Imágenes de páginas

-What thou bidst Unargued I obey; so God ordains; God is thy law, thou mine; to know no


Is woman's happiest knowledge, and her praise.

This I humbly suppose must be allowed as a just criterion of a wife's affection—and if so, as correct a rule of obedience as can be insisted upon-for, if others more learned than myself in these subjects be not egregiously mistaken, it would appear that affection is the source of this obedience, and that when the will is subjected to its pure influence, it has its seat in reason, and is judicious.' Let me not be deemed presumptuous, then, if I venture to suggest that the wedded daughters of Eve may find a very useful principle of submission in the passage which I have quoted."

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"How excellent would be such a principle." exclaimed the manager's wife, were it but adopted! How many violations of the conjugal faith would be prevented! How many husbands and wives would have escaped the wretched doom in which they have involved themselves! And how many family miseries would never have been heard of, which are now canvassed in every gossiping party throughout this metropolis!"

"Ah!" cried the Manager, "it would, indeed, be a most sovereign panacea for all the lamentation and woe which now fill the breasts of many a man and woman, who have fancied that in the blissful state of matrimony primeval felicity might be found. But my dear Madam, it is rather unfortunate for the applicatory force of Mr. T—'s quotation, as it is for the anticipations of such self-deluded pairs, that Eve's submissive speech was made before her fall, and that her sentiments of duty were sadly changed after it. Now, for the honour of your sex, I must insist upon it, that considering the burden which our good inother Eve was so dever as to throw upon the shoulders of all womankind, there are as many obedient wives to be found as can well be expected; and taking also into the account that Adam was as deep in the dirt as his rib was in the mire, his sons can have but few exclusive pretensions to superior excellence over his daughters. We will therefore, if you please, Mr. -, close the argument by one general summary of the whole,-that rational

affection will produce réasonable obedience, and that the best ground for the husband's right of command is that union of his own will with his wife's, which makes both attractive, and neither burdensome. Attractive, I mean in opposition to an imperious claim of authority on his part, which the mind always repels with displeasure, and a contradictory waywardness on her's, which at once robs her of all the amiable graces of her form, and changes her into an object of contempt, instead of


At the conclusion of the Manager's observations, the servant announced that supper was ready. The tidings were received by the company with a simultaneous start from their seats. Every one was making for the supperroom, when a cry of "Fire! Fire!" resounded through the streets, which was increased by the vociferations of the crowds that seemed rushing to the spot. At the same instant a loud knocking was heard at the door of the Superintendant's house. Two or three footmen, who were waiting for the carriages of some of the company, ran up stairs to inform them that the fire had burst out at the opposite house. The alarm was general, and the supper was left untouched. Miss G swooned -Captain Otto asked, in great agitátion, whether there was any danger of the fire communicating to the Superintendant's house 7-The City Baronet ordered his carriage to the end of the street. Lady S- ran to the windows, and opened the shutters, when the frightful glare of the flames, the hideous crackling of the burning rafters, struck us all with horror. While we were gazing in the most tormenting suspense of apprehension, we beheld a female figure with a child in her arms, endeavouring, but in vain, to open the window of an attic. The raging element had not yet reached the upper story; her shrieks could be distinctly heard. Save her, save the poor infant!" proceeded from every mouth. "Gracious Heaven!" exclaimed Mr.

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"What's to be

done? There are no engines-there is no water. Positively," cried the Captain, putting on his great coat with much trepidation, "this is a horrible situation to be in; how shall we get away?" At that moment the distracted female left the window." She must be burnt-the child will be destroyed," cried Mr. and darting out of the


room, we heard his voice in the street, calling upon the people to bring the ladders. "Here! here is one," claimed a part of the crowd. In an instant it was applied to the front of the house, and the first person we saw mounting it was Mr. ; he broke in the glass of the sash, and throwing it up, he was enveloped with smoke. In a few moments we saw him with the child in one arm, and the female supported by the other.

[blocks in formation]

perpendicular section of any canal wider at the surface than at the bottom, and whereof the bottom is level; and let CE, DF, be both perpendicular to C D ; also let C G be taken equal to EC, the depth: then if the diagonal EG be drawn, the triangle ECG will truly represent the pressure against the line E C. [Hutton's Mathematics.] But the triangle ECG is equal to half the square of the depth. Hence EF drawn into half the square of the depth will be the pressure on the parallelogram E D.

Again because (as it is proved by the writers on Statics) the lateral pressure of any fluid, whose perpendicular section, is a triangle, having for its base the horizontal surface of the fluid, is equal to the pressure on a rectangle under the breadth, at the surface and greatest perpendicular depth, it follows that the pressure against the triangle AEC is of AE drawn into half the square of EC; and that on the triangle FBD equal to of FB drawn into half the square of F D.

Now AE+F B is the difference of the breadths at the surface and bottom; and therefore the RULE is correct in all cases

where the floor of the canal is level, and where the perpendicular section is not wider below than at the surface.

Were it required to ascertain the pressure on a dam-gate whereof the floor is horizontal, but the under breatdth the greater, change to in the given Rule, and the application will be faultless.

If the floor be not horihontal, a level is to be taken at the less depth, and the pressure on the triangle below that level must be calculated by the last Rule, and added to the pressure above the level. By all which it appears, as your Correspondent suggests, that Mr. Dow LING'S Rule is correct in practice, since flood-gates have always a level floor, and are never wider at the bottom than at the surface.

THE RULE, in my opinion, is not only neat and concise, but will be found eminently useful. Indeed, the whole of Mr. DOWLING's Key to Dr Hutton's valuable and elaborate Trea tise is so pregnant with elegance and improvement, that no mathematician in possession of Hutton's Course of Matbeinatics should be without a copy of a work of such sterling merit. I remain, Sir,

Your obedient servant, T. W. C. EDWARDS. 40, Pall-mall, 5th Feb. 1818.



chilblain is a well-known inflams matory affection of the extremities of the body, produced by "the applica tion of cold." The following embrocation, if early resorted to, will seldom fail of effecting a cure:

Soap liniainent, 1 ounce;
Compound camphor liuiament, oz.

Mix. A small quantity to be well rubbed on the affected part every night and morning, or as often as convenient.

If, as frequently happens, an ulcer of a gangrenous nature should form, commonly termed a "broken chilblain," it should be dressed with a little " com pound lead cerate," spread on fine lint. The dressing to be renewed at least once a day. W. W. M. St. John's-square, Feb. 21,


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To the Editor of the European Magazine. London, 16th Jan. 1818.



T is a satisfaction to perceive (after a lapse of eight or nine years since the publication of my account of Marocco and the interior of Africa), that in proportion as we are becoming better acquainted with the interior of that continent, my account becomes more authenticated, notwithstanding the attempts that have been so insiduously made to invalidate it.

The various hypotheses, for the most part founded in theory, that have, within the last seven years, been adopted respecting the course of the Nile el Abeede (Niger), are beginning now to fall to the ground, and the learned and judicious editor of the Supplement to the New Encyclopedia Britannica, founding his opinions, as it should seem, upon the facts that have been corroborated respecting the interior of Africa, has actually adopted my opinion ;* viz. That there is an union of waters beween the Nile of Egypt and that of Soudan: † where the common receptacle is I have not ventured to declare, but it is probable that it may be Bahar Kulla, in Wangara, or in the Sea of Soudan; the opinion that the junction is formed in the Sea of Soudan is supported by the Sheriff Imhammed, who saw the Nile at Cashna, and declared that it was so rapid there from east to west that vessels could not stem it.

Again: Parke's intelligence, in his 2d Journey, demonstrates an union of waters in the (Baseafeena) Sea of Soudan; for he says, the current was said to be sometimes one way and sometimes another; which I will take the liberty to interpret thus :—

Nile was westward into the Sea of Soudan, and the current of the Western Nile was eastward into the same Sea of Soudan: thus the current would be sometimes one way and sometimes another, making the Sea of Soudan the cominon receptacle for the Eastern as well as for the Western Nile.

Ptolemy's Sea of Nigritia is undoubt edly the same with my Sea of Soudan; Lybia Palus being the Latin denomination, as Bahar Soudan is the Arabic, for the interior lake called the Sea of Soudan; but whether this Sea of Soudan will ultimately prove to be situated ** as I have described it, ++fifteen journies east of Timbuctoo, or 450 English miles, or as Ptolemys has described it, or in the intermediate distance between the two extremes, must be left for future travellers to ascertain.

The enterprising and indefatigable, the patient and persevering, genius of Burkhardt, deriving incalculable advantages from a long residence in the eastern regions of Africa, may probably decrce him to be the person to clear up this long-contested geographical point, unless the fascination of Arabian manners, or some Utopia in the interior regions of that continent, should wean him from the desire to revisit his native country.

This intelligence of Parke may be considered some corroboration of what I have maintained respecting the union of waters between the Eastern and Western Niles ++


The following testimonies are some confirmation of my report respecting decked vessels, &c. in the interior of Africa.

Dr. Sietzen, a Germau physician residing at Alexandria, says, that he

That the current from the Eastern has received intelligence from a pil

See my letter to the Editor of the Monthly Magazine, Vol. XLIII. March 1817, page 125.

+ It is incorrect to say, that the word Nile is applied in Africa to any great river (the name, I can with confidence declare, is never applied to any river in North Africa, except the Nile of Egypt and that of Soudan): whoever has propagated this opinion has mistaken the matter altogether. See Proceedings of the African Association, Vol. I. page 540.

See Major Rennell's Map of North Africa, lat, north 6. long. west 18°, &c. See Jackson's enlarged Account of Marocco, Timbuctoo, &c. page 310.

Another name for the Sea of Soudan, as will hereafter appear.

Europ. Mag. Vol. LXXIII. Feb. 1818.


grim on his way to Mecca, a native of Ber Noh, or Bernou, that the

I See Ptolemy's map of N. Africa. ** See Jackson's enlarged Account of Marocco, page 310.

++ Fifteen journies horse travelling, which are the journies here alluded to, at thirty miles a-day, is 450 British miles. ‡‡ See Monthly Magazine, March 1817, page 125.

See Jackson's enlarged Account of Marocco, &c. page 309.

For full particulars see New Supp. to Ency. Britt. article " Africa."

11 This Bernou, or, according to the Arabic orthography, Ber Noh, is asserted by the Arabs to be the birthplace of the Patriarch Noah:


river within a mile of the city is as large as the Egyptian Nile, and overflows its banks, it is navigated by ves. sels of considerable dimensions, carry ing sails and oars.

Mr. Barnes states, that the Niger discharges itself into a large lake; that he has heard from the Black traders that there are white inhabitants upon the borders of this lake; and has been told, by people who have seen them, that they dress in the style of Barbary Moors, and wear turbans, but do not speak Arabic. *See Report of Committee of Council.

Parke, in his Second Journey, was informed, that "One month's travel South of Baedo, through the kingdom of Gotto, will bring the traveller to the country of the Christians, who have their houses on the banks of the + Bá Seafeena, which they describe as incomparably larger than the Lake Dib. bié."-This is another corroboration of the accuracy of my account of the interior of Africa; but before dis miss this subject, I should observe, that from the general ignorance of the African Arabic, an important circumstance respecting this Ba Seafeena is not yet (it appears) discovered; it is this, the words Ba Seafeena, or, according to the correct Arabic orthography, Bahar Sefeena, literally transfated into English, signifies the Sea of Ships, and is evidently only another name for the Sea of Soudan, declaring it to be a sea wherein ships are found!

Here then are two topographical facts first asserted by me, among the moderns, to exist in the heart of Africa, and since confirmed by Aly Bey, Parke, and Dr. Sietzen, or, as the enlightened editor of the Supplement to the New Encyclopedia Britt. observes,

"We have thus three independent testimonies from opposite quarters meeting exactly in the same point; nor does there, as far as we know, exist any evidence at all respectable to the contrary."

It now remains for me to declare to the public, through the medium of your intelligent and widely-circulated

* See Jackson's enlarged Account of Marocco, &c. page 309.

+ See New Supp. to Ency. Britt, article "Africa."

The testimonies here alluded to are Hornman, Parke, and Jackson.

Magazine, (that as opinions have been industriously propagated tending to discredit my account of Marocco and the interior of Africa,) that nothing has been set down therein until I had previously investigated the qualifications of the narrators, their means of knowledge, and whether the respective vocations of the several narrators made it their interest to disguise or misrepre sent the truth of their communications; and after ascertaining these important points, I have generally had recourse to other testimonies, and have seldom recorded any thing until confirmed by three or four concurrent evidences: on this pyramidical basis is founded the intelligence in my account of Marocco, and of the interior of Africa, annexed to that account.

This assertion is to be understood in respect to intelligence that I could not ascertain by ocular demonstration.

Finally, My description of the black heart headed serpent, called § Bouska, has been doubted; but a late | tra

See Jackson's enlarged Account of Marocco, &c. page 109.

"I paid two dollars for a station, and I looked into the room without interruption. It was about twenty feet long and fifteen broad, paved with tiles and plas tered within. The windows had also been secured by an additional grating made of wire, in such a manner as to render it im possible for the serpents to escape from the room: it had but one door, and that had a hole cut through it six or eight inches square: this hole was also secured by a grating. In the room stood two men, who appeared to be Arabs, with long bushy hair and beards; and I was told they were a particular race of men that could charm serpents.

"A wooden box, about four feet long and two feet wide, was placed near the door, with a string fastened to a slide at one end of it; this string went through a hole in the door. The two serpent-eaters were dressed in haiks only, and those very small ones. After they had gone through their religious, ceremonies most devoutly, they appeared" to take an eternal farewell of each other: this done, one of them retired from the room, and shut the door tight after him. The Arab within seemed to be in dreadful

distress. I could observe his heart throb, and his bosom heave most violently and he cried out very loudly, Allah houakiber, three times; which is, as I understood it, God have mercy on me.(a)

(a) N.B. This is a misinterpretation of the Arabic words here used, which, literally translated, signify, God alone is great!—-J. G. J.

veller has confirmed the accuracy of my account even of this extraordinary "The Arab was at the farthest end of the room: at that instant the cage was opened, and a serpent crept out slowly; he was about four feet long, and eight inches in circumference; his colours were the most beautiful in nature, being bright, and variegated with a deep yellow, a purple, a cream colour, black and brown, spotted, &c. As soon as he saw the Arab in the room, his eyes, which were small and green, kindled as with fire; he erected himself in a second, his head two feet high; and darting on the defenceless Arab, seized him between the folds of his haik, just above his right hip bone, hissing most horribly: the Arab gave a horrid shriek, when another serpent came out of the cage. This last was black, very shining, and appeared to be seven or eight feet long, but not more than two inches in diameter: as soon as he had cleared the cage, he cast his red fiery eyes on his intended victim, thrust out his forked tongue, threw himself into a coil, erected his head, which was in the centre of the coil, three feet from the floor, and fattening out the skin above his head and eyes in the form, and nearly of the size, of a human heart, and springing like lightBing on the Arab struck its fangs into his neck near the jugular vein, while his tail and body flew round his neck and arms in two or three folds. The Arab set up the most hideous and piteous yelling, foamed and frothed at the mouth, grasping the folds of the serpent which were round his arms with his right hand, and seemed to be in the greatest agony, striving to tear the reptile from around his neck, while with his left he seized hold of it near its head, but could not break its hold: by this time the other had turned itself around bis legs, and kept biting all around the other parts of his body, making apparently deep incisions: the blood, issuing from every wound (both in his neck and body), streamed all over his haik and skin. My blood was chilled in my veins with horror at this sight, and it was with difficulty my legs would support my frame.

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Notwithstanding the Arab's greatest exertions to tear away the serpents with his hands, they turned themselves still tighter, stopped his breath, and he fell to the floor, where he continued for a moment, as if in the most inconceivable agony, rolling over, and covering every part of his body with his own blood and froth, until he ceased to move, and appeared to have expired. In his last struggle, he had wounded the black serpent with his teeth, as it was striving, as it were, to force its head into his mouth, which wound seemed to increase its rage. At this instant I heard the shrill sound of a whistle, and looking towards the door saw the

animal.-In Riley's narrative of his Shipwreck on the Coast of Sahara, other Arab applying a call to his mouth: the serpents listened to the music, their fury seemed to forsake them by degrees, they disengaged themselves leisurely from the apparently lifeless carcase; and creeping towards the cage, they soon entered it, and were immediately fastened in.

"The door of the apartment was now opened, and he without ran to assist his companion: he had a phial of blackish liquor in one hand, and an iron chissel in the other finding the teeth of his companion set, he thrust in the chissel, forced them open, and then poured a little of the liquor into his mouth; and holding the lips together, applied his mouth to the dead man's nose, and filled his lungs with air: he next anointed his numerous wounds with a little of the same liquid, and yet no sign of life appeared. I thought he was dead in earnest; his neck and veins were exceedingly swollen; when his comrade taking up the lifeless trunk in his arms, brought it out into the open air, and continued the operation of blowing for several minutes before a sign of life appeared; at length he gasped, and after a time recovered so far as to be able to speak. The swellings in his neck, body, and legs, gradually subsided, as they continued washing the wounds with clear cold water and a sponge, and applying the black liquor occasionally; a clean haik was wrapped about him, but his strength seemed so far exhausted that he could not support himself standing, so his comrade laid him on the ground by a wall, where he sunk into a sleep. This exhibition lasted for about a quarter of an hour from the time the serpents were let loose until they were called off, and it was more than an hour from that time before he could speak. I thought I could discover that the poisonous fangs had been pulled out of these formidable serpents' jaws, and mentioned that circumstance to the showman, who said that they had indeed been extracted; and when I wished to know how swellings on his neck and other parts could be assumed, he assured me, that though their deadly fangs were out, yet that the poisonous quality of their breath and spittle would cause the death of those they attack; that after a bite from either of these serpents, no man could exist longer than fifteen minutes! and that there was no remedy for any but those who were endowed hy the Almighty with power to charm and to manage them; and that he and his associates were of that favoured number! The Moors and Arabs call the thick and beautiful serpent El Effah, and the long black and heart headed one El Bushfah.

"I afterwards saw engravings of these two serpents in Jackson's Marocco, which

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