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Desbordes, Monsieur, letter written to, 462.
Drayton, William, letter written to, 554.

Dumas, W. F., letters written to, 528, 552.
Dumas and Short, letter written to 415.

Gates, Major General, letters written to, 238, 251, 254, 260, 262, 266, 268,

275, 294, 314.

Geisner, Baron, letter written to, 427.

Gerry, Eldridge, letters written to, 454, 556.

Governor of Georgia, letter written to, 499.


Maryland, letter written to, 343.

Virginia, letters written to, 402, 513, 599.

Greene, Major General, letter written to, 509.

[blocks in formation]

Izard, R., letter written to, 441.

Jay, John, letters written to, 332, 339, 344, 380, 384, 403, 408, 452, 457,

522, 537, 538, 543, 545, 571, 573, 574, 582, 602.

Jones, John Paul, letters written to, 391, 594.

Jones, Joseph, letter written to, 353.

O'Bryan, Richard, letter written to, 477.

Osgood, Samuel, letter written to, 450.

Otto, Mr. letter written to, 558.

Page, John, letters written to, 181, 184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 210,

399, 548.





In the arrangement which has been adopted, Book I. comprises the Autobiography and Appendix. The Autobiography extends to the 21st of March, 1790, when Mr. Jefferson arrived in New York to enter upon the duties of the Department of State, and embraces a variety of important subjects, such as the rise and progress of the difficulties between Great Britain and her North American Colonies-the circum. stances connected with the Declaration of Independence-the debates in Congress upon the adoption thereof, as reduced to writing by Mr. Jefferson at the time-the history of the Articles of Confederation—early stages of the French Revolution-revision of the Penal Code of Virginia-abolition of her laws of Primogeniture-overthrow of her Church Establishment-Act of Religious Freedom, &c.—all matter interesting in itself, but rendered particularly so by the fact that it comes from one who was himself a chief actor in the scenes which he describes.

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