Imágenes de páginas


Interior, Secretary of, letter relative to a new safe for his

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Vol. Part. No. Page.

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letter relative to Malheur reservation

in Oregon



letter relative to treaty of February

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letter relative to the purchase of cer-
tain improvements on the Nez Percé
Indian reservation in Idaho...
letter relative to the confederated
tribes of the Kaskaskias in Kansas.
letter relative to the Panoche Grande
Rancho, in California ....

Internal Revenue, annual report of the Commissioner of...

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International Exhibition of 1876, message of the President,
showing what is proposed to be exhibited at, by each Ex-
ecutive Department of the Government...


Jail, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an
appropriation for the new, in the District of Colum-

United States, annual report of the warden of the...
Justice, contingent expenses of the Department of, commu-
nication from the Attorney-General, relative to


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Kansas, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to
Absentee Shawnee Indians of..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

message from the President, relative to issues of
supplies to sufferers by grasshoppers in...
Kentucky, letter from the Secretary of War, with report of
receipts and expenditures of the Louisville
and Portland Canal from June 11 to December
31, 1874...



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Land-claims in New Mexico, private letter from the Secre-
tary of the Interior, with reports of the surveyor-gen-
eral of, on...

Lands, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to lands
required for improvement of Fox and Wisconsin Rivers..
Laws imposing customs duties, letter from the Secretary of
the Treasury, on the construction of...

Liabilities, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, trans-
mitting amount of, due from Choctaw Indians.
Loan, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmit-
ting act of Cherokee legislature relative to a.

Long, Eli, Maj. Gen., letter of, to the Secretary of War, rel-
ative to retired officers...

Lyon & Son, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, rela-
tive to the claim of, for printing Choctaw laws...

[blocks in formation]


Mail-contractors, letter from the Postmaster-General, trans-
mitting list of fines and deductions imposed on....
Mails, letter from the Postmaster-General, relative to smug-
gling merchandise through the.....
Maryland, letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmit-

ting report of board of officers appointed to
inquire as to expediency of establishing a na- !
val coaling station at Saint Mary's Harbor, in..
letter from the Secretary of War, relative to sur-
veys of the harbors of Crisfield and Leonard-
town in

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Massachusetts, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
cost of erecting a pavilion hospital at

letter from the same, transmitting reports of
surveys of New Bedford and Nantucket
Harbors, in

Medicines, letter from the Commissioner of Patents, rela-
tive to patents on ...

Messengers, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
the employment in his Office of two additional
Metropolitan police, annual report of the board of...
Mexico, letter from the Secretary of War, showing troops
engaged in war with, and casualties resulting

Michigan, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
granting right of way for public sewer
through Fort Gratiot military reservation to
city of Port Huron, in..

letter from the same, relative to Saint Joseph
Harbor, in...

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letter from the same, relative to improvements
of the harbors of Charlevoix and Mouistique,

Military reservation, letter from the Secretary of War, rela-
tive to the Fort Kearney


Military post, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
a new, near Carlin, Nevada..
letter from the same, relative to the same..

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letter from the same, relative to the
amount of land included within

the Fort Harker...

Military roads, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
House bill for constructing, in Arizona...
letter from the same, relative to construc-
tion from Green River City, Wyoming, to
the Yellowstone National Park, and to
Fort Ellis, Montana, of a.

Militia, letter from the Secretary of War, giving abstract of
the, in the United States...

Mines and mining, report of Prof. R. W. Raymond on..
Minnesota, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting

survey of the Minnesota River...

letter from the Secretary of the Interior, rela-
tive to the sale of a portion of the Fond du
Lac Indian reservation in....

Mississippi River, message from the President, transmit-

ting report of engineers on the reclam- |
ation of the alluvial basin of the
letter from the Secretary of War, rela-
tive to the examination of the mouth
of the...

Missouri, report of the Secretary of War, on the Saint |
Clair and Carondelet bridge in

Modoc war, letter of the Secretary of War, showing cost to
the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments of the..
Montana, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the
Indian war claims of 1867 of....

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letter from the same, relative to House bill for
constructing military road from Green River
City, Wyoming, to Fort Ellis, in.....


letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative
to the Yellowstone Park, in

Museum, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
printing catalogue of the Army Medical...

Musket, Roberts's breech-loading, letter from the Secretary
of War, relative to the manufacture of, at the Springfield

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Vol. Part. No. Page.

Navigation, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
the obstruction of, in the Ohio River....
report of the Engineer Department, relative to
obstructions to, in San Jacinto River, Texas.

Nay, annual report of the Secretary of the...
contents of the above

letter from the Secretary of, relative to contingent
expenses of his Department..

letter from the same, transmitting report of board of
officers appointed to inquire into expediency of es-
tablishing a naval coaling-station at Saint Mary's
River, Maryland

Nebraska, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
Fort Kearney, military reservation in.....
letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior,
relative to the Burlington and Missouri River
Railroad in....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative

to the same ..

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Nevada, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to es-
tablishing a new military post in, near Carlin.........
letter from the same, relative to the same..........
New Mexico, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, re-
lative to appropriations for military service

letter from the same, relative to removal of
Jicarilla, Apache, and Ute Indians in.

New York, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, re-
lative to a public building at Auburn.......
letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
Lieut. Col. John Newton's report on the survey
of Harlem River in....

North Carolina, letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
relative to the lands of the Cherokee In-
dians in...

letter from the Attorney-General, relative
to agents of the eastern band of Cherokee
Indians in


Obstructions to navigation, letter from the Secretary of

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War, relative to, in the Ohio

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Officers, retired, letter from the Secretary of War, relative
to the effect of H. R. 2093, on.....

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Ohio, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the

House bill authorizing construction of bridges over
the Ohio River

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Ohio letter from the same, relative to the survey of the old
bed of Grand River in..

Ordnance, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to

Ordnance Bureau, letter from the Secretary of War, rela-
tive to the employment of enlisted men in.
Ordnance Stores, letter from the Secretary of War, relative
to the expense of sales of...

Oregon, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
claims of citizens of, on account of the Modoc


letter from the same, transmitting survey of the
Yamhill River in..

letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative
to appropriations for removing Modoc Indians
from, to the Indian Territory..

letter from the same, relative to Malheur reserva-
tion in

letter from the same, relative to appropriations for
the Indian service in

letter from the same, relative to incidental Indian
expenses in..

Overflow, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to is-
sues of supplies to sufferers from the, on the Lower Mis-
sissippi, Tombigbee, Warrior, and Alabama Rivers.....


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Page, Frank A., letter from the Secretary of War, relative
to the case of...

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Panoche Grande Rancho, letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to..

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Park, Yellowstone, letter from the Secretary of the Inte-
rior, relative to the..

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Patents, annual report of the Commissioner of..



Patents, Commissioner of, letter from, relative to patents
on medicines and chemical compounds.

[blocks in formation]

Pennsylvania, letter from the Secretary of War, relative

to the bridge over the Alleghany River, at
Pittsburgh, in..............


letter from the same, relative to Govern-
ment property in Pittsburgh..


Police, Metropolitan, annual report of the...


Portraits on currency and stanrps, letter from the Secre-

tary of the Treasury relative to.


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Postmaster-General, annual report of the..


contents of the above..


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contents of the appendix...

letter from, transmitting report of con-
tingent expenses of his Department.
letter from, relative to smuggling mer-
chandise through the mails...
letter from, transmitting list of clerks
in his employ, inventory of property,
and contracts made..
letter from, transmitting report of
fines imposed upon and deductions
made from pay of mail-contractors..

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Post-Office Department, letter from the Assistant Treasu-
rer of the United States, transmitting receipts and ex-
penditures of the...

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