Imágenes de páginas

Reform Taxpayers' Convention in 1845,
iii, 213-Thanks of the State to George
Peabody in relation to the State debt, iii,
216-Oregon, iii, 217-Baltimore in rela-
tion to war with Mexico, iii, 224-Of
Maryland thanking the officers and men
in the war with Mexico, iii, 235—Legis-
lature on the subject of slavery, iii, 240-
Of the Legislature to investigate Know-
Nothing party, iii, 247--Baltimore Reform
Association, iii, 268-Maryland Legisla-
ture on disputes between the North and
South, iii, 350-Opposition to the Registry
Law, iii, 673-677--Crittenden Compro-
mise, iii, 373-State Conference Conven-
tion, iii, 381-State Rights Convention,
iii, 401-Frederick Legislature and Gov-
ernment, iii, 428-Remonstrance against
suspension of writ of habeas corpus, iii,
431-Baltimore Police Board, iii, 436—
Protest against military usurpation, iii,
440-1st Maryland Confederate Regi-
ment, iii, 447-Legislature on slavery, iii,
461, 462-Of Baltimore war meeting, iii,
492-Adopted by the Confederate Con-
gress, iii, 493-On slavery, iii, 558-Of
thanks to Commodore Rodgers and Capt.
Kilty, iii, 576-In defence of Baltimore,
iii, 631.

Records: Seized, i, 223, 422-Recovered, i,
217-Lost, i, 306, 421.

Reform Party, iii, 265-272, 283-285.
Refugee Barges, ii, 486.

Riots, iii, 250, 251, 262-264, 272- Nine-
teenth of April, 1861, iii, 400, 403-416,
466-Railroad Strike in 1877, iii, 728–740.


Small-pox, ravages of, i, 548; ii, 9.
St. Mary's City, i, 13-Landing of Pilgrims
at, i, 75-Settlement of, i, 81, 105, 123, 185,
294-Mayor of, i, 310, 347- Indians
threaten, i, 106, 140, 310-Assembly, i,
130, 178, 307, 344-Religion of, i, 162, 170,
179, 215, 284-Climate, ii, 8-Arrival of
Claiborne at, i, 210-First Printing-press,
i, 315-Aldermen and council of, i, 347-
Petition against removal of capital, i, 345
-Reply of Assembly, i, 348-Removal of
Capital and departed glory, i, 349, 421,

Sabbath-breaking, ii, 40.

Strafford, Earl of, i, 42-Letter of condo-

lence from G. Calvert, i, 50-Message from
G. Calvert, i, 52-Governor Harvey, i,

Slaves, i, 66, 271, 375; ii, 16, 37, 42; iii, 556,
570-Runaway, ii, 2, 15, 38; iii, 48-In
dians sold into slavery, iii, 289-Slavery
under treaty of 1783, iii, 310- How
treated, ii, 58; iii, 290-Missouri Compro-
mise, iii, 311-Manumission of, ii, 103,
292; iii, 305-Threaten to revolt, ii, 179;
iii, 321-Under Cornwallis, ii, 463-Rep-
sentation, iii, 293, 299-Faithful in the

Revolution, ii, 351-Colonization Society,
iii, 320-Trade, iii, 288, 310-Fugitive
slave laws, iii, 326-Abolition of slavery,
iii, 291, 295, 306, 321, 337, 342, 345, 463,
465, 556-Under United States Constitu-
tion, iii, 295, 301-Resolutions of Legisla
ture, iii, 461 — Anti-slavery Society, iii,
396, 319, 320-Dred Scott decision, iii,
309-Negro soldiers, iii, 556, 571, 572-
Abolished in Maryland, iii, 583-Lincoln
on, iii, 556-Emancipation proclamation,
iii, 556.

State debt, iii, 197–216.
Shillings, i, 275.
Sixpences, i, 275.

Sharpe, Governor, i, 96, 155, 407, 428, 442,
502-Superseded, ii, 115-Preparing for
French and Indian war, i, 443-Convenes
the Assembly, i, 446, 499-Commander-
in-chief of forces in defence of the fron-
tiers, i, 449-Takes command, i, 450-
Inspecting army, i, 452-Descends the
Potomac in a canoe, i, 452-Quarrels with
Assembly, i, 456, 484, 486, 498, 504, 510—
Braddock purchases his chariot, i, 457——
Braddock's defeat and he goes to Cum-
berland, i, 465-His remonstrance to Col-
onel Dunbar, i, 466-Calls out militia in
defence of the frontiers, i, 471, 481-He
goes to New York, i, 472-Letter to Shir-
ley, about Washington, i, 482-Builds
Fort. Friendship, i, 491-To sing Te
Deums, i, 493-Loses his temper, i, 494-
At the council of Governors, i, 496-
Quartering British troops on Annapolis, i,
506-Marches to relieve Washington, i,
508-Asking relief for the Boston fire
sufferers, i, 513--Proposes a stamp duty
to be laid on the colonies, i, 522-
To General Gage, introducing Hood, i,
527-Letter to Lord Conway upon
reception of stamped papers, i, 531.
St Michaels, i, 142; iii, 50-Trade from, ii, 3
-Ship building, ii, 63.
Stewart, William A., iii, 704.
Soldiers' vote, iii, 587, 597, 642.
Sharpsburg battle, iii, 509, 516.


South Mountain, battle of, iii, 504, 516.
Somerset County: Indians, i, 96, 212, 262,
271,424; ii, 385; iii, 243-Laid out, i, 272—
Manor lands in, ii, 105-Protestant ad-
dress to William and Mary, i, 328-Sub-
scription, ii, 168-Lieutenant of, ii, 453-
First Presbyterians in, i, 363-Boston
fire, i, 513-Commissary, ii, 455-Inhabi-
tants, i, 377; iii, 141-References to, i,
343, 411; ii, 194-Schools, ii, 509, 512-
Raising Troops in, ii, 192, 343-Tories
in, ii, 239, 296, 299, 300, 303, 431-Assess-
ment, iii, 39-United States Constitution,
ii, 543-District, ii, 547-First election
under Constitution, ii, 549, 550.
Sothoron, Col. J. H., kills a Lieutenant in
the Federal army, iii, 572.
Southern Relief Association, iii, 688.


St. Joseph's Academy, Emmittsburg, iii, 723.
Sisters of Charity, iii, 723.

Stock in Bank of England, ii, 504.
St. Mary's County, i, 123, 136, 139, 143, 146,
194, 196, 202, 215, 271, 298, 303, 309, 368,
411; iii, 243-Address from, to William
and Mary, i, 330-Backwoods, ii, 2-
Orchards of, ii, 6-Its growth, ii, 14—
Frederick Calvert's manor lands in, ii,
105-Non-importation, ii, 114-Subscrip-
tion, ii, 168-British takes possession of
St. George's Island, ii, 268; iii, 48-Lieu-
tenant of, iii, 453-Commissary, ii, 455—
Schools in district, ii, 193-Signal stations,
ii, 212, 453-Recruits for the army, ii, 192,
238, 240 344, 453-District, ii, 547-
Schools, ii, 509, 512, 513, 514-Assess-
ment, iii, 39-First election under Consti
tution, ii, 549-British depredations in,
iii, 68, 127-Enlisting slaves, iii, 572-
Inhabitants i, 377; iii, 141.

Stewart Anthony, ii, 111, 114, 131 161.
Signal stations, ii, 212, 435, 453; iii, 101.
Staten Island, battle of, ii, 311.
Stony Point, battle of, ii, 354.
Servants, i, 126, 371, 377, 384-Terms of
service, ii, 15, 38, 55-Women, ii, 16-
How treated, ii, 54-Family, ii, 91.
Southampton insurrection, iii, 321.
States Rights, ii, 440, 541; iii, 131, 173-
Fugitive Slave Law, iii, 327.
South Mountain battle of, iii, 504.
St. Sulpice Society of, iii, 723.
State House, i, 126, 132, 389, 421; ii, 496-
Washington resigns his commission in, ii,
499-How built, ii, 84-Lafayette's visit
to, in 1824, iii, 151-Inauguration of first
governor, ii, 287-Struck by lightning, i,
365-Catholics not permitted to walk in
front, i, 383.

Swedes, i, 138, 145, 235, 237, 239, 240, 249.
Soil, ii, 5, 12, 58, 59, 60.

Sentence of conspirators at Frederick, ii, 387.
Sisters of Charity, iii, 550.

Stamp Tax in Maryland, in 1844, iii, 212.
Stone, John H., ii, 292, 325, 343, 356, 537,
597, 571.

Soldier's lands at Cumberland, ii, 507.
St. Domingo negro insurrection, ii, 575-
Refugees arrive in Baltimore, ii, 579.
Search Right of, iii, 139.
Slitting nose, ii, 41.
Sports, ii, 71.

Star Spangled Banner, history of, iii, 117.
Susquehannough Indians, i, 5, 10, 83, 85, 88,
94, 96, 132, 135, 137, 140, 142, 144, 189,
292-Treaty with, i, 212, 290, 356-Regu-
lar raids, ii, 2-Massacre chiefs, i, 292.
Stone, Gov. Wm., i, 171, 174, 177, 181, 197,
202, 206, 210, 211, 213, 215, 250-Expedi-
tion against Puritans at Providence, i, 217,
219, 220-Condemned to death, i, 221-
Resigns Maryland into hands of Crom-
well's commissioners, i, 214-His wife, i,


Surrender: Of the province to Lord Balti-
more by R. Bennetti, i, 228-Articles of, i,
317-Protestant Revolution, i, 317-Of
Confederate armies, iii, 645, 649.
Southern States and slavery, iii, 288-304,

Steam gun, iii, 415.

Seal of Maryland, i, 196; ii, 280.
Schools: First Free Schools, i, 349; ii, 18-
Subscriptions for, i, 350-Schoolmasters,
ii, 27, 508, 511-Address to William and
Mary upon, i, 351--Seamen's Training,
i, 384-Eden, ii, 512-Fund, i, 352; ii, 27
-Visitors and Trustees, i, 352; ii, 512,
514-Education of Catholic children, i,
369; ii, 511-King William, i, 352, 422;
ii, 508-In Province, ii, 18, 508-Acts of
Assembly in relation, ii, 22--Cradock's
parish, ii, 511-Bacon's parish, ii, 511—
Charlotte Hall, ii, 511, 514-Free school
system, ii, 513; iii, 724-Presbyterian, ii,
514-St. Joseph's Academy, Emmitts-
burg, iii, 723-Sisters of the Visitation,
iii, 723.

Smallwood, Wm. 1, 537-Commissioned col-
onel of First Maryland Regiment, ii, 192-
Marches to Philadelphia, ii, 240-At
Battle of Long Island, ii, 243-At Har-
lem Heights, ii, 251-Maryland Line, ii,
260-White Plains, ii, 261-Return of his
regiment, ii, 261-Wounded, ii, 262-Re-
cruits join, ii, 270-Ordered by Washing-
ton to Maryland, ii, 289-Suppressing
Tories on Eastern Shore, ii, 299-In com-
mand Maryland Line, ii, 309-Engage-
ment on Staten Island, ii, 311-Troops
compelled to surrender, ii, 312-Sent to
Maryland to command militia on Howe's
invasion, ii, 316-Ordered to Pennsyl-
vania, ii, 321-At Paoli, ii, 323-At battle
of Germantown, ii, 329-In command of
Maryland troops, ii, 329-Return of, ii,
356-At battle of Camden, ii, 366-Ar-
rives at Hillsborough, ii, 370-Takes com-
mand of North Carolina militia, ii, 372-
Ordered to Virginia, ii, 400-Dispute
with Steuben about rank, ii, 400-Or-
dered to Maryland, ii, 401-Compels
British to abandon City Point, ii, 429-
Assembly ask for his promotion and as-
signment to division, ii, 445-Ordered to
reinforce Lafayette, ii, 450-Cincinnati
Society, ii, 501.

Schenck, Gen. R. E., ii, 520, 527, 544, 550,
558, 560, 562, 574, 665, 694.
Seton, Mrs. E. A., iii, 723.
Snow Hill, i, 363, 411, 472; ii, 180-Laid
Out, ii, 54-Great Fire in, iii, 176.
Southern Grievances, iii, 356, 370, 371-
Crittenden Compromise, iii, 372.
Scotch, i, 363, 423-Political prisoners, i,
385, 388, 435.

Smith, Gen. S., i, 399; ii, 349, 607-Attempts
to seize Gov. Eden, ii, 213-Sketch, iii,
106-At Fort Mifflin, ii, 323, 326, 328-

On the patriotism of Virginia, ii, 450—
Whiskey Insurrection, ii, 583, 584-War
of 1812, iii, 40, 77-Congratulatory orders,
iii, 123-Resigned, iii, 128, 142.

Swann, Thos, iii, 250, 253, 257, 259, 263,
272, 560, 674, 681, 684, 704.

Secession, iii, 138, 347-In New England, ii,
623, 628; iii, 2, 28, 311-Resistance to
Government by New England, ii, 626;
iii, 2, 131-Nullification, iii, 173-In Fred-
erick Legislature, iii, 425-Fugitive Slave
Law, iii, 327-South Carolina, iii, 356,
363-Governor Hicks, iii, 365—Of South-
ern States, iii, 370.

Suffrage, ii, 239, 281, 608, 611-Military in-
terference with the right of, iii, 458, 519,
560, 562, 569, 577-Negroes voting in
Maryland, iii, 712-Granted after the war,
iii, 690.

Sectional feeling, i, 624-In Revolution, ii,
257, 260, 341, 445-On the adoption of
the United States Constitution, ii, 539-
In War of 1812, iii, 2-Nullification, iii,

Sons of Liberty, i, 524, 528, 549-In New
York receive Hood, i, 528-Non-impor-
tation associations, ii, 111.
Subscriptions: Frederick County to poor
of Boston, ii, 155-Chestertown to poor
of Boston, ii, 156-In all counties by
order of Maryland Convention, ii, 168-
Of General Assembly for support of the
army, ii, 375-Merchants of Baltimore to
supply Lafayette's necessities, ii, 445-To
War of 1812, iii, 39, 45, 58, 99, 129.
Stamp-Act, i, 456 First proposed by
Sharpe, i, 522-Tax on stamped paper,
523-Receives royal assent, i, 524-Hood,
stamp distributor, i, 525-Opposition to,
i, 526; ii, 223-Reception in Maryland, i,
526-In New York, i, 528-Arrival of
stamp paper in Maryland, i, 530—Pre-
vented from landing, i, 531-Letter from
Massachusetts Assembly on, i, 534, 535—
Samuel Chase on, i, 536-Congress, i,
537, 540-Maryland Gazette in mourning
for, i, 541-Mock funeral at Frederick, i,
542-Talbot County, resolutions, i, 544—
Arrival of stamped paper at New Castle,
i, 548-Meeting of Sons of Liberty in re-
lation to, i, 550-Repeal of, i, 552, 553—
Restoration of good feeling, i, 554-Tax
on paper, glass, etc., ii, 105- Opposition,
ii, 110.

Sharpsburg: Hessian prisoners at, ii, 292,
306, 386-Battle of, iii, 509.


Tripolitan War, ii, 611, 612.

Treaties: Peace of Westphalia, i, 24-With
Six Nations, i, 96, 444--Five Nations, i,
294-Ryswick, i, 357-With Indians, i,
252, 260, 290, 425, 426, 488-Utrecht, i,
473-England and France at Paris, i,
513,516-United States and Great Britain,

ii, 392, 490-Jays, ii, 591---United States
and Great Britain in 1815; iii, 136, 293.
Trials: State in England, i, 27-First by
Assembly, i, 110--Trial of William Lewis,
i, 167--Fendall, i, 268---Thomas True-
man, i, 293--For witchcraft, i, 298---Judge
Chase, ii, 613, 614-Col. Fish, iii, 599.
Taxation: Exempted by charter, i, 61, 153,
154, 156, 158, 519, 521-Laid, i, 140-On
negroes and Irish servants, i, 384; ii, 14-
Assembly insisting on taxing proprietary
lands, i, 455--In support of the French and
Indian war, i, 456-Double on lands of
Catholics, i, 488-Sharpe urges passage of
poll tax, i, 500-Duties on paper, glass,etc.,
ii, 105-Virginia House of Burgesses, ii,
116-On tea, ii, 117-In province, ii, 121,
122-In all the counties, iii, 141-To meet
public debt in 1837, iii, 197-216.
Tobacco, i, 61, 281; ii, 10, 121-Extent of
trade in the province, i, 520; ii, 14, 21,
198, 223-Over production, 280; ii, 35, 37
-Duty, ii, 123-As currency, i, 273, 280;
ii, 35,36-British destroyed in war of 1812,
iii, 63-Culture of, ii, 13, 46-Relationship
of, i, 46-Exports of, ii, 47, 200-Inspec-
tion of, ii, 48, 63.

Talbot county, i, 89, 138, 143, 411; ii, 194 ;
iii, 243-Quakers in, i, 269, 343, 392; ii,
12-Acadians in, i, 478-Boston fire, i,
513-District, ii, 547-Laid out, i, 272,
412-Address to William and Mary, i,
330, 332-Schools, ii, 510, 512-Road to,
1,374-Inhabitants, i,377; iii, 141-Stamp
Act resolutions, i, 544-Backwoods, ii, 2
-Race horses, ii, 73-Manumission of
slaves, ii, 103-Non-importation resolves,
ii, 118, 120-Patriotic action, ii, 148-Sub-
scription, ii, 168-Lieutenant of, ii, 453-
Commissary, ii, 455--Instructions from,
to delegates in conventioh, ii, 229-Re-
cruits for the army, ii, 238, 240, 192, 343
--First elections under United States Con-
stitution, ii, 549-Assessment, iii, 39-
Battle of St. Michaels, iii, 50-Elections
in, iii, 56-Outrage committed on county
court Judge Carmichael, iii, 490.
Totness, brig burnt with contraband goods,
ii, 186.

Tongues bored, ii. 41.

Trade: Under charter, i, 61, 517-Palmer's
Island trading post, i, 101-Proclamation
about, i, 119-With West Indies, ii, 63-
Indian tribes, i, 99-Claiborne's license
to, i, 100, 119-In tobacco, ii, 47-Of
Baltimore, ii, 603; iii, 139, 467—Of Mary-
land and Virginia, i, 384; ii, 200, 223,
528-In general, i, 193, 273, 275, 280, 294,
412; ii, 36, 198, 199-In answer to que-
ries, i, 436; ii, 41 Transportation, ii,
3-Compact, i, 531- Southern, Middle
and New England States compared, ii,
623-630-Export trade of, ii, 625 -
Illicit trade, iii, 522.


Toleration, i, 151, 165, 169, 176, 207, 283,


287, 302, 369-Act of, i, 174, 198-
Northern writers who dispute it, ii, 11.
Towson, Gen. Nathan, iii, 26, 29, 30, 54, 97.
Tunkers, ii, 12.

Telegraph, first message, iii, 217.
Thomas, Gov. P. F., iii, 220, 238, 705.
Troops: Marylanders in Confederate Army,
i, 448-Disposition of, in Maryland, iii,
468, 470-Winter quarters, iii, 454-
Drafting, iii, 512, 578.

Towsontown incorporated, iii, 712.
Trueman, Thos., 226, 292, 293, 294.
Treadhaven, i, 269, 392.

Towns: Erection of, i, 411; ii, 54-Growth,
i, 63, 69.

Taney, R. B.: History of the song of the
Star Spangled Banner, iii, 119 - On
slavery, iii, 309-Habeas corpus and John
Merryman, iii, 430.

Treason: i, 377; iii, 28, 131, 311, 519—
Judgment of outlawry for, ii, 387-Law
to suppress, iii, 465, 599.

Theatricals, ii, 24, 25, 85, 86, 98; iii, 120.
X Tilghman, Matthew, ii, 179, 277-Com-

mittee on Tea Act, ii, 141-President of
Maryland Convention, ii, 151, 177-
Sketch of, i, 158-Delegate to Congress,
ii, 158, 162, 168, 197, 224, 227, 229-Com-
mittee of Correspondence, ii, 168-Advo-
eating independence, ii, 228, 230-Com-
mittee to frame Constitution, ii, 269-
Public Debt, ii, 527-Letter about Aca-
dians, i, 478-His residence, ii, 76-On
Massachusetts circular letter, ii, 107.
Tories, i, 525; ii, 190-Laws to suppress,
ii, 239, 299, 303-On the Eastern Shore,
ii, 191, 344, 387-397-History of, ii, 296,
387-Insurrection of, ii, 299-Governor's
Proclamation about, ii, 300-Names of
ring leaders arrested, ii, 302-Confisca-
tion of their property, ii, 303-Oath of
Allegiance, ii, 304, 344-Whig Club, ii,
306-Return to Maryland, ii, 502.
Tea: Despatched to America, ii, 140-Tax
on, ii, 117-Peggy Stewart burnt, ii, 161,
-Importation of, ii, 140.

Tilghman, Tench, ii, 248, 309, 463.
Tarring and feathering, ii, 590.

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Washington City, i, 13 363-History of
removing the capital to, ii, 563 to 572-
Laying corner-stone, ii, 569-Goverment
removed to, ii, 606-Indians, i, 16, 187-
British contemplating an attack upon, iii,
60, 70-Plan of attock on, iii, 71, 73—
Burning of, iii, 88, 94-Troops arrive
at Annapolis in defence of, in 1861, iii,
420-Early lays siege to, iii, 629.
White, Rev. Father, i, 14-Embarks for
Maryland, i, 68, 166-Narrative of voy:
age, i, 69-Indians, i, 91, 92, 140-Died, i,
91-Sent in chains to England, i, 148-
As a missionary, i, 133, 185, 190; ii, 18.
Whiskey Insurrection, ii, 583.

Wells and McComas, iii, 110.
War: England and France, i, 44, 354, 424,

432, 491-At Annapolis, between Gover-
nor Stone and the Puritans, i, 218-
Dutch,i, 213-Pontiac's Indian war, i,
503-France against England and Hol-
land, ii, 580-German, i, 2, 38, 373-
Threatened between the United States
and France, ii, 580, 598-Indian, i, 292-
Tripoli, ii, 611, 612-Between Great Bri-
tain and the colones, ii, 178, 180-Miami,
Indian, ii, 574-Of 1812, between the Uni-
ted States and Great Britain, ii, 635; iii,
1, 26, 100--With Mexico, iii, 220 to 235--
Opposition to loans for war of 1812, iii,
39---North and South, iii, 400---Results of
War between North and South, iii, 661---
Government on newspapers, iii, 663.
Wagons impressed, ii, 456.
Worcester County: Indians, i, 96, 472—
Laid out, i, 412-Boston fire, i, 513-
Subscription, ii, 168-District, ii, 547-
References to, i, 262, 411, 413; ii, 194, 385;
iii, 243-Resolutions, ii, 180-Schools, ii,
512-Raising troops in, ii, 192, 343-
Suppressing Toryism in, ii, 296, 299, 300,
303, 431-United States Constitution, ii,
543-First election under, ii, 549, 550-
Lieutenant of, ii, 453-Commissary, ii,
455-Frederick Calvert's manor lands
in, ii, 105-Assessment, iii, 39-Inhabit-
ants, iii, 141.

Winans steam gun, iii, 415.

Winans, Ross, arrest of, iii, 429, 431.
Webster, Col. E. H., iii, 369, 432, 604, 692.
Wicomeses Indians, i, 144, 88, 145, 189, 195,

Whyte, W. P., i, 263, 704, 714, 715, 716, 717.
Wildey, Thomas, iii, 145.

Whipping Post, i, 411; ii, 42.

Wallace, General Lew, iii, 577, 599, 625,

Wicomico County, i, 363, 412.
Washington County, i, 423; iii, 243 --Lieu-
tenant of, ii, 453---Commissary, ii, 455---
District, ii, 547---Raising troops, ii, 343-
First election under the United States
Constitution, ii, 548, 549, 550---Laid out,
i, 270, 412---Assessment, iii, 39--Threat-

ened attack on, iii, 60, 61---Inhabitants
of, iii, 141.

Winchester, Va., i, 456, 490, 491, 495; iii,
532, 544.

Williamsport, Md., i1, 335, 534. 567, 501, 520,
Whigs, i, 524.

White Plains, battle of, ii, 261.
Williams, Otho H., Sketch of, ii, 330-His

narrative of campaign in the South, ii,
362-Lieutenant of rifle company, ii, 181
-Tendered colonel but declines, ii, 238-
At Fort Washington, ii, 264-Taken
prisoner, ii, 265-Treatment of, in New
York, ii, 266-Appointed Gates' adju-
tant-general, ii, 363-At battle of Camden,
ii, 365-Placed in command of Maryland
Line, ii, 370-Takes command of a bri-
gade, ii, 372-Commands the rear guard
of Green's army on the retreat through
the Carolina, ii, 410-Preserves the army,
ii, 412-Eutaw Springs, ii, 423-Sweeps

the field with his bayonets, ii, 424, 425-
Obtains furlough, ii, 427-Cincinnati So-
ciety, ii, 502--Collector of Baltimore, ii,

Whig Club: Action against Gov. Eden, ii.
218-Gen. C. Lee's Political and Mili-
tary Queries, ii, 338.

Western lands, ii, 274, 275, 277, 278; iii,
294-In relation to Confederation, ii, 465,
475-Slavery in northwestern territory,
iii, 293.

Wallis, S. T., iii, 416, 424, 427-On Ban-
croft as a historian, ii, 279- Election
troubles between Mayor Swann and
Governor Ligon, iii, 260-Reform Com-
mittee, iii, 276-Review of Governor
Hicks, iii, 366-Arrest of, iii, 441, 523-
Bringssuit for false imprisonment, iii, 523.
Westminster, Carroll County, iii, 543.
Yellow Fever, iii, 146, 147.
Zollinger, Capt., in railroad riot, iii, 734.

« AnteriorContinuar »