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Página 283 - We think that the true rule of law is that the person who, for his own purposes, brings on his land and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes, must keep it in at his peril ; and if he does not do so, is prima facie answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape.
Página 456 - In any contract for the sale of railroad or street railway equipment, or rolling stock, it shall be lawful to agree that the title to the property sold, or contracted to be sold, although possession thereof may be delivered immediately or at any time or times subsequently, shall not vest in the vendee until the purchase price shall be fully paid, or that the vendor shall have and retain a lien thereon for the unpaid purchase money.
Página 714 - No law shall embrace more than one object, which shall be expressed in its title...
Página 5 - food," as used herein, shall include all articles used for food or drink by man, whether simple, mixed, or compound. SEC. 3. Any article shall be deemed to be adulterated within the meaning of this Act...
Página 5 - If any inferior or cheaper substance or substances have been substituted wholly or in part for it. (3) If any valuable or necessary constituent or ingredient has been wholly or in part abstracted from it. (4) If it is an imitation of or is sold under the name of another article.
Página 7 - In the case of mixtures or compounds which may be now or from, time to time hereafter known as articles of food, under their own distinctive names, and not an imitation of or offered for sale under the distinctive name of another article, if the name be accompanied on the same label or brand with a statement of the place where said article has been manufactured or produced. Second. In the case of articles labeled, branded, or tagged so as to plainly Indicate that they are compounds, imitations, or...
Página 353 - Utah, to say whether the facts made a case of murder in the first degree or murder in the second degree...
Página 475 - Illinois, do make, publish, and declare this, as and for my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
Página 192 - A husband cannot be examined for or against his wife, without her consent; nor a wife for or against her husband, without his consent; nor can either, during the marriage or afterwards, be, without the consent of the other, examined as to any communication made by one to the other during the marriage...
Página 192 - This element of confidentiality must be essential to the full and satisfactory maintenance of the relation between the parties. (3) The relation must be one which in the opinion of the community ought to be sedulously fostered. (4) The injury that would inure to the relation by the disclosure of the communications must be greater than the benefit thereby gained for the correct disposal of litigation.

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