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adopted in its room. It was resolved to fit up the boats belonging to both the ships with such coverings as were most easy to be accommodated, and of lightest conveyance; and, by scating them over the ice, endeavour to launch them in the open sea. Could this be effected, they hoped, that by sailing and rowing to the northernmost harbour of Spitsbergen, they might arrive at that island before the departure of the last ships belonging to the fishery for Europe.

The boats were all brought in readiness on the ice, fitted with weather clothes, about 13 inches above the gunnels, in order to keep off the cold as much as possible, if, by good fortune, they should be enabled to launch them in an open sea; for, at this time, they were in a very unpleasant situation, embayed in the very middle of the seven islands. They were, therefore, now chiefly employed in boiling provisions to put in the boats for the intended voyage homewards; in delivering out bags to the men to carry their bread, and in packing up such necessaries as every one could take along with him; for now every man was to be his own porter; the necessary provisions and fiquors being found load enough for the boats, and twenty-five days' bread load enough for each man. This being adjusted, when night approached they were all ordered on board to sleep.

The next day at six in the morning all hands were ordered to turn out, and a detachment of 50 men from each ship, headed by their respective officers, were appointed to begin the hard task of -hauling the launches along the ice. The bravest and gallantest actions performed in war, do not so strikingly mark the true character of a sea commander, as the readiness and alacrity with which his orders are obeyed in times of imminent danger. Every one now strove who should have the honour to be listed in the band of haulers, of whom the commodore took the direction, leaving Captain Lutwych to take care of both the ships, that if any favourable turn should happen, in the disposition of the ice, he might make use of the remaining part of both the crews to improve it. Upon a general consultation of officers, previous to this undertaking, it had been agreed, and an order issued accordingly, that no person on board, of whatever rank, should encumber himself with more clothes than what he wore upon his back. Upon this occa

sion, therefore, the officers dressed themselves in flannels, and the common men put on the clothes which the officers had thrown off. It was inconceivably laughable to see these motley bands yoked in their new harness; and to say the truth, there was not one solemn face among the two companies. That headed by the commodore drew stoutly for the honour of their leader, and that headed by their lieutenants had their music to play to them, that they might dance it away, and keep pace with the commander-in-chief: indeed, the officers who headed them were deservedly beloved as well as their commanders.

In six hours, with the utmost efforts of human labour, they had only proceeded a single mile, and now it was time for them to dine, and recruit their almost exhausted spirits,

As the commodore had laboured with them, it was in character that he should also dine with them; and an accident happened that made it necessary for him so to do.-The cook, with his mates, (who were bringing the commodore and his officers their dinners under covers) to keep out the cold after coming from a warm fire-side, had made a little too free with the brandy bottle before they set out, and before they had got half way to the launches, the liquor began to operate; the cooks were sometimes very near boarding each other, sometimes they hauled off, and sometimes steered right a-head. At length, coming to a chasm, or parting of the ice, which they were obliged to leap, down came the master cook, with dish, cover, meat and all; and what was still worse, though it was not then thought of much value, the commodore's common service of plate, which the cook carried for the officers to dine on, fell in the chasm, aud instantly sunk to the bottom. This accident brought the cook a little to himself, and he now stood pausing whether he should jump down the gulph after the plate, or proceed to the commodore to beg mercy and make his apology. His mates persuaded him to the latter, as the commodore was a kindhearted gemman, and would never take a man's life away for a slip on the ice. Besides it was a great jump for a fat man, and commodore, they were sure, had rather lose all the plate in the great cabin, than lose cookee. Comforted a little by this speech, the cook proceeded, but let his mates go on first with what remained, to carry the tidings of what befel the rest. When the commodore

in the very moment, when every hope of deliverance from their own united endeavour had relinquished them, interposed in their favour, and caused the winds to blow, and the ice to part in au astonishing manner, rending and cracking with a tremendous noise, surpassing that of the loudest thunder. At this very instant the whole continent of ice, which before was extended beyond the

had heard the story, he judged how it was with them all:-But where is the cook? said he to the mates. He's crying behind, an' please your honour. In the mean time the cook came up.Cook, said the commodore, bring me your dinner; I will dine to-day with my comrades. My dinner! Ay, a pound of flesh next my heart, if your honour likes it. The promptness of the reply shewed the sincerity of the cook's good-reach of sight from the highest moun. will, and pleased the commodore better than a feast upon turtle. He dismissed him with a smile, and partook with the officers in what was left, who made up their dinners with a mess from the com

mon men.

They had just begun to renew their labours, when word was brought, that the whole body of ice had changed its situation, and was moving to the westward; that the ships were both a-float; and that the ice was parting. The joy which this news diffused through the two companies of haulers is easier to conceive than express. They instantly shook off their harness, ran to assist in working the ships, and once more to resume their proper employments.

When they arrived at the ships, Captain Lutwych, who was no less beloved by his men than the commodore, had by his example and judicious directions done wonders. Both ships were not only a-float, with their sails set, but actually cut and warped through the ice near half a mile. This ray of hope, however, was soon darkened; the body of ice suddenly assumed its former direction to the eastward, and closed upon them again as fast as ever. While the ships remained in the ice dock, they were lashed together for their greater security, but now being launched and a-float, the ice pressed upon them with such weight, that it was every moment expected that the hawser would break that held them together: orders were, therefore, given, that the hawser should be slackened, and the ships released.

For the remainder of the evening, and till two in the morning, the drift continued eastward, and all that while the ships were in danger of being crushed by the closing of the channel in which they rode. They had now drifted two miles to the eastward; the men were worn out with fatigue in defending the ships with their ice-poles from being engulphed; and now nothing but scenes of horror and perdition appeared before their eyes. But the Omnipotent,


tains, moved together in various direc tions, splitting and dividing into vast bodies, and forming hills, and plains of various figures and dimensions. hearts were now again revived, and the prospect of being once more released from the frozen chains of the north inspired the men with fresh vigour. Every officer and every idler on board laboured now for life. The sails were all spread, that the ships might have the full advantage of the breeze to force them through the channels that were already opened, and to help them, like wedges, to rend the clefts that were but just cracking. Soon afterwards they hoisted the launches on board the ships, and made all the sail they could, driving with the loosening ice, and parting it wherever it was moveable with their whole force;-they soon lost sight of the seven islands, and in a very little while after, to their great joy, Spitsbergen was seen again from the masthead.

On their voyage from Spitsbergen to England the Racehorse and Carcass parted in a violent storm, but afterwards joined company, and arrived safe off Deptford, at one o'clock in the moru-.. ing of the 1st October, 1773. Thus ended an unsuccessful voyage of about four months from the time of their do parture, till their return to England.

I cannot help mentioning that our inmortal Nelson when a boy, sailed on this expedition, under the care of Captain Lutwych.

Mr. Southey in his Life of Nelson, relates the following anecdote of his youthful intrepidity


"Young as he was, Nelson was appointed to command one of the boats which were sent out to explore a passage into the open water. It was the means of saving a boat belonging to the Racehorse from a singular but imminent danger. Some of the officers had fired at and wounded a Walrus.


no other animal has so human-like an expression in its countenance, so also is

there none that seems to possess more of the passions of humanity. The wounded one dived immediately, and brought up a number of its companions; and they all joined in an attack upon the boat. They wrested an oar from one of the men; and it was with the utmost difficulty that the crew could prevent them from staving or upsetting her, till the Carcass's boat came up: and the Walruses, finding their enemies thus reinforced, dispersed. Young Nelson exposed himself in a more daring manner. One night, during the midwatch, he stole from the ship with one of his comrades, taking advantage of a rising fog, and set out over the ice in pursuit of a bear. It was not long before they were missed. The fog thickened, and Captain Lutwych and his officers became exceedingly alarmed for their safety. Between three and four in the morning the weather cleared, and the two adventurers were seen, at a considerable distance from the ship, attacking a huge bear. The signal for them to return was immediately made: Nelson's comrade called upon him to obey it, but in vain: his musket had flashed in the pan; their ammunition was expended; and a chasm in the ice, which divided him from the bear, probably preserved his life. 'Never mind,' he cried, do but let me get a blow at this devil with the butend of my musket, and we shall have him.' Captain Lutwych, however, seeing his danger, fired a gun, which had the desired effect of frightening the beast, and the boy then returned, somewhat afraid of the consequences of his trespass. The captain reprimanded him sternly for conduct so unworthy of the office which he filled, and desired to know what motive he could have for hunting a bear? Sir,' said he, pouting his lip, as he was wont to do when agitated, I wished to kill the bear, that I might carry the skin to my father.” ”

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I have made the foregoing extracts, for the amusement of such of your readers, who may never have had the opportunity of perusing Commodore Phipps's Voyage.

Now, permit me, sir, to add something relative to the four vessels, which are at this moment fitting out in the River, preparatory to their sailing on voyages to explore the northern regions, as our geographical knowledge, in that part of the world, is at present very defective.

Captain Ross in the ship Isabella, burthen 380 tons, 50 men, accompanied by Lieutenant Parry, in the ship Alexander, 270 tons burthen, 33 men, will proceed up Davis's Strait, taking their course in a north-westerly direction to Behrings's Strait.

Captain Buchan will sail in the ship Dorothea, 375 tons, 50 men, accompa nied by Lieutenant Franklyn in the brig Trent, 270 tons, 33 men, and proceed as nearly as possible, due north, on the meridian of Greenwich, passing over the North Pole, and then to make the best of their way to Behring's Strait; where the four vessels will endeavour to join company and sail together through the Pacific Ocean, touching at the Sandwich Islands, then proceed to Cape Horn, and from thence to Eugland.

All the vessels are provided with wooden awnings, sloping like the roof of a house, over the upper decks, to keep the inclemency of the weather, when the ships are blockaded up in the ice

The men are not to take their repose in hammocks, but in wooden cabins, just sufficiently large for three men to sleep in; there are sliding wooden doors to each cabin, and so contrived that if it should be required they can be removed whole, as they are now placed.

In the captain's cabin (between the cabin-windows) is fixed, in a perpendicular direction, a new patent log, ja a round frame covered with glass, having the appearance of a time-piece; this machinery has communication with the rudder of the ship, whereby they can ascertain how many knots an hour their vessel has run.

Should this expedition prove successful, most probably, owing to the inclemency of the climate, it would not be beneficial in a commercial point of view, yet it may be the means of improving our geographical knowledge in those unexplored regions, and perhaps make us better acquainted with "the variation of the compass, and the attraction of the magnet, circumstances of infinite importance to navigation; and it is not impossible but that a more careful examination of the polar regions may lead to the solution of problems that have hitherto baffled the enquiries of the ablest navigators."

At present we are unacquainted with the northern coasts of Greenland, and North America; nor is it known whether the regions adjoining to the Pole

are land or water, frozen or open sea; nor does it appear by any maps or globes, that I have had the opportunity of seeing, that any land has ever been discovered towards the North Pole, further than about 81 degrees, being the latitude of the northerly parts of Spitsbergen.

In the present enterprising expedition they must not only expect to meet with dreadful extreme of cold, so intense, indeed, as to blister the skin; but also with many impediments of mountains, and rocks of ice, frozen seas, adverse winds, &c.; notwithstanding which, I most sincerely hope, that they may be enabled to overcome every difficulty, accomplish their intended voyages, return in perfect health, and once more enjoy the endearing company of their relations and friends whom they had left in old England. I remain, Sir, Your constant Reader, London, 16th March, 1818.



For the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE. On the HOPE that EARTHLY ATTACH MENTS will be RENEWED in HEAVEN. MONG the various miseries which embitter human life, there is not one that rears a more towering fabric of wretchedness in the heart, than the loss of a dear relation or valued friend; deprived of the society that he loved, the sufferer surveys the world and finds it a desert; and existence appears continued only for the recollection of joys that are annihilated for ever; in this moment of affliction, the hope of a future re-union and recognition seems like a star shining through the gloom of night, and pointing its rays to worlds of interminable bliss. The hope of a re-union after death with those whom we have loved on earth, will prove an antidote to the poison of many a grief, which would otherwise cause the complete overthrow of mental health. To advance this object, I shall consider its possibilities, its probalities, and its certainty. It is possible, because the infinite Controller of the Universe can dispose the perceptions of spirits, as easily as he can impress form upon matter; but, not to insist on this position, which is indisputable, let it be remembered, that a thing to be literally and strictly impossible, must involve either a contradiction or an absurdity; for instance, if we hear it maintained, that an animal will live after a certain time, in the exhausted feceiver of an air-pump, we declare it to be impossible, because we know that

air is indispensably necessary for the continuation of all animal existence, and therefore it embraces a contradic tion to assert the contrary. Again; if we are told that a government, whose measures were invariably characterized by cousummate wisdom, had placed arms in the hands of its subjects for the purpose of overthrowing itself, we should ridicule such a palpable absur dity, and disbelieve it as impossible. But where, I would ask, is the contradiction-where the absurdity, in the doctrine I am endeavouring to establish ? Does it consist in the interchange of perceptions between spiritual beings? No: a mutual intercourse must subsist among them, though we can form no adequate idea of the manner in which it is conducted; even if we ascend to the divine Creator of all things, we must be convinced, that he has established means by which he manifests his will to his creatures, or how could that will be executed? And though it is proba ble that between the soul of man, and the highest order of created beings, there is an almost immeasurable distance, yet it is not too much to conclude, that it may possess, though in a limited degree, many of those excellencies which distinguish those to whom the Author of existance has assigned the first rank in creation.

I trust that what I have said has been sufficient to prove, that the subject we are considering does not contain an impossibility, and I shall now attempt to display the force of those arguments which render it probable.

The human mind is compounded of various, and opposite sensations and principles; the evil proclaims the man, while the good incontrovertibly testifies that it had its origin in heaven. But if there is one feeling more than another which communicates to life its brightest charm, it is social affection; the indul. gence of this affords a happiness so pure and unalloyed, that Angels might descend from Glory and drink its cup with gratitude;-it is the crowning gem to the diadem of human pleasures:- it is the Sun, whose wild effulgence irradiates though it may be unable to dispel the gloomy clouds of wretchedness and woe; the possession never produces satiety, nor the recollection of it remorse; and when every other virue has forsaken the heart, this will alone remain, and compel us to admire and esteem the husband, the father, and the friend, though we abhor and despise the traitor,

the robber, and the murderer. Can it then for an instant be imagined, that the exercise of a feeling so innocent will be terminated by the grave; in power it is equal to devotion, and it is only the infinite difference of the object that constitutes its inferiority.

When man is moved from earth, and is become an inhabitant of heaven, though his nature will be improved, yet the inference that it will be altered is not deducible, either from reason or from Scripture. It may appear a bold assertion, but I am inclined to maintain, that so long as memory continues, the possession of Heaven itself could not confer happiness without that society, which had written every character of joy, engraved on the annals of recollection.

If the soul is to exist in another world in a state of complete and eternal bliss, if every thing is to continue which at present composes it, but purified, exalted, and enlarged, those beings on whom it had bestowed its fervent and legitimate attachments during the pe riod it was fettered by the chains of mortality, must participate in its enjoyments or regret, will diminish that happiness which gratitude and praise to a God of boundless mercy will render incapable of destruction.

Should the truth of the doctrine in question be denied, it must be admitted that there is a sorrow incident to humanity, for which Christianity affords no alleviation, no remedy, the Saviour of mankind has left the minds of his followers in the hour of distress and agony, as the heathen who believes death to be an eternity of sleep.

I shall now conclude, by detailing those arguments which support the certainty of it. It is a subject incapable of either sensible or demonstrative evidence; and when reason has proved that it is possible and probable, her task is finished, and she resigus to revelation the completion of the task she had commenced. I shall therefore select from the Bible those passages which are adapted to my present purpose; and which, when weighed with their dependencies and consequences, will, I think, be sufficient for the establishment of the doctrine in question. The first I shall mention is the declaration of David, when he is made acquainted with the death of his infant son: "But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." If

David believed that his child was clernally separated from him, what consola. tion could it be for him to reflect, that in a few years he should mingle his dust with that of his infant? Or if he went farther, and referred to their mutual existence beyond the grave, still the hope of his child's immortality could not relieve the woe he was then suffering, for the loss would be to him as irrevocable as if absolute annihilation had taken place. But it is evident that his mind was relieved by his anticipations of futurity, and that anticipation must have been, that he should follow his child to realms where sorrow was unknown, and where a re-union with the being he had regretted would obli terate the remembrance of the anguish he was at that moment enduring.

In the narration delivered by our Saviour, of the rich man and Lazarus, there is a positive assertion that the former recognized the latter during the period between death and the general resurrection, that he conversed with him, and that he continued in eternity to remember the events of time. If it is contended that this was not an actual circumstance, but a parabolical representation, it militates nothing against my argument, for Jesus never composed his parables from impossible incidents, but from those which were probable, and occurring daily. But I see no reason for concluding that it was a fiction, though the discussion of it would be totally irrelevant to the present subject. If the reality of the history is conceded, confirmation is stamped upon the doctrine, and its belief is grounded on the rock of certainty. The last passage I shall cite is extracted from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians: "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope; for if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." As this was professedly written to comfort those who were lamenting the dissolution of the ties of kindred and affection, the inference must be immediately assumed, that at the resurrection union shall succeed to separation, and that torch shall be illumined, which the damps and chillness of the grave had smothered, but not extinguished. If this was not its import, the Apostle's reasoning was a mockery; he substitutes delusion for reality, and

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