Statement of contingent expenses of the military establishment, &c.—Continued. Date. By whom paid. W. Butler Beck, Lieut. Hawkins Taylor,chair. Paid, July 2, 1862, P. Hartman for ten sets Paid, July 10, 1863, to H. P. Spellman for Paid, July 10, 1963, John B. Calhoun for case. $16.30 31 00 31 00 16.80 $59.00 10.00 Paid, August 19, 1863, B. A. Matthews, as 10 00 Paid, August 19, 1863, P. H. Collins, as 10.00 Paid, August 19, 1863, M. H. Brawner, as 8.00 133 10 1,500 00 July) 10 The United States.... Paid Frank Clark for legal services ren dered Thomas Gray, captain United Paid, January 5, 1862, to J. E. Tefft for serv- Paid, March 4, 1862, to T. G. Lansden & States Paid N. Gray & Co. for receiving and ex- Paid George A. Johnson & Co. for trans- Paid William S. Hansell & Sons, for amount Paid William S. Hansell & Sons, for amount 26 66 20 00 18. 08 64 74 10.00 90.00 254 75 35.00 Statement of contingent expenses of the military establishment, &c.—Continued. Sept. 24 J. R. Del Vechio, A. 24 Paid April 7, 1865, the Jeffersonville Rail- | Paid April 10, 1865, the Louisville and Paid April 10, 1865, the Louisville and Nash- George W. Weeks, A. Paid April 29, 1871, to A. Krause, M. D., for 25 James Waring, Lieut. 25 Fourth Missouri Cav- H. B. Sears, Lieut. Sec- Paid September 20, 1847, to Jos. Welsh for ten cots for sick in hospital, at $5. Paid Henry H. Wells, jr., for retainer, legal Paid L. D. Latimer, attorney at law, in full Paid Frank M. Pixley, attorney at law, in $90 71 10 71 9.19 (8110 63 755 150 50 00 12.50 62 50 200 00 34.90 267 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, SECOND AUDITOR'S OFFICE, January 14, 1875. 38, 514 74 E. B. FRENCH, 2d Session. No. 131. MODOC WAR. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING Reports of the Quartermaster-General and Commissary-General of Subsist ence, giving in detail the costs to those Departments of the Modoc War. JANUARY 27, 1875.-Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. WAR DEPARTMENT, January 25, 1874. The Secretary of War has the honor to transmit to the House of Representatives, for the information of the Committee on Military Affairs, in compliance with request of said committee of May 9, 1874, reports of the Quartermaster-General and Commissary-General of Subsistence, giving in detail the costs to those Departments of the Modoc war, with names of claimants, and the amounts paid and remaining unpaid. WM. W. BELKNAP, WAR DEPARTMENT, QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., June 26, 1874. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith detailed statements of the cost to the Quartermaster's Department of the Modoc war, giving names of persons, amounts, &c., paid and remaining unpaid, as required by request of House Military Committee of May 9, 1874, (copy herewith returned,) amounting in the aggregate to $411,068.18. The expenditure, as shown by these statements, is $56,000 greater than that reported by Gen. Robert Allen, February 7, 1874, and which was communicated from this Office to Hou. James W. Nesmith, member of Congress, on that date. These statements have just come to hand. It was impracticable to obtain them in time to present to Congress before adjournment. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster-General, U. S. A. The Hon. SECRETARY Of War. [Inclosures.] HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE PACIFIC, COLONEL: In compliance with telegram of the Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., dated May 13, 1874, I have the honor to transmit here with inclosed, a list of the names and statement of indebtedness incurred for transportation furnished to the Government during the Modoc war, the amounts paid, and the amounts remaining unpaid, and to whom. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. R. EDDY, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. §. A. Additional to the amounts on inclosed report, I transferred to Lieutenants Grier, Fourth Artillery, and Bacon, First Cavalry, oue thousand four hundred dollars, ($1,400,, for disbursements on account of expenses incurred in the Modoc war. A. R. EDDY, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. §. 4. To Col. ROBERT ALLEN, San Francisco, Cal. [Indorsement on preceding letter.] HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE PACIFIC, OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Respectfully transmitted to the Quartermaster-General of the Army. The statement of the chief quartermaster Department of the Columbia will be forwarded as soon as received. Lieutenant Grier's address is Boston, Mass. ROBERT ALLEN, Assistant Quartermaster-General. A. List of the names of all persons in California and Oregon who furnished supplies and transportation to the Government during the Modoc war, the amount of each claim, what amount has been paid, and to whom. No. A.-List of the names of all persons in California and Oregon, &c.—Continued. Amount. $50 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 36 00 81 00 46 25 19 75 120, 452 91 132 09 120,585 00 List of the names of all persons in California and Oregon who furnished supplies and transportation to the Government during the Modoc war; the amount of each claim; what amount has been paid; and the amount remaining unpaid, and to whom; by Lieut. Col. A. R. Eddy, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., chief quartermaster Department of California. Total amount, and to whom paid from April 1, 1873, to June 1, 1874, (see list marked A, filed herewith) Total amount remaining unpaid, and to whom due, (see list marked B, filed herewith)...... $120,585 00 15,377 80 135,962 80 A. R. EDDY, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. S. A. |