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valuable establishment, the Fever Institution. Notwithstanding, Sir, equally valuable and equally well-conducted Institutions exist in Ireland (for so excellent is the one in Waterford, of which city you have been so long the distinguished and active Representative, that it was the model of the one in Dublin*), and notwithstanding the same intelligence pervades the profession there, yet we do not hear of a similar dimiuution of the fever which has thinned the ranks of the warmn-hearted people of Ireland. I believe we may attribute this not only to the greater intensity of the local, but to the widely spreading and powerfully-operating general causes, which I submit to your enlightened consideration.

The prolific sources to which is justly attributed the origin of Typhus Fever


Filth-unwholesomeness and insufficiency of food-a collection of numbers of people in a confined space-the want of free ventilation of pure airfatigue-exposure, without proper clothing, to the inclemencies of the wea ther-the constant wearing of the same clothes unchanged-and the depressing passions of the mind. When these causes combine and co-operate, they will most unquestionably generate in the persous exposed to their influence feverish excitement, which becomes the contagious typhus: the person or persons so affected communicate it to the family -it thus spreads from house to house, jam proximus ardet Uralegon, till a whole district becomes infected, whether the whole of the district have in itself the original causes or not; for the contagion, after being worked up, if I may so express it, into a highly malignant and infectious nature, by the distur bance and excitement of the constitution, is no respecter of persons, and attacks all (with some exceptions easily accounted for), the rich as well as the poor. If motives of humanity, therefore, did not incite, motives of selfinterest would, to take the earliest and most efficacious steps to check, in

The Fever Hospital and House of Recovery in Cork-street, erected in 1802, during Lord Hardwicke's Administration. This Institution is well managed by the zeal and ability of the professional gentlemen who attend it, and has proved of much service to the city. It has been found necessary, since that period, however, to provide other similar Institutions.

limine, the ravaging progress of infectious fever. These facts are so fully verified by daily experience, that it is not necessary to insist upon them, except to impress them with all their force upon the minds of those not in the habits of being usually acquainted with them-a motive, Sir, for this public address to you. I will therefore mention, that many years ago, a fever of this kind broke out in a village in a midland county of England. It spread from the village to the neighbouring hamlets, till some of the wealthier farmers in more airy situations fell victims to it. It attracted the notice of a late eminent member of the House of Commons, who, with the concurrence of the Magistrates at the Quarter Sessions, scut a professional Gentleman to investigate its nature and to check its progress. He was furnished with ample means and full authority, and was therefore fortunate enough in preventing its further advance, although he found above thirty persons dispersed in the district labouring under the disease. I beg to be understood as stating this with a view to shew that the most ample means, the fullest directions, steadily, followed up, should be afforded;† for, if any deficiency in the management should occur, the contagion remains lurking, lateat scintillula forsan, about the person, babitation, or clothes, continues a protracted disease, or breaks out again, after it is supposed subdued, as it has not been rendered effete or totally annihilated. The greatest proof that can be adduced that the causes enumerated are the prolific sources of fever is, that they can be always traced to their commencement in situations where these causes abundantly exist.

In the Meath Liberty of Dublin, the St. Giles's of that city, the causes above stated abound in their fullest force, and I believe it will be generally found, that whenever fevers prevail in Dublin, they can be traced to that or some similar district of the metropolis of Ireland; being that part of the city, where, if I recollect rightly, the greatest number of the poorest reside, there is always a considerable mass of filth, and from the want of money to purchase warın clothing and fuel, more especially in the recent distress, they crowd together in

+ These directions will be found detailed in the Reports of the London and Dublia Fever Institutions.

small habitations, begrimed with dirt, to keep themselves warm against iuclement weather; hence the putrefac tive fermentation generated in the dirt which surrounds them, with the accumulated and confined exhalations from the skin and lungs, deteriorates the air they breathe, vitiating its vital principle, and exciting and disturbing the circulating and nervous system, till fever is produced This feverish state further causes morbid secretions, and thus originates the infection which, at first an effect, becomes the ravaging cause of reproducing a more violent and contagious disease.

The compass of a daily print does not allow me to enlarge; but, Sir, to the local are to be added the general causes of the more than usual unsteadiness of the weather for the last two or three years-the want of employment depriving the poor of the means of procuring a sufficiency of food-the increased anxiety in endeavouring to procure this, undergone, too, with exposure to severe weather-and though last, not least, in this list of powerfully ope rating causes, the great depression of the mind, from fear and despondency, when the parents return to their comfortless homes, without the sustenance necessary for their craving families. The generous spirit rises into despair or sinks into lethargic despondency, when all the doors to independent labour are closed; the attention, therefore, must be as much directed to moral as well as to physical munagement. These general causes have operated very largely within the last three years, and, I have no doubt, have mainly contributed not only to produce, but to increase the malignancy of the fevers which have been so prevalent among the labouring classes of the community. Under such circumstances, mere medical aid will not be sufficient, the great engine of Government must move with its cooperation in assisting the medical means. I am happy to find, from the observations of Mr. Peel, that this is intended; it will not escape his energy and acknowledged talents, that, previous to the cultivation of civilized life, hordes, after consuming the produce of the soil where they resided, wandered from multiplied numbers to new settlements for additional food; and if in these days the produce of retined labour in our own country has been exhausted, without the means at home of supplying

more to a greatly increased and increasing population, political sagacity will probably direct its attention to the consideration of a similar remedy; most commonly we find, that when those general causes prevail, the worst fevers have taken place. The most destructive fever ancient Greece ever knew, was that which depopulated Athens soon after the commencement of the Peloponnesian war, and which is so well described by Thucydides. The accounts given of fevers by Livy, Procopius, Diodorus Siculus, the Hali. carnassian historian, and others, have been at a time when, from wars, or other similar causes, there have been a deficiency of food, anxious fatigue of body, and agitations and depression of mind by fearful despondencies. I need not say to you how poetically this, has been described by Lucretius, and, in part, also by Ovid, Lucan, and other Latin poets. It may be curious, Sir, to bring to your historical recollection, that Hesiod and Herodotus attribute the pestilential fever which raged in Greece and the neighbouring countries of Asia, immediately after the destruc. tion of Troy, to the effects of that decennial war.

The treatment of typhus fever, com. prising the prevention of contagion, is so simple, so easy, and so generally understood by the intelligent part of the profession, that it is unnecessary to enlarge upon it. A hearty zeal and acti. vity in the medical managers will do a great deal; but allow me to add, that, in considering the subject upon a more enlarged scale, the useful employment of the superabundant population, by giving wholesome activity to the body, by supplying the independent means of procuring sufficiency of food and clothing, and thus by relieving the mind from oppression, and by creating the cheerful hope of being able to support their families, will be the most powerful adjuvants to the more immediate medical means for annihilating the destructive march of the contagion. I have the honour to be, Sir,

With respect and esteem, Your faithful and obedient servant, G. D. YEATS, M.D. Queen-street, May-fair, May 1, 1818.

logical account of the pestilential fevers which have raged in the world, from its commencement to 1656, in Kircher's Scru tinium Medicum.

The medical reader will find a chrono

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The late union between the Princess Elizabeth and the hereditary Prince of Hesse-Homburg, must naturally give an interest to all that relates to the history of that Prince and his illustrious family. We therefore feel great pleasure in being enabled to lay before our readers the following Memoir of the House of Hesse-Homburg, and the hereditary Prince, which we can assure them is derived from the most authentic



The history of Homburg, which was formerly called Hohenberg and Hohnburg, is enveloped in obscurity. belonged in the 12th century to the dynasty of Eppenstein, as imperial Waldgraves of the Seulberg and HoheMark. In the year 1486, it became a part of the county of Hanau- Munzenburg, and in 1521, under Philip the Magnanimous, it fell into the possession of the united house of Hesse. In 1602, on the division of the Hessian territories, the bailiwick of Homburg became the property of the Landgrave George I. of Darmstadt. Twenty years afterwards, Louis V. resigned it in favour of his brother Frederick I. the founder of the line of Hesse-Homburg. Being somewhat reduced, misunderstandings arose with the female line, which lasted upwards of 150 years. In 1768, through the Imperial mediation, an advantageous stipulation was entered into, which was confirmed by the marriage of the present reigning Landgrave, Frederick V. to Carolina, daughter of the Prince of HesseDariustadt. The white tower, which was repaired by Frederick-Jacob, is still standing. It is a part of the old castle. If not originally constructed by the Romans, it at least contains (built into the walls) several Roman monumental stones, which must have been dug up in the neighbourhood. The present castle was built in 1680 by the Landgrave Frederick II. the Hero of Fehrbellin, of whom there is an equestrian statue, and a metal bust over. the castle gates. Frederick II. was the benefactor of his little territories, and received exiled Waldenses, and other industrious religious emigrants, who settled in Dornhohzhausen, New Homburg, and Friedrichsdorf.

To the present Prince, the good and the wise, the happy father of six heroic sons and five lovely and accomplished daughters, the favourite of the Muses Europ. Mag. Vol. LXXIII. May 1818.

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and the friend of Nature, Homburg is indebted, among other salutary arrangements, for the tasteful improvements with which he has embellished his paternal residence, and which diffuse peculiar charms over that romantic district. But this humane and learned Prince implants many other memorials in the hearts and souls of his people. It may indeed with truth be said, that Nature destined him for a prince. His character is noble and resolute, his tem per in every respect amiable and gracious. With a powerful understanding, greatly improved by study, his informa tion is various and extensive, and he is particularly intimate with the history of his native land. He is a lover of nature, and his most favourite recreation is to walk or ride out in the evening unattended, to visit ths plains of Homburg, or the neighbourhood of the Schlangenbad.*

The Consort of this estimable Prince is of nearly the same age as himself. She is the sister of the present reign-> ing Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt. Though their's was purely a marriage of inclination, yet it was not unattended by political advantages, for it contributed in an eminent degree to strengthen the relations between Darmstadt and Homburg. The Landgravine is besides distinguished for every grace, both of mind and person : her merit did not escape the observa

The waters of the Schlangenbad, which, are peculiar in their kind, bear some resemblance to the Baths of Mochingen. They are particularly salutary in disorders of the nerves, cramps, &c. The springs were discovered about 200 years ago, through the cure of a diseased cow. Chemists have in vain endeavoured to analyze these waters; but the cures they have operated speak sufficiently in their favour. They flow at a temperature of between 21 and 22 degrees of Reaumur, or between 82 and 84 of Fahrenheit. The waters of the Schlangenbad possess the power of softening and strengthening the rigid fibres of the skin, and thus, as it were, restoring old age to a kind of second youth. They are likewise salutary to young persons, and particularly to females, to whose complexions they impart extraordinary fair ness and delicacy. These waters moreover possess highly medicinal qualities when taken internally. They have been found beneficial in cases of pulmonary affection, though they are devoid of all mineral flavour. Linen when washed in

the Schlangenbad water acquires the white.'
ness of drifted snow.
3 H

tion of Buonaparte, who, whilst at Mentz in 1794, treated her with the most marked attention and respect. He distinguished her above every other Princess, always conducting her himself to the dinner and card-tables. Bat the House of Hesse Homburg, and in particular the Landgrave himself, would never stoop to avail themselves of this preference in order to obtain political advantages. On the establishment of the Rhenish Confederation, and the wars which ensued between France and Austria and Prussia, he was warmly urged to withdraw his sons from the service of the two last mentioned powers; but this he resolutely refused to do. It was then proposed that his youngest son, Leopold, should enter the service of Buonaparte; but the gallant youth unexpectedly quitted Homburg during the night, fed to Berlin, and obtained a commission in the Prussian army. This hopeful Prince, the ornament of his house, be came a sacrifice to the heroic spirit which distinguishes every member of his family. Disregarding precautions, he was never accustomed to conceal the star of bis order during an engagement, and he fell at Lutzen. The last words he uttered to those around him were, "Let not my remains fall into the hands of the French." An oaktree now overshadows his grave.

rious. On the 15th of April 1796, whilst serving under General Latour, near Neuburgh, he received a wound in the neck. In 1797, he was raised to the rank of Brigadier-general. He continued to serve on the Rhine until the year 1800. In July of that year, he and his brother Gustavus particularly distinguished themselves under General Kray at the battle of Neuburgh: he was immediately after created a Lieutenant Field-Marshal.

On the 19th and 20th of April 1809, be evinced the utmost bravery; and at Regensburg, on the 21st, he, with his brother Gustavus, covered the retreat. Gustavus attacked the French no less than five times. His conduct was equally meritorious at Esslingen, Aspern, and Wagram. His brother Philip, who distinguished himself in an equal degree on all the above occasions, received a wound at the battle of Wagram. At Znaym, the hereditary Prince of Hesse-Homburg led the final attack, and the Austrians gained the victory. He had previously obtained commands in Hungary and Poland, from his Majesty the Emperor of Austria; and inthe year 1812 he was appointed to a command in Caschan, in Hungary, from which he was recalled in 1813, when the army was forming in Bohemia. On General Meerveldt's being made prisoner, the hereditary Prince of The hereditary Prince, Frederick Hesse-Homburg obtained the comJoseph, who has lately had the happi-mand of the left wing of the army at ness of obtaining the hand of the amiable Princess Elizabeth, was born at Homburg on the 30th of July 1769. He received an excellent education in his father's house; and, for the sake of attaining the French language, was sent to Geneva, where he became acquainted with his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent: the friendship there formed was, on both sides, of the warmest and most unalterable description. In the year 1789, he entered the imperial Austrian service in the rank of Captain. His first acts of heroism were achieved under General Laudon, at Mehadia, at the siege of Belgrade, where he stormed a battery, and at the taking of Calafat, in the war with the Turks, in the years 1789 and 1790.

From 1792 to 1794, he was with the Austrian army on the Rhine. He was then promoted to the rank of Colonel, and went to Poland in 1795. He was engaged in the affair of Stockach, in which the Archduke Charles was victo

Dresden and Leipzig. On the 18th of October he received a wound, as did his brother, a Lieutenant-general in the Prussian service, on the 19th. In the year 1814 he was created a General of the Austrian cavalry. He led the reserve through Switzerland towards France, and took Dijon. As commander of the army of the South, he gained the battle of Lyons on the 20th of March, and on the 21st entered that city. On the 20th of April, he took by storm Romans, in Dauphiné, the gates of which he ordered to be broken down. This last affair concluded the campaign.

The hereditary Prince of Hesse- Homburg is at present Vice-General Com mandant of the Kingdom of Hungary. As a reward for his numerous heroic actions, the following orders have been conferred on him :-The Commander's Cross of the Order of Maria-Theresa, and the Grand Cross of St. Stephen, by his Majesty the Emperor of Austria ;" the Orders of the Black and Red Eagles,

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new QUITE agree with E. R. (page 238),

the metropolis is a measure that cannot be viewed without deep interest by every member of the Established Church; but the reflections to which it has given rise in my mind, are of a very different description to those of your Correspond ent. He says, that "the want of places of public worship commensurate with the population of the west end of the town is an evil that has been long and justly complained of." This he proceeds to illustrate by a calculation of the number of persons residing in the five principal parishes of that district; and finds that there is an unaccom modated overplus of 216,768 persons. He then enquires, "In what places are they to fulfil the duties of their religion?" and affects to discover that, in addition to the present number of parish-churches, there are also parochial chapels, but makes no mention of any other places of worship.

Now, Sir, I apprehend, before E. R. can make out a case requiring legis lative interposition, he must shew that this overplus is composed of persons who are really members of the Church of England, but who are excluded by the alleged deficiency from enjoying

the privilege of serving God according to that form. Not only has he left this unattempted, but even from his own statement it appears that a very great proportion of the West End residents are so extremely indifferent to their religious duties as to require" the meretricious attraction of popular preachers, theatrical singers, &c. &c. to compensate to a certain class, for the mortification of sitting two hours, with nought but religion to amuse them!!!" If, then, such is the deplorable state of religion among these fashionables, it is not too much to assume, that they might as well be at home for any good they get from attendance at parochial chapels under such circumstances, and, therefore, that if the performances above described were superseded by a genuine and unaffected worship of God according to the formularies of our Church, a large number of the 216,768 persons might be accommodated at a diminished expen-e. But, Sir, it does not seem to have occurred to E. R. that there may be another portion of this overplus. composed of real Christians, and yet

not of the Established Church, and that they may have access to places of wor

neither churches or parochial chapels. It should appear, therefore, from his having entirely overlooked these, that he does not consider them as places which the great Creator will deign to acknowledge-they have not been consecrated by a bishop, and, as a consequence, cannot be fit for "the population of the west end of the town!" That this is the notion of your liberal and enlighten: d Correspondent, appears from a subsequent paragraph too long to quote, but beginning with, the alarming increase of sectarism," &c.


Perhaps there is no species of attack more insidious than that which deals only in general assertions. Had your Correspondent entered into particulars, and described the "new leaders" whose baneful principles are pregnant, with so much mischief, it would have afforded us some criterion to judge of the degree of estimation in which we ought to hold his qualifications as a judge on this subject. In the absence, however, of this data, he must excuse me if I withhold implicit confidence in the correctness of his general attack on the dis senters, whose conduct and principles

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