cuting attorney of the district court of Humacao; L. S. Rowe, as member of the Code Commission; Juan Hernandez Lopez, as member of the Code Commission; J. M. Keedy, as member of the Code Commission; José C. Barbosa, as honorary member of the Pan-American Exposition Commission; Elliott Jones, as honorary member of the Pan-American Exposition Commission. EXHIBIT E. PROCLAMATIONS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS. May 1, 1900.-Proclamation issued that, pending the permanent appointment by the President and confirmation by the Senate of the officers recognized by the act of Congress establishing a civil government, the civil officers now holding positions by virtue of the appointment of the military governor will continue to hold such offices, and will perform all the duties thereto legally pertaining, until their successors are appointed and duly qualified. May 23, 1900.—Directing that May 30, 1900, be observed as a holiday (Memorial Day) in Porto Rico. June 30, 1900.-Declaring July 4, 1900, a public holiday. November 23, 1900.—Declaring Thursday, November 29, 1900, a day of thanksgiving. December 20, 1900.-Directing all public offices and public schools to be closed on Christmas, December 25, 1900. December 24, 1900.-Directing that January 1, 1901, New Year's Day, be observed as a public holiday. February 19, 1901.-Executive order issued that all public offices and schools be closed on February 22, 1901, George Washington's birthday. EXHIBIT F. Pardons issued by the governor May 1, 1900–March 31, 1901. and ordinances. Consuelo de la Cruz Roja. Violation of municipal laws Aug. 10, 1900 (Granted to all persons confined in city jail of Mayaguez for violation of municipal laws and ordinances whose sentences expire on or before Sept. 1, to commemorate occupation of Mayaguez by American troops. Ins. policemen. Do. Diego Becerra.. Concealed weapon.. .do Cornelius Cruz Disturbing the peace Ramon Suris Marchani Swindle. Felipe Selles.. Assault Maria Castro. Jose Rivera.. Juan Ocasio Rosado Rafael Vasquez Rodri⚫guez. .do .do. Homicide Sept. 4,1900 .do Sentence reduced. Swindle. .do. .do. EXHIBIT G. ELECTION MATTERS. The more important orders promulgated by the executive council were as follows: September 4, 1900, an order dividing Porto Rico into seven election districts pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 12, 1900, entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes." September 17, 1900, an order relative to the election on November 6, prescribing the manner, etc., for holding said election. September 19, 1900, an order relative to registration. September 26, 1900, an order appointing members of district election boards. October 22, 1900, an order making it unlawful for any person to keep open any saloon, shop, house, apartment, store, or tent where spirituous, vinous, malt, or intoxicating liquors shall be sold, distributed, or given away from midnight on November 5, 1900, until 6 p. m., November 6, 1900, and prescribing penalty for violation of said order. October 22, 1900, an order making it lawful for the district boards to establish additional voting booths in order to enable every qualified voter to vote, provided that no more than six booths should be established in any one precinct. November 2, 1900, an order exempting members of the boards of election and clerks from arrest on election day, or upon the day before and succeeding election day for any offense cognizable by the police courts under General Order No. 195, dated November 29, 1899, except upon complaint of the entire district board of elections, or all the judges of election who are serving, and providing penalty for violation of the order. Date of election: November 6, 1900. Purpose of election: For the election of a resident commissioner to Washington and 35 members to the house of delegates. Number of judges and clerks: Six hundred and fifty-seven judges, 438 clerks. Expenses of elections in Porto Rico. Disbursements from September 1, 1900, to March 6, 1901: Salaries, boards of election.. Salaries, supervisors Total salaries. $11, 118.99 Traveling expenses . Printing.. Incidentals Total contingent expenses Total disbursements.. $15, 211. 12 $4,895.26 1,487.33 4,933.87 11, 316. 46 26, 527.58 NOTE.-Under the head of "Incidentals" are carried expenses for meals, booths, rent, supplies, labor, couriers, etc. |