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many we mean. When we, wish to say in writing that we have ten of anything we write a 0 after the 1 and have 10, ten.

This book devotes several pages that may be utilized for counting exercises. One page shows groups of objects in colors; another gives a counting drill in colors; a third gives combinations of 2 and 1, 2 and 3, etc., to 10; and the addition drills may be used also as counting drills.

Remember to have the child express himself in complete sentences.

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Things for the Child to do:

1. Cut out 40 squares of paper one inch on a side.

2. Number the squares from 1 to 40.

3. Show the teacher the square that has on it the number she asks for.

To the Teacher:

Figures placed on the blackboard should be written large and in color, yellow preferred.

Be careful that your models of figures are correct.

Use of Colored Pages:

Ask the child questions like these:
How many fish on this page!

How many spools do you see?
How many flags are waving?

Accept only complete statements in answers, as.
There is one fish here.

I see two flags waving, etc.


The following plan is suggested in teaching the combinations in Addition and Subtraction:

1. Add 1 to every number up to 10; later to 20. 2. Subtract 1 from every number up to 10; later to 20.

3. Add 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Here the addends are equal and easily added. The figures should be placed as above and not 2 + 2, 3 + 3, etc., because the vertical form is the natural one which the child will use all through life. It does not look so formal and represents better what he really does with the objects.

4. Add 1 2 3 4 5 6

+2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 Here one addend exceeds the other by 1.

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Here the minuend is 1 greater in each case.

6. Teach the parts of 10.

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7. In adding 9 to numbers have the child think of 9 as 10

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8. Teach the corresponding subtractions.

9. Add 8 to each number up to 10.

10. Teach the corresponding subtractions.

11. Add 7, 6, and 5 to each number up to 10. 12. Teach the corresponding subtractions.

13. Review and give combinations not taught above. NOTE.- Objects should be grouped by tens and units, in showing numbers above ten.

The numbers written should represent objects counted.


Devices to be Used with the Domino Method: 1. Cut paper dominoes for the child and mark them.

2. A piece of paper, with a figure showing the sum of the dots, may be placed by the child at the right side of each domino.

3. In place of dots on the paper dominoes, little

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