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where road construction has been and will continue to be handled by the Alaska Road Commission.



1.1 Definitions.

1.2 Park road systems.

1.3 Apportionment of funds and construction program.

1.4 Surveys and plans.

1.5 Construction and maintenance.

1.6 Records and accounting.

1.7 National capital parks.

1.8 Date effective.


SECTION 1.1 Definitions.-For the purposes of the regulations in this part the following definitions shall control.

(a) Secretary shall mean the Secretary of the Interior.

(b) Administrator shall mean the Administrator of the Federal Works Agency. (c) Director shall mean the Director of the National Park Service.

(d) Commissioner shall mean the Commissioner of Public Roads.

(e) Regional director shall mean the regional director of a National Park Service region.

(f) Superintendent shall mean the superintendent or custodian in charge of a National Park Service area.

(g) Landscape Architect shall mean the Chief Landscape Architect of the National Park Service or his authorized representative.

(h) Chief Engineer shall mean Chief Engineer of the National Park Service who has responsibility for road maintenance in National Park Service areas. (i) District engineer shall mean the engineer in charge of a Public Roads Administration district.

(j) Road project shall mean any project for survey, construction, post construction, or maintenance on the National Parkway System, or any project for survey, construction, or post construction on the park road system.

(k) Major project shall mean any road project in connection with which the Public Roads Administration acts as the construction agency for the National Park Service.

(1) Minor project shall mean any road project in connection with which the Public Roads Administration does not act as the construction agency for the National Park Service.

(m) Construction shall mean construction, reconstruction, and improvement of roads.

(n) Maintenance shall mean the preserving, through constant attention, of each roadway, roadside, and roadside facility as nearly as possible in its original condition as constructed, or as subsequently improved, to provide satisfactory and safe road service.

(0) Post construction shall mean any work performed by day labor after any particular construction operation is completed.

(p) Service shall mean the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior.

(q) Administration shall mean the Public Roads Administration of the Federal Works Agency.

(r) Master plan shall mean a plan devised and used as a medium of advance planning and the controlling document of all development in each National Park Service area.

SEC. 1.2 Park road systems.-(a) The park road system for each national park, national parkway, national monument, and other area administered by the Service shall consist of the roads in and approach roads thereto as shown on the park road system plan of the approved master plan for each area.

(b) The district engineer, the superintendent, and the Landscape Architect shall review each road system plan in the master plan and shall submit a joint recommendation to the Director and to the Commissioner for their approval. (c) Alterations in, and additions to, the park road system may be recommended


in like manner from time to time to the Director and the Commissioner. making changes in, or additions to, the park road system consideration shall be given to coordinating the park road system with the Federal-aid highway system, the State highway system, and the National Forest highway system.

(d) When it becomes necessary to establish a park road system in any new national park, national parkway, national monument, or other area administered by the Service, a master plan shall be prepared by the Service and the road system plan thereof reviewed and recommended as provided for in section 1.2 (b) of this part.

SEC. 1.3 Apportionment of funds and construction program.—(a) The Director shall recommend the apportionment of roads and parkway appropriations and contractual authorizations as to major and minor road projects to the Secretary for approval.

(b) The Director, with the advice of the Administration, shall prepare a construction program to be used as the basis for the allotment and expenditure of funds available for the survey, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of major projects. The construction program shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval.

(c) The Construction Program shall be based on:

(1) Amount of appropriation and contractual authorization.

(2) Protection of previous construction.

(3) Correlation with adjacent park road projects and Federal, State, and National Forest highway systems.

(4) Park development requirements and protection of natural features. (5) Interests and needs of the visiting public.

SEC. 1.4 Surveys and plans.-(a) When funds are allotted by the Director for surveys for major projects, the Administration shall make a reconnaissance, preliminary survey, and estimate of costs, and shall submit a report to the Director. Upon the request of the Director, the Administration shall make a location survey. The Landscape Architect, the superintendent, and the district engineer shall collaborate in regard to all phases of reconnaissance, preliminary, and location surveys to establish a location which is satisfactory to the Administration and to the Service.

(b) When making field surveys and in the preparation of plans, the general road location, the width of roadway, the width of surfacing, the character and standards of alignment and grade, and the location and layout of access roads shall be determined jointly by the Service and the Administration.

(c) The size of drainage structures, the elevation of grade lines across water courses, the depth of surfacing, the character and size of foundations, structural design of bridges, and all phases of the proposed improvement which affect the integrity of the proposed construction are features for which the Administration shall be primarily responsible.

(d) The architectural design of bridges and other structures, including retaining walls and guard walls, the rate and shape of slopes in cuts and fills, the landscape development of the right-of-way, the location and design of parking areas and overlooks are features for which the Landscape Architect shall be primarily responsible.

(e) The contract plans and specifications for major projects shall be prepared by the Administration and shall include such architectural and landscape plans and specifications prepared by the Service which may be determined necessary. (f) The contract plans and specifications shall be reviewed from time to time during the course of their preparation by the Landscape Architect and the superintendent, and the Landscape Architect shall send their recommendations to the district engineer. When the plans and specifications are completed, the district engineer shall submit copies to the Landscape Architect and to the superintendent for their consideration and concurrence. The district engineer then shall send such plans and specifications with his recommendations to the Commissioner and to the Director for their consideration and approval.

SEC. 1.5 Construction and maintenance. (a) The construction of all major projects of the park road system, except in Alaska, shall be accomplished by the Administration in accordance with plans jointly approved by the Director and the Commissioner.

(b) The maintenance of roads and parkways constructed by the Public Roads Administration in the areas administered by the National Park Service shall be accomplished under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of the National Park Service in accordance with an annual road maintenance plan for each such road maintenance project. These road maintenance plans shall be prepared by the Na

tional Park Service in collaboration with the engineers of the Public Roads Administration and shall include an estimate of cost for each maintenance project. The road maintenance plans shall prescribe the technical processes and methods to be followed and shall be approved by the district engineer, Public Roads Administration; concurred in by the superintendent, regional director, and Chief Engineer, National Park Service; and approved by the Director of that Service. When in the judgment of the Director and the Commissioner it will be more advantageous and economical, maintenance of parkways may be accomplished by the Administration.

(c) When the Commissioner and the Director have approved plans for a construction project, the district engineer may proceed with construction. Construction work shall be by contract, unless day labor work is specifically recommended by the Commissioner and approved by the Director. Post construction projects shall be accomplished as day labor projects by the Administration in accordance with the same general procedure as is established for road construction to be accomplished by contract. Unskilled and intermediate grades of day labor personnel shall be employed by the superintendent.

(d) If construction is to be by contract, the district engineer shall advertise for bids for constructing the project. A record of the bids received with appropriate recommendations shall be forwarded by the Administration to the Director with copies to the appropriate superintendent. The contract papers shall be prepared by the Administration and sent to the Director for submission to the Secretary for award and execution of the contract.

(e) The district engineer shall act as the representative of the Secretary in seeing that the terms of the contract are fulfilled by the contractor.

(f) During the period of construction, the Landscape Architect shall make inspections of the work and shall collaborate with the district engineer for its supervision.

(g) Minor alterations which are authorized under the contract without a modification of the contract and which are deemed necessary during the progress of the work may be ordered by the district engineer with the concurrence of the Landscape Architect and the superintendent.

(h) When a project is nearing completion, the district engineer shall notify the Landscape Architect and the superintendent in writing when the final inspection can be made, allowing ample time for the contractor to complete the construction of any items recommended in the inspection. The final inspection shall be performed by the district engineer in company with the Landscape Architect and the superintendent. The Landscape Architect and the superintendent shall each submit a written statement of acceptance prior to payment of the final voucher. The district engineer shall submit a final construction report within 3 months after completion.

SEC. 1.6 Records and accounting.—(a) The Administration shall keep all necessary cost records of surveys, construction, and engineering performed under its supervision, and the Commissioner shall report to the Director regarding the status of the work and of funds, and shall furnish such other information as may be necessary for each national park, national parkway, national monument, and other area administered by the National Park Service.

(b) Upon approval of the construction program, an allotment of funds will be made to the Administration for direct disbursement to cover the cost of engineering surveys, preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates, and for engineering supervision of the projects. The amount allotted for engineering services will be a percentage of the total sum available for constructing the major projects.

(c) Allotments of funds will be made for day labor projects in the construction program either to the Administration or to the superintendent, whichever is deemed most expedient.

(d) That portion of the appropriation which is available for construction of major projects shall be termed the “construction fund," from which allotments will be made for specific road and parkway projects when individual contracts are awarded. The allotment shall be based on the contract price. The disbursement of the allotments shall be made by the Service based upon the recommendation of the Administration.

(e) A contingency fund, based on a percentage of the construction fund, shall be reserved for major projects from which allotments may be made to cover overruns, extra work orders, change orders, and other contingencies on current contracts.

(f) Upon completion of each contract or day labor project the unexpended balance of the allotment of funds made for such project shall be returned to the construction fund.

(g) Final settlement with the contractor will be made after the Administration has received from the district engineer, the superintendent, and the Landscape Architect written recommendations for acceptance of the project. The Commissioner shall submit the final voucher with his recommendations to the Service for clearance for payment.

SEC. 1.7 National capital parks. The above regulations shall apply whenever applicable to the road and parkway system of the National Capital Parks in the District of Columbia and environs administered by the National Capital Parks Office of the National Park Service subject, however, to approval of all road and parkway locations and plans by the National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Technical supervision of the maintenance of roads and parkways in National Capital Parks shall be the responsibility of the Administration and when in the judgment of the Director and the Commissioner it will be more advantageous and economical, maintenance of parkways outside of the District of Columbia may be accomplished direct by the Administration.

SEC. 1.8 Date effective.-These regulations shall become effective when approved by the Secretary of the Interior and the Federal Works Administrator.



[45 Stat. 490]

Joint Resolution Authorizing assistance in the construction of an inter-American highway on the Western Hemisphere

Whereas the Sixth International Conference of American States, at Habana, Cuba, resolved as follows:

"To recommend to the Pan American Congress of Highways, which will meet at Rio de Janeiro in July of the present year, the consideration and adoption of agreements that will be conducive to the construction of a longitudinal communication highway to traverse the continent, taking into consideration and deciding all questions relative to studies, route, branch connections, technical and economical cooperation of the different countries, and other matters included in the determination of this problem.

"The Pan American Union is entrusted with the compilation of information and the preparation of projects which will serve to give effect to this resolution, submitting this material in due time to the Pan American Congress of Highways."

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Government of the United States should manifest the utmost interest in the purposes of the aforesaid resolution, and that in order to promote the speedy realization of these purposes and objects the President is requested to direct the several agencies of the Government, and they are hereby authorized to lend such cooperation and assistance as may be feasible and appropriate with a view to having the matter thoroughly considered by the approaching conference; and he is further requested to advise Congress of any conclusions reached and any action which may be suggested by the conference.

Approved, May 4, 1928.


[45 Stat. 1697]

Joint Resolution Authorizing the apropriation of the sum of $50,000 to enable the Secretary of State to cooperate with the several Governments, members of the Pan American Union, furthering the building of an inter-American highway or highways

Whereas the Sixth International Conference of American States, by resolution adopted at Habana, on February 7, 1928, intrusted the Pan American Union with the preparation of projects for the construction of an inter-American highway; and

Whereas the governing board of the Pan American Union, acting through the Pan American Confederation for Highway Education, has requested the cooperation of the several Governments, members of the Union, in the formulation of such projects; and

Whereas the Congress of the United States of America, by joint resolution approved May 4, 1928, requested the President to direct the several agencies of the Government to cooperate with the States, members of the Pan American Union, in the preparation of such projects: Therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000 to enable the Secretary of State to cooperate with the several

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