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THE lives of great men are so often marred by wretchedness of outward circumstances, or by their own perversities of living, that it is a rare pleasure when one is able to contemplate the life of a great man, who is also a successful, good, and happy man. Such is the pleasure which we may experience in the following out of the purpose of these pages.

Our purpose is to place before our readers a sketch of the personal circumstances and character of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes-a brief biographyand to discuss critically his works: illustrating both biography and criticism with examples from his writings. In the working out of this purpose, we shall therefore—if we are successful-look at 66 the outer wrapping" of the man, that which belongs to him as an individual : and then discover his "spirit," that which belongs not only to himself, but to all men of all times who are willing to study him and accept


him as one of their teachers. And in inviting the reader to give us attention whilst we do this, we think we need not apologise; for it is ever a pleasurable, and as well profitable, occupation for both reader and writer, to contemplate the life and works of a great and good man: inasmuch as from a living and notable example of good we can gather inspiration and resolution such as mere precept does not afford.

With so much of introduction, let us proceed to the execution of our purpose.

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