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The end of all this was, BLOUNT set off to Tennessee, and avoided the arrest of the messenger of the Senate.-The Senate ordered the Marshal of the United States to arrest him in Tennessee; but, the Sovereign people of that State would not suffer the writ to be executed! The Representatives at last commenced the prosecution of the culprit before the Senate; but it was found, that the Constitution had given the Senate no power to try him; and, which was the best of all, while BLOUNT stood accused of high crimes and misdemeanors, the people of Tennessee again chose him for their Governor!!!Vivat Respublica!

AUGUST, 1798.


"Brother Cut-throats and Robbers, of every
grade and denomination, Attend.

"It is about two years since I was appointed to command your lawless and ragged bands. I found you in the rich state of Genoa, where, notwithstanding your remorseless pillage of the people, you were reduced to the greatest misery, by the superior villainy and cunning of your commanders.You were obliged to pawn even the watches you had stolen, to procure cloaths. I promised you better fortune, and I have kept my word; for I led you among the emasculated Italians, where you had an opportunity of filling your pockets once more with the plunder of churches and convents.-This was all well-but those who survive are yet indebted to their country-they owe her still greater services; and to these I am now about to lead you.Frenchmen, you are a set of hardy and lucky scoundrels,

scoundrels, or you could never have lived through such great sufferings, or escaped so many bullets. If you are so fortunate to survive the approaching enterprise, I will pronounce you an army of invin cible demons.


"If you behave valiantly in the present expedition, I do pledge my honour, and the faith of your country, than which you can have no greater security, that each man shall receive an absolute and indefeasible title to six feet by two, of terra firma, extending from about two feet below the surface, to the centre of the globe-provided the thunder of the ferocious Britons should not hurl you to the bottom of the ocean, and teach you a submarine passage to the other world, to which the sage Directory has long devoted you. But that is a matter of no weight with Frenchmen-for, as Tom Paine and all the other philosophers of France have long since agreed, that you have no more souls than baboons, it is no consequence whether your carcasses fatten the land, or feed the sharks.



"You are now going on the ocean to meet your most formidable enemies, a race of hardy and daring seamen, who differ as much from the semi-virs of Italy, as you do from the soldiers of liberty. Your countrymen, the French sailors, can tell what a terrible adversary they are; they have often felt the weight of their arms. So often have they been obliged to fly from these ferocious sons of Neptune, that unless you can communicate to your brethren a portion of your invincible spirit, it will be impossible to lead them to another conflict. But, if you are unable to raise their courage to a proper pitch

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for the combat, take care at least that yourselves do not catch their fears."

Cries of au diable la République and sacré les Anglois followed this harangue; and it was with the greatest difficulty the troops were induced to embark. Had it not been for a report that was studiously spread through the army, that the expedition was intended against Egypt, it would never have gone on board.

For Porcupine's Gazette.-Since the judgments of God, which are abroad, are many and severe, we may of consequence conclude, that the iniquities of mankind are multiplied, and atrocious.-None of the nations can plead exemption from guilt; but guilt in one instance greatly exceeds. The character of the Antediluvian, or of the ancient Jew, has again revived. Christianity has not only been vilified, but also abolished by the constituted authorities; the institution of the Sabbath has been rejected, and on its ruin the decade, a festival of Pagan name, and Pagan origin, has been raised up. The ties of treaties, the solemnity of promises, and the rights of nations have been disregarded. The lust of dominion, and the thirst of riches are insatiable. They are a people in arms against justice and humanity, piety and mercy. The old world in the days of Noah, the city of Jerusalem, when destroyed by the Roman army, were not burdened with a race more vile, nor abandoned. May I indulge the hope, it is because there are blessings in store for this country, that our connection with such a nation is weakened, and our attachments thereto rapidly on the decline.

It is not a particular notion which we detest; as men, we would rejoice in their welfare. It is their prophaneness and injustice, their disregard of God


and man, which we hold in detestation. We may take David as an example, and may use his very language" Depart from us, ye bloody men. They


speak against God wickedly; they take his name " in vain. Do we not hate them, O Lord, who "hate thee? Are we not grieved with them who "rise up against thee? We hate them with a per"fect hatred; we account them our enemies." The visitations of God's providence are intended to excite an abhorrence at irreligious and immoral practices, and to persuade men to break off the connections, and to avoid the circumstances which ruin the character. But if they will disregard the Christian name, and the Christian Sabbath; if they will contemn the authority and the law of the Lord Jesus; if they will provoke the Holy One of Israel to anger, and turn away backward-it is of very little consequence how they be connected, or how they be circumstanced; they shall be humbled, they shall be afflicted, they shall be despised.

Your safety, O Americans, is not completed by breaking with an impious nation. Proceed the little further; keep holy the Sabbath which they profane; obey the Saviour whom they reject; practise the righteousness, which in practice they disregard; then, but not until then, can you expect that the tide will turn in your favour.


French Cricket.-These little animals seem to threaten the United States with ravages equal to those of the Hessian Fly. At Frankfort (five miles from the city), at Germantown, and, I hear at Chester, they have eat up whole fields of clover, so as not to leave the least appearance of green. Many of the gardens are cleared in the same manner. Of the cabbages only, the stumps and hard stalks

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are left; and of tender plants nothing at all.-This destructive vermin is a little brown Cricket, often called a grashopper; but, in England, it is called the French Cricket, because it is everlastingly hopping about and singing. I never, till lately, heard it accounted mischievous; but, from the epithet French being prefixed to its name, I should suppose it must have long been known to possess this quality.

I shall be obliged to any of my country subscribers, who may think it worth their while to communicate what information they possess relative to this subject.

From a New-York Paper.-"The Irish insurgents, it seems made a grand push about the time they expected the Toulon fleet-But, thank heaven, government have frustrated their designs, and many, who were prepared to join the French, were ready to oppose them.

"It is truly American, to pray for every thing that will tend to frustrate the designs of France against any country.'


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It is so, and I am very happy to see, that what is truly American," is also become fashionable; but I recollect when it was not so, and I cannot refrain from observing, that the rebellion in Ireland, in some measure, owes its existence to the everlasting clamour kept up in this country, concerning the enslaved state of that country, and to the shelter which the United States continually held forth to the Irish traitors and rebels.

From the New-York Daily Advertiser." Mr. Jaques, or James, yesterday received his sentence of perpetual confinement. May such be the fate


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