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The Military Movements.

us. The brave sons of Caro- | did not reply; while those few who replied lina, cheered by the en- negatively, were immediately stricken from couragement of her equally the rolls and their offices closed, thus giving courageous daughters, are earnestly and si- the Southern people a foretaste of the manlently doing all that men can do towards ner in which the General Government would putting our State in a position to defend her- exercise its constitutional prerogatives. The self against the world. For the present we reply of the Charleston Postmaster proved refrain from giving the particulars of the va- that, though the State had voted herself inrious works that are progressing. We will dependent of all Federal relations and oblionly say, for the benefit of anxious friends, gations, she still was willing to acknowledge that the gallant volunteers stationed at the "Uncle Sam" yet a little longer in her postal various posts around us are, one and all, de- matters, and was willing that he should con-. voting themselves to fill the exigencies of a tinue to lose money in carrying her mails.* noble cause, and that they are and will, Mr. Huger said: "I do consider myself doubtless, continue in high spirits, and as responsible to the Government of the United comfortable as circumstances permit.'" States, in conformity with the existing laws, for all the postal revenues received by me as Postmaster at the City of Charleston." Again:-"You will accordingly receive my quarterly accounts in a few days." He inclosed a copy of the Ordinance concerning postal affairs, and did not consider it incompatible with his position. It was not "incompatible with his position," though the authorities did not design the deposits of the Postmaster to account of the Federal Government should leave the State.

Another paragraph of the same paper announced that two hundred and sixty-three "prime field hands " had passed through the city, en route for the defences. The paper remarked: "Our young men will do the storming and escalading-our slaves will raise our crops, and make our ditches, glacis and earthworks for our defence." It was estimated that one thousand Negroes were at work, at a later day, upon the harbor fortifications, all volunteer laborers-that is, "volunteered by their masters."

On the 3d, Governor Pickens sent to the Legislature a special Message, detailing incidents, and covering his view of the facts regarding the recent movements in the harbor and city. It read as follows:

Resignations of army and navy officers continued. It was announced, among other items from Charleston, January 4th, that Commodore Shubrick was the guest of Colonel Isaac Hayne-that Captain Hartstene would assume a command in the navy-to-be "To the Members of the Senate and -that "Commodore" Barron and Captain Ingraham would be with them at the hour,* &c., &c.

The Post-office not


Late in December PostMaster-General Holt addressed a circular to all Postmasters in the revolutionary States, to know if they still recognized the authority of the Government over them and their offices. Many replied, chiefly affirmatively; others

* "In 1832-33, when General Jackson was President, and nullification was threatened by South Carolina, he directed the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to issue circular letters to all officers of the army and navy, enclosing a printed oath which they were compelled to take, binding themselves to stand by the government. Mr. Buchanan was not General Jackson.


“House of Representatives:
"The events that have re-
cently transpired in the harbor
of Charleston make it proper

Governor Pickens'


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that I should communicate the general facts in rela- sion of, to prevent any premature collision, and for tion to the same.

"It was distinctly understood that those who had the right to pledge the faith of the United States Government, on the one part, and those who had a similar right on the part of this State, had agreed

that after the act of secession there shonld be no change in the forces within its keeping at the forts in the harbor, nor should there be any increase of the United States forces until after the Commissioners appointed by the Convention should present themselves at Washington, and lay before the President of the United States the Ordinance of Secession, and the proposition to negotiate for the deliv ery of the posts, and for the State to account for the

public property on just and equitable principles. All this was admitted and stated by the late Secretary of War, Governor Floyd, in his letter of resig nation, which has been published. Pending this solemn pledge, during the night of the 26th of December last, the commandant of Fort Moultrie suddenly, without notice, evacuated that fort, and with nearly every effective man under his command, and transferred the garrison over to Fort Sumter, the strongest position, commanding the harbor, and to a great extent Fort Moultrie itself. He not only did this, but actually burned the carriages of most of the heavy guns in an effective position, and spiked all the guns, and injured the public property in other respects. The fort was enveloped in smoke and flames.

"When this was known in the early morning to the good people of Charleston, they were thrown into great excitement. I sent off an aid-de-camp to the fort to know by what authority the Commandant had acted, and to require that the Commandant should return back to Fort Moultrie, as the Government of the United States was pledged to keep all its forces as they were in the different forts.

"The reply of Major Anderson was that he had not known of any such pledge, and acted on his own responsibility, with a view to prevent the effusion of blood, and declined to return. I immediately ordered the occupation of Castle Pinckney and Sullivan's Island, and if it could be done in safety, after an examination as to the reported undermining, then Fort Moultrie itself should be occupied.

"In the orders issued it was expressly stated that these occupations were made with a view to prevent the further destruction of public property, and to secure the public safety, if possible. The officer, in taking possession of Castle Pinckney, stated if it had not been done, the public property in that fort would have been destroyed, as was done in Fort Moultrie.

"The Arsenal, containing the arms of the United States, in the city, was more recently taken posses

safekeeping, in the present exeited state of the public mind. All steps which have been taken, have been taken from necessity, and with a view to give security and safety in the present condition of the country.

"The Convention has by its Ordinance withdrawn the State from the Federal Union, and by consequence impose upon the Executive the duty of endeavoring to sustain the honor and the rights of the State, and in this emergency I confidently rely upon the Legislature to sustain the Executive in all proper

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Mr. Farrow moved that the Message of his Excellency be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

A resolution was adopted in secret session, changing the name of the Committee on Federal Relations to Committee on Foreign Affairs, and, on motion, the Message was referred to that Committee.

In the Senate, on the same day, Mr. Bryan offered the following, upon which he moved immediate consideration:

"Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee on Military and Pensions to enforce and report whether, in the event of actual hostilities between the late Governmenment of the United States, or the citizens or Government of any one of them and this State, it would be expedient for the General Assembly to provide for the granting letters of marque and reprisal and letters of sea service to such persons as may volunteer for the naval service of this State, and will give adequate surety for a due observance of the law of nations while in such service; and if so, to report by bill the most effectual method of pro ceeding in the premises."

The resolution was thereupon adopted. The South Carolina State Convention adjourned Jan- Ordinances Passed. uary 5th, subject to the

call of the Governor. Among the ordinances passed in secret session, were the following:

"An Ordinance Concerning Powers lately vested in the Congress of the United States.-That all powers which by this State were heretofore delegated to the Congress of the United States, shall be vested in the General Assembly, except that during the existence of the Convention, the powers of the General Assembly shall not extend, without the direction of this Convention, to any one of these subjects, to wit: duties and imposts, the post-office, the declaration of war, treaties, confederacy with other States, citizenship and treason.

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"Scheme after scheme to keep the Union together is formed, and bursts like bubbles on a fretful tide. Every day brings its proof of the steady progress of the Government of the United States to dissolution, and of the South to Union, while every effort made to avert this inevitable drift of things, only accele rates them to their final consummation. Not to act is fatal, and to act is more speedily fatal. So, why not at once acquiesce in the destiny of things-pitch the account-book of the Union into the fire, and take down the new account-book of a Southern Confederacy? Then, spread out its fair pages for a glorious history of independence, prosperity, and liberty. As to the North-let it go over to Canada-or break up into an Eastern, and Middle, and Western Confederacy-all inferior in power, wealth, and civilization to the great predominating Republic of the Slaveholding States of North America. Can they help themselves? We will see."







Strengthened Public Opinion.

THE withdrawal of the South Carolina Commissioners was followed by a more determined spirit of resistance in the Cabinet, and by unmistakably patriotic demonstrations on the part of the Northern people. "Union" meetings became numerous and imposing: the press, fast forgetting its chronic distemper towards adversaries, began to harmonize on the question of constitutional obligation, and to demand of the President a rigorous policy of resistance to revolution: State Legislatures, with singular unanimity, counselled resistance to revolution, and offered their tremendous resources to aid the Executive in the discharge of his duty: messages from State Governors indicated clearly that the time for treating with treason had passed: the inviolability of the Union, it was evident, would

be maintained by the Free States to the last extremity. All classes wished for peace: many to whom compromise was hateful asked for it rather than encounter the horrors of a disrupted Confederacy. But, when it became a demonstrable fact that the revolutionary States did not want compromisethat they were unalterably set upon the formation of a Southern Slave Confederacy, the masses of the North drew closer together, and, even before their representatives and leaders, were steeling their hearts for the crisis of conflict. That no overtures might be left untried, the labors of the Border States to concoct some remedy for the National disease, were patiently accepted, though, from the very first, it was apparent that no remedy of theirs could allay the fever coursing in the veins of the body politic.

During the first week of January it was

New Eements in the




made known that the President would not | dered to that effect. The steamer Star of the order Anderson back to Moultrie. Having West, at New York, was commissioned Degot rid of Floyd, he found cember 31st, and, all the week succeeding, in Judge Holt, a pure-mind- was taking in stores and munitions with ed adviser, whose patriot- which to sustain and strengthen the garrison. ism and energy at once seemed to change the On the 2d of January the President sent in whole current of affairs. General Dix, as Sec- the name of Wm. McIntyre, of Philadelphia, to retary of the Treasury, was equally patriotic be collector of revenue for the port and neighand trusted. Mr. Toucey, Secretary of the borhood of Charleston. Southern members, Navy, if he did not enter with ardor upon in this, saw the President's purpose to force the duty of resistance to the conspirators, South Carolina into submission to the Fedestill, being a Northern man, was not in league ||ral laws for the collection of duties, and of with them, and gave his casting vote on the course resisted. With the aid of Southern side of his government. Thus strengthened Democrats an adjournment was had,-thus in his counsels, and encouraged by the indi- | refusing to consider the nomination. This cations of the people and state authorities "fillibustering" was resorted to at every atof the entire North, Mr. Buchanan would have been worse than weak to have restored Anderson to certain destruction or disgrace by ordering him back to Moultrie.

Mr. Holt was given the War Department portfolio Dec. 31st. He had assumed its duties upon the resignation of Floyd, and with such unmistakeable evidences of fitness for the trust that his appoinment gave the loyal country much pleasure. The disloyal Senate refused to act upon his confirmation for many days, but the growing strength of public opinion toward resistance to, if not actual coercion of, the rebellious States, finally forced his recognition. General Winfield Scott was tendered the seat, at the earnest solicitation of the best friends of the Government, but the wise old warrior preferred to retain his command of the army, and declined the Cabinet appointment to serve his country in his own department. Mr. Holt very judiciously called the veteran into his counsels, and the country found that, with the mere shadow of an army, the two men were prepared for the threatened emergencies as far as their means at command would permit.

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tempt to consider the appointment; and to a few Northern Democrats was the country indebted for that most direct collusion with treason, in tying the President's hands. Anticipating the failure

The Border State


of all propositions for a set-
tlement before the Com-
mittee of Thirty-three, a caucus of the Sena-
tors and Representatives of the Border
States alone was convened, at the earnest
solicitations of Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Doug:
las, the President, General Cass, and others,
eminent citizens, then at Washington.
held a session Saturday evening, Dec. 29th,
and appointed a committee to name one
member from each Border State, to sit as a
joint committee for the purpose of consider-
ing propositions of compromise and adjust-
ment. The following names were reported:—
"Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky, Chairman;
Messrs. Harris, of Maryland; Sherman, of
Ohio; Nixon, of New Jersey; Salisbury, of
Delaware; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Hat-
ton, of Tennessee; Petit, of Indiana; Harris,
of Virginia; McClernand, of Illinois; Bar-
rett, of Missouri; Sebastian, of Arkansas;
Vandeveer, of Iowa; and Hale, of Pennsylva-

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The Border State Committee's Propo


in any other that may hereafter be acquired, | protect the interest and preserve the Government of was considered. On Wednesday it was fur- the country, and that an appropriation be made to ther discussed and rejected. Mr. Nelson's defray the expenses of such Convention. The Border State Comresolutions, which Mr. Crittenden offered in the Senate were then taken up, and the Committee, appointed under mittee amended them, so as to declare it in- instructions from the cauexpedient for Congress to abolish Slavery in cus of Border State memthe dockyards, arsenals and the like, of the bers, decided, Friday evening (January 4th), United States, instead of being mandatory upon the following propositions: not to do so. A similar amendment concerning the District of Columbia was pending upon adjournment. On Thursday it, also, was adopted. The Committee then considered and adopted the following, offered by Mr. Bristow of Kentucky:

Resolved, That we recognize Slavery as now existing in fifteen of the United States, by the usages and laws of these States, and we recognize no authority, legally or otherwise, outside of a State where it so exists, to interfere with slaves or Slavery in such States, in disregard of the rights of their owners and the peace of society.

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'Resolved, That we recognize the justice and propriety of a faithful execution of the Constitution, and 'all' laws made in pursuance thereof, including those on the subject of fugitive slaves, or fugitives from service or labor, and discountenance all mobs, or hindrances to the execution of such laws, and that the citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and impunities of the citizens of the seve ral States.

"Resolved, That we recognize no such conflicting elements in its composition, or sufficient cause, from any source, for a dissolution of this Government; that we were not sent here to destroy, but to sustain and harmonize the institutions of the country, and to see that equal justice is done to all parts of the same; and, finally, to perpetuate its existence, on terms of equality and justice to all the States."

These resolutions, having the assent of the Republicans, only repeated those previously introduced by Mr. Grimes, Mr. Seward, and

others on the Committees.

Friday, being fast day, by proclamation of the President, the Committee was not in session. Saturday the following was introduced by Mr. Hamilton, of Texas:

"Resolved, That this Committee do recommend

the passage of joint resolutions, respectfully recommending to the several States a general Convention in this city, on a day to be fixed by delegates chosen directly by the people in the several States, to consider of and advise such amendments to the Constitution of the United States, as may be necessary to

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First: Recommending a repeal of all the Personal Liberty bills.

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Second: That the Fugitive Slave law be amended for the preventing of kidnapping, and so as to provide for the equalization of the Commissioners' fee, &c.

"Third: That the Constitution be so amended as to prohibit any interference with Slavery in any of the States where it now exists.

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Seventh: That the line of 36 deg. 30 min., shall be run through all the existing Territory of the United States; that in all North of that line Slavery shall be prohibited, and that South of that line, neither Congress nor the Territorial Legislature shall hereafter pass any law abolishing, prohibiting, or in any manner interfering with African Slavery; and that when any Territory containing a sufficient population for one member of Congress in any area of 60,000 square miles, shall apply for admission as a State, it shall be admitted, with or without Slavery, as its Constitution may determine."

For that

This scheme, though it favorably met every point raised by the Southern malcontents, did not secure their concurrence, in that it did not positively consign all the Territory South of 36 deg. 30 min., to Slavery. little alteration-that mere technicality of construction of the seventh proposition, they rejected all. No further evidence was wantdid not desire a settlement or compromise. ing to disclose the fact that the revolutionists Here was an adjustment, conceding all the points at issue, meeting practically every demand made by Mr. Toombs, having the assent of the Border States, and yet it failed to satisfy the disunionists. The Republicans

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