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o'clock-an almost uninterrupted conflict of | show as trophies five of Sigel's six

six hours. The order to retreat was given soon after the enemy gave way from our front and center, Lieut. Dubois's battery having been previously sent to occupy, with its supports, the hill in our rear. Capt. Totten's battery, as soon as his disabled horses could be replaced, retired slowly with the main body of the infantry, while Capt. Steele was meeting the demonstrations upon our right flank. This having been repulsed, and no enemy being in sight, the whole column moved slowly to the high, open prairie, about two miles from the bat

tle-ground; our ambulances, meanwhile, passing to and fro, carrying off our wounded. After making a short halt on the prairie, we continued our march to Springfield.

"It should be here remembered that, just after the order to retire was given, and while it was undecided whether the retreat should be continued, or whether we should occupy the more favorable position of our rear, and await tidings of Col. Sigel, one of his non-commissioned officers arrived, and reported that the Colonel's brigade had been totally routed, and all his artillery captured, Col. Sigel himself having been either killed or made prisoner. Most of our men had fired away all their ammunition, and all that could be obtained from the boxes of the killed and wounded. Nothing, therefore, was left to do but to return to Springfield; where 250 Home Guards, with two pieces of artillery, had been left to take care of the train. On reaching the Little York road, we met Lieut. Farrand, with his company of dragoons, and a considerable portion of Col. Sigel's command, with one piece of artillery. At 5 o'clock, P. M., we reached Springfield."

Of course, the Confederates claimed the result as a success; and with good reason, since they stood on the defensive and held the field, and could

It was very hard for our soldiers engaged in the main or front attack to admit that the day went against us, when they never saw the faces of the Rebels throughout the fight without seeing their backs directly afterward. Thus Col. John B. Plummer, 11th Missouri (who was badly wounded), testifies before the Committee on the Conduct of the War:

"I have but little more to say in regard to the battle except that we whipped them.

* * *

I was severely wounded, and, in the course of an hour and a half, was myself in an ambulance. I did not see the latter part of the action, but Major Schofield stated to me that, after the last repulse, it was a perfect rout-that the enemy fled in the wildest confusion. Everybody says

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guns; but there is no pretense, on their part, of having pursued those whom they claimed to have beaten and McCulloch's first official report only says of our army, "They have met with a signal repulse"-which was the truth. He admits a loss of 265 killed, 800 wounded, and 30 missing. Our official reports make our loss 223 killed, 721 wounded, and 292 missing. McCulloch says: "My effective force was 5,300 infantry, 15 pieces of artillery, and 6,000 horsemen, armed with flint-lock muskets, rifles, and shot-guns. other horsemen with the army, who were entirely unarmed, and, instead of being a help, were continually in the way." Lieut. Col. Merritt, of

There were

the 1st Iowa, in his report, says:

"The enemy brought to the field 14,000 well-armed and well-disciplined troops, and 10,000 irregular troops; and our own force amounted to about 5,000 troops in the early part of the engagement, and considerably less than 4,000 troops for the concluding four hours of it."

Maj. Sturgis, in his official report of the battle, says:

"That 3,700 men, after a fatiguing nightmarch, attacked the enemy, numbering 23,000, on their own ground, and, after a bloody conflict of six hours, withdrew at their pleasure, is the best eulogium I can pass on their conduct that day.”

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that. * * * Schofield also stated that, in attempting to ride forward to reconnoiter and see where the enemy were, their dead were piled up so thick that he could not ride over them, but had to make a considerable détour.

"There was a flag of truce sent out after our

return to Springfield, as I heard. A young doc

tor of the army went out with it, with a few men and some wagons, to obtain the body of Gen. Lyon, and to look for our wounded left on the field. He told me that Gen. McCulloch remarked to a non-commissioned officer-a sergeant--who attended the party, 'Your loss was very great; but ours was four times yours;' and I think it but a fair estimate to put their loss at least as high as 4,000 men, killed and wounded."

"Gen. Lyon's entire force, as returned by his

He further says:

"Our total loss, in killed, wounded, and missing, amounts to 1,235-that of the enemy will probably reach 3,000."

Beyond doubt, the Rebel army was considerably larger than ours It emprobably about two to one. bodied not only the mass of the Missouri Rebels under Gen. Price, as well as those of Arkansas under McCulloch, but a considerable force, also, from Texas, with one regiment from Louisiana. Among its losses were Col. Weightman, commanding a brigade of Missourians, while Gens. Slack and Clark were severely, and Gen. Price slightly wounded. Yet the preponderance of losses was undoubtedly on our side; that of Lyon alone being a national disaster. McCulloch, from his camp near Springfield, on the 12th, after learning that the Union army, under Sturgis and Sigel, had retreated from that city, issued an exulting proclamation, in which he said:

“We have gained over them a great and signal victory. Their general-in-chief is slain, and many of their other general officers wounded; their army is in full flight; and now, if the true men of Missouri will rise up and rally around our standard, the

State will be redeemed.


"Missouri must be allowed to choose her own destiny-no oaths binding your con

Adjutant, J. C. Kelton, on the 8th of August (the day before the battle), was 5,368; which included his sick and wounded in hospital, all who were absent on special duty, and his guard left in Springfield. It is, therefore, certain that he fought the battle of Wilson's Creek with less than 5,500, and, after the rout of Sigel, with less than 4,500. We have seen that the Rebels, by their own account, had at least twice this number in the field, beside those left in camp for want of arms.

8 Pollard, in his "Southern History," says: "The death of Gen. Lyon was a serious loss to the Federals in Missouri. He was an able and dangerous man-a man of the times, who ap

sciences. I have driven the enemy from among you. The time has now arrived for the people of the State to act. You can no longer procrastinate. Missouri must now take her position, be it North or South."

In an order to his army, issued that day, he says:

"The flag of the Confederacy now floats near Springfield, the stronghold of the enemy,"

proving that he did not, even yet, feel strong enough to attack that city. But Springfield was neither fortified nor provisioned for a siege; while the immense preponderance of the Rebels in cavalry would have enabled them to cut off our supplies from every quarter: a retreat was, therefore, wisely determined on, and commenced during the night of the 10th. On the 15th, our little army, with a baggage train five miles long, reached Rolla utterly unmolested. Indeed, it does not seem to have been even pursued."

JOHN C. FREMONT had, on the 9th of July, been appointed to the command of the Western District, including the States of Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas, with the Territories stretching westward of these; but was still in New-York, endeavoring to obtain necessary arms, equipments, and munitions, when

preciated the force of audacity and quick decision in a revolutionary war. To military edu cation and talents, he united a rare energy and promptitude. No doubts or scruples unsettled his mind. A Connecticut Yankee, without a trace of chivalric feeling or personal sensibility -one of those who submit to insult with indifference, yet are brave on the field--he was this exception to the politics of the late regular army of the United States, that he was an unmitigated, undisguised, and fanatical Abolitionist."

Pollard, in his "Southern History," says: "Shortly after the battle, the Confederate army returned to the frontier of Arkansas; Gens. McCulloch and Price having failed to agree upon the plan of a campaign in Missouri."



tidings were received of the Union | night, hiding in the forests, or disdisaster at Bull Run. He left that persing to their homes and pretend city on the evening of that day ing to be peaceful citizens, by day. (July 22d), and reached St. Louis The bolder traitors were ready and on the 25th. eager for open hostilities; the more cowardly would follow their leaders in a midnight raid on a peaceful Union settlement, or aid them in burning railroad bridges. Kentucky, though hitherto closed against Union soldiers, received without objection large bodies of Rebels from Tennessee and below, and, from her thoroughly disloyal Western district, formidably threatened Cairo. Gen. Fremont's position and its difficulties are very forcibly depicted in the private letter which he addressed, five days. after his arrival, to the President, as follows:

The bad news had, of course, preceded him; and he found most of the Union soldiers in his department just ready to be mustered out of service at the close of their three months' enlistment—disaffected, because unpaid; while arms, money, and nearly everything else required by the public exigency, were wanting. The Unionists were temporarily stunned and almost paralyzed by their great and unexpected disaster near Washing


The energies of the Government were absorbed in hurrying to the Potomac every available regiment and battery from whatever quarter ; while the Secessionists, exultant and sanguine, were preparing on all sides to push their advantage promptly and to the utmost.

Lieut. Gov. Reynolds, in a proclamation to the people of Missouri, dated New Madrid, July 31st, with good reason assured them, that "the sun which shone in its full, midday splendor at Manassas, is about to rise upon Missouri.'

Missouri." Every young slaveholder instinctively snatched his rifle, mounted his horse, and started for the nearest Rebel camp. Each old one stayed at home, professed neutrality, if the Union sentiment of his neighborhood were decidedly predominant, but sent his older sons to reënforce Jackson and Price. Wherever, as in north-eastern Missouri, and along the great lines of railroad, Rebel armies could not be maintained, there guerrilla bands were organized, to operate with vigor by


"HEAD-QUARTERS WESTERN Department, "ST. LOUIS, July 30th, 1861. "MY DEAR SIR: You were kind enough arose, I might send you a private note. to say that, as occasions of sufficient gravity

"I have found this command in disorder; condition, and the enemy advancing in force nearly every county in an insurrectionary by different points of the Southern frontier. Within a circle of fifty miles around Gen. federate forces; 10 and 5,000 Tennessee and Prentiss, there are about 12,000 of the ConArkansas men, under Hardee, well armed with rifles, are advancing upon Ironton. Of these, 2,000 are cavalry, which, yesterday morning, were within twenty-four hours' march of Ironton. Col. Bland, who had been seduced from this post, is falling back upon it. I have already reënforced it with one regiment; sent another this morning, and fortified it. I am holding the railroad to Ironton and that to Rolla, so securing our connections with the South. Other

measures, which I am taking, I will not trust to a letter; and I write this only to inform you as to our true condition, and to say that, if I can obtain the material aid I am expecting, you may feel secure that the duced to order. I have ordered Gen. Pope enemy will be driven out, and the State reback to North Missouri, of which he is now in command. I am sorely pressed for want of arms. I have arranged with Adams's Express Company to bring me everything

1o That is, in Kentucky and south-eastern Missouri, threatening Cairo, where Prentiss commanded.

"From St. Louis to Cairo was an easy day's journey by water, and transportation abundant. To Springfield, was a week's march; and, before I could have reached it, Cairo would have been taken, and with it, I believe, St. Louis.

"On my arrival at Cairo, I found the force under Gen. Prentiss reduced to 1,200 men ; consisting mainly of a regiment which had agreed to await my arrival. A few miles below, at New Madrid, Gen. Pillow had landed a force estimated at 20,000, which subsequent events showed was not exaggerated. Our force, greatly increased to the enemy by rumor, drove him to a hasty retreat, and permanently secured the position.

with speed, and will buy arms to-day in New-York. Our troops have not been paid, and some regiments are in a state of mutiny; and the men whose term of service is expired generally refuse to reënlist. I lost a fine regiment last night, from inability to pay them a portion of the money due. This regiment had been intended to move on a critical post last night. The Treasurer of the United States has here $300,000 entirely unappropriated. I applied to him yesterday for $100,000 for my Paymaster, Gen. Andrews, but was refused. We have not an hour for delay. There are three courses open to me: One, to let the enemy possess himself of some of the strongest points in the State, and threaten St. Louis, which is insurrectionary. Second: to force a loan from Secession banks here. Third: to use the money belonging to the Government, which is in the Treasury here. Of course, I will neither lose the State, nor permit the enemy a foot of advantage. I have infused energy and activity into the department, and there is a thoroughly good spirit in officers and men. This morning, I will order the Treasurer to deliver the money in his possession to Gen. Andrews, and will send a force to the Treasury to take the money, and will direct such payments as the exigency requires. I will hazard every-prepared the defeat of Gen. Lyon before my

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Gen. Fremont, in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, thus explains his action in the premises:

"A glance at the map will make it apparent that Cairo was the point which first demanded immediate attention. The force | under Gen. Lyon could retreat, but the position at Cairo could not be abandoned; the question of holding Cairo was one which involved the safety of the whole Northwest. Had the taking of St. Louis followed the defeat of Manassas, the disaster might have been irretrievable; while the loss of Springfield, should our army be compelled to fall back upon Rolla, would only carry with it the loss of a part of Missouri-a loss greatly to be regretted, but not irretrievable.

Having reënforced Cape Girardeau and Ironton, by the utmost exertions I succeeded in getting together and embarking with a force of 3,800 men, five days after my arrival in St. Louis.


"I returned to St. Louis on the 4th, having, in the mean time, ordered Col. Stephenson's regiment from Booneville, and Col. Montgomery from Kansas, to march to the relief of Gen. Lyon.

"Immediately upon my arrival from Cairo, I set myself at work, amid incessant demands upon my time from every quarter, principally to provide reënforcements for Gen. Lyon.

"I do not accept Springfield as a disaster belonging to my administration. Causes, wholly out of my jurisdiction, had already

arrival at St. Louis."

Adj. Gen. Harding, whom Gen. Fremont found, by appointment of Gen. Lyon, in practical command at St. Louis, says:

the situation of Gen. Lyon's column, and went so far as to remove the garrison of Booneville in order to send him aid. During the first days of August, troops arrived in the city in large numbers. Nearly all of them were unarmed; all were without transportation. Regiment after regiment lay for days in the city without any equipments, for the reason that the Arsenal was exhausted, and arms and accouterments had to be brought from the East. From these men, Gen. Lyon would have had reënforcements, although they were wholly unpracticed in the use of the musket and knew nothing of movements in the field; but, in the mean time, the battle of the 10th of August was fought.”

"Gen. Fremont was not inattentive to

News of Gen. Lyon's repulse and death reached St. Louis on the 13th. Gen. Fremont thereupon decided to fortify that city with all possible dispatch, as a permanent and central


base of operations; to fortify and garrison, likewise, Cape Girardeau, Ironton, Rolla, and Jefferson City; using for this purpose hired labor so far as possible, so that his raw recruits, even though unarmed, might be drilled and fitted for service so rapidly as might be; when, on the receipt of sufficient arms, he would take the field at the head of a numerous and effective army, and speedily regain all that should have, meantime, been lost. He now issued the following stringent and stirring general order:


"Circumstances, in my judgment, of sufficient urgency, render it necessary that the Commanding General of this department should assume the administrative power of the State. Its disorganized condition, the helplessness of the civil authority, the total insecurity of life, and the devastation of property by bands of murderers and marauders, who infest nearly every county in the State, and avail themselves of the public misfortunes and the vicinity of a hostile force to gratify private and neighborhood vengeance, and who find an enemy wherever they find plunder, finally demand the severest measures to repress the daily increasing crimes and outrages which are driving off the inhabitants and ruining the State.

In this condition, the public safety and the

success of our arms require unity of purpose, without let or hindrance to the prompt administration of affairs.

"In order, therefore, to suppress disorders, to maintain, as far as now practicable, the public peace, and to give security and protection to the persons and property of loyal citizens, I do hereby extend and declare established martial law throughout the State of Missouri. The lines of the army of occupation in this State are, for the present, declared to extend from Leavenworth, by way of the posts of Jefferson City, Rolla, and Ironton, to Cape Girardeau, on the Mississippi river. All persons who shall be taken with arms in their hands, within these lines, shall be tried by CourtMartial, and, if found guilty, will be shot. The property, real and personal, of all per

sons in the State of Missouri who shall take up arins against the United States, or shall be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, is declared


to be confiscated to the public use; and declared free men. their slaves, if any they have, are hereby

"All persons who shall be proven to have destroyed, after the publication of this order, railroad tracks, bridges, or telegraphs, shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law.

"All persons engaged in treasonable correspondence, in giving or procuring aid to the enemies of the United States, in disturbing the public tranquillity by creating and circulating false reports or incendiary documents, are in their own interest warned that they are exposing themselves.

"All persons who have been led away from their allegiance are required to return to their homes forthwith; any such absence, without sufficient cause, will be held to be presumptive evidence against them.

"The object of this declaration is to place in the hands of the military authorities the power to give instantaneous effect to existing laws, and to supply such deficiencies as the conditions of war demand. But it is not intended to suspend the ordinary tribunals of the country, where the law will be administered by the civil officers in the usual manner and with their customary authority, while the same can be peaceably exercised.

"The Commanding General will labor vigilantly for the public welfare, and, in hist efforts for their safety, hopes to obtain not only the acquiescence, but the active support, of the people of the country.

“J. C. FREMONT, Maj.-Gen. Com."

This order, so far as it declared the slaves of Rebels to be free, was subsequently overruled and annulled by President Lincoln, as will hereafter be seen.

Gen. Price, very naturally, did not see fit to await the fulfillment of Gen. Fremont's programme. Though abandoned by McCulloch, with the bulk of the Confederate army, he moved northward from Springfield about the middle of August, receiving reënforcements continually, and, deflecting to the west as he advanced, pushed back a far inferior force of Unionists under Gen. Lane, after a little brush, at the crossing of a stream known as Dry Wood, and sent a detachment to and occupied Fort Scott, on the edge of Kansas,

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