Imágenes de páginas

March 3, 1897.

CHAP. 397.-An Act To revive and reenact a law to authorize the Pittsburg, Monongahela and Wheeling Railroad Company to construct a bridge over the Monongahela River.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Bridge over the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Monongahela River by Pitts the Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and burg, Monongahela and Wheel ninety-five, to authorize the Pittsburg, Monongahela and ing Railroad Wheeling Railroad Company to construct a bridge over Vol. 28, p. 738. the Monongahela River, in the State of Pennsylvania, which Act has expired by limitation, be, and is hereby, revived and re-enacted.


Time for construction ex


SEC. 2. That section eight of said Act be amended so as to read as follows:

"SEC. 8. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized be not comVol. 28, p. 739. menced within one year and completed within three years from the first day of March, eighteen hundred and ninetyseven; and all the benefits of this Act shall inure and belong to the Pittsburg, Monongahela and Wheeling Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws of Pennsylvania, its successors or assigns." Approved, March 3, 1897.

February 6, 1897.



[No. 9.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to grant permits to the executive committee on inaugural ceremonies for use of reservations or public spaces in city of Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of the President-elect on March fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and so forth.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Inaugural cere United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Use of reserva Secretary of War is hereby authorized to grant permits to tions, etc., per the executive committee on inaugural ceremonies for the




use of any reservations or other public spaces in the city of Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of the President-elect on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, which, in his opinion, will inflict no serious or permanent injuries upon such reservations or public spaces or statuary thereon; and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may designate for such and other purposes on the occasion aforesaid such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in said city of Washington as they may deem proper and necessary: Provided, however, That all stands or platforms that may be erected on the public spaces aforesaid shall be under the supervision of the said executive committee and in accordance with plans and designs to be approved by the Architect of the Capitol, the Commissioner of Public Buildings and Grounds, and the building inspector of the District of Columbia.

Approved, February 6, 1897.


CHAP. 2.-An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses June 4, 1897. of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Appropria tions for sundry of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That civil expenses. the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, namely:


War Department.


For the improvement and care of public grounds as follows:

For improvement and maintenance of grounds north and south of Executive Mansion, five thousand dollars. For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, two thousand dollars.

For ordinary care of Lafayette Park, one thousand dollars.

For ordinary care of Franklin Park, one thousand dollars.

For improvement and ordinary care of Lincoln Park, two thousand dollars.

For care and improvement of Monument grounds, three thousand dollars.

D. C.

Buildings and Improvement


and care.

For continuing improvement of reservation numbered Old canal, etc. seventeen and site of old canal northwest of same, three

thousand dollars: Provided, That no part thereof shall be Proviso. expended upon other than property belonging to the Expenditure. United States.

For repair of post-and-chain fences, repair of high iron fences, and constructing stone coping about reservations, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For manure, and hauling the same, four thousand dollars. For painting watchmen's lodges, iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp-posts, one thousand dollars.

For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools, two thousand dollars. For trees, tree and plant stakes, labels, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, to be purchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine, two thousand dollars.

For removing snow and ice, one thousand two hundred dollars.

Limit for concrete, etc., pave ments.




For flowerpots, twine, baskets, wire, splints, moss, and lycopodium, one thousand dollars.

For care, construction, and repair of fountains, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For abating nuisances, five hundred dollars.

For improvement, care, and maintenance of various reservations, ten thousand dollars.

For improvement, maintenance, and care of Smithsonian grounds, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For improvement, care, and maintenance of Judiciary Park, two thousand five hundred dollars.

That under appropriations herein contained no contract shall be made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavements in Washington City at a higher price than one dollar and eighty cents per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid in the District of Columbia prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with a base of not less than six inches in thickness.

For laying asphalt walks in various reservations, two thousand dollars.

For cleaning statues and repairing pedestals, one hundred dollars.

EXECUTIVE MANSION: For care, repair, and refurnishRepairs, fuel, ing the Executive Mansion, twenty thousand dollars, to be expended by contract or otherwise, as the President may determine.



Maximum per lamp.

For fuel for the Executive Mansion, greenhouses, and stable, three thousand dollars.

For care and necessary repair of greenhouses, four thousand dollars.

For repairs to conservatory, Executive Mansion, two thousand dollars.

Lighting of LIGHTING THE EXECUTIVE MANSION AND PUBLIC Mansion and grounds. GROUNDS: For gas, pay of lamplighters, gas fitters, and laborers; purchase, erection, and repair of lamps and lamp posts; purchase of matches, and repairs of all kinds; fuel and lights for office, office stable, watchmen's lodges, and for the greenhouses at the nursery, thirteen thousand dollars: Provided, That for each five-foot burner not connected with a meter in the lamps on the public grounds no more than twenty dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and keeping the lamps in repair, under any expenditure provided for in this Act; To burn every and said lamps shall burn every night on the average from forty-five minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise; and authority is hereby given to substitute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be neces sary for that purpose: Provided, That before any expendi tures are made from the appropriations herein provided for, the contracting gas company shall equip each lamp Self-regulating with a self-regulating burner and tip, so combined and adjusted as to secure, under all ordinary variations of pressure and density, a consumption of five cubic feet of gas per hour.




Electric lights: For electric lights for three hundred and Electric lights, sixty-five nights from seven posts, at twenty cents per light per night, on grounds south of the Executive Mansion, five hundred and eleven dollars.



For lighting thirty-two arc electric lights in Lafayette, Parks. Franklin, Judiciary, and Lincoln parks three hundred and sixty-five nights, at twenty-five cents per light per night, which shall cover the entire cost to the United States of lighting and maintaining in good order each electric light in said parks, two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. Until Congress shall provide for a conduit system it shall be Conduit unlawful to lay conduits or erect overhead wires for electric lighting purposes in any road, street, avenue, highway, park, or reservation, except as hereafter specifically authorized by law: Provided, however, That the Commission- Proviso. ers of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to Connections with existing issue permits for house connections with conduits and over- conduits, etc. head wires now existing adjacent to the premises with which such connection is to be made; and also permits for public lighting connections with conduits already in the portion of the street proposed to be lighted. And nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect in any way


lumbia Heights,

any pending litigation involving the validity or invalidity Pending litigaor legality of the construction of any conduits made since tion not affected, June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, nor to prevent the United States Electric Lighting Company from extending conduits into Columbia Heights, Washington Conduits in CoHeights, and Mount Pleasant within the fire limits as spe- un cifically provided in the Act of June eleventh, eighteen Vol. 29, p. 401. hundred and ninety-six, making appropriations for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia; and the existing overhead wires of the Potomac Electric Overhead wires Power Company west of Rock Creek and outside the fire west of Rock limits are hereby authorized to be maintained for a period of one year from the passage of this Act and no longer. REPAIR OF WATER PIPES: For repairing and extending Water pipes, water pipes, purchase of apparatus for cleaning them, pur- repairs, etc. chase of hose, and for cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipes of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundred dollars.


TELEGRAPH TO CONNECT THE CAPITOL WITH THE Telegraph, DEPARTMENTS AND GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: ments, and PrintCapitol, DepartFor care and repair of existing lines, one thousand five ing Office. hundred dollars.


WASHINGTON MONUMENT: For the care and mainte- Washington nance of the Washington Monument, namely: For one custodian, at one hundred dollars per month; one steam engineer, at eighty dollars per month; one assistant steam engineer, at sixty dollars per month; one fireman, at fifty dollars per month; one assistant fireman, at forty-five dollars per month; one conductor of elevator car, at seventyfive dollars per month; one attendant on floor, at sixty dollars per month; one attendant on top floor, at sixty dol


Engineer De


River and har

lars per month; three night and day watchmen, at sixty
dollars per month each; in all, eight thousand five hundred
and twenty dollars.

For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches, paints,
brushes, brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric
lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and
upper and lower floors, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos,
elevator, and repairs of all kinds connected with the monu-
ment and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles
for keeping the monument, machinery, elevator, and elec-
trie-light plant in good order, three thousand dollars.


Toward the construction of works on harbors and rivers bor improve under contracts or otherwise and within the limits authorized by law, namely:






Hudson River,

N. Y.

Great Lakes.

Point Judith, R. I.

For completing improvement of harbor at Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania: Completing improvement, removal of Smiths
Island and Windmill Island, Pennsylvania, and Petty Island,
New Jersey, and adjacent shoals, six hundred and ninety-
four thousand dollars.

For improving harbor at Galveston, Texas: Completing
improvement, including repairs to jetties, and dredging,
five hundred thousand dollars, of which amount ten thou-
sand dollars may be expended for making a resurvey and
chart for Galveston Bay and Harbor.

For improving Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement, four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

For completing improvement of channel connecting the waters of the Great Lakes between Chicago, Duluth, and Buffalo, including necessary observations and investigations in connection with the preservation of such channel depth, one million and ninety thousand dollars.

For harbor of refuge at Point Judith, Rhode Island: Completing improvement, three hundred thousand dollars. Humboldt, Cal. For improving harbor and bay at Humboldt, California: Continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Gowanus Bay, N. Y.

Savannah, Ga.

Cumberland Sound, Ga. and Fla.

Creek, N. Y.

Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: For improving Bay Ridge Channel, the triangular area between Bay Ridge and Red Hook channels, and Red Hook and Buttermilk channels in the harbor of New York, New York: Continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Newtown Improving Newtown Creek, New York: For completing improvement, one hundred and eighty-three thousand dollars.

Portland, Me

Improving harbor at Portland, Maine: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

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