Page. 484 money judgment until the security required by Code of Civil Procedure, section 474, and rule 51 have been given.......80 App. Div. 53 CONDE V. ROGERS. Misjoinder of causes of action-A cause of action to foreclose a lien and one to recover for services cannot be 488 joined........74 App. Div. 147 TEW v. WOLFSOHN. Agency-Several liability subd. 6 of agent and of undisclosed principal when disclosed-Demurrer for misjoinder of de 488 fendants unauthorized. DAVIS V. CITY OF NEW YORK. Form of a desubd. 7 murrer alleging a misjoinder of causes of action.. ......75 App. Div. 518 488 VLASTO V. VARELOPOULOS. When a pleading subd. 8 may be declared frivolous-A demurrer to a 499 500 500 subd. 2 501 subd. 1 complaint.......73 App. Div. 145 STEINBACH v. PRUDENTIAL INS. Co. Insurance -Action to reform life insurance policy and for judgment thereon-Parties defendant, 172 Ν. Υ. 471 LYTLE v. CRAWFORD. A judgment in another 69 App. Div. 273 KRAUS v. AGNEW. Action for services rendered O'BRIEN v. DWYER. 80 App. Div. 1 Counterclaim-When allowed in an action of tort-Action for the conversion of money-Counterclaim of a margin deposited to secure a purchase of stock ordered but not purchased. ........76 App. Div. 516 ....... 501 subd. 1 501 subd. 1 508 516 519 531 533 535 535 GALBRAITH Page. υ. DAILY. Pleading-Admissions SOPER V. ST. REGIS PAPER Co. Vendor and pur- ..38 Misc. 294 GABAY v. DOANE. Occurrences since an action TOPLITZ V. GARRIGUES. Reply to new matter in ..170 N. Y. 439 KEYES v. FLINT CO. Accounting-Bill of particulars of an amount stated ......69 App. Div. 141 CLEMENS v. AMERICAN FIRE INS. CO. A plea of performance must use the word "duly," 70 App. Div. 435 STOKES V. MORNING JOURNAL ASS'N. An allega- 72 App. Div. 184 PETERS v. MORNING JOURNAL Ass'n. Libel- ..... 535 542 545 545 549 550 568 575 subd. 1,3 603 Page. LEHMANN v. TRIBUNE Ass'N. Libel-Charge NAYLOR v. LOOMIS. Motion to strike out an ...79 App. Div. 21 UGGLA v. BROKAW. Redundant matter merely 77 App. Div. 310 BROWN v. FISH. Ejectment-Complaint-Irrelevant and redundant matter stricken out, 37 Misc. 367 BRITTON V. FERRIN. When refusal to pay over 171 N. Y. 235 LICHSTRAHL v. LICHSTRAHL. Order of arrest- 38 Misc. 121 BRISTOL V. GRAFF. Undertaking on arrest- 636 638 638 649 Page. subject of the action-Right of members of an unincorporated association to restrain other members from violating the agreement of organization-Demurrers-Parties....37 Misc. 521 STEELE v. GILMOUR MANUFACTURING CO. Attachment-Sufficiency of an affidavit of an agent-Allegation as to counterclaims, BELMONT v. SIGNA IRON CO. 77 App. Div. 199 Motion to vacate an attachment-When made on papers on which it was granted and on the judgment in the action-The facts recited in the judgment may be used to support the attachment-They are presumed to be true-Proof as to the attached property having been applied on the judgment-Proof that the summons has issued.........80 App. Div. 537 MARTIN v. SMITH. Attachment-Necessity for serving the summons within thirty days, 37 Misc. 425 WEIL v. GALLUN. Attachment-A failure to 656 BEYER V. SIGEL. Sale of perishable property lev- 709 713 TREADWELL & CO. v. MEAD MFG. Co. Sheriff's MACK v. STANLEY. Receiver-Not appointed appeal operates as a stay of a further applica- Page. ..79 App. Div. 119 MATTER OF FERRIS. Order to show cause- 780 .37 Misc. 606 791 .. BAZURO v. JOHNSON. Notice of motion for a 791 SHEELIN v. CITY OF NEW YORK. Preference on subd. 1, the calendar of New York City cases, 2, 5, 11 791 subd. 5 11 74 App. Div. 308 DAVIS v. WESTERVELT. Calendar-Preference 791 MORSE V. PRESS PUBLISHING CO. Preference on 791 subd. 11 71 App. Div. 351 EISING v. YOUNG. Calendar-Preference of an 38 Misc. 12 793 MORSE V. PRESS PUBLISHING CO. Preference on the trial calendar in New York, Kings, Queens and Erie Counties and in the Seventh Judicial District-An application therefor is addressed to the discretion of the Court-When the exercise of such discretion will not be disturbed on appeal-Meaning of the word "may," 71 App. Div. 351 |