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it; we see it so plainly, those of us who live here, and especially those of us like myself who are in the recreation area, for walking is a recreation here.

You will find that the column that ran in yesterday's Chronicle was on the deep sea trail. There will be two more. And that gypsy trail runs exactly through the area with which you are concerned. It is something that the traffic department of Marin County has asked me please to let them know about, by the way, when I write a walk that goes through Marin because every time it happens, there is such a jam up of people that they know they need to dispatch special traffic police to try to get out to that area.

The last time I wrote about Stinson Beach, for example, which is in this recreational area

Thank you.

Mr. TAYLOR. Thank you very much, Mrs. Doss. We know of your enthusiasm for protecting the earth.

Mrs. Doss. Thank you.

(Statement of Margot Patterson Doss, for Friends of the Earth follows:)


Within the memory of a ten year old boy, the nine counties surrounding San Francisco Bay have changed from rural to suburban and in some cases, industrial. What has happened here is almost unbelievable to anyone who has not lived through it.

We have in the creation of a Golden Gate National Recreation Area, one last opportunity to ransom for the future enjoyment of millions of citizens yet unborn, some fragment of the natural beauty that was here a scant 50 years ago.

To understand it, with your permission, I would like to quote from the introduction to my recent book "Bay Area at Your Feet" (Chronicle Books, 1970):

"Not long ago a member of the East Bay Regional Park district arranged for me to visit Brooks Island for a walk around it. It was an enlightening experience.

"Meet me at the Channel Marina in Richmond at 9:30 a.m." he had said. "We'll embark from there."

"To reach the Channel Marina I passed through endlessly sprawling and slummy industrial lands. I was appalled at the waste of land, at the evidence of misuse of land. Here, for sale in the Bay Area, were hundreds of filled acres of bay, which had been in use less than ten years ago by industry. Now, as hideous as any bombed-out city destroyed by war, they lie idle. Industry doesn't want them any more.

"Within six minutes after we left the Channel Marina, our boat docked on Brooks Island. It was the bright fair land that is the California dream, a paradise as yet unbesmirched. Off to the right Canada geese were rising from a long sandspit. A twinkle of sandpipers flitted along a beach any child would love. Shorebirds were calling from the pickleweed marsh of a tide flat. We walked along the shore towards Brooks Islands hill and soon came upon an Indian mound. In the layers of this kitchen-midden, archeologists were painstakingly tracing out the pre-existing culture. For 4000 years human beings had lived on Brooks Island, thriving on the cockles, mussels, oysters, on game, fish and vegetation, without damage to the land. Now, a hundred and thirty years after the heavy hand of 'the Gringo' had touched down, one could look in any direction and just beyond the surrounding water there was ugliness and devastation.

"It was only the week before that I had seen a new factory set down into the previous vineyard land of Sonoma county. Despite its handsome landscaping, that factory has a doomsday feel to me. It heralds the death of the sweet land surrounding it. Factories and their acres of parking lots have long since consumed the prune and almond orchards of Santa Clara county. Now they

are stalking Sonoma county in a ridiculous chase after the worker. The worker of course, has moved to what he thought was country in the first place, trying to escape in his automobile the factory-slums of the city. This is what suburban tracts are all about. Escape from industrial and commercial ugliness. Until there is nowhere left to escape to, for the high tension electrical wires of industry have even intruded into our parks and preserves.

"What is it that has made us at once so greedy and so wasteful of land? Only our ignorance.

"What makes us exploit nature so selfishly? Only our inability to perceive the consequences.

"How can we treat this lush land that is California so dismally, so dangerously? Our selfish profit-motive, to use a more digestible euphemism than the ugly old Ango-Saxon word, greed. Make no mistake, the great industrialists are already threatening us in the pocketbook. We can clean up the environment, they say, but it will cost you, the consumer.

"As I stood on the Brooks Island shore, I suddenly realized that here, emerging, is a new pornography. Something is hidden under the table. As the Victorian Age made sex obscene, so the Automotive Age, our own culture, is pretending that if we do not look at man's depredations, they don't exist. I blushed for shame, for my arrogant race. No Mongolian horde ever wreaked such permanent damage on the land and sky as we. No plague of locusts ever lay waste such acreage irreparably as one could see all about.

"A man in a car, insulated from reality, is too busy avoiding instant danger on the freeway, to have time for safe reflection. It takes reflection to understand the displacement of man's responsibility to the environment and what it really means. He isn't about to develop an ecological appreciation (especially when lumbermen leave a 300-foot cosmetic roadside border of trees to hide the slash and erosion) much less an ecological conscience, until he shucks his twoton, four wheeled insulation. It is only when a man gets out on foot to walk in intimacy with the land that the ancient tribal memories return. How long since most motorists have smelled a fresh sea breeze clean upon their faces, or sensed the instant pungency of a bay tree in the sun?

"With these thoughts heavy upon me, I took a step up the hill. The climb to the top of Brooks Island, like any climb, was harder walking than the beach. But as I climbed, quail ran. A pheasant flew heavily, flashing in the sunlight. The scent of chamomile came up from the grass. A garter snake wriggled off the path. A lark called.

"Soon I felt refreshed, invigorated, for walking is a healer too. Like sleep, it mends us up, repairs our minds, renews our strength. By the time I got in the boat to return, my mind was full of resolve, keen to take up the good fight again.

"As we chugged back to the shore wasteland, I was reminded of Marston Bates who said, 'In defying nature, in destroying nature, in building an arrogantly selfish, man-centered artificial world, I do not see how man can gain peace, or freedom, or joy.""

Like Dr. Bates, "I have faith in man's future, faith in the possibilities latent in the human experiment: but it is faith in man as a part of nature, working with the forces that govern the forests and the seas, faith in man sharing life, not destroying it."

"Mine is a faith in man removed from his production-line conqueror's chariot. The man who understands we have only this one world to live in is man standing on the land in his own skin. On his own two feet. Sensing, smelling, seeing, feeling, tasting, touching. It is natural man. The walker."

Without the creation of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, without the salvation of the unspoiled hills of Marin, without the conservation of the military lands that border the Bay, there will soon be nowhere that natural man, the walker, can re-experience what I did on Brooks Island, without a long trip. And even with a long trip.

The one unspoiled county, thanks largely to the valiant efforts of the three conservation organizations that have worked so hard for the last twenty years to protect Mount Tamalpais' vulnerable shoulders, is Marin. But the developers are already at her. Bullling and pawing the hard-won contours of the land. Tamalpais Valley is already be-junked. Tennessee Valley is even now being rutted up by bulldozers. It is one minute to twelve.

Gentlemen, I urge you, with all the knowledge of one who has walked hundreds of miles in every one of the Bay Counties, to create this oasis while

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there is yet time. It is not one moment too soon. Take time out to yawn and, if anything, it will be too late.

Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. Harold Brooks.

On deck, Mr. Bodovitz.


Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Chairman and honorable members of the committee, my name is Harold B. Brooks, Jr., and I am director of citizens participation, Bayview-Hunters Point Model Neighborhood Agency. You have before you the text of our statement but I just wanted to point out a couple of concerns.

I happen to have been raised in that great State of South Dakota and I am certainly familiar with the meaning of being in open spaces, but I have been sort of sad when I know what happened with many persons like myself, minorities and poor people in our urban areas who generally cannot get to open spaces, and that is part of the concern that we have with both of these bills.

The writers of the Burton bill as well as the Mailliard bill and others concerned have overlooked some important factors, mainly that large segments of our population cannot economically afford the use of public recreation, and those of our population who still face discrimination when moving about our country and even our State.

Our concern is predicated upon the belief that any legislative act must build in those terms that will safeguard the dignity of all our citizens, be they black, brown, red, yellow, or white, be they rich or poor, be they Jew, Protestant, Catholic, Moslem or athiest or Democrat, Republican, Socialist or of Communist philosophy.

Open spaces, recreation and parks to the people ought to be just that and serve common human needs, but we must make special efforts to provide these facilities in our communities where most of the disadvantaged reside in order to ease their financial burden and express through our acts that we have not forgotten them.

The Bayview-Hunters Point Model Neighborhood Agency would urge that you write into this or any other measure you decide to pass criteria and performance standards that support mutal human needs and dictate against discrimination and degradation. We would like you to amend this bill to include the San Francisco Bay beginning at south of the Ferry Building at Market Street and extending south to the San Mateo County line, taking in and including those properties available for public access and use. Some of the area to consider would be those owned by the port authority, the India Basin, Warm Water Cove, unused portions of the U.S. Naval Base and South Basin and Candlestick Park and Cove.

I bring that up, gentlemen, simply because right now as that stands all of this land is in the affluent part of our bay area-and if you go to the Presidio or you go out to the beach, you go over into

Marin County, we find that the poor people and those of minority extractions have a much more difficult time accessibly and even in using those, plus the fact that they are not always made to feel welcome in these places.

So we are very much concerned that we start to utilize this type of legislation so that it can bring people closer together.

With that, gentlemen, I will close. Thank you for the opportunity to present those ideas to you.

Mr. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Brooks. You placed your finger on one of the problems which we have which is getting the people to the parks and the very thought in mind that you have expressed so well, this program of placing parks in urban areas, is being established.

We realize that many people do not have cars to drive to Yosemite or California's many beautiful parks, so we are trying to place as many as we can close in to urban areas where public transportation will be available.

Mr. BROOKS. Thank you.

Mr. ABOUREZK. Mr. Chairman

Mr. TAYLOR. The gentleman from California.

Mr. CLAUSEN. I just want to ask the gentleman if he has a little bit more specific suggestion of what he has enunciated here before the committee was very similar to the situation in New York in the gateway proposal, and that was the transportation access problem. But do you have any areas out there in Hunter's Point where you feel there would be beach area and that sort of thing that your people could have access to?

Mr. BROOKS. Yes, we do have. If you look at the map, part of it is covered up here, but starting with Islais Creek channel, coming all the way down, we used to swim there years back and there is still a lot of fishing going on. That area could still be developed into waterfront and for public use and it also is a sheltered area in which the best weather in the city, in this part of the area, is to be found. So it does have a lot of possibilities there if we can get someone to consider it.

Mr. CLAUSEN. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to submit to the committee a little bit more specific detail as to your suggested area?

Mr. BROOKS. We have worked with the port authority, city planning commission, redevelopment agency and with most of our conservation clubs in the area and we will submit it.

As I said at the beginning of my statement, which I didn't read, it was that many times those of us with our problems do not—are not aware of the kind of planning that is going on nationally, so we always come in reacting instead of acting to help develop them.

Mr. CLAUSEN. In addition to the committee, I would like to have

you send me a copy of it.

Mr. BROOKS. I certainly will do that, Mr. Clausen.

Mr. TAYLOR. Let me just state this: We attempt to create national parks and recreation areas in areas that have national significance. Now, in addition Congress has set up a program, called the Land and Water Conservation Fund, to aid States and cities in creating parks. We pay half the cost of acquisition to aid cities in establishing new city parks and in many cases, a park of the type you mentioned might fit better into the city program than into this national program.

Mr. BROOKS. Might I submit that San Francisco itself is sort of a national park. It is a tourist attraction and when people come here to be able to utilize all of it, since most of the cars you find at the beach and in these places on Saturdays and Sundays are not native San Franciscans, they know that they cannot get in there


Mr. BROOKS (continuing). These are the people who come to visit our city and therefore we think there ought to be a cooperation between that kind of development so that the whole city can be utilized.

Mr. TAYLOR. The gentleman from South Dakota has a question.

Mr. ABOUREZK. Yes. Mr. Brooks, I understand what you are saying about the lack of adequate transportation. Are the areas that you are pointing out that you are going to submit, are they-I know sometimes poor people don't even have bus fare to get to a park areas are these close enough, the ones you are talking about, to where the people in the inner city can walk to the recreation areas? Mr. BROOKS. Yes, they are generally close enough to get there. In other words, for people from the area I am talking about, and that is the southeast sector and the southern sector of the city, to get into Golden Gate Park, they have to change buses three different times, which means that those who have the least amount of money have to pay the most to use these facilities; and all we want is some opportunity that they can have facilities near them also.

Mr. ABOUREZK. With regard to the chairman's indication about a city park, perhaps cooperating with our Federal matching funds system, have you ever had any indication from the city that they might be interested in establishing a park there, even with Federal funds?

Mr. BROOKS. We have indications of interest but also, you know, those the least affluent have the least influence, and we cannot seemingly get our concerns over as a priority matter with our city gov


Mr. ABOUREZK. Thank you very much.

Mr. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Brooks.

(Prepared statement of Mr. Brooks follows:)

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