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(c) The licenses for special experimental stations, except those authorizing experimental synchronized sound transmission in connection with experimental visual broadcasting, will be issued for a normal license period of 3 months from the date of expiration of the old license or the date of granting a new license.

(d) Licenses for ship stations, except in Alaska, shall be issued for a normal license period of 1 year from date of granting: Provided, however, That if any additional licenses may be issued to the licensee of a ship station for stations aboard the same vessel the same will be issued so as to expire on the same date as the outstanding license. (e) The licenses for amateur stations will be issued for a normal license period of 3 years from the date of expiration of old license or the date of granting a new license or modification of a license.

(f) The licenses for experimental broadcast stations will be issued for a normal license period of 6 months from the date of expiration of the old license, or the date of granting a new license.

(g) When an application is granted by the Commission necessitating the issuance of a modified license less than 60 days prior to the expiration date of the license sought to be modified, and an application for renewal of said license is granted subsequent or prior thereto (but within 30 days of expiration of the present license) the modified license as well as the renewal license shall be issued to conform to the combined action of the Commission.† (Sec. 4, 44 Stat. 1163, secs. 4 (i), 604, 48 Stat. 1068, 1103; 47 U.S.C. 84, 154 (i), 604) [Rule 27 as amended Dec. 19, 1933, Jan. 4, 1935, Apr. 26, 1938, 3 F.R. 902]

2.48 Maintenance tests. Licensees of stations other than broadcast stations are authorized to carry on such routine tests as may be required for the proper maintenance of the stations, Provided, however, That these tests shall be so conducted as not to cause interference with the service of other stations.*+ [Rule 220]

2.49 Call letter assignment. Insofar as practicable, call signals of radio stations will be designated in alphabetical order from groups available for assignment, depending upon the class of station to be licensed. Because of the large number of amateur stations, calls will be assigned thereto in regular order and requests for particular calls will not be considered except on formal application the Commission may reassign calls to the last holders of record. (Sec. 4 (i), 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 154 (i)) [Rule 28, as amended, FCC, May 21, 1935]

2.50 Deletion of call letters. Call signals of stations will be deleted in each of the following cases:

(a) Where an existing instrument of authorization has expired and no application for renewal or extension thereof has been filed. (b) Where a license has been revoked.

(c) Where a license is surrendered or canceled.

(d) Other cause, such as death, loss of citizenship, or adjudged insanity of the station licensee. Such occurrences coming to notice should be reported to the Commission, preferably accompanied by the station license for cancelation, if available.** [Rule 29]

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**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 2.0.

2.51 Posting of station license. The original of each station license, except amateur, portable, and portable-mobile stations, shall be posted by the licensee in a conspicious place in the room in which the transmitter is located. In the case of amateur, portable, and portable-mobile stations the original license, or a photostat copy thereof, shall be similarly posted or kept in the personal possession of the operator on duty.

(a) The original license of each station operator, except amateur and aircraft radio station operators, and operators of portable and portable-mobile stations, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the room occupied by such operator while on duty. In the case of an amateur or aircraft radio operator, and operators of portable or portable-mobile stations, the original operator's license shall be similarly posted or kept in his personal possession and available for inspection at all times while the operator is on duty.

(b) When an operator's license cannot be posted because it has been mailed to an office of the Federal Communications Commission for endorsement or other change, such operator may continue to operate stations in accordance with the class of license held, for a period not to exceed 60 days. but in no case beyond the date of expiration of the license.*t [Rule 221]

2.52 Operators. One or more licensed operator, of the grade specified by the regulations in this part, shall be on duty at the place where the transmitting apparatus of each station is located and whenever it is being operated; Provided, however, That for a station licensed for service other than broadcasting, and remote control is used, the Commission may modify the foregoing requirement, upon proper application and showing being made, so that such operator or operators may be on duty at the control station in lieu of the place where the transmitting apparatus is located. Such modification shall be subject to the following conditions:

(a) The transmitter shall be capable of operation and shall be operated in accordance with the terms of the station license.

(b) The transmitter shall be monitored from the control station with apparatus that will permit placing the transmitter in an inoperative condition in the event there is a deviation from the terms of the license, in which case the radiation of the transmitter shall be suspended immediately until corrective measures are effectively applied to place the transmitter in proper condition for operation in accordance with the terms of the station license.

(c) The transmitter shall be so located or housed that it is not accessible to other than duly authorized persons.*t [Rule 213]

2.53 Licensed operator required. Only an operator holding a radiotelegraph class of operators' license may manipulate the transmitting key of a manually operated coastal telegraph or mobile telegraph station in the international service; and only a licensed amateur operator may manipulate the transmitting key at a manually operated amateur station. The licensees of other stations operated under the constant supervision of duly licensed operators may per

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 2.0.

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mit any person or persons, whether licensed or not, to transmit by voice or otherwise, in accordance with the types of emission specified by the respective licenses." *+ [Rule 214]

2.54 Additional operator duties. A licensed operator in charge of the transmitter, on duty as specified hereinabove, may be employed at the discretion of the licensee for additional operator's duties commensurate with the grade of operator's license which he holds.** [Rule 215]

2.55 Emergencies. (a) Where an emergency exists affecting safety to life or property, the Commission may, in its discretion, waive any part or all of its regulations governing the filing of applications.

(b) The licensee of any radio transmitting station may, during a period of emergency in which the normal communication facilities are disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake, or similar disaster, utilize such station for emergency communication service in communicating with points other than those specified in the station license, provided (1) that at the beginning of such emergency use immediate notice be sent to the Federal Communications Commission and the inspector in charge of the district in which the station is located stating the nature of the emergency and the use to which the station is being put, and (2) that the emergency use of the station shall be discontinued as soon as substantially normal communication facilities are again available and the Commission and the inspector in charge be notified immediately when such special use of the station is terminated. The Commission may at any time order the discontinuance of such service.*t [Rule 231

2.56 Distress messages. Radio communications or signals relating to ships or aircraft in distress shall be given absolute priority. Upon notice from any station, Government or commercial, all other transmission shall cease on such frequencies and for such time as may, in any way, interfere with the reception of distress signals or related traffic.** [Rule 210]

2.57 Resumption of operation after distress traffic. No station shall resume operation until the need for distress traffic no longer

"With reference to § 2.53 the expression, "Constant supervision of duly licensed operators" shall for the time being and until further notice, be construed to mean:

(a) For stations licensed to use frequencies below 30,000 kilocycles an operator of the grade required under §§ 12.22, 13.71, 13.101 shall be on duty at the transmitter location, whenever the transmitter is being operated, or at the remote control point if authorized in accordance with § 2.52.

(b) For stations licensed to use frequencies above 30,000 kilocycles only, the operator shall be similarly employed as in (a) above, Provided, however, in the case of two or more stations licensed in the name of the same individual or organization, except amateur, a licensed radio operator of any class except amateur and radiotelephone, third class who has the stations within his effective control, may be on duty at any point within the communication range of such stations in lieu of the transmitter location or control point during the actual operation of the transmitting apparatus, and shall supervise the emissions of all such stations so as to insure proper operation in accordance with the station's license (s). [FRC, Feb. 20, 1934]

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*For statutory and source citations, see note to § 2.0.

exists, or it is determined that said station will not interfere with distress traffic as it is then being routed and said station shall again discontinue if the routing of distress traffic is so changed that said station will interfere. The status of distress traffic may be ascertained by communication with Government and commercial stations.*t [Rule 211]

2.58 Watch on distress frequency. The Commission may require at certain stations an effective, continuous watch on the distress frequency, 500 kilocycles (410 kilocycles in the Great Lakes area).*† [Rule 212]

2.59 Waves designated by frequency. In the regulations in this part and instruments of authorization issued by the Commission a wave referred to is designated by its frequency in kilocycles per second.** [Rule 184]

2.60 Center frequency to be designated. Except for an amateur station, each radio station license or other instrument of authorization shall designate the type of emission which the station is authorized to employ, shall specify the center frequency of the frequency band of emission of such width as is authorized for the type of emission, and shall specify the frequency tolerance in accordance with which the assigned frequency shall be maintained.*+ [Rule 224 (a)]

2.61 Forfeiture of construction permit. Any construction permit shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation within the time specified unless prevented by causes not under the control of the grantee.*† [Rule 12]

2.62 Transfer of license without consent; penalty. The transfer of a construction permit or any of the rights granted thereunder without consent of the Commission shall be sufficient ground for refusal of a station license. Likewise, the transfer of a station license or any of the rights granted thereunder without consent of the Commission shall be sufficient ground for revocation of such license or denial of any application for its renewal.*+ [Rule 20]

2.63 Insolvency of licensee. Insolvency of a licensee of a station shall be grounds for the revocation of the station license and/or the refusal to renew it. The appointment of receivers upon grounds of insolvency and preliminary adjudication of bankruptcy will be considered by the Commission as prima facie proof of insolvency. Final adjudication will be accepted as conclusive.** [Rule 21]

2.64 Military or naval test communications. The licensee of any radiotelegraph or radiotelephone station, other than broadcast, may, if proper notice from authorized Government representatives is filed with and approved by the Commission, utilize such stations for military or naval test communications (messages not necessary for the conduct of ordinary governmental business) in preparation for national defense during the period or periods stated in said notice subject to the sole condition that no interference of any service of another country will result therefrom. Nothing herein or in any other regula

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 2.0.

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tion of the Commission shall be construed to require any such station to participate in any such test. (Sec. 4 (1), 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 154 (i)). ^ [Rule 212a, FCC, Mar. 11, 1936]

2.65 Hours of operation and use of frequencies. The hours of operation and frequency used by stations will be specified in the license which may authorize unlimited operation, continuous daily operation, or operation during only a specified part of the 24-hour day, either every day or for certain specified periods only and either continuously during the term of the license or only during certain seasons of the year.** [Rule 223 (a)]

2.66 Examining cities for operator licenses. Examinations for all classes of radio operator licenses will be given frequently at Washington, D. C. and the District offices of the Commission in accordance with announced schedules.

(a) Such examinations will be held quarterly at:

Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio.

Pittsburgh, Pa.
St. Louis, Mo.
San Antonio, Tex.
Schenectady, N. Y.
Winston-Salem, N. C.

(b) Examinations will be held not more than twice annually at:

Des Moines, Iowa.

Nashville, Tenn.

Oklahoma City, Okla.

[blocks in formation]

(Sec. 4 (i), 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 154 (i)) [Rule 30a, FCC, Sept. 22, 1936, 1 F.R. 1508]


2.71 Total spectrum of waves. The total spectrum of waves shall be construed as extending in frequency from 10 to 500,000 kilocycles, inclusive. This provision, however, shall not be interpreted as precluding authority of the Commission over the use of waves having frequencies less than 10 kilocycles or more than 500,000 kilocycles if and when such waves, by reason of progress in the art, become available for radio communication either practically or experimentally, nor as precluding the Commission from issuing instruments of authorization with respect to the use of such waves.* [Rule 185]

2.72 Division of spectrum into major bands. The total spectrum of waves as hereinbefore defined in § 2.71 is hereby divided into six major bands as follows:

(a) Low-frequency: 10 to 100 kilocycles.

(b) Medium-frequency: 100 to 550 kilocycles.

(c) Broadcast: 550 to 1,500 kilocycles.

(d) Medium high-frequency: 1,500 to 6,000 kilocycles.

(e) High-frequency: 6,000 to 30,000 kilocycles.

(f) Very high-frequency: Above 30,000 kilocycles.*+ [Rule 186]

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*For statutory and source citations, see note to § 2.0.

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