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At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, in said State, on the Wednesday following the first Monday of January, being the sixth day of said month, and continued until the final adjournment thereof on the eighteenth day of May next following, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen.

[Senate Bill No. 1.]


An Act concerning Valuation of Securities held by
Insurance Companies.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

General Assembly convened:

fraternal bene

ized to amorti certain securit

not in default.

SECTION 1. Any life insurance company or association or Life insurance fraternal benefit society chartered by or organized under the companies and laws of this state and doing business in this state, or any such societies autho company, association or society organized under the laws of another state or country and authorized to do business in this state may, in any report or valuation of its securities which it is required by law to make, value all of its securities having a fixed term and rate and not in default as to principal or interest, and if amply secured either according to the provisions of the laws of this state existing at the time of the passage of this act or according to the following rule, to wit: If purchased at par, at the par value; if purchased above or below par, on the basis of the purchase price adjusted so as to bring the value to par at maturity and so as to yield meantime the effective rate of interest at which the purchase was made; provided, that the purchase Insurance price shall in no case be taken at a higher figure than the actual commissioner market value at the time of purchase; and provided, further, value. that the insurance commissioner shall have full discretion in determining the method of calculating values according to the foregoing rule; and provided that all securities, except those having a fixed term and rate and not in default as to principal

to fix taxation


Annual report concerning same.

Market vabie.

or interest shall be valued according to the provisions of the laws of this state existing at the time of the passage of this act.

SEC. 2. In the report required by law to be rendered by any such insurance company, association or society during the year 1915 of its condition upon the thirty-first of December, 1914, it may, at its option, value its securities either according to the provisions of the laws of this state existing at the time of the passage of this act or according to said rule.

SEC. 3. If any mutual life insurance company shall elect to value its securities according to said rule, such values may be treated by the board of equalization as the market value of all of such securities so valued for the purpose of computing the tax payable by such company under existing law.

SEC. 4. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, February 2, 1915.



Appointment and term of commissioners.

Political restrictions.

Classification of service.

[Substitute for Senate Bill No. 14.]


An Act amending an Act creating a State Civil
Service Commission.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. Within ten days after the passage of this act, the civil service commission provided for under chapter 232 of the public acts of 1913 shall consist of five members and be increased to said number through the appointment by the governor of two electors as such additional commissioners, one of whom shall hold office until September 1, 1916, and the other until September 1, 1918, and each until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Three of said commissioners shall constitute a quorum.

SEC. 2. So much of said act as requires the governor to appoint an elector as such commissioner for the term of six years in 1915, 1917, and 1919, respectively, and as further provides that not more than two members of said commission shall belong to the same political party, and that two members shall constitute a quorum, is hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. The governor shall, on September 1, 1915, and annually thereafter, appoint one elector to serve as such commissioner, for a period of five years. All appointments to said commission, both original and to fill vacancies, shall be so made that at the time of appointment not more than three members shall be of the same political party.

SEC. 4.

Section two of said act is hereby amended to read as follows: The civil service of the state shall be divided into the unclassified service, the exempt service, and the classified

service. The unclassified service shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this act, and shall include the following classes: Any official elected by popular vote; and during the term of office of such official such employees in the department under him and for such period of said term as such official may designate in the manner specified in section twenty-one hereof; all officers appointed by the governor, with or without the advice and consent of either or both branches of the general assembly; all officers and employees appointed by either or both branches of the general assembly; all election officers; all heads of departments of the state government, and members of commissions and boards thereof; all officers and persons in the militia; the legal assistants of the law department of the state, appointees of the courts and judges thereof; teachers or teaching forces; all officials of state and county institutions who are required to be physicians; employees of commissions and committees of the general assembly; all unskilled or common laborers or domestics employed and paid as common or unskilled laborers or domestics.


test and competi

sion in re exemp service.

SEC. 5. Section three of said act is hereby amended to Exemption from read as follows: The deputy or first assistant of a principal tion at discretio executive officer authorized by law to act generally for and in of commission. place of his principal, one secretary or clerk of each department, board, and commission authorized by law to appoint a secretary or clerk, one private secretary, clerk, or stenographer of each judge or principal executive officer, shall be exempted by said commission upon receipt by it of written notice of such exemp- Powers of comm tion from the authority appointing such assistant, secretary, clerk, or stenographer. Said exemption shall remain in effect until written notice of its withdrawal is filed with the commission by said authority or the successor in office of said authority. There may be included in the exempt service any department, or subdivision thereof, or group of employees therein for whose appointment a civil service test may be ineffective, and all other offices and positions for the filling of which competitive or noncompetitive tests shall be found by the civil service commission to be impracticable. No office or position shall be in the exempt service, except as herein otherwise provided, unless it is specifically named in the classification under the rules, and the reasons for making such exemption shall be stated separately in the next annual report of said commission. Not more than one appointment shall be made to or under the title of any such office or position unless a different number is specifically mentioned in the classification under the rules. After six months from the Hearings in cer date when this act takes effect, no office or position, save as herein otherwise provided, shall be exempted except after public hearing by the commission. Suitable public notice of such hearings shall be given by the commission. Appointments in the exempt service may be made without test.

tain cases of

exempt service.

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