January. February. December. TRINITY, LOUISIANA. Anthority, Captain Benyaurd, Corps of Engineers.—Zero of gange is at lowest known water, (1873.) March. April. May. June. Date. Gauge. Wind. Gauge. Wind. Wind. Gauge. Gauge. Wind. Gauge. Wind. Gauge. Wind. Gauge. Wind. SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA. Authority, Signal Service, United States Army.-High water of 1849 reads 33.0 feet. ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA. Authority, Corps of Engineers, United States Army.-High water of 1866 reads 36.46 feet. APPENDIX F. Tables of relative heights of high waters, levees, and ground from Commerce, Mo., to t Louisiana line. 2,000 25,000 5.0 + 5.0 Head of Big Lake. 5,000 + 9.0 17,000 + 3.0 South side of Big Lake. 400 + 6.0 Do. 12,500 3,000 - 2.0 + 5.0 Do. 100 2.5 200 0.0 Do. +1.5 1,500 1.0 50 200 1.0 Opposite Linwood Bar. Opposite Island 16. Opposite Island 16. Do. 3,000 3,000 - 1.0 100 - 1.0 Do. 150 4,000 2,000 - 1.0 200 500 1.0 Do. Opposite Island 16. + 1.5 1,000 1.0 100 2.0 500 1.0 Head of Island 18. Do. + 1.5 1,500 - 1.0 + 2.5 Do. 500 600 1.5 + Do. Opposite Island 18. 3,500 + 1.0 2,000 . 1.0 + 2.0 Do. 600 500 0.0 Do. 2,000 1,000 1.0 1,500 - 0.5 +1.5 Do. 1,000 1.0 Do. 1,500 - 0.5 + 2.0 Do. 1,000 - 1.5 Do. 7,000 - 2.0 9,000 - 3.5 Opposite Cairo. 1, 800 - 1.5 + 1.0 100 -15.0 22, 000 +1.5 + 3.0 9,000 5.0 Opposite Island No. 1. 6,000 +1.5 5,000 1.0 Above Hunter's Land'g. 1,500 0.5 2,000 - 3.0 Above Hunter's Land'g. 5,500 +1.5 - 2.5 - 3.0 6,500 + 7.0 Hunter's Landing. 2,000 + 1.5 + 1.0 Half Moon Bayou. Cottonwood Point. Below Cottonwood Point Head of Island 21. Opposite Island 21. +1.0 Opposite Island 18. 1,700 - 2.0 Opposite Island 4. 1,000 3.0 4,000 - 0.5 +1.5 (Interior line.) 5,000 + 0.5 500 0.5 Below Lucas Bend. 1,000 0.0 +1.5 7,000 - 2.0 Above Island 6. 100 3,000 Above Island 8. 21,500 Interior line. 11, 500 Bayou Saint James. 3,000 200 - 0.5 300 2,000 250 10, 500 1,500 - 3.0 Opposite Island 8. +1.5 3.0 +1.0 13,000 -6.0 1,000 3.0 Opposite Island 8. Opposite Island, 26. 2,000 5.5 +1.0 500 3.0 +1.0 120 7.0 5.0 +1.0 100 600 5, 800 7,900 5,000 15, 800 10, 500 52, 800 20,000 4,000 - 8.0 - 3.0 - 3.0 + 5.0 - 3.0 +1.0 300 - 5.0 Interior line to New 4,000 - 3.0 +1.5 200 - 6.0 +1.0 - 8.0 Mill Bayou. +1.5 - 4.0 New Madrid to Point Below Mill Bayou 18,000 - 3.0 +1.5 2,000 2.0 Opposite Island 30. 2,500 3.0 + 2.0 Point Pleasant to Ca 600 3.0 82,000 + 0.5 ruthersville. 21,000 - 2.5 14,000 - 2.0 West of Big Lake and 21,000 - 3.0 + 2.0 2,500 - 4.0 Bayou west of Gayoso. 18,500 - 4.0 8,000 - 3.0 3,000 4.0 +1.0 Across neck, opposite 5,000 - 3.0 +1.5 300 - 5.0 2,500 +1.5 4.0 +1.0 4,000 - 2,5 + 2.0 200 - 5.0 800 - 4.0 - 3.5 +1.5 Nodina Place. 4,000 - 3.0 + 2.0 1,400 - 3.0 200 - 3.0 +1.5 Across neck below Isl 3,000 3.0 + 2.0 7,800 3.0 and 34. |