Deficiencies, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates for certain.......
Dempsey & O'Toole, letter from the Secretary of War, recommending payment of......
Depredations, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting list of claims for Indians...
Destruction of Treasury and national-bank notes at Ben- ning's Station, letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury relative to ......
Disbursements, tabular statement of, made for the Indian Department for the year ending June 30, 1874...... District of Columbia, report of the Commissioners of.
annual report of the trustees of the Reform-School of .....
annual report of the warden of the United States jail in....
Education, annual report of Commissioner of....
Education of two white female children captured from the Cheyenne Indians, letter from the Secretary of the Inte- rior relative to....
Engineer Department, report of the, as to obstruction of San Jacinto River, Texas.... Enlisted men in the Ordnance Bureau, letter from the Sec- retary of War, relative to the employment of....... Epidemic cholera in the United States in 1873, causes of.. Examinations of the Saint Croix and Chippewa Rivers, let-
ter from the Secretary of War transmit- ting reports of......
of the Withlacoochee, Oconee, Ocklockonnee, Hiawassee, Cahawba, and Black Warrior Rivers, letter from the same, transu.itting reports of..........
Exhibition, international, of 1876, message from the Presi- dent, showing what is proposed to be exhibited at, by each executive department of the Government ..
Expenditures and receipts of the Louisville and Portland
Canal, letter from the Secretary of War, showing the ...........
of the marshal's office of the western judicial district of Arkausas, letter from the At- torney-General relative to.....
and receipts for the current fiscal year.
Expenses,contingent,letter from the Secretary of State,show-
Expenses contingent, letter from the Postmaster-General, showing amount of, in his Depart-
letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, showing amount of, in his Department..
letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, showing amount of, in his Department
letter from the Attorney-General, showing amount of, in his De- partment.
letter from the Secretary of War, showing amount of, in his De- partment..
Fines and deductions imposed on mail contractors, letter from the Postmaster-General, transmitting list of......... Fire, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the loss of clothing by United States soldiers at Fort Sanders by... Florida, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to bar- racks at Pensacola Harbor, in....
letter from the same, relative to survey of Nassau River, in....
Foreign relations of the United States, message from the President, transmitting papers relative to the.. list of papers contained in the above.. index to the above.....
Fort, Sugg, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the claim of
Freedmen's branch of the Adjutant-General's Office, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of...... Funds, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to certain, belonging to the Prairie band of Pottawatomie Indians..
Gates and dams on the Ohio River, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to movable.... Grasshoppers, message from the President, relative to Ne- braska and Kansas sufferers by
Harbor, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to bar- racks and quarters at Pensacola
of Cleveland, Ohio, letter from the same, relative to a breakwater at
at Galveston, Tex., letter from the same, relative to the improvement of..
of Black River, Ohio, letter from the same, relative to the survey of...
of Saint Joseph, Mich., letter fron the same, relative to the condition of...
and bar of Sabine Pass, Tex., letter from the same, relative to the improvement of...
of New Haven, Conu., letter from the same, relative to the widening and deepening of..
of Saint Mary's, Md., letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting report of officers to re- port on expedieney of establishing a naval coaling-station at
Harbors, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting reports of the examinations and surveys of cer- tain rivers and..
Harbors, of New Bedford and Nantucket, Mass., letter from the same, relative to the..
of Crisfield and Leonardtown, Md., letter from the same, relative to surveys of the..
of Charlevoix and Monistique, Mich., letter from the same, relative to improvements of the.... Haskins, Louisa A., letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to....
Head-stones in national cemeteries, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the appropriation for Hinely, Lewis, message from the President, vetoing House bill granting a pension to
Hospital for Women, letter from the Secretary of the Inte- rior, relative to the Columbia...
Hospitals, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to bal- ances of appropriations for
Idaho, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to purchasing certain improvements on the Nez Percé In- dian reservation in....
Improvement of the channel of the Mississippi River oppo- site Saint Louis, letter from the Secretary of War relative to.....
Indian Department, tabular statement of disbursements for the
reservations, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of survey of.
statements for year 1874-75....
Indians, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to transportation to Sioux agencies.. letter from the same, relative to the removal of the Pawnee tribe of, to Indian Territory. letter from the same, relative to appropriations for subsistence of Northern Sioux...
letter from the same, relative to appropriations for the Central Superintendency.....
letter from the same, relative to collecting and subsisting the Apache.....
letter from the same, relative to lands of the North Carolina...
letter from the same, recommending the appropria-
tion of $3,000 for the support of two white female children captured from the Cheyennes..... letter from the same, transmitting estimate of ap- propriations to remove the Modoc..... letter from the same, recalling a previous report as to the claims of Absentee Shawnee..
letter from the same, relative to the cutting of timber by, on reservations...... letter from the same, relative to claims for depre- dations of, made in the last ten years.. letter from the same, relative to the consolidation of certain tribes of, in Washington Territory... letter from the same, relative to subsistence for the Ute, in Colorado...
Indians, letter from the same, transmitting act of the Chero- kee legislature authorizing a loan.
letter from the same, relative to annuities for Creek. letter from the same, relative to support of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Apache, Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita
letter from the same, relative to relief of certain tribes of, in Northern Superintendency. letter from the same, relative to removal of Wee- minuche agency to the Ute reservation.... letter from the same, relative to treaty of February 23, 1867, with certain Kansas... letter from the same, with estimate of appropria- tion for Indian service in Colorado... letter from the same, relative to the sale of a por- tion of Fond du Lac Indian reservation..... letter from the same, with estimate of appropria- tion to pay interest to Osage.....
letter from the same, with estimate of appropria- tion for Indian service in Oregon.... letter from the same, for the same, in California.. letter from the same, for the same, in New Mexico. letter from the same, relative to Louisa Hawkins, a Choctaw Indian..
letter from the same, relative to certain incidental expenses in Oregon
letter from the same, with estimate of appropria- tion to meet deficiencies on account of the In- dian service.....
letter from the same, relative to removal to their reservation of Jicarilla, Apache, and Ute.... letter from the same, relative to funds belonging to the Prairie band of Pottawatomie...
letter from the same, relative to support of the Lake Superior Chippewa....
letter from the same, relative to support of the confederated tribes of Kaskaskias.. letter from the same, with estimate of appropria- tion for certain members of the Kickapoo.. letter from the same, submitting amendment to appropriation bill for, relative to extinguishing certain rights to hunt allowed the Sioux... letter from the same, relative to purchasing cer- tain improvements on the Nez Percé reservation. letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to liabilities of Choctaw tribe of
letter from the Secretary of War, relative to pay- ment of claims of Montana Indian war.. letter from the same, relative to claims of citizens on account of Modoc Indian war.. letter from the same, transmitting cost to the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments of the Modoc war................
letter from the Attorney-General, relative to agents of the Eastern band of Cherokee..
Insane, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to a new building for treatment of female..
Papers accompanying the above:
Interior, Secretary of the, annual report of, vol. 1 of..
Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, vol. 1 of..
Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, vol. 1 of... Report of the Commissioner of Pensions, vol. 1 of.. Report of Superintendent of the Census, vol. 1 of. Report of the Architect of the Capitol Extension, vol. 1 of..
Interior, Secretary of the, papers accompanying annual re- port of-
Report of Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, vol. 1 of..
Report of the Government Hospital for the Insane, vol. 1 of...
Report of the Columbia Hospital for Women and Ly- ing-in Asylum, vol. 1 of...
Report of the Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum, vol. 1 of Report of the Commissioner of Education, vol. 2 of.. Interior, Secretary of, letter relative to the Columbia Hos-
letter relative to the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska letter relativet,o the Yellowstone Park. letter relative to survey of Indian reservations ...
letter relative to claims of Absentee Shawnee Indians ...
letter relative to certain Indians liv- ing on reservations and who are not allowed to cut timber thereon. letter transmitting report of surveyor- general of New Mexico... letter transmitting lists of claims for Indian depredations... letter transmitting expenditures of contingent fund in his Department. letter relative to geological surveys of the Territories..
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