Imágenes de páginas

The increase of national wealth to be accomplished nage to tide-water over 3,390,399. It is also a through the labors of nations thus to be won and well known fact that when this amount of tonnage added to the immeasurable natural advantages is pressed upon the Erie canal for transit, it cre afforded through undeveloped territory, stretching ates detentions, increases price of freight, and through so many degrees of latitude, far tran- large portions of western commerce are diverted scending even the conceptions of man. History into cheaper and speedier rival channels of transcan afford no approach to its parallel, for no other portation. No one could estimate the loss of tonnation has ever possessed a tithe of such unde- nage at such times to the Erie canal less than veloped resource, with such opportunity for its half a million or more. The forthcoming testimony development. Nor upon any limited scale can taken by the Canal committee in relation to the the past even hint at the possibilities of a future capacity of the Erie canal, will confirm these statehere indicated. An undeveloped empire invites ments if anything more is required. In order the co-operation of millions, eager for employment, to retain the western trade to the Erie canal, we and invites that co-operation through means must accommodate it with a more ample and known only to the modern day-through the cheaper transit. The tables of the statistics of instrumentality of steam, and all the great inven- the tonnage of the Erie canal, show that in tions and improvements which so facilitate modern progress.

In estimating our inland commerce and transit, we must soon include the great overland trade and travel between Europe and Asia. At New York the various products of all these regions will meet shipping from the eastern ports of the Atlantic, and the multiform products of the machinery of Europe, and of the industry and ingenuity of her people, as well as of our own, will in return be diffused throughout our continent and into Asia.

every decade this tonnage has been doubled; and in the present capacity of the Erie canal, as is claimed by some, is now adequate, are we not inperatively called upon to make some provision for increase, to meet the demands of the future? The population and productions of the west, and the tonnage of the Erie canal, as has already been shown, have doubled in every decade for the last twenty years. No one can doubt but what this ratio of progress will be continued in the future, with a proportionate increase of revenues from the Erie canal, without we abandon our past wise canal policy. The necessity of the enlargement, and the means through which it can be accom plished by the application of the revenues of the Erie canal, have been so fully and so recently set forth and recommended in Governor Fenton's message, which is sustained in other official docuThe ability of the Erie canal to meet the re- ments from the Comptroller, Auditor, Canal quirements of this vast and growing inland com- Commissioners and State Engineer, that it merce can be best ascertained by stating its does not seem necessary to add to them. assumed maximum capacity for downward freight, If their views are correct, the cost of 4,000,000 tons. To pass this large tonuage a boat transportation would be reduced, by a further enmust go through the Alexander lock (the recog-largement of the Erie canal, one-half. There is nized standard of tonnage of the Erie canal), every no doubt that the increased traffic which would ten minutes during every day and hour of the season of navigation, irrespective of breaks or detentious. The annual tonnage of the Erie canal, from this and other States, for the last decade, is as follows:

The central position of this continent, midway between Europe and Asia, makes our territory not only the highway for our own trade, but the great thoroughfare for the world, and at no distant time our metropolitan center will become the city of the world's commerce.

[blocks in formation]

From this State,


Total tons.

be invited to the Erie canal would enable the State to reduce the tolls, in a few years, one-half, and still leave an increasing surplus every year to pay off the present canal debt, with the additional debt to be paid from the revenues for immediate improvement; and then, if it must be so, pay back to the State the taxes which the people bave paid for our unremunerative lateral canals-the bad investments of the State made to promote the interests of political parties or the ambitious schemes of politicians.

The Erie and Champlain canals have paid into the treasury the sum of $192,455,779.57, leaving a balance to their credit of profit and interest, 1,420,715 above the cost of construction and maintenance, 374,580 1,587,180 and all other expenses and charges, of $23,108,1,117,199 1,496,697 326.01.


[blocks in formation]





918,998 1,273, 099 1,036,634








2,158,425 291,184
2,594,837 322,257
2,279,252 368,437
1,907,136 239,498
1,903,642 173,538

414,699 1,451,333 Add to the above debt of the Champlain canal 379,086 2,276,061 as appears by the Auditor's reply to an inquiry by 2,449,609 2,917,094 the committee, $2 943,089.92, and this would make 2,647,689 the Erie canal a contributor to the State treasury 2,146,634 from its surplus after paying for cost of construe 2,077,180 tion and all other charges, $26,651,415.93. The inquiry naturally arises who paid these millions If the local or internal traffic of the State is of tolls? An examination of the amount of the added to the through downward tonnage, the tonnage on the Erie canal for the last decade will above amounts are largely increased. It is ascer-show that they were mostly paid by the people of tained that in 1862, this item increased the ton- tho Western States for the transportation of their



Resolution in reference to, 233.


[blocks in formation]


Amendment of Mr. Hitchcock in reference

to, 3594.

Amendment of Mr. Ketcham in reference
to, 881.

Amendment of Mr. Van Campen in refer-

ence to, 3594.

Resolution of instruction to committee on

revision to amend article on organiza-
tion of Legislature in reference to, 3594.
Resolution in reference to, 266, 412, 680,

1919, 1951, 2058, 2098, 2263, 2528, 2529,
2567, 2657, 2659, 2659, 3003, 3788.
Committee appointed on, 142.

Committee on, resolution to obtain infor-
mation from, 641, 643.

Debate on report of committee on, 3265 to

Debate on report of committee on revision
on article, 3666 to 3672.

Report from committee on, 2274.
Resolution to appoint committee on, 12, 793.
Resolution to reconsider motion reconsid-
ering vote rejecting report on, 3624.


Appointed messenger, 29.


Resolution tendering thanks of Conven-
tion to mayor and authorities of, 2660.
Resolution of thanks to mayor and com-
mon council of, 3874, 3913.

Resolution to appoint select committee to ALDERMEN, BOARDS OF,

prepare, 3777, 3865.

Report from committee on, 3916.


Debate in reference to, 187, 2655.

ADJOURNMENT to Saratoga,

Resolution in reference to, 25, 161, 358.


Remarks of Mr. Develin on, 3140.

[ocr errors]

Remarks of Mr. Livingston on, 3555
Mr. Rumsey on, 3556.
Resolution of instruction to committee on
revision to amend article on preamblo
and bill of rights in reference to, 3555.

Resolution in reference to, 647, 673, 3283, ALIENS, EQUAL RIGHTS OF, TO HOLD REAL ESTATE,


Remarks of Mr. Alvord on, 3258.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A delegate from the thirty-second sena-
torial district, 978, 996, 1903.
Appointed member of committee on
finances of State, 95.

Minority report from committee on finance,
by, 1679.

Oath of office taken by, 18.

Petition against abrogating board of re-
gents of university, presented by, 1679,

Petition against extending right of suf

frage to Indians, presented by, 3239.
Petition in reference to prohibiting dona-
tions to sectarian institutions, presented
by, 665.

Remarks of, on joint report of committee

on finances and canals, 1760, 1888, 1900.
Remarks on resolution to appoint commit-
tee to report mode of submission of
amendments to Constitution, 395.
Remarks of, on taxation, 3489.
Resolution of inquiry to Comptroller in
reference to common school fund, 138,


A delegate from the twelfth senatorial
district, 186, 234, 747, 2885, 3352, 3720.
Appointed member of the committee on ALLEN,
the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, etc.,

Oath of office taken by, 18.

Petition against abolishing office of re-
gents of university, presented by, 2443.
Petition in favor of abolishing office of
regents of university, presented by,

Petition in reference to prohibiting dona-
tions to sectarian institutions, presented
by, 416.

Petitions in reference to support of com-

mon schools, presented by, 2356
Remarks of, on adjournment, 188.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
education, 2839, 2884.

Remarks by, on report of committee on
Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, etc.,
884, 895, 1109, 1115, 1116, 1124.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
judiciary, 2176, 2450, 2592, 2599, 2602
Remarks of, on report of committee on
official corruption, 3343, 3353.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision on article on Governor, Lieuten-
ant-Governor, etc., 6113.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision on article on preamble and bill
of rights, 3543.

Remarks of, on report of committee a
revision on article on town and county
officers, 3658.

Remarks of, on resolution to instruct com-
mittee on revision to amend article on
judiciary, 2971, 3004.

Report from committee on Governor,
Lieutenant-Governor, etc., presented
by, 666.

Resolution of inquiry in reference to pow.

ers and duties of county courts, by, 100.
Resolution of instruction to committee on
revision to amend article on Governor,
Lieutenant Governor, etc., in reference
to salary of Governor, 3612, 3619.
Resolution of instruction to committee on

revision to amend article on judiciary
in reference to surrogate, 2971, 3004
Resolution of instruction to committee co

revision to amend article on town and
county officers in reference to super-
visors, 3658.

Supplementary report from committee on
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, in ref-
erence to veto power, presented by, 668.

A delegate from the twenty-second sens-
torial district, 3446.

Appointed member of committee on our
ties, towns, etc., 96.
Oath of office taken by, 18.
Remonstrance against abolishing regents
of university, presented by, 1679.


A delegate from the twenty-second sens
torial district, 57, 59, 109, 123, 148, 15
191, 413, 598, 612, 720, 721, 729, 133
744, 830, 848, 998, 1034, 1286, 1345
1382, 1606, 1607, 1723, 1738, 1739, 1760,
1767, 1779, 1791, 1787, 1798, 1799, 1863,
1895, 1951, 1979, 1990, 2051, 2054, 2081,
2088, 2091, 2151, 2158, 2281, 2345, 2356

2391, 2488, 2687, 2755, 2765, 2801, 2816,
2837, 2901, 2965, 3084, 3090, 3091, 3158,
3163, 3170, 3173, 3174, 3180, 3204, 3225,
3232, 3283, 3384, 3409, 3411, 3428, 3432,
3439, 3455, 3456, 3461, 3478, 3526, 3527,
3532, 3533, 3535, 3537, 3550, 3554, 3561,
3572, 3586, 3595, 3598, 3602, 3604, 3605,
3618, 3621, 3623, 3629, 3655, 3656, 3688,
3684, 3609, 3743, 3748, 3749, 3752, 3758,
3772, 3789, 8828, 3858, 3875, 3919.
Appointed member of committee on
canals, 95.

Appointed member of committee on cities,
etc., 95.

Appointed member of committee on re-
vision, 565.


Motion for call of Convention, made by,
Notice to reconsider resolution in refer-
ence to expunging certain proceedings
of Convention, given by, 882.
Oath of office taken by, 18.
Petition against abolishing office of re-
gents of university, presented by, 1771,

Petition in reference to prohibiting dona-
tions to sectarian institutions, presented
by, 350.

Petition in reference to prohibiting the
sale of intoxicating liquors, presented
by, 445.

Remarks of, in reference to adjournment,

163, 187, 1912, 2657.

Remarks of, in reference to amending jour-
nal, 2490.

Remarks of, in reference to death of Hon.

L. Harris Hiscock, 26.

Remarks of, in reference to death of Hon.

David L. Seymour, 1974.

Remarks of, in reference to employment
of clerks to committees, 945.
Remarks of, in reference to final adjourn-

ment of Convention, 3412, 3414.
Remarks of, in reference to granting leaves

of absence, 1863.

Remarks of, in reference to incongruity in
article on Secretary of State, etc., 3907,

Remarks of, in reference to postponement

of consideration of report of finance
committee, 1977.

Remarks of, in reference to publication of
debates, 106, 108.

Remarks of, in reference to State aid to
railroads, 3465, 3480.

Remarks of, on appeal from decision of
Chair, 3829, 3830.

Remarks of, on call of Convention, 413.
Remarks of, on consideration of report of
committee on rules, 45, 69.

Remarks of, on finances of State, 3501,
3517, 3519.

Remarks of, on joint report of com-
mittee on finances and on canals, 1407,
1409, 1412, 1415, 1417, 1421, 1423,
1424, 1425, 1431, 1433, 1434, 1435,
1436, 1437, 1438, 1442, 1721, 1722,
1728, 1742, 1750, 1758, 1760, 1763,
1783, 1790, 1791, 1800, 1804, 1820,
1821, 1843, 1861, 1865, 1882, 1883,

[ocr errors]

1889, 1895, 1904, 1906, 1936, 1938,
1992, 1999, 2017, 2240, 2244, 2254,
2261, 2304, 2310, 2311, 2320, 2322,
2341, 2344, 2346, 2347, 2350, 2352,

Remarks of, on motion for call of Conven-

tion, 716, 718, 722, 738, 741, 742, 744, 746.
Remarks of, on motion to reconsider voto
adopting article on organization of Legis-
lature, 3457, 3866.

Remarks of, on motion to refer reports of
committees on finances and on canals to
same committee of the whole, 1210,
1212, 1214.

Remarks of, on postponement of considera-

tion of report of committee on powers
and duties of Legislature, 1290.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
amendments to and submission of Con-
stitution, 3885, 3897.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
Attorney-General, etc., 1282, 1286.
Remarks of, on report of committee on

canals, 2020, 2021, 2027, 2028, 2029,
2033, 2035, 2036, 2039, 2043, 2044,
2045, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2055, 2063,
2064, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2084,
Remarks of, on report of committee on
charities, etc., 2734, 2743.


Remarks of, on report of committee on

cities, 2981, 2982, 2983, 2988, 3082,
3085, 3166, 3169, 3207.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
contingent expenses, in reference to fur-
nishing stationery to reporters, 629.
Remarks of, on report of committee on con-
tingent expenses, in reference to compen-
sation for publishing debates, 3868.

ALVORD, THOMAS G.-Continued.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
counties, towns, etc., 1137.
Remarks of, on joint report of committee
on currency, banking, etc., and corpora-
tions other than municipal, 1014, 1020,
1026, 1031, 1080, 1093.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
education, 2821, 2833, 2838, 2841,
2849, 2850, 2865, 2871, 2875, 2876,
2890, 2923, 2925.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
future amendments and revision of Con-
stitution, 2805, 2806.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
Governor, Lieut.-Governor, etc., 1111,

Remarks of, on report of committee on
judiciary, 2438, 2559. 2554, 2576, 2577,

Remarks of, on report of committee on

official corruption, 3308, 3336.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
organization of Legislature, etc., 664,
785, 878.

Remarks of, on report of committee or.
powers and duties of Legislature, 1294,
1346, 1355, 1367, 1370, 1381, 1383,
2103, 2119, 2120, 2764, 2775, 2776,
2779, 2787, 2788, 2793, 2799.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
practice of medicine, 3454.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
preamble and bill of rights, 3235, 3249,

Remarks of, on report of committee on rela-

tions of State to Indian tribes, 3438.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision on article on education, 3807.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision on article on finance, 3701,
3742, 3746, 3751, 3761, 3832.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision on article on Governor, Lieut.-
Governor, etc., 3613, 3615, 3616, 3620.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision, on article on militia of State,

Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision, on article on organization of
Legislature, etc., 3589, 3611.

Remarks of, on report of committee on

revision, on article on preamble and
bill of rights, 3530.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision, on article on salt springs of
State, 3779, 3782, 3786.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision, on article on Secretary of State,
Comptroller, etc., 3638, 3640, 3641,

Remarks of, on report of committee on
revision, on article on town and county
officers, 3655, 3660.

Remarks of, on report of committee on
sale of intoxicating liquors, 3291.
Remarks of, on report of committee on
salt springs of State, 3380, 3381, 3382,
3383, 3385, 3386. 3388, 3389, 3390,

Remarks f, on report of committee on
State prisons, etc., 3214, 3227, 3231.
Remarks of, on report of committee on

suffrage, 564, 576, 582, 594, 601, 606,
607, 615.

Remarks of, on report of committee on

town and county officers, etc., 934, 965,

998, 999, 1002.

Remarks of, ou resolution calling for in-
formation in reference to canale, 39.
Remarks of, on resolution in reference to
abolishing committee of whole, 1134


Remarks of, on resolution in reference to
adjournment, 2263, 2264.

Remarks of, on resolution in reference to

closing debate on report of committee on

· organization of Legislature, 818.
Remarks of, on resolution in reference t
mode of drawing for seats, 2691.
Remarks of, on resolution in reference to
obtaining hall for Convention, 2444,
2479, 2480.

Remarks of, on rule in reference to pre-
vious question, 635.

Remarks of, on resolution in reference to
sessions of Convention, 288, 1780.
Remarks of, on resolution instructing
committee on revision to amend artide
on organization of Legislature, 1195.
Remarks of, on resolution of inquiry in
reference to canals, 22.

Remarks of, on resolution on debate on
report of committees on finances and
canals, 1565.

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