EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1874-75. IN EIGHTEEN VOLUMES. Volume 1.... No. 1, part 1, Foreign Relations. Volume 4....No. 1, part 2, War, (vol. 2, part 2.) Volume 5.. .No. 1, part 3, Navy; No. 1, part 4, Postmaster-General; Volume 6....No. 1, part 5, Interior, (vol. 1.) Volume 7....No. 1, part 5, Interior, (vol. 2, Education.) Volume 8....No. 1, part 6, Commissioners of the District of Colum- Volume 9....No. 3, Currency; and No. 4, Internal Revenue. Volume 10.... No. 5; No. 6, and No. 150. Volume 11....No. 8 to No. 44, inclusive. Volume 12....No. 45 to No. 78, inclusive. Volume 13....No. 79 to No. 99, inclusive. Volume 14....No. 100, Coast Survey. Volume 15....No. 101 to No. 170, except Nos. 150 and 157. Volume 16....No. 157, Commercial Relations. Volume 17.. Volume 18....No. 172 to 180, inclusive. WASHINGTON: PRINTING OFFICE. GOVERNMENT 1875. Accident, letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the, at Benning's Bridge, in which Treasury and national-bank notes were destroyed. Adjutant-General's Office, letter from the Secretary of War, Agency, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative transmitting the report of the freedmen's branch of the.. to the removal of the Weeminuche Indians.. Alabama, message from the President of the United States, Amendment, letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, trans- mitting draught of a bill to amend section Annuities, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative tabular statements of disbursements made from the, for the Indian Department for letter from the Secretary of the Interior, the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. letter from the Secretary of War, calling attention to the omission in the Army appropriation bill of the item of $10,000 letter from the same, relative to an omission in the appropriation act of June 23, 1874, |