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possible they were brought into play, while an advance of skirmishers of the Thirty-ninth Illinois regiment was gallantly made to the bank of the river.

intrenched in a force of from twenty-five to thirty in a rifle-pit, behind the abutments of the burned bridge on the opposite shore. Others were seen lurking in the dense forest in the rear of the breastworks. Having drawn the fire of the rifle- The enemy could not stand the rain of shot and men in their intrenchments, the pilot of troop shell which now fell among them, and fled, bearA returned and reported the position of the ene- ing back their dead and wounded to light carts in my to Colonel Onderdonk, who immediately or- the rear, and mounting their fresh horses. The dered an advance of sharp-shooters, which was river was reported by our guides not to be fordmade by Captain Sanger and Lieutenant Wheelan able, the banks were precipitous and steep, and with great gallantry. Under the personal super-but one spot where a crossing was possible could vision of Lieut.-Colonel Onderdonk, our forces ad- be seen, and that directly in front of these desertvanced under such cover as they could get, poor ed intrenchments. at that; for on our side an open field, with a tree here and there, and two or three dilapidated houses, gave little chance for cover. When within twenty yards of the enemy our troops opened fire with their Sharpe's rifles, the enemy pouring upon us a galling fire from their intrenchments and opposite woods.

For ten or fifteen minutes a most rapid fire was kept up on both sides, several of the enemy being seen to fall, having incautiously exposed too much of their carcasses to the aim of our practised rifle


Col. Dodge rode up to the head of squadron C, now in advance, and asked for volunteers to cross the river and test the possibility of its passage. In an instant every officer and man moved forward in response. Col. Dodge selected the first three in front, who were Sergeant James M. Eaton, Corporal J. H. Cintler, and private Vanduser, and ordered them to cross. Nobly and gallantly they spurred their horses in the dark and treacherouslooking water, and among logs and old tree-tops, swimming in some places, they plunged through and gained the opposite bank while the shells from Captain Howard's battery were crashing through the trees, tearing away limbs and trunks but a few feet from them.

In about twenty minutes from the commencement of the action Lieut. Wheelan, who was in the extreme advance of his men, encouraging them by his words and deeds, received his death- Finding it possible to cross, Col. Dodge requestwounds from the enemy, who had evidently mark-ed Capt. Howard to cease firing, and Lieut. Hared him by his uniform, as they had LieutenantColonel Onderdonk, who narrowly escaped death from a volley fired a few moments previous di rectly at him. Though struck in four places at the same instant, the brave Lieutenant pushed in front, but Capt. Sanger and Sergeant-Major Fairgraves, aided by two privates of company F, whose names I have not yet learned, gallantly rushed in under fire and bore the brave officer to the rear, being covered as much as possible by the fire of our riflemen, who gave the enemy no


man, Acting Quartermaster, bravely led a volunteer platoon of company C across, and dashing forward formed an advanced-guard to keep in check any force that might attempt to prevent the crossing of our howitzers and ammunition. He was followed as rapidly as possible by the entire regiment, Col. Dodge and Lieut.-Col. Onderdonk, with Majors Wheelan and Schiefflin crossing also in front. In a very short space of time the force had crossed, and as soon as possible was formed and in pursuit of the enemy. The latter had the advantage of fresh horses and a thorough knowledge of the country, and made such good use of both, that though repeatedly in sight, it was impossible to come up with them.

After the Lieutenant had been moved out of range, Lieut.-Col. Onderdonk ordered the men who had held the advance to fall back a couple of hundred yards to await the reënforcements for which Lieut. Harman, with his usual gallantry, purhe had sent, the advance having nearly exhaust- sued this force with only a platoon for over five ed the ammunition in their cartridge-boxes. He miles beyond the river on one road. A portion, threw out flankers and guards at every point evidently a large body by their tracks, having which the enemy could assail; he sent Sergeant taken a road to the right of that taken by Lieut. Kavanagh, with four picked men, to a point where Harman, Col. Dodge led the pursuing column in he could enfilade the river, which the enemy were that direction. Within two miles of the river he preparing to cross in boats which they had drawn came to an unfordable creck, with swampy ground up at the base of their breastwork. Sergeant on both banks, crossed by a bridge which the flyKavanagh gallantly opened fire on the enemy, ing enemy had just rendered impassable by castthus attracting their attention to his point, while ing the planks into the water, carrying forward a our advance-guard on the right occasionally sent part of them to prevent our repairing it. This in a shot, to show them that we were still on the caused a delay which undoubtedly prevented our ground. capturing a portion of them, for their carts had evidently just crossed there. By tearing down the railings of the bridge the footing was made sufficiently strong to enable the force to cross, but the enemy had gained their point, and were now temporarily beyond our reach.

Colonel Dodge now came on the ground at full speed, closely followed by Capt. Howard and his battery. A section of the battery was immediately placed in position on the left, under command of Lieut. Bucher, and another on our right, under command of Lieut. Hasbrouk. As soon as

Learning from a negro that at Joiner's Ford,

Doc. 16.


NEW-ORLEANS, November 2, 1862.

Major-General H. W. Halleck, Commander-in-
Chief United States Army:

on the Blackwater, a short distance below Zuni, a picket-guard of rebels was stationed, by order of Col. Dodge, Major Wheelan dashed forward to that point and succeeded in surprising the party, capturing five of the partisan rangers from Georgia, under arins, and dispersing the rest, who escaped in the dense forest, where it was impossible to find them. Having positive written orders only to remain one hour over the river, and having I HAVE the honor to recount a very successful been unavoidably detained over three hours be- expedition, under Gen. Weitzel, of the preparayond the time specified, and the object of the re-tion for the march of which I have previously inconnoissance having been fully accomplished, Col. formed the Commanding General. Dodge reluctantly gave the order to recross the river at Joiner's Ford, moving over just before dark to a position a mile or two beyond, where men and horses were allowed a few hours' rest, which they much needed.

Our surgeons, Bennett and Wright, were exceedingly attentive to their duties, and were accompanied by the gallant and accomplished first assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Twelfth New-York regiment of infantry, Dr. Boyd, of Chautauque County, a volunteer on the expedition, whose zeal and enthusiasm cannot be too highly commended.

I should have mentioned before that Adjutant Downing crossed with the Colonel, and used great exertions in hurrying across the howitzers, both officers, with Lieut. Fairgraves, personally tugging at the ropes to drag them through the water and mire, thus by example encouraging the men to greater efforts.

It is impossible in this report to speak particularly of all who exhibited the qualities of true soldiers on this occasion. It is sufficient to say, not an officer or man faltered or blanched under fire, and that Colonel Dodge received convincing proof that his regiment is fit for service on any field, and will fall to a man before they will turn from the flag and cause which they have pledged themselves to uphold.

The Colonel was gallantly seconded by staff and field-officers, Adjutant Downing tiring down horse after horse in his arduous duty. The noncommissioned staff, encouraged by the example of their superiors, did all that gallant men could do to fulfil their duty. I noticed great gallantry displayed by Lieut. Snowden, of Pittsburgh, Pa., in command of infantry skirmishers who advanced to cover the gallant Capt. Howard while placing his battery in position. Orderly Sergeant Burton, of troop F, displayed great bravery under fire also.

Our return to camp was cheerful, though made in a drenching storm, but officers and men were saddened down when they learned that Lieutenant Wheelan, who had been sent back in an ambulance, had died of his wounds at noon of this day. We all mourn for his loss, but are resolved that the enemy shall be made to feel it as deeply as ourselves when we strike them again.

General Weitzel landed at Donaldsonville, and took up his line of march on Sunday, the twentysixth of October. About nine (9) miles beyond Donaldsonville he met the enemy in force; a sharp engagement ensued, in which he lost eighteen (18) killed and sixty-eight (68) wounded. Full lists of the casualties have been received and published.

The commanding officer of the enemy, Colonel McPheeters, was killed, and the enemy lost quite a large number in killed and wounded.

Two hundred and sixty-eight prisoners were captured, and also one piece of artillery. Since then he has met with no opposition, and the whole of that country is now open to him. The enemy has evacuated Brashear City, having by means of the railroad got away before our gunboats could cut off their retreat, the naval force having been delayed by a very severe storm.

I send you Gen. Weitzel's report, received today, and will forward by the next mail my letter of instruction to Gen. Weitzel in answer to his despatches herewith sent.

I am just informed that our railroad communications with General Weitzel are opened, and his messenger has just come in, bringing a despatch while I write, which I inclose.

I cannot too much commend the energy of Col. Thomas, with his regiment, the Eighth Vermont, who have in six days opened fifty-two miles of railroad, built nine culverts, rebuilt a bridge burned by the enemy, four hundred and thirtyfive (435) feet long, beside pulling up the rank grass from the track, which entirely impeded the Locomotive all the way; in this work they were assisted by Col. Stafford's regiment, native guard,


I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, BENJ. F. BUTLER, Major-General Commanding.


NEAR THIBODEAUX, LA., October 29, 1862. MAJOR: I have the honor to report that this morning at six o'clock I despatched Col. Birge, in command of his regiment, (the Thirteenth Connecticut,) Barnet's cavalry, and one section of Carruth's battery, down the Bayou Lafourche, to open communication with the city. I have just received a despatch from him from Raceland Station, in which he says that he has communicated with Col. Thomas, who is one mile and a half

from him. He found at the Station three freightcars, one passenger-car, two barbette guns, spiked, (thirty-two-pounders,) two twelve-pound iron howitzers, in good order, and guns, equipments, etc., scattered along the road.

ruse, I immediately ordered the Thirteenth Connecticut across the bayou to support the Eighth New-Hampshire and the Twelfth Connecticut, Thompson's battery to play upon the enemy's artillery on the right bank, which was firing splendidly upon our forces and my bridge; ordered Carruth to cross over with his two advanced section, and the Seventy-fifth New-York to support Thompson and guard the head of the bri

I therefore propose now to give you a more detailed report of my operations since I left Donaldsonville. I left this place at six o'clock on Sunday morning last, and marched on the left bank until I was within one mile of Napoleon-gade and the front of the train. ville, where I bivouacked in line of battle. Believing that the enemy would, by means of the numerous flatboat ferries which I knew were in the bayou, probably cross from one side of the bayou to the other, I took in tow a flatboat bridge and carried it with me all the way, and have it with me now. I destroyed every boat I passed as a prudential military measure. It has proved of invaluable service to me.

I then crossed over, ordered the Eighth NewHampshire to form line of battle across the road, the Twelfth Connecticut to form on its right, and ordered these forward to attack at once. They had scarcely commenced moving when the Thirteenth Connecticut arrived at a double-quick from across the bayou. I immediately ordered this in reserve. Subsequently, as the centre guides of the Eighth New-Hampshire and the Twelfth ConI moved on the first day with but one company necticut moved in different lines of direction, they of the Eighth New-Hampshire on the right bank. became sufficiently separated to allow me to The enemy's scouts were continually in sight of throw the Thirteenth Connecticut on the line bemy advance-guard of cavalry, and just before go-tween the two. I ordered this regiment forward ing into camp one captain of the enemy was in line of battle. The line thus formed advanced killed by my advance-guard and three prisoners steadily at my command forward. In a very were taken. Immediately afterward one of the short time the enemy's battery retreated, and Eighth New-Hampshire privates on the right also the infantry support. The fight did not last bank was taken prisoner by the enemy. long. I found that the enemy had four pieces of artillery in the road. It was Connor's battery, Company A, Withers's light artillery, commanded by Captain J. Rutson, (who was wounded and is now a paroled prisoner.) This battery supported by the remnants of the Eighteenth Louisiana and the Crescent City regiments, numbering together about five hundred men. They were lying down in a ditch on the lower side of a plantation road in the edge of woods at Georgia Landing, and immediately on the left of the battery.

I started on Monday morning again at six o'clock, but feeling that the enemy was in some force on the right bank, I threw over the whole of the Eighth New-Hampshire and Perkins's cavalry by means of my floating bridge, and in this order moved down the bayou.

At eleven o'clock, when I was about two miles above Labadieville, I received the report that the enemy was in force about one mile ahead, on the left bank, and that they had six pieces of artillery, I immediately ordered four pieces of Car- I ordered skirmishers at once in the woods to ruth's battery up, (two pieces were with the rear- secure prisoners. Carruth arrived about this guard and Thompson's was already ahead,) and time, and I sent him with one section and Performed the Thirteenth Connecticut and Seventy-kins's cavalry in pursuit. They pursued about fifth New-York in line of battle to support Thomp


four miles, Carruth firing upon the retreating forces on both sides of the bayou. I have since learned that Simms's battery of six pieces, supported by Col. Clark's (the Thirty-third) regiment of Louisiana volunteers, was in front on the left bank.

These two regiments formed splendidly, and moved at once forward to the attack, through a dense cane-field. I moved on with them, and after emerging from the cane-field I received the report, which was, that the enemy was in position I lost eighteen killed and seventy-four woundon the right bank also, and that he had foured. Lieut. Francis, of the Twelfth Connecticut, pieces of artillery on that side. At the same was taken prisoner before the fight. We have time I received the report that the enemy's cav-buried five of the enemy, and have seventeen alry was in the rear of my rear-guard. I imme- wounded in our hospital, but I have proof that diately swung my bridge across the bayou, order- their loss was greater. I took one hundred and ed eight companies of the Twelfth Connecticut sixty-six of the enemy prisoners the day of battle, over to support the Eighth New-Hampshire, leav- and forty-two of them since total, two hundred ing two companies of this regiment, one section and eight; I released them all on parole. The of Carruth's battery and Williamson's cavalry to commanding officer of the enemy, Col. J. P. Mcguard the rear. I immediately ordered, also, that Pheeters, was killed. I delivered his body to a road be cut up the steep bank on both sides of some of his brother officers, who were prisoners, the bayou for the passage of artillery and my and he was decently buried near the battle-field, train. I found soon that the enemy on the left the Chaplain of the Eighth New-Hampshire officibank, after delivering only the fire of its advance-ating. One of the pieces of the enemy's artillery guard, which killed one of my cavalry and wound- broke down in the retreat. We secured it, and ed another, and killed two horses, had disappear- have it now in our possession. All of my comed for some unaccountable reason. Fearing some mand did very well, both officers and men.


Eighth New-Hampshire advanced steadily in front boats. Arrived at a point four miles below of the enemy's battery. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Connecticut crossed the bridge, formed in line of battle under the very accurate and splendid fire of the enemy's artillery, without seeming to notice it at all. My cavalry has been of invaluable service to me; both officers and men have done splendidly. I wish I had four times the number. The signal corps, also, has been of great service to me.

Donaldsonville, where the troops were landed and marched into the town, the transports following along with them. The front of where the village of Donaldsonville once stood is now in ruins, having been shelled by our gunboats some time since, for having harbored guerrillas. The rear portion of the town, however, is undisturbed; but the deserted streets, the tenantless houses, the few and squalid inhabitants remaining, contrast strangely with the appearance pre

I crossed over my train and encamped on the battle-field; had my own and the enemy's wound-sented to the visitor before the war. ed put in a house which I took as an hospital. I went into camp the next morning, (yesterday.) I moved on down the right bank of the bayou, throwing over the Seventy-fifth New-York and Williamson's cavalry on the left bank. I left about thirty wounded of my own, who could not be moved, and the enemy's wounded, in charge of Surgeon B. N. Cuminings, of the Thirteenth Connecticut, and left with him provisions, money, and supplies, for their care. I entered Thibodeaux at three o'clock P.M. without opposition.

The brigade encamped at night in town. The night was truly a stormy one, the wind howling and whistling through the dilapidated and ruined tenements in mournful numbers, suggesting the idea of a requiem for the absent owners, many of whom will probably never return. The NewEngland boys here first felt the chilling influence of a Louisiana north-wester, but they paid little regard to that. They only asked for dry weather and the enemy, both of which, thank fortune, they found.

I certainly expected a fight at this place. When I arrived a short distance from it, I found from the smoke of burning bridges that they were retreating, and immediately ordered my cavalry in pursuit. They followed as closely as their force would allow, and prevented the total destruction of two railroad bridges, the one across Bayou Lafourche, the other across Bayou Terrebonne. I found three freight-cars at Lafourche Crossing, uninjured, one containing arms, shovels, and sugar, and another containing a lot of arms, ammunition, and accoutrements. I also found papers by the side of the road, which were thrown away in their retreat, proving that the enemy had left Bayou des Allemands. I went into camp on Burton's plantation, about one mile below Thibo-by the wayside with fatigue. deaux. 1 will repair the damage on the two bridges to-morrow. The enemy has retreated to Berwick's Bay. I send you a list of my killed and wounded; I also send you a list of prisoners I paroled. I think it would be well to publish the latter list, as a great many are from NewOrleans.

On Sunday morning, early, the whole column took up the line of march down the Bayou Lafourche, the main body on the left bank, and company F, Eighth New-Hampshire, under command of Capt. Flanders, thrown out across the bayou on the right as skirmishers. Companies were also thrown out on the left. All along the march, from the very beginning, crowds of negroes, of all ages and both sexes, came rushing to the ranks to join the column. Many came with packs of clothing, some with their picaninnies, but most of them empty-handed. The women and children were not permitted to join at first, as there was no transportation for them, and they could only go a few miles and then fall

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brig.-General U. S. Vols., Commanding Reserve Brigade.
Ass't Adjutant-General, Department of the Gulf, New-Orleans.



IN CAMP, NEAR THIBODEAUXVILLE, Oct. 30, 1862. The expedition under Brig.-General Weitzel reached this place last night, after a march of about three days and a half from Carrollton.

The first day passed without encountering the enemy except a few roving bands, many of whom were bagged, and the army bivouacked in the open field, at a point about two miles above Napoleonville, which is said to be about fifteen miles from Donaldsonville. At this point there were several signs of the enemy. The cavalry on the left surprised a captain of confederate cavalry, in a field, and called on him to surrender. He replied by shooting at one of the cavalrymen, the ball passing through his holster. He was then shot through the head with a carbine. This company of cavalry was under the command of Lieut. Perkins. On the right, a party of about a dozen rebel cavalry dashed on the outpost pickets of the Eighth New-Hampshire and captured a sentinel, and came near taking Lieut. Bell; but he, being mounted on a fleet horse, and disregarding their summons to surrender, made his escape amid a volley of balls sent after him. The man captured is named John O'Donnell, and hopes are entertained that we may succeed in retaking him.

The reserve brigade is composed of the Eighth New-Hampshire, Thirteenth Connecticut, Twelfth Connecticut, and Seventy-fifth New-York regiments, and First Louisiana, named in their order in the brigade, commencing on the right. We Early on Monday morning the forces again embarked on board the transports at Carrollton took up the line of march, with the Eighth Newon Friday, twenty-fourth, at four o'clock, and im- Hampshire regiment on the right bank, and had mediately started up, accompanied by four gun-proceeded about five miles, when the Louisiana

cavalry, on the left bank of the bayou, discovered the enemy in some force on the right bank. Thompson's battery was sent forward and opened with shot and shell, which was vigorously replied to by the batteries below, posted on both sides of the bayou-the battery on the right bank being the nearest. General Weitzel soon made his dispositions to attack the enemy, forming the attacking force by placing the Eighth New-Hampshire on the right, and ordered the Twelfth and Thirteenth Connecticut to cross over and form in line of battle. Some artillery was also sent over. The crossing was effected under a vigorous fire from the rebel battery, the shells bursting all around, and some solid shot striking here and there. But the two Connecticut regiments came along without the least show of flinching, and took their places, when the order was given to the New-Hampshire boys to charge the battery. Three of these companies, A, E, and F, under command of Capts. Barrett, Warren, and Flanders, respectively, had been out as skirmishers, and had ascertained that the battery had three pieces with an infantry support. These companies, after having fearlessly scoured the woods, under a heavy fire, were called to take their places in the regiment, company E having lost its brave Captain Warren while skirmishing; and all being ready, Col. Fearing, ably seconded by Lieut.-Col. Lull, called on his regiment to " go in," and in they went, the balls and shells of the enemy flying around in every direction, dealing death and frightful wounds to the ranks. Little heed they paid to that. On they went, through the underbrush, over fences and ditches, until they got near enough to deliver their fire, which was done with such effect as to cause an immediate stampede of the battery. This same stampede could have been prevented, but for the fact that the men were so fatigued with the charge that they could not follow up. The Twelfth Connecticut, which formed the left wing, came up in gallant style, and succeeded in flanking nearly the whole of the left wing of the enemy, who were in woods. This cut off their retreat, and secured them as prisoners. The manner of surrender is said to have been somewhat ludicrous. About thirty or forty of them threw themselves into a wide ditch, and, falling upon their backs and knees, waved their tattered white handkerchiefs in token of submission. There were some one hundred and twenty-five prisoners, rank and file, taken here, besides several officers. The confederate troops engaged belonged to the Eighteenth Louisiana and Crescent regiments. The Colonel of the latter, J. P. McPheeters, was killed on the field. He was buried by his own men, (who had been taken and paroled,) in a field by the wayside, about a mile above the field of battle, and about two below Napoleonville. Two confederate soldiers, names unknown, were buried by his side. In the same field, not far remote, lie the brave Captains Warren, company E, and Kelleher, company K, of the Eighth New-Hampshire. The whole regiment feels deep sorrow for the loss of these brave captains, who were popu

lar, skilful, and brave, and fell nobly fighting for the integrity of their Government. They have offered up their hearts' blood at the shrine of their country, and a grateful people will cherish their memory. Peace to their manes.

The gallant style in which these three heretofore untried New-England regiments went into action, is a source of great pleasure to General Weitzel. The General is justly proud of his brigade, and he enjoys the entire confidence of every man in the expedition. It is impossible for a general to have more fully the moral support of an army, than that possessed by General Weitzel. The physical support has been shown to be efficient. It is always impossible to speak of every officer in detail who distinguishes himself in action. It might suffice to say that every officer was at his post - every duty performed every order obeyed. The post of danger, consequently of honor, belongs to the several cavalry companies. Capt. Cowan having been detailed to serve on the staff, the command and direction of his fine company devolved on Lieut. Perkins, and whatever the fitness of "any other man may be for the position, I consider Perkins fully his equal. He is an incessant rider, always on the alert, always useful. While I thus speak of the Lieutenant, I must not forget that the other commanders have done their duty, but at this hurried moment I have not so good an opportunity to learn their names.

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Our loss in killed and wounded will probably exceed that of the enemy, but we have lost but one prisoner, while theirs are now counted by hundreds. Those I send you were taken on the field. About as many more have been captured by the cavalry and paroled. It is said in Thibodeaux this morning that since our army has been encamped here, there have been some three hundred desertions out of the Lafourche militia.

The people are in desperate straits in this region of country. They have no flour, no shoes, very little salt, no butter, lard, candles or soapin fact, the only things at all plenty are sugar, corn, negroes, and shinplasters payable in confederate notes. They begin to heartily wish for the restoration of the authority of the Federal Government. That Government protects them, feeds them, is like a parent to them. The rebels burn their bridges, their cotton, their sugar, impress their entire male population into their halffed, scantily clothed armies, and leave the women and children to starve at home.

How long we shall remain here depends on events soon to be developed. Every man, however, is anxious to meet the enemy again, in force sufficient to give the whole brigade a chance. It is hoped that communication will be opened to the city by the Opelousas Railroad soon. are some large sugar plantations here, and a great deal of sugar, and the Lord knows the people need the necessaries it might purchase in New Orleans.


It is likely that many of the crops now in the fields will be lost, as the whites have gone with the confederate forces-been compelled to go

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