Imágenes de páginas
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Elected Representative in 1834-Dr. Barrett's View-Refused to
"Treat" his Friends-Close Study-How Obtained a New Suit
of Clothes and Interview with Smoot-Pocket-money-Infidels
and Infidel Books-In the Legislature-John T. Stuart Advises
him to Study Law-His Generous Aid-Henry Clay-Decides to
Study Law-Self-Denial and Companions-Walking Twenty-two
Miles for Books-Like Cicero-Elected again in 1836—Surveying
and Studying-Prevents Violence at a Political Meeting-Flaying
a Politician Alive-Who Met in Legislature-The Long Nine-
Face to Face with Slavery-Firm Stand with Dan Stone-Ad-
mitted to Bar in 1837-Elected for Third Term in 1838-His
Firm Temperance Principles-Addressing Young Men's Lyceum
-Elected Fourth Time in 1840—Quelling a Political Mob—Silenc-
ing a Legislator with a Story-Stuart and Logan-Married-
Letters of Friendship Revealing his Heart


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State Convention of Illinois-Lincoln Invited to Platform-The
Hurrah-The Old Democrat and Rails-Criticism of Democrat-
Convention puts him forward for President-Incidents a Year
Before-An Old Friend in New York-At Five Points Mission-
Dr. Gulliver's Account of Interview with him-National Re-
publican Convention at Chicago-The Candidates-Lincoln Nom-
inated on Third Ballot-A Hurricane of Applause-News at
Springfield-Scenes - His Temperance Principles come to the


"Father Abraham "-"The Boys"-His Opinion expressed-Spoke
from Experience-Would not Yield Care of Soldiers-Daily
Routine-Night-work-Soldiers before Senators-A Soldier and
his Mother-The Baby-Boy on the Ottawa-The Drummer Boy
-A Mother Asks for a Son-The Handsomest Man-Rests in


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