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A. Mochizuki's Japanese (2) asks the question in the negative, suggesting there are other reasons; (1) does not do this.

B. In Mr. Kamiyama's Japanese there is nothing equivalent to still insist, nor to and I can't remember any other, as there is in (4).

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any other reasons other than an investment in Tong Il?

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reasons; (1) does not do this. A. Mochizuki's Japanese asks the question in the negative, suggesting there are other

In Mr. Kamiyama's Japanese there is nothing equivalent to still insist, nor to and I can't

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Well, at the time, did you have problems with the immigration office, say about the entry into this country, visa problem

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what does it mean? By immigration?

I didn't have any problems.



Mochizuki's Japanese asks if there were problems with the Immigration Office, (1) asks about problems with immigration.

Mochizuki's Japanese states trouble with visas or entering the country: (1) does not specify them.


Mr. Kamiyama's Japanese may be responding to part of Mochizuki's Japanese concerned with entering the country.

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Well, you purchased Tong Il stock, but didn't you do this as a means to legalize your stay in this country and in order to prolong your stay here?

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Well, (someone) obtained shares in Tong 11, but as for that, wasn't there a means to legalize your stay in this country and to make your stay longer?

I would like to consult my lawyer for just a second.


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Mochizuki's Japanese is negative implying that the reason is correct; (1) does not
do this.

Not clear who bought the shares in Mochizuki's Japanese; it is in (1).

No reference to "legalize your stay" in (1), but there is in Mochizuki's Japanese
(gohoka shite)


(4) is not a response to (1). G.J. Transcript (orig. Count 12) PROSECUTOR'S QUESTIONS


Did you make your investment in Tong Il in part for the purpose of obtaining the right to stay in the country for a longer period? of time?

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Well, you invested in Tong 11, but did you do so although it may not be the sole purpose, in part to enable you to prolong your stay or your desires to stay in this country legally?

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