(h) The late United States military government of Porto Rico, in account current with J. H. Hollander, treasurer of Porto Rico, for receipts and expenditures during the month of May, 1900. (i) Abstract of revenues paid to and received by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900. (i) Abstract of revenues paid to and received by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900-Continued. (i) Abstract of revenues paid to and received by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900—Continued. (j) Abstract of moneys paid out on warrants by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900. 3,327.03 130,360.43 ["B."-June, 1900.] (a) The people of Porto Rico in account current with J. H. Hollander, treasurer of Porto Rico, for receipts and expenditures during the month of June, 1900. DR. To amount of warrants paid and discharged from June 1, 1900, to June 30, 1900, as per Abstract B and warrants with drafts attached filed herewith: Paid from customs receipts Accountable warrants. Settlement warrants. 11,283.66 To amount of transfer warrants charged as per Abstract C and war rants filed herewith: Customs receipts . To balance due the people of Porto Rico carried to new account. 201.57 CR. By balance due the people of Porto Rico as per last account rendered to May 31, 1900. $308, 240. 12 By revenues and moneys received as treasurer of Porto Rico, from June 1, 1900, to June 30, 1900, as per Abstract A herewith and original receipts therefor on file in auditor's office: On account of customs receipts On account of internal-revenue receipts. $82,470.47 42,038.81 2,322.55 By amount of transfer warrants credited as per Abstract C and warrants filed herewith: Miscellaneous receipts. By amount transferred from the military government of Porto Rico to the credit of the treasurer of Porto Rico on the ledger of the civil government, and taken up in his account with the people of Porto Rico, as per transfer warrant No. 7, dated June 30, 1900: Customs receipts. Internal-revenue receipts $2,436.72 36.12 854.19 Total 438, 600.55 Total 438,600.55 |