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of greater or less extent; that where smelter smoke and flue dust contain arsenic the amount of that toxic mineral distributed in the course of a day reaches many tons; that careful investigations of the region affected by smelter smoke reveal a steadily growing diminution in the quantity and quality of crops and vegetation of all kinds; that the same kind of deterioration is noticeable in the live-stock industry, large numbers of horses and cattle and other stock dying, and those that continue to live manifesting lowered vitality, depraved nutrition, and derangements of the breeding function even to sterility; that both on the Continent of Europe, and particularly in the Deer Lodge Valley of this country, where the writer's investigations were conducted, the clinical symptoms of animals thus affected coincide with those known to science as symptoms of arsenical poisoning; that the post-mortem findings in animals that have died or in affected animals purposely killed confirm such diagnosis; that the histologic examinations of the tissues of such animals abundantly establish the accuracy of this diagnosis; that feeding experiments with known quantities of arsenic and the experimental local application of arsenic resulted in the production of symptoms and lesions identical with those found in affected animals; that expert chemical investigations, not only of the grasses, hay, soil, etc., but also of all animal tissues, demonstrate the presence of toxic quantities of arsenic; that finally we have, in the Deer Lodge Valley an industry which under present conditions is wholly incompatible with agriculture, destructive alike of animal and vegetable life.


BEVAN, L. E. W. Poisoning of stock with arsenic. Veterinary Journal, vol. 64, No. 401, pp. 557-559. London, Nov., 1908. BORGGREVE, B. Waldschäden im oberschlesischen industriebezirk nach ihrer

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[ocr errors]

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Wissenschaftliches Gutachten über den Einfluss welchen die Hüttenwerke der Mansfelder Kupferschiefer bauenden gewerkschaft in dem Wipperthal zwischen Mansfeld und Hettstedt während des Jahres 1870 auf die Vegetation der benachbarten Grundstücke und indirekt auf Menschen und Tiere ausüben. Eisleben, 1871. Wissenschaftliches Gutachten über den einfluss des Hüttenrauchs bei den fiscalischen hüttenwerken zu Freiberg auf die Vegetation der benachbarten Grundstücke und ganz besonders auf die Gesundheit der Haustiere, namentlich des Rindvieh's. Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen auf das Jahr 1873. Abhandlungen aus dem gebiete des Berg- und Hüttenwesens, pp. 3–73. Freiberg. Zweites Gutachten über den Einfluss des Hüttenrauchs bei den fiskalischen Hüttenwerken zu Freiberg auf die Vegetation der benachbarten Grundstücke und ganz besonders auf die Gesundheit der Hausthiere, namentlich des Rindvieh's. Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen auf das Jahr 1875. Abhandlungen aus dem gebiete des Berg- und Hüttenwesens, pp. 3-54. Freiberg.

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Gutachten über Rauchbeschädigung in dem von Tiele-Wincklerschen Forstreviere Miechowitz-Rokittnitz. Goslar, 1893.

Rauchbeschädigung in dem von Tiele-Wincklerschen Forstreviere MyslowitzKottowitz, 236 pp. Goslar, 1893.

ROSLER. Ein Beitrag zu den Beobachtungen über die schädlichen Einflüsse des hüttenrauches auf Pflanzen und Theire. Mittheilungen des landwirtschaftlichen Institutes der Universität. Halle, 1865.

SCHROEDER, JULIUS VON. Ueber die Beschädigung der Vegetation durch Rauch, eine Beleuchtung der Borggreve'schen Theorien und Anschauungen über Rauchschäden. 35 pp. Freiberg, 1895.

SCHROEDER, JULIUS VON, and REUSS, CARL. Die Beschädigung der Vegetation durch Rauch und die oberharzer Hüttenrauchschäden. 333 pp. Berlin, 1883.

SCHROEDER, J. VON, and SCHERTEL, A. Die Rauchscäden in den Wäldern der umgebung der fiscalischen Hüttenwerke bei Freiberg. Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen auf das Jahr 1884, Heft 2, pp. 93–120. Freiberg, 1884.

SCHROEDER, VON, and SCHMITZ-DUMONT, W. Neue Beiträge zur Rauchfrage, Tharander Forstliches Jahrbuch, Band 46, pp. 1-57. Dresden, 1896. STOECKHARDT, A. Untersuchungen über die schädliche Einwirkung des Hüttenund Steinkohlenrauches auf das Wachsthum der Pflanzen, insbesondere der Fichte und Tanne. Tharander Forstliches Jahrbuch, Band 21, pp. 218-254. Dresden, 1871.

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smoke. 2d paper.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 30,
No. 6, pp. 915–928. Easton, Pa. June, 1908. (See also Harkins and


On the effects of poisonous gases

on vegetables. Edinburgh Journal of Science, o. s. vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 140149. Edinburgh, Jan., 1828.

VATER. Der Nachweis von Rauchschäden durch die chemische Analyse. Tharander Forstliches Jahrbuch, Band 47, pp. 254-263. Dresden, 1897. WISLICENUS, H. Zur Beurtheilung und Abwehr von Rauchschäden. Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie, Jahrg. 14, Heft 28, pp. 689-712. Berlin, 1901.


By B. H. RANSOM, Ph. D.,

Chief of the Zoological Division.


The important problem of how to prevent losses among sheep from stomach worms is one for which, apparently, no solution that meets the wants of the practical sheep raiser has yet been discovered. After a preliminary investigation of the question it was hoped that such a solution might be reached, but in the light of further study of the life history of the stomach worm, combined with various experiments on sheep and lambs, the writer is less sanguine in regard to the matter. ‹ Before proceeding to a consideration of measures which may be taken to avoid the injurious effects of stomach worms it may be well to discuss briefly some of the points relative to the behavior and life history of these parasites which have been brought out by investigation and experiment.

It is commonly noted that lambs are more severely affected by stomach worms than older sheep. The former become pale, thin, and weak, and finally die, or continue for a long time in poor condition and fail to grow as they should, while the adult sheep of the flock may remain in apparently good health. In such cases, however, it will be found if some of the older sheep are killed and examined that they as well as the lambs are more or less heavily infested with stomach worms. The reason, therefore, that the lambs are affected and the adult sheep are not, is because the latter possess a tolerance toward stomach worms not shared in an equal degree by the lambs.

The injurious action of stomach worms may be attributed to two things: First, the loss of blood abstracted by the parasites and the loss of nutritive materials which may be absorbed by the parasites from the alimentary fluids, and, second, the destruction of red corpuscles by a poisonous substance secreted by the parasites which is absorbed into the blood. Evidently the older, stronger, and larger sheep are better able than the lambs to withstand the losses of blood and nutritive materials and can better endure the loss due to the destruction of red corpuscles. Furthermore, there may be substances present in the blood of adult sheep tending to neutralize the poisonous matter produced by the parasites that are absent from the blood of the lambs,

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