in Porto Rico in its present phase would pursue is not only false in its goal, but thick with the dangers of personal favoritism, political corruption, oppressive taxation, and ultimate repudiation. It would be improper to affix official signature to a report of the operations of the office of the treasurer during the first year of its existence without cordial acknowledgment of the assistance and support I have received from its personnel. There has not only been faithful performance of prescribed duties, but no occasion for devoted and sacrificing work has presented itself but that there has been cheerful and enthusiastic cooperation. In this attitude every employee, from the most important to the humblest, has participated, and it is only because a greater responsibility has attached to their respective duties that it is proper to single out for grateful acknowledgment the services of the deputy treasurer, Mr. B. R. Dix, and of the chiefs of bureau, Mr. John S. Hord, Mr. Alfred Solomon, Mr. Louis D. Harry, Dr. Thomas S. Adams, and Mr. Arthur E. Linhart. Respectfully submitted. Hon. CHARLES H. ALLEN, J. H. HOLLANDER, Treasurer of Porto Rico. Governor of Porto Rico, San Juan, P. R. EXHIBIT A. Current funds on hand on March 31, 1901, to the credit of the treasurer of Porto Rico, in account with the people of Porto Rico. Available funds on hand March 31, 1901, to the credit of the treasurer of Porto Rico, in account with the people of Porto Rico.. 122, 466. 33 (a) The people of Porto Rico in account current with J. H. Hollander, treasurer of Porto Rico, for receipts and expenditures during the month of May, 1900. DR. To amount of warrants paid and discharged from May 1,1900, to May 31, 1900, as per Abstrct B and warrants with drafts attached filed herewith: By balance due the people of Porto Rico, as per last account, rendered CR. Paid from customs receipts $285,348.21 Accountable warrants.. Settlement warrants $108, 654. 29 88.86 By revenues and moneys received as treasurer of Porto Rico from May 1, 1900, to May 31, 1900. as per Abstract A herewith and original receipts therefor on file in auditor's office: $108, 943. 15 On account of customs receipts On account of internal-revenue receipts. On account of miscellaneous receipts. $50,531.43 $74,594.56 Paid from miscellaneous receiptsAccountable warrants.. 5, 606. 77 434.40 $114,984. 32 By amount of transfer warrants credited as per Abstract C and warrants filed herewith: Internal-revenue receipts Miscellaneous receipts... $78.00 374.97 $374.97 78.00 To amount of transfer warrants charged as per Abstract C and war- To balance due to the people of Porto Rico, carried to new account. Total 452.97 308, 240. 12 By amount transferred from the military government of Porto Rico to the credit of the treasurer of Porto Rico on the ledgers of the civil government and taken up in his account with the people of Porto Rico: 423, 677.41 Total. (b) Abstract of moneys paid out on warrants by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900. (c) Abstract of moneys paid out on warrants by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1990. (c) Abstract of moneys paid out on warrants by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900—Continued. (d) Abstract of revenues paid to and received by J. H. Hollander, treasurer excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900. (d) Abstract of revenues paid to and received by J. H. Hollander, treasurer, excluding transfers, during the month of May, 1900—Continued. (e) Abstract of transfers effected by warrants on the books of J. H. Hollander, treasurer, during the month of May, 1900. (f) Abstract of transfers effected by warrants on the books of J. H. Hollander treasurer, during the month of May, 1900. |