Letters-Continued Martis, Agnes, San Francisco, to Hon. Roy A. Taylor, dated April 20, 1972_ Mayo, A. C., San Francisco, Calif., to Hon. Roy A. Taylor, dated McCarthy, Leo T., assemblyman, California Legislature, to Congress- Meyer, Mrs. George D., San Francisco, Calif., to Congressman Roy Miller, Susan E., San Francisco, to Congressman Roy Taylor, dated Morton, Hon. Rogers C. B., Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. Carl Nevraumont, Jack, San Francisco, to Hon. Roy A. Taylor, dated Page 422 385 402 440 448 404 244 400 381 381 Niggeman, Louis W., president, Greater San Francisco Chamber of Palmer, Bert, city manager, Tiburon, Calif., to Congressman Roy 403 Posner, Patricia, Kentfield, Calif., to Hon. Roy Taylor, dated 383 Raab, Robert F., first vice president, Marin Conservation League, San Rafael, Calif., to Congressman Roy Taylor, dated May 19, 1972 415 Reed, Hon. Nathaniel P., Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. 249 432 Reynolds, Mrs. T. Eric, conservation committee chairman, Piedmont Garden Club, Piedmont, Calif., to Hon. Roy Taylor, dated May 17, 1972__ Russell, William, Barre, Vt., to Representative Roy Taylor, dated Rogers, Ida N., and Dorothy Strauss, San Francisco, to Congressman Roy Taylor, dated May 12, 1972. Ryken, Ed, executive director, Marin Senior Coordinating Council, Schooley, Elmer, chairman, Gallinas Group of the Sierra Club, 1971... Sheehan, Mrs. Jessie M., San Francisco, to Congressman Roy Taylor, Siri, William E., president, Save San Francisco Bay Association, Smith, Leslie, chairman, Parks Committee, Muir Beach Improvement 433 450 447 431 385 450 390 435 435 430 386 Stangeland, Mrs. Susan J., Berkeley, Calif., to Congressman Roy A. 451 Letters-Continued Straus, William, chairman, West Marin unit, Marin Conservation 1972_ Strauss, Francis and Katherine, Mill Valley Calif., to Congressman Sweeny, Mrs. Robin R., mayor, Sausalito, Calif., to Congressman Thorner, Thomas, chairman, Marin Alternative, Kentfield, Calif., to Thorpe, Lawrence W., attorney at law, San Francisco, to Congressman Toft, Al, to Hon. Roy A. Taylor, dated August 9, 1971.. Torres, Fabio de la, director, Mission Economic Opportunity Council, Page 431 443 402 428 446 187 297 Train, William F., president, Marina Civic Improvement and Property 153 Ute, Grant James, San Francisco, to Hon. Roy Taylor, dated May 447 Ute, Henry, San Francisco, to Congressman Roy Taylor, dated May 449 Violich, Mrs. Paul A., Kentfield, Calif., to Congressman Roy Taylor, dated May 18, 1972__ 417 Wada, Yori, executive director, Young Men's Christian Association 380 419 Weaver, Marie, citizen, Olema Valley, Calif_ 188 Weikel, Wendy, Santa Barbara, Calif., to House Subcommittee on 439 420 West, Mr. and Mrs. John F., Inverness, Calif., to Hon. Roy A. Taylor, 437 Whitmore, Mrs. Dorothy L., Stockton, Calif., to Hon. Roy Taylor, 419 Wullenjohn, Charles, president, De Anza Chapter, Alpha Gamma 424 Yambrach, Edward D., San Jose, Calif., to Congressman Roy Taylor. 448 446 Additional information: American Youth Hostels, Inc., Golden Gate Council, San Francisco, 395 Analysis of the wildlife at Point Lobos, San Francisco, presented by 116 Barristers' Club of San Francisco resolution, dated August 5, 1971--- 165 106 296 364 Board of supervisors of the city and county of San Francisco, resolu- 22 California Legislature Joint Resolution No. 3, dated January 11, 15 California State Legislature Joint Resolution No. 3, supplied for the 379 City Council of Tiburon, Calif., Resolution No. 435 drafted May 13, 404 Estimated man-years of civilian employment and expenditures for 246 74 411 Additional information-Continued Marin Conservation League recommendation for Golden Gate Page 416 Parcels in San Mateo County recommended for inclusion in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (tables). 196 Presidio of San Francisco, general site plan (map) (facing).. 288 Farallon Islands map. 174 Port of Nova Albion map.. 175 Ten comparative points, Port of Nova Albion versus San Fran- 175 The Drake Plate of Brass_ 176 Republican County Central Committee of San Francisco, resolution passed August 1971... 416 Tamalpais Valley (maps): Proposed amendment and administration bill boundary_ Tide's End Community Association, resolution, adopted August 2, 412 413 170 H.R. 10220 TO ESTABLISH THE GOLDEN GATE NATIONAL RECREATION AREA IN SAN FRANCISCO AND MARIN COUNTIES, CALIF. AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES H.R. 9498 TO ESTABLISH A NATIONAL RECREATION AREA IN SAN FRANCISCO AND MARIN COUNTIES, CALIF. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS, The subcommittee met, pursuant to recess, at 9:04 a.m., in the Ceremonial Courtroom, Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, Calif., Hon. Roy A. Taylor (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Mr. TAYLOR. The Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation will convene. This morning we meet to hear testimony on various proposals to establish a new national recreation area in and near the city of San Francisco. We have before us several proposals. In the absence of objection, a copy of H.R. 9498 by Congressman Burton et al., and a copy of H.R. 10220, by Congressman Mailliard will be placed in the record at this point. (Copies of H.R. 9498 and H.R. 10220 follow:) [H.R. 9498, 92d Cong., first sess.] A BILL To establish a national recreation area in San Francisco and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ESTABLISHMENT SECTION 1. In order to preserve for public use and enjoyment certain areas of Marin and San Francisco Counties in California, many of which are surplus public lands, possessing unique natural, historic, scenic, and recreational values, and in order to provide for the maintenance of needed recreational open space necessary to urban environment and planning, the Secretary of the (1) |