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was the Thirty-fourth Indiana lying down; about one hundred yards to the right and front was a large house, and immediately beyond it the rebel battery. Resolving to take possession, without further delay, of a part of the rising ground on which was the house and battery, I moved by the right flank, double-quick, up the road, then by the left flank, over the fence, and with a run and yell the position and battery were ours.

This battery seems to be a much disputed point among a number of claimants for the honor of its capture. I find that as our two companies on the right (E and G) neared the guns, the rebels endeavored to turn them on us, but a volley from the companies killed a number of the cannoneers and prevented it-possession was immediately had, and the guns turned on the enemy.

As, however, by this time the Forty-sixth Indiana was in the field, and the Thirty-fourth Indiana also moving and doing good service so near us, it is almost impossible to decide which of them did not participate in the capture of the battery. The Eleventh in the mean time kept up a constant and rapid fire on the enemy, which continued till he had retreated from all positions

in range.

After a halt here of half an hour, I was ordered to advance with the Twenty-fourth Indiana, and with two companies thrown out as skirmishers. Ordering company E, Captain Ruckle, and G, Captain Caven, forward on that duty, we advanced about half a mile, when rapid firing to the left told us the battle had again commenced. We remained in shelter of a hill on the right of Fenton's Peoria battery, till ordered forward to take a position on a ridge running nearly perpendicular to our present one, to resist an attack being made by the enemy in force. This was about half-past eleven o'clock A.M.

Having moved, we remained in defence of that ridge till about five o'clock P.M., resisting during that time several attacks. I was then ordered by General McGinnis to move forward and support an attack being made by General A. J. Smith's division. I at once moved down in the bottom some two hundred yards to the front and awaited a chance to "get in," there being here but one road, and it filled with troops at a halt. Remaining here about half an hour, the regiments to the front were brought back, and I was ordered to my recent position on the ridge. The firing in front soon ceased, and we bivouacked for the night.

In conclusion, I would say that where every man did his duty so thoroughly, and fought with so much energy, it is difficult to single out any for special mention, yet the gallant conduct of Captains Ruckle and Caven in the capture of the battery, deserves more than a passing notice.

The regiment entered the fight with four hundred and ninety-one enlisted men, and twentyeight commissioned officers. It lost one killed, one missing, and twenty-three wounded.

I append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing. Very respectfully, DAN. MACAULEY, Colonel Eleventh Indiana.


IN THE FIELD, May 2, 1863.

Brigadier-General T. T. Garrard, Commanding First Brigade, Ninth Division:

SIR: I have the honor to herewith transmit the following report of the part taken by the One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio volunteer infantry in the action of Thompson's Hill on the first instant, and with it a list of casualties:

About five o'clock A.M. we were ordered to advance and take a position on the right of Lampher's battery, which we accordingly did, under severe fire of the enemy's shell, in which position we remained for about half an hour, when we advanced to the ravine, and from there were ordered to advance and form in line of battle in a ravine to the left of the division.


Soon after, in conjunction with the One Hundred and Eighteenth Illinois volunteers, we advanced briskly to a position behind a fence fronting the enemy, in support of the Forty-ninth Indiana, which was deployed as skirmishers on the edge of the woods. Soon after Colonel Kigwin, of the Forty-ninth Indiana, informed me that he was ordered to the right on a line with his position, and at the same time I received orders to cover his old position with skirmishers. then advanced companies A and C as skirmishers, and D, I, and B as supports. At half-past seven A. M. I was ordered to recall all but one of the companies. I moved as ordered, somewhat to the right, in advance of our line, to relieve the Fortysecond Ohio. The enemy's shell, grape-shot and bullets flew thick and fast around us, but the brave and gallant boys moved briskly on until we arrived in front of the Forty-second Ohio close to the ravine, moving parallel with the enemy's strongest position. I then engaged the enemy for about twenty minutes, without being able to do him much harm, being continually under cover on the opposite bank of the ravine. I then advanced as skirmishers some of the best shots from all companies down into the ravine, with orders to advance, closely supporting them with the remainder, keeping up a constant fire toward the top of the opposite bank. When nearly down the ravine I discovered the exact position of the enemy's advance toward my left on the opposite bank. I then charged upon them with the regiment and quickly drove them from the bank to the knoll, where they rallied and made a stand, which only increased the determination of my brave boys. Rushing up the bank we drove them from behind the knoll, taking eight prisoners. When I had obtained possession of the knoll I did not deem it prudent to follow any further, being at least three hundred yards in advance of any of our troops, and in danger of meeting the enemy's entire right wing, massed behind a number of old buildings directly in front of me. I deployed my regiment on the knoll, in order to push the retiring force and hold the position against a more formidable attack. As soon as the retiring enemy had regained the main body,

the attack was renewed with redoubled fierceness, but, meeting with such continued and well-directed volleys from us, he fell back under cover of the houses again.

I then continued to fight the enemy, who was concealed behind logs, fences, and houses, and some perched upon the tree-tops, until my ammunition was beginning to run out, and many of the guns became unfit for use, when I was relieved by Colonel Bennett, of the Sixty-ninth Indiana, and ordered to retire. I then fell back to the second ravine in the rear of me, replenishing the empty cartridge-boxes with ammunition from the boxes of their comrades who were killed and wounded. I remained in that position until late in the afternoon. I saw the charge made on the left, when I quickly formed my regiment, marching it toward the charging column, in order to support them, if necessary, but before reaching them the enemy fled in confusion. A glorious victory was won; the One Hundred and Twentieth had nothing more to do but to exult, to cheer, and be merry, and that, I assure you, was done.

sand prisoners, the possession of Grand Gulf, and a firm foothold on the highlands between the Big Black and Bayou Pierre, from whence we threaten the whole line of the enemy, are among the fruits of this brilliant achievement.

The march from Milliken's Bend to the point opposite Grand Gulf was made in stormy weather, over the worst of roads. Bridges and ferries had to be constructed. Moving by night as well as by day, with labor incessant, and extraordinary privations, endured by men and officers, such as have been rarely paralleled in any campaign, not a murmur or complaint has been uttered. A few days' continuance of the same zeal and constancy will secure to this army crowning victories over the rebellion.

More difficulties and privations are before us; let us endure them manfully. Other battles are to be fought; let us fight them bravely. A grateful country will rejoice at our success, and history will record it with immortal honor.


Major-General Commanding.

JACKSON "APPEAL" ACCOUNT. Some of the particulars of the affair near Port Gibson, that occurred on Friday last, have reached us, after pertinacious inquiries made in every direction to ascertain the result, and we regret our report cannot, in truth, be so favorable as have been those of other operations in this department.

I cannot close this report, General, without saying that the men of the One Hundred and Twentieth have not only justified their former reputation, but even have excelled it. They have displayed gallantry and bravery on that day which will never be forgotten by their country. To the line-officers, all of whom stood bravely up to the work,,I am much indebted for their aid and courage in promptly carrying out every order given. Lieutenant-Colonel Beckman has shown himself worthy of the position he holds; while promptly assisting in manoeuvring the regiment, his encouraging and cheering words were always heard along the lines. Major Slocum, while with me in the morning, showed that coolness and courage for which he is well known in the army; and while detailed to take charge of the skirmishers of the left flank of the division, did his full duty, to the entire satisfaction of the General commanding the division. Adjutant Sherman, young in years, has truly shown himself a veteran on the field. He possesses all the elements necessary to qualify him for the position he holds. Brave and cool, he became courageous and dash-vance into the country and upon Port Gibson, ing when the occasion required it.

Both officers and men have my sincere thanks for their cheerful cooperation on the field of Thompson's Hill.

I have the honor to be, General,

Your obedient servant,


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There is no doubt but that the Federal forces landed at Bruinsburgh, below the mouth of Bayou Pierre, were much larger than had been reported; that they excelled General Bowen's command at least five to one is not doubted. The few prisoners taken from the enemy-only some eight or ten-estimate the force engaged at twenty thou sand, and claim that the reserve on the river-bank was equally as great. To oppose these, General Bowen had in the fight two brigades. With such a disparity in numbers, of course a confederate victory was next to an impossibility.

General Bowen's object in leaving his position at Grand Gulf, on the south side of the Big Black, and crossing Bayou Pierre, was, we presume, to hold the enemy in check, and prevent their ad

until reënforcements, then known to be on the way, could arrive. The movements of the Fede rals, however, were rapidly made, and in great force. The forces met about midnight on Thursday, some two or three miles from Port Gibson, and the fight raged almost uninterruptedly until toward evening on Friday, when General Bowen

Col. Com❜g One Hundred and Twentieth Regiment, Ó. V. I. gave the order to fall back across Bayou Pierre,




Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee :

Once more I thank you for adding another victory to the long list of those previously won by your valor and endurance. The triumph gained | over the enemy near Port Gibson, on the first, was one of the most important of the war. The capture of five cannon and more than one thou

which movement was effected, and the bridges this step involved the loss of Port Gibson, which behind the retreating forces destroyed. Of course, was occupied by the Federals the same night. Such of our sick and wounded in the hospitals as were able to walk had timely warning, and crossed the bridges before they were fired. The remainder fell into the hands of the enemy, who, we are informed, found extensive hospital arrangements ready prepared.

On Saturday the enemy continued to advance in such numbers that it was deemed best to retire across the Big Black. Saturday night the works at Grand Gulf were abandoned, after dismounting and destroying the guns, and on Sunday the army crossed the Big Black, at Hankinson's Ferry, where it was met by reënforcements strong enough to make further retreat unnecessary, and prevent a passage being effected by the enemy. This, we believe, is the present position of our forces on the Big Black, and, as any further advance of the enemy against Vicksburgh will be contested by greatly increased forces, derived from no matter where, and aided by all the artificial defences that science can add to a naturally strong position, a delay of active hostilities must ensue that will enable our generals to make such further arrangements as may be required.

We have made every effort to obtain some intelligence of the loss on both sides, but have been unable to do so. Yesterday morning nothing more was known at Vicksburgh than here. Both armies suffered severely. The general estimates of the army Sunday noon were that our loss was one thousand killed, wounded, and prisoners; that of the enemy about four thousand. Our killed and severely wounded were left upon the field. On Saturday the enemy refused to allow a party sent out under a flag of truce to bury the dead to cross their lines for the purpose, saying that their own details were attending to that duty, and that the wounded were cared for. They secured some hundreds of prisoners, most of whom were sick or disabled.

The engagement was a long and bloody one, and gallantly did our boys for hours repel the hordes concentrated against them. Whatever of advantage the enemy gained was dearly bought. It was only when our little band was worn out by fatigue, and their ammunition exhausted, that they fell back, which was done in comparatively good order, and the army saved to win honors elsewhere, which they are now prepared to do whenever the enemy see fit to advance against the stronghold at Vicksburgh.

On Sunday morning, a bridge having been thrown across Bayou Pierre, a Federal cavalry force crossed, and gave some little annoyance to the rear of our column moving across Big Black. Nothing serious, however, occurred, as the enemy generally kept at a respectful distance.

As we look upon it, the position at Grand Gulf was only of strategic importance so long as the Big Black was navigable. The defences, such as they were, were only constructed after the enemy had succeeded in getting some of his craft between Port Hudson and Vicksburgh, when it was apprehended they might possibly get transports through the canal. At that time the Black was navigable as high up as the railroad bridge, and to obstruct the passage of a force to the rear of Vicksburgh by that route the place was occupied. The river has now fallen, and a division of our forces for holding Grand Gulf is no longer necessary. Its abandonment will enable our generals to concentrate their strength, whenever neces

sary, to repel the invaders. Whether the latter will advance against Vicksburgh, or attempt to move inland to some point, where they imagine communication can be cut off, remains to be seen. Military opinions differ as to what may be reasonably expected, but watchful eyes are upon them. Our opinion is, a great battle will yet be fought in open field, upon which the fate of Vicksburgh may, to some extent, depend. When it does occur, we shall entertain no fears as to the result.*

Doc. 181.


MONTICELLO, KENTUCKY, Friday night, May 1. A PART of the division of General Carter crossed the Cumberland on Thursday. The day before, a boat had been brought down from above, and, early in the day, one that lay in a leaky condition on the opposite bank, was repaired and shoved out into the stream. At half-past eight o'clock the infantry began to cross at Stigold's Ferry. First came the One Hundred and Third Ohio, next the Second East-Tennessee, followed by the Wilder battery and the Twenty-seventh New-Jersey. Captain Alexander, of the First Kentucky, had crossed above, the night before, with three hundred men, while the remainder of the First Kentucky, Second and Seventh Ohio cavalry, and the Forty-fifth Ohio and One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois regiments, mounted, and Law's mountain howitzer battery, were to cross at Mill Springs. The infantry had no trouble in crossing. At Mill Springs they had but one small boat. In this they were compelled to carry men, saddles, and artillery, while the horses were to swim. Only a part of the mounted force reached the infantry that night. The cavalry, under Captain Alexander, encountered about thirty rebel cavalry under Captain Mullen, at Weaver's Store, seven miles south of Stigold's Ferry, and drove them to Captain West's, a distance of four miles. Two rebels were wounded. About a hundred and fifty rebel cavalry now presented themselves, charging upon our pickets, who fell back upon the main body. Considerable firing continued for an hour, when the rebels, discovering that it would be scarcely safe to press matters, withdrew. Lieutenant Law, of the mountain howitzer battery, no sooner heard of skirmishing in front, than he placed one of his pieces in the boat, and hurrying across, soon had it in position.

Thus a part of the force sent out to relieve this part of Kentucky, was finally placed on this side the river, that seems to have been considered the boundary-line between Secessia and the real Government. After the commander was compelled to battle with the elements he could not control, a passage was finally effected, and the troops, in high glee, marched out at three o'clock, to find the enemy. Eleven miles were made in * Further accounts of this battle will be found in the Supple ment.

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four hours. A somewhat amusing incident oc- dashed through the farms which spread from hill curred this morning this side the ferry. Captain to hill. Just outside the town, one hundred and Alexander, with a squad of men, having crossed fifty rebels drew up in line, and charged upon the night before, came suddenly from the south our advance, but all to no purpose, for they were upon Mr. Stigold, a man of rebel proclivities, who driven back, and passed through at full speed. supposed that the rebel pickets had returned Just at this time, James Smith, a bugler, of again to the river, and gave what he considered company G, Seventh Ohio cavalry, was killed. "his friends a very warm reception. The old As the enemy rushed through town, Lieutenant man was somewhat taken aback when he was Law hurried up with a section of his howitzer walked off to Somerset under a guard. About battery, and getting the pieces in position in a eleven o'clock in the morning, Captain Mullen, of very short time, soon drove them from the posithe rebel army, who afterward attacked our ad- tion they had taken on the hill to the left of the vance, came to Captain West to engage boarding Jamestown road. The force consisted of Chefor thirty rebel pickets for a few days, to begin nault's regiment. They had passed through town the same evening, clearly indicating that they going north, the morning before, and now made were not looking for us so soon. In the mean their way back on double-quick, leaving coats, time "Uncle Abe's" boys dropped in and had the haversacks, and arms on the way. impudence to eat the supper the rebels had themselves expected to partake of. The infantry did not reach Captain West's till after dark. It was necessary to reach this point in order to cover both the road from the ferry and from Mill Springs. The night was a scene of bustle and activity incident to the arriving and disposing of troops.

The Second East-Tennessee, One Hundred and Third Ohio, and Twenty-seventh New-Jersey reached town about eleven o'clock, having made a splendid march, and in high spirits for a fight. The Wilder battery immediately followed them, and took position to watch the approach from the main road to Albany.

On our way we came to a family standing near their dwelling. The man was dressed in a suit of butternut, decorated with military buttons. Answering the General's questions unsatisfactorily, he was ordered under arrest. Then such wail as went up from the unhappy wife and daughters. Following him, as he left his home, they would not allow their grief to be assuaged by the assurances that he would not be hurt.

Such is war! Who can tell of the broken hearts, the wails of sorrow, the tears, the widows' and orphans' cries, that have to be answered for by the authors of this unholy rebellion!

At three o'clock this morning Colonel Wolford was to have moved with the entire cavalry force upon Monticello. At that hour he came to the General to tell him that the First Kentucky had been struggling all night to get over the river, and had lost a number of horses, that the Second and Seventh Ohio cavalry were yet on the other side at Mill Springs, and that a deep fog had settled down upon the ford. Next, word came that the one small boat that had been used had sunk. Plan after plan seemed to be overthrown, but not on account of the brave men, for they labored with a constancy that challenged the admiration of all. The danger of sending out a general with a body of men to cross an unfordable stream, upon the banks of which the rebel pickets watched for thirty miles, without providing it a pontoon-bridge upon which to effect a safe and speedy passage, now impressed every one with redoubled force. General Carter received these unfavorable re-miles from Monticello, winds around through a ports without a word of complaint against any Finally, said he: "Well, no doubt it is all for the best." Thus the Christian soldier, after having done all that he can, calmly relies upon Him "who doeth all things well."


There are two roads leading to Albany, in Clinton County, one turning to the right, as we leave Monticello, and going direct; the other leading out, in the direction of Jamestown, four and a half miles, and then turning sharply to the right, by which the former would be reached about eight miles from this place; the latter, three

deep, wild gorge, at the bottom of which Beaver Creek rushes along over the rough rocks that form its bed. A few men here could hold an army at bay as long as they desired. The enemy, whether from choice or necessity, I do not know, At an early hour, Colonel Carter was sent to took the Jamestown road-our troops skirmishMill Springs, to superintend the crossing of the ing with them as they retired. Upon arriving at remainder of the cavalry, and rendered valuable the pass to which I have alluded, they became assistance to those who were still on the other more obstinate, but finally gave back, making a side of the river. At six o'clock a detachment of poor resistance, compared with their opportunicalvary, under command of Captain Carter, was ties. Upon reaching the forks of the road at the ordered to advance cautiously in the direction of top of the hill, they seemed not to know exactly Monticello. This consisted of part of the First what to do. If they turned off on the Albany Kentucky, and Second and Seventh Ohio caval-road, they would run the risk of being caught be ry. Our advance came upon the rebels at Steu- tween two fires. If they kept on to Jamestown, benville, five miles north of the town. From they would deprive themselves of the reënforcethere till the rebels passed through Monticello and over the creek, there was constant skirmishing. For a distance of two miles north of this place, the rebels went as fast as their horses could take them, pursued by our cavalry, that

ments they had sent for to Albany the night before. Instead of making off as rapidly as they might have done, they, from the considerations alluded to, fell back into the woods that lie off beyond the cleared land that is between the two

Wolford, who, with his short-range guns, had been unable to dislodge the enemy. They were hurried forward and the rifled gun placed in position. A few rounds from this caused the rebels to fall entirely away.

roads. We supposed, as the army halted at the top of the hill to rest the men and horses, that the rebels were making off as fast as their stolen steeds could take them. Directly the words, "They are coming back!" passed along the column, and every man was in his saddle and pressing forward. Sure enough, on the Albany road here they came in force. This proved to be reenforcements sent from Albany. Having failed to reach Chenault at Monticello, they took the other road, in hopes of rendering assistance on the Jamestown road. No one estimates them at less than one thousand five hundred, some as high as two thousand five hundred. They were mounted, and had one rifled gun and one or two small howitzers. They had not yet reached the Jamestown road, but were rapidly approaching, with an audacity that looked like superior numbers. General Carter riding forward, ordered Colonel Wolford, with the First Kentucky cav-throw themselves down upon the ground, under alry, two companies of the Second Ohio, and the same number of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, to engage them.

Passing through the woods, they came at once upon the advancing columns of the enemy. A brisk musketry fire was opened immediately by both parties. Soon a section of Law's mountain howitzers, which had been sent forward under the gallant and efficient Lieutenant Law, made themselves heard. The enemy fell back across the open fields and again formed, our troops pressing them as much as their inferior numbers would render safe. Colonel Wolford having sent forward for support, the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, Colonel Henderson, was at once despatched to his assistance. The enemy were pressed back still further, and now retired a mile and a half. Thus matters stood on the right at four o'clock. A half-hour earlier, the enemy in considerable numbers had threatened our centre and left, evidently with the intention of rushing in and cutting off our communication with the reserve; but General Carter had already anticipated their intention, and had a section of Law's mountain howitzer battery placed in position on our centre. They now drew up in line of battle, when the Second Ohio cavalry, Colonel Kautz, was ordered to attack them. Major Gratz, Gen. Carter's Adjutant-General, begged permission to accompany them, when he, with Captain Pike, of company D, Second Ohio cavalry, followed by his splendid command, (the escort of the General,) and the remainder of the regiment, dashed off in splendid style. But the rebels would not stand. Our Colt's revolving rifles sent their little messengers whizzing about their ears, and away they went. The chase was kept up for five miles, the enemy carrying off their dead and wounded. The rebels, in this pursuit, disrobed themselves of their lousy overcoats, haversacks, canteens, etc., leaving their track marked by a shower of greasy butternut garments. The Second EastTennessee, Colonel Carter, arriving, with a section of the Wilder battery, under Lieut. Ricketts, the Forty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Runkle, with one of the guns, was ordered to the support of Col. VOL. VI.-Doc. 37

Evening was now drawing its shades over the scene of strife, and our forces having driven the enemy two miles, it was deemed proper to recall them and concentrate for the night, for they were already much separated and not in a condition to rest securely while threatened by an enemy of unknown strength. Our forces accordingly fell back to Monticello, where our reserve, under Col. Casement, of the One Hundred and Third Ohio, had been left to guard the other approach from Albany. It was nine o'clock when our men got into camp, where, after a day of rare excitement, of arduous duties, of noble stands, of gallant charges, they could prepare a hasty supper and


a moonlit sky, to rest their tired limbs and dream
of an enemy baffled, driven, defeated, of a coun-
try disenthralled, and of the loved ones away,
who, probably, little knew of the dangers to
which their friends that day had been exposed.
I have heard of but one man killed.
were wounded seriously enough to mention. The
enemy left nine dead upon the field; no doubt
they carried as many off as they could get away,
for they were seen to gather up bodies and throw
them across horses in front of their men, to be
borne away. How many were wounded we have
no means of knowing, as they were nearly all re-

We captured one Major, Lieutenant Terrell, of Chenault's cavalry, and made about twenty other prisoners, that we know of. This, no doubt, will be increased, as they are coming in every hour. It was rather a singular spectacle to see an EastTennessee prisoner having numerous friends come up to give him a hearty shake of the hand. Poor fellow! he no doubt was an unwilling subject of Jeff Davis, for he was a conscript, and had been in the service but two months. Beside the prisoners, several horses, muskets, and carbines were taken.

I am satisfied that there is much destitution among Southern troops; for, having the curiosity to look into the haversack of a dead rebel, I found a piece of hard, musty bread, that looked as if it had been baked for months, and handled with dirty hands as long. I am sure a hog would have to be hungry to eat it.

I cannot speak too well of the behavior of our troops. During their tiresome march, and their almost superhuman efforts at the river, they bore all with patience; and when a day of continued fighting came, those who were engaged threw themselves against the enemy with a force that was resistless, while those left in reserve fretted for a chance to be led against the foe. General Carter managed his forces skilfully, penetrated the enemy's designs, and made his dispositions in such a way as to defeat the enemy at every point. The force of the enemy is variously esti mated. None place it less than two thousand,

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