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You attend to your own business, and I will attend to mine." Surely, the man who dies in defence of his country is entitled to an honored grave beneath its soil. If the authorities will not look to the matter the personal friends of the deceased should. We understand that the burial of deceased soldiers is in the hands of a parcel of German undertakers, instead of being vouchsafed to the respectable undertakers of the city, who, from a regard for the cause, would discharge the duty at least with decency and humanity.-Richmond Examiner, July 26.

WHEN Commander Davis took possession of Fort Pillow after its evacuation by the rebel garrison, the following letter was found lying on a table in the officers' quarters:

"FORT PILLOW, TENN. I present this table not as a manifestation of friendship, yet I entertain no personal animosity to him, but because I can't transport it. After six weeks' bombardment, without doing us any harm whatever, I know you will exult over the occupation of this place, but our evacuation will hurt you from another point with disastrous effect. Five millions white men fighting to be relieved from oppression will never be conquered by twenty millions actuated by malice and pecuniary gain, mark that. We have the science, energy and vigor, with the help of God, to extricate ourselves from this horrible and unnatural difficulty pressed upon us by the North; the day of retribution is approaching, and will fall upon you deadly as a bolt from heaven; may your sojourn at this place be of few days and full of trouble.

To the first Yankee who reads this:

(Signed) W. J. SCOTT, Second Lieutenant First Battalion C. S. Infantry, Commanding


"Second June, year of our Lord, 1862."

A HEROINE.-A correspondent of the Altoona (Pa.) Register, writing from Broadtop City, Huntingdon County, says he had the pleasure of meeting, at a place called Dudley, a woman named Mary Owens, who had just returned from the army in full uniform. This remarkable woman accompanied her husband to the army, and fought by his side until he fell. She was in the service eighteen months, and took part in three battles, and was wounded twice; first in the face above the right eye, and then in her arm, which required her to be taken to the hospital, where she confessed the deception.

She had enlisted in Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania, under the name of John Evans, and gives as her reason for this romantic undertaking, the fact that her father was uncompromising in his hostility to her marriage with Mr. Owens, threatening violence in case she disobeyed his commands; whereupon, after having been secretly married, she donned the United States uniform, enlisted in the same company with her husband, endured all the hardships of the camp, the dangers of the battle-field, saw her husband fall dead by her side, and is now wounded and a widow. Owens looks young, is rather pretty, and is the heroine of the neighborhood. She is of Welsh parentage.


shares of twenty-five dollars each; that the books of subscription be closed on the first of June, provided fifty thousand dollars be subscribed prior to that time, and operations to commence when that sum is raised; that no subscription is good till the money is paid in; that a board of directors to consist of twelve shall determine the salaries of the officers, etc. The report was adopted, and the organization will be made permanent.-Richmond Enquirer, June 5.

HOW ROGER A. PRYOR WAS CAPTURED AND ES from the field in Virginia, after the battles with Pope's CAPED.-A letter to the Charleston Courier, written army, near Manassas, (August, 1862,) says:


Brig.-Gen. Roger A. Pryor, during the day, had the misfortune to be taken a prisoner, but the corresponding good fortune to escape.

"He had started off on foot to call up two or three regiments for reënforcements, and on his return found his command moved from the position in which he had left it. Thinking it had gone ahead, he too went on, wondering all the time where his men were, until he suddenly encountered two Yankee soldiers, sitting at the foot of a hay-rick. His uniform being covered by a Mexican poncho, they did not observe that be was not one of their own men, nor was there any mark visible upon his person to indicate that he was an officer.

"They accordingly familiarly inquired how every thing was going on in front. He replied very well; and in the conversation which ensued, learned that he was a mile and a half within the Federal lines. They asked him numerous questions, under some of which he began to quake and grow uneasy, fearing his inability, good lawyer though he is, to cope successfully with a cross-examination of such a dangerous charac


He accordingly began to look about him to discover some means of escape. There was apparently He observed standing near him, however, the and the other without. two muskets of the men, one of them with a bayonet


fore one of them, looking at him keenly, asked him "The colloquy had not proceeded much further beto what regiment, brigade and division he belonged, and, as Pryor hesitated and stammered out his reply, the Yankee sprang to his feet and exclaimed: You are a rebel, and my prisoner.' In an instant the General, who is a powerful man and as active as a squirrel, seized the gun with the bayonet, and, before his antagonist could turn, ran him through the body twice. The other now jumped to his feet, apparently as if to escape, but he also received from Pryor a lunge that left him helpless on the field. Throwing down the musket, the General moved rapidly away in Federal stragglers for an hour or two, had the satisthe direction from whence he came, and after dodging faction of finally regaining his command.

"Anxious to know the fate of the two men whom

he had so summarily disposed of, he sent one of his aids the next day to examine the hospitals in that neighborhood, and ascertain, if possible, whether any men were present wounded with a bayonet. The aid

returned with the information that he had found one so injured. Whereupon Pryor mounted his horse and went in person to see him. The man was asleep when SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES.-The Georgia Salt Man-he entered the hospital, but the surgeon awoke him, and ufacturing Company is about to be permanently or- the General asked if he recognized him. Yes, sir, I ganized. The Atlanta Intelligencer says that the report do,' was the reply. You're the man who stuck me.' of the committee on organization, made to a meeting The wounded man was not less surprised when be in Augusta two or three days ago, recommends that learned that the author of his misery was the redoubt a capital of two hundred thousand dollars be raised inable Roger A. Pryor."

July 9.-At a meeting of the Directors of the American Express Company, held at New-York, it was unanimously

Resolved, That any of our present employees, who may promptly enlist under the recent call for troops, shall continue to receive one half of their pay during the term of their service in the war, and their situations restored to them on their return.

Two thousand men are in the regular employ of this company, at an average salary of over six hundred dollars per annum.

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KNOXVILLE, July 24.-Col. John H. Morgan sends by special courier to the headquarters of Tennessee, a despatch dated Georgetown, Ky., nineteenth instant. He states that he had taken eleven cities and towns, with a very heavy amount of army stores, and that he has a force sufficient to hold all the country outside of Lexington and Frankfort, which places are chiefly garrisoned by home guards.-Petersburgh Express,

THE Nashville Union says that on Tuesday night, July 22, Col. Haggard's Fifth Kentucky cavalry, who had been in pursuit of the guerrillas for several days, came within one mile of Forrest's banditti, on the Murfreesboro road, thirteen miles from that city, when the whole gang of rebel horse-thieves, chicken-stealers, house-breakers, and assassins, cut and run like quarter-horses. The last seen of them, Forrest was leaning over his horse's neck whipping for dear life, while his men were dropping pistols, shot-guns, canteens, green apples and stolen chickens along the road. When last

CAPTAIN DE KAY'S EXPLOIT.-One of the neatest ex-July 26. ploits of the Norfolk campaign was performed by Capt. Drake De Kay, of Gen. Mansfield's staff, while awaiting the General's arrival at a house called Moore's Ranch, a kind of summer hotel kept by a man named Moore, at Ocean View, the place of debarkation. All the white men and most of the women of this vicinity had fled-it was said by those they had left behind, to the woods, to prevent being forced into the rebel service. Captain De Kay, while supper was being prepared, mounted his horse and determined to explore the country, followed only by his negro servant. As he was passing a swamp toward evening, he came suddenly upon seven of the secession troops, who were lurking by the roadside, and were armed with double-seen they were still running. barrelled guns. The Captain turned and shouted to his (imaginary) company to prepare to charge, and then riding forward rapidly, revolver in hand, told the RICHMOND, July 26.-A few nights ago, at the great men they were his prisoners, as his cavalry would soon "Union" meeting in New-York, Dr. Francis Lieber, be upon them, ordered them to discharge their pieces and deliver them to him, which they did without de-a renegade from his adopted State, South-Carolina, made a flaming speech, calling for the subjugation of lay. He then informed them that his only "company" was his negro servant, and directed them to follow the South. Two weeks before, his son, Charles Liehim into camp. An hour later, just after Gen. Wool ber, a brave confederate soldier, fell by a Yankee bulhad returned from Norfolk, the Captain rode to the let, while charging a Yankee battery. His remains beach and informed Col. Cram, as chief of the Gener-were sent to South-Carolina.-Richmond Dispatch, al's staff, that the seven prisoners, whom he had July 26. marched to the beach, were at his disposal.-New-York Times, May 13.

NEW-ORLEANS, LA.-A Mr. Matthews, who got through the rebel lines into Gen. Banks's department, JACKSON, MISS., July 24.-Lieut -Col. Ferguson, of assured him that "Mr. Lincoln kept himself shut up says that at Shreveport, La., a tavern-keeper's wife Starke's cavalry, with two companies and a field bat-in an iron cage, and did not allow any one but Mrs. tery, has captured and destroyed a Federal mail steam- Lincoln and Mr. Seward to see him- because he was er at Skipwith's Landing, eighty miles above Vicks- afraid of being killed."-Detroit Advertiser. burgh. Col. Ferguson succeeded in obtaining possession of the mail-bag from the ship Richmond, en route for Washington. The contents are highly interesting. Yankee letters admit the impossibility of capturing Vicksburgh without an immense land force, and admit that the Arkansas whipped them. They evince great terror of the Arkansas. Her appearance round the bend this morning was the signal for a general stampede. The bombarding continued slowly to-day.— Richmond Examiner, July 26.

ST. LOUIS, MO., September 18-Information reached here by the North Missouri train last night that the guerrlla chief Poindexter escaped from Hudson yesterday morning. To some it is not a matter of surprise. It was feared that "a way would be made for his escape," and it is now reported that the officers in charge of him took the irons off him, and sent him out on some pretext with two guards, upon whom he played the played-out" trick of throwing red pepper in their eyes, and ran off. This is the whole story in a few words. Why he has been kept this long at Hudson

FEMALE PATRIOTISM.-Mrs. Sarah Spencer, of Middletown, Ct., has procured two substitutes-one for herself and one for her niece, paying each fifty dollars extra bounty.

NEW-YORK, August 3.-Secretary Stanton is credited with the saying that a draft will be made by way of asserting the national majesty. To draft will be all right, but the best way to assert the national majesty would be to conquer the enemy, to do which twice over the country has furnished government with men and money enough.-New-York Commercial.

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knowledge I was more than forty-five years of age. The mustering officer was a very good-looking man, about thirty-five years old, but I guess I can run faster and jump higher than he; also take him down, whip him, endure more hardships, and kill three rebels to his one."-New-Hampshire Statesman.

Ar the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va., two sergeants met in the woods; each drew his knife, and the two bodies were found together, each with a knife buried in it to the hilt. Some men had a cool way of disposing of prisoners. One, an officer of the Massachusetts Ninth, well known in Boston as a professor of muscular Christianity, better known as "the child of the regiment," while rushing through the woods at the head of his company, came upon a rebel. Seizing the "grey buck" by the collar, he threw him over his shoulder, with "Pick him up, somebody." A little Yankee, marching down by the side of a fence which skirted the woods, came upon a strapping secesh, who attempted to seize and pull him over the rails, but the little one had too much science. A blow with the butt of a musket levelled secesh to the ground and made him a prisoner. There were many marvellous escapes. -Boston Transcript, June 14.


WHILST Butler plays his silly pranks,
And closes up New-Orleans banks,
Our Stonewall Jackson, with more cunning,
Keeps Yankee Banks forever running.
-Charleston Mercury.

DISTURBING AN ORATOR.-The Corinth correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette tells this story:

When our lines advanced toward Corinth on the twenty-eighth, a battery was planted on an eminence commanding a considerable portion of the country, but completely shrouded from view by a dense thicket. Scouts were sent out to discover the exact position of the rebels, and were but a short distance in advance, to give a signal as to the direction to fire, if any were discovered.


the hospital tent on the ground where the fiercest contest had taken place, and where many of our men and those of the enemy had fallen. The hospital was exclusively for the wounded rebels, and they were laid thickly around. Many of them were Kentuckians, of Breckinridge's command. As I stepped into the tent, and spoke to some one, I was addressed by a voice, the childish tone of which arrested my attention: "That's General Rousseau! General, I knew your son Dickey. Where is Dick? I knew him very well." Turning to him, I saw stretched on the ground a handsome boy about sixteen years of age. His face was a bright one, but the hectic glow and flush on the cheeks, his restless manner, and his grasping and catching his breath as he spoke, alarmed me. I knelt by his side and pressed his fevered brow with my hand, and would have taken the child into my arms, if I could. "And who are you, my son?" said I. Why, I am Eddy McFadden, from Louisville," was the reply. "I know you, General, and I know your son Dick. I've played with him. Where is Dick?" I thought of my own dear boy, of what might have befallen him; that he, too, deluded by villains, might, like this poor boy, have been mortally wounded, among strangers, and left to die. My heart bled for the poor child; for he was a child; my manhood gave way, and burning tears at tested, in spite of me, my intense suffering. I asked him of his father; he had no father. Your mother? He had no mother. Brothers and sisters? "I have a brother," said he. "I never knew what soldiering was. I was but a boy, and they got me off down here." He was shot through the shoulder and lungs. I asked him what he needed. He said he was cold and the ground was hard. I had no tent nor blankets; our baggage was all in the rear at Savannah. But I sent the poor boy my saddle-blanket, and returned the next morning with lemons for him and the rest; but his brother, in the Second Kentucky regiment, had taken him over to his regiment to nurse him. I never saw the child again. He died in a day or two. Peace to his ashes. I never think of this incident that I do not fill up as if he were my own child.

SKEDADDLE.-The American war has introduced a new and amusing word. A Northerner who retreats One of the rebel commanders, unaware of our pres-"retires upon his supports;" but a Southerner is said ence, called around him a brigade and commenced to "skedaddle." The Times remarked on the word, addressing them in something like the following


"Sons of the South: We are here to defend our homes, our wives and daughters, against the horde of vandals who have come here to possess the first and violate the last Here upon this sacred soil, we have assembled to drive back the Northern invaders-drive them into the Tennessee. Will you follow me? If we cannot hold this place we can defend no spot of our Confederacy. Shall we drive the invaders back,

and strike to death the men who would desecrate our homes? Is there a man so base among those who hear me as to retreat from the contemptible foe before us? I will never blanch before their fire, nor

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At this interesting period the signal was given, and six shells fell in the vicinity of the gallant officer and his men, who suddenly forgot their fiery resolves, and fled in confusion to their breastworks.

GENERAL ROUSSEAU relates the following incident in a letter from Shiloh :

Two days after the battle of Shiloh I walked into

and Lord Hill wrote a short note to prove that it was excellent Scotch. The Americans only misapply the word, which means, in Dumfries, "to spill "-milkmaids, for example, saying, you are "skedaddling all that milk. The Times and Lord Hill are both wrong, for the word is neither new nor in any way misapplied. The word is very fair Greek, the root being that of "skedannumi," to disperse, to "retire tumultuously," and it was probably set afloat by some professor of Harvard.

-London Spectator.

WHAT SHALL BE DONE FOR JEFF DAVIS? Weave him a mantle of burning shame! Stamp on his forehead that dreadful name Which deeds like his inscribe in blood; A Traitor to man! a Traitor to God!

Plait him a crown, of the flower that comes In the ashes that lie o'er buried homes! Let his sceptre be, the smoking brand Which his fiat sent throughout the land!

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CHARLESTON, S. C. July 15.-On Wednesday last the pickets of the Eutaw Battalion entered Legare's, the enemy having-to use their own expressive term -"skedaddled" the day previous. The first feature meeting the eyes of the advancing confederates was a number of mock sentinels stationed at intervals along the road. The dummies were neatly manufactured out of old clothes, and, with the addition of damaged gunstocks, looked quite the martial Yankee. They were doubtless posted on the road with the hope of frightening off the confederate pickets. Of course the countrymen of Barnum did not succeed with their little hum

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The Yankee newspapers captured are not of very late date, and it would be useless, therefore, to make extracts from them. They are redolent with magnificent Federal victories, in every one of which there are accounts of "splendid bayonet-charges" upon the rebels. The Boston Herald of June second announces the capture of Vicksburgh and Little Rock, and the flight of the Governor of Arkansas into Mississippi. A graphic picture in Frank Leslie's represents Beaure

bug. Our pickets found the deserted encampment covered with fragments of commissary stores; there were thousands of empty bottles, boxes, tin cans, etc. The rogues had undoubtedly been living luxuriously. What was more interesting, however, our men captured a large quantity of Yankee letters, documents and newspapers. The walls of the houses at Legare's were variously inscribed, most of the language being too indecent for repetition here. Ap-gard watering his horse in hell. It was engraved peals were frequently made to the victorious con federates thus, "Now, boys, don't give up the Old Flag," or Boys, we are not fighting about the nigger, but for the Old Flag and the Old Union." Some facetious rogue indulged in the following: We had our whisky on the Fourth of July; say, Secesh, how about your whisky on the Fourth?" Another undaunted individual gave vent to his feeling in this style:

"Chivalric Southerners-Dear Sirs: As the hot season is at hand, you do not appear to be resorting to the usual fashionable resorts of the summer, we, the army of liberty, have concluded to withdraw from your marshes, and leave you to enjoy, as best you can, until weather sets in next fall, when we shall return and spend the winter season in your noble city near Sumter."

The following lines of doggerel were scribbled on one of the walls. The runaway writer has some fun in him, and we can almost forgive the hasty manner in which he left our shores without visiting CharlesLon:

AIR- Mary Blane.

Oh! farewell, Carolinians,
We are going far away;

after one of the numerous Federal reports of the death
of our hero.
Charleston Courier, July 15.

A WAY OF DISGRACING SOLDIERS.-The Nashville Union gives an account of a military procession which passed through the streets of Nashville, exciting the pity of some and the derision of others. Some fifty Federal soldiers, who had been captured and paroled by the guerrillas at various times, under circumstances not at all creditable to the prisoners, were collected by order of General Rosecrans, and adorned with night-caps, with red tassels in the centre, and in this outre uniform paraded through the streets, to the roll of the drum, "And the shrill squeaking of the wry-necked fife," before the gaze of admiring thousands, who cheered them on their "winding way." No doubt a strict enforcement of military discipline would have condemned many of these soldiers to death for their pusillanimous behavior.

HOW TRAITORS ARE TREATED IN IOWA.-A very ludicrous scene took place last Saturday. It had been arranged that a lodge of the Golden Syrup order should be organized; a house was engaged and speakers from Marion and Otter Creek Townships provided to be on hand to give the faithful a good sermon on the beauties of the peculiar institution. The Marion speakers, however, failed to come to time, but Mr. James Thomas, of Otter Creek, was thar," and found a But do take care yourselves, my dears, much larger crowd than he expected to meet in such

Don't cry-we'll soon be back,

Another game to play.

Our parting's full of pain;

CHORUS-Oh! farewell! oh! farewell!

We are coming back again.

Your swampy land's too hot for us.

We are going off to cool;

But never mind, our Monitor

Will put you all to school.

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a strong Republican precinct, but not doubting they were all of the faithful, he proceeded to make the speech of the occasion. He abused Lincoln, pitched into Congress and the Cabinet, and showed such unmistakable sympathy with treason and rebellion that a cry of "hang him," "bring a rope," etc., was soon

raised. A rope was brought; Mr. Thomas was requested to say his last words. By good management, however, he got near the door, and ejaculating a prayer of "legs do your duty," he broke for the prairie, fifty or more excited men in pursuit. Down the ravine, over the knolls, through sloughs, toward the banks of the Cedar, but Thomas beat them all, and as his pursuers neared the river-banks they heard something go "ker chug" into the water with a grunt like a very large bull-frog when scared off a log. Thomas had escaped, and put the river between himself and danger. | -Linn County Register, July 25.

AN ELEGY.-The following lines were written by a soldier in the hospital at New-Haven, who lost his leg

in the battle of Fair Oaks:


Good leg, thou wast a faithful friend,
And truly hast thy duty done;

I thank thee most that to the end
Thou didst not let this body run.
Strange paradox! that in the fight

Where I of thee was thus bereft,
I lost my left leg for "the Right,"
And yet the right's the one that's left!

But while the sturdy stump remains,
I may be able yet to patch it,

For even now I've taken pains

To make an L-E-G to match it.

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GENERAL ROUSSEAU AND A REBEL CLERGYMAN. Rev. Frederick A. Ross had just been examined on a charge of treason, and convicted upon his own showing. Under charge of a guard he was about to leave the General's tent. Putting on a particularly sanctimonious expression of countenance, he took up his hat, turned to the General and said: " Well, General, we must each do as we think best, and I hope we will both meet in heaven." The General replied: "Your getting to heaven, sir, will depend altogether upon your future conduct; before we can reasonably hope to meet in that region, you and I must become better ." The effect of this brief rejoinder was irresistible.


A JOAN D'ARC.-A marauding band of rebels in Kentucky, on their way to Mount Sterling, stopped at the house of a Mr. Oldom, and, he being absent at the time, plundered him of all his horses, and among them a valuable one belonging to his daughter Cornelia. She resisted the outrage as long as she could, but finding all her efforts in vain, she sprang upon another horse and started post haste toward the town to give the alarm. Her first animal gave out, when she seized another, and meeting the messenger from Middleton, 'she sent him as fast as his horse could carry him to convey the necessary warning to Mount Sterling, where he arrived most opportunely. Miss Oldom then retraced her way toward home, taking with her a doublebarrelled shot-gun. She found a pair of saddle-bags on the road, belonging to a rebel officer, which contained a pair of revolvers, and soon she came up with the advancing marauders, and ordered them to halt. Perceiving that one of the thieves rode her horse, she ordered him to surrender her horse; this he refused, and finding that persuasion would not gain her ends,

she levelled the shot-gun at the rider, commanded him, as Damon did the traveller, "down from his horse," and threatened to fire if he did not comply. Her indomitable spirit at last prevailed, and the robbers, seeing something in her eye that spoke a terrible menace, surrendered her favorite steed. When she had regained his back, and patted him on the neck, he gave a neigh of mingled triumph and recognition, and she turned his head homeward and cantered off as leisurely as if she were taking her morning exercise.— New-York World, August 9.

documents left by the editors of the Memphis Appeal. A BELLIGERENT SECESSIONIST WOMAN.-Among the when they left the city, was the following epistle from

a rebel woman, who had sent it to that paper for publication:


where as the wicked policy of the president- Making war upon the South for refusing to submit to wrong too palpable for Southerners to do. And where as it has become necessary for the young Men of our country, My Brother in the number To enlist to do the dirty work of Driving the Mercenarys from our sunny south, whose soil is too holy for such wretches to tramp And whose atmosphere is too pure for them to breathe

For such an indignity afford to Civilization I Merely Challenge any abolition or Black Republican lady of character if there can be such a one found among the negro equality tribe. To Meet me at Masons & dixon line: With a pair of Colt's repeaters or any other weapon they May Choose. That I may receive satisfaction for the insult. VICTORIA E. GOODWIN, Springdale Miss April 27, 1861

AIR-My Maryland.
The rebel's heel is on thy shore,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
His torch is at thy neighbor's door,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
Avenge thou Massachusetts' gore,
That stains the name of Baltimore,
And be the Neutral State no more,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!

Hark to thy blushing sons' appeal,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
Proud mother State, to thee they kneel-
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
When foes disturb the common weal,
All slavish love of self conceal,
And gird thy limbs with Union steel,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!

Let all thy traitors bite the dust,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
Let not thy sword in scabbard rust,
Kentucky! O Kentucky!
See Breckinridge's breach of trust;
Remember Morehead's skulking thrust,
And blow a wrathful thunder-gust,

Kentucky! O Kentucky!

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