of the petition, which was concurred in.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the Territory, for a law to enable the creditor to collect his debt free of expense, reported that a bill had already been reported on the subject, and moved that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the petition.

The report was concurred in, and the motion adopted. In pursuance of notice, Mr. Britain asked leave to introduce a bill to provide for laying out several territorial roads, and a bill to extend the time for laying out certain territorial roads, and for other purposes.

Messrs. Britain, Doty, and Satterlee were appointed a committee to prepare the said bills.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Oakland and Macomb, in favor of relieving Samuel Fowler from his legal disabilities, made a report on the same; which was concurred in.

In pursuance of notice, Mr. Stockton asked leave to introduce a bill for the relief of certain citizens of the township of Clinton, in the county of Macomb.

Messrs. Stockton, Millington and Renwick were appointed a committee to prepare the said bill.

Mr. Britain gave notice, that he should, on a future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to authorize Mr. Braudhurst to build a dam across the river St. Joseph, in the county of Berrien.

Mr. Millington gave notice, that he should, on a future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to establish the bank of St. Joseph with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the report of the committee on internal improvement, unfavorable to the petition for a dam across the river St. Joseph at Mockasin Ripple, laid on the table yesterday, was taken up and the committee discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

On motion of Mr. Satterlee, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the memorial to Congress, laid on the table yesterday, in relation to an increase of members of the Legislative Council, and an extension of its sessions.

Mr. Doty, moved to add the following to the memorial: Your memorialists would further represent, that the Executive of this Territory is now appointed by the President and Senate of the United States, for the term of three years; and that by an act of Congress, passed subsequently to the ordinance, he is made ex officio

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superintendent of Indian affairs. That the Indian population now living on the peninsula of Michigan is inconsiderable; and a great majority of that population being about to be removed, as is understood, it is suggested whether the services of a superintendent will hereafter be required on this peninsula. Influenced by this view of the duties of the Executive, as well as by the number of citizens of this Territory_a number which is rapidly increasing_your memorialists would respectfully solicit for the citizens of this Territory the privilege of electing the Governor of the said Territory, and for such term as Congress may appoint.

Mr. Ranwick moved to refer the said proposed amendment to the committee on the judiciary, to report on the same at the next session of the Council.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Durocher, Hascall, Millington, Satterlee, Stockton--5.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Farnsworth, Martin, Moran, Renwick, M'Donell, president-8.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, the memorial and proposed amendment were laid on the table.

The bill to amend "An act to regulate Highways," approved April 17, 1833, and the bill to provide for making necessary alterations in territorial roads, were read the second time by their titles.

The engrossed bill to amend the act entitled "An act to establish circuit courts in certain counties, and to define their powers and duties," was read a third time and passed.

The engrossed bill to establish branches of the Bank of Michigan, the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, and the Bank of River Raisin, being read the third time,

Mr. Stockton moved, that the said bill be printed.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president--6.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin-7.

Mr. Stockton moved to fill the first blank, in the first section with the words "one million of dollars," and Mr. Millington moved to fill it with " 900,000 dollars." Both motions were disagreed to. On motion of Mr. Martin, the said blank was filled with the sum of "350,000 dollars.

On motion of Mr. Doty, the second blank in the first section was filled with the words " 3500 shares."

On motion of Mr. Doty, the blanks were filled in the second


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