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iff or defendant, and therefore a man cannot find his own title. M. MASON.

P. 11, 1. 14. Convey'd himself -] i. e. Derived his title. MALONE.

P. 11, 1. 17. By Charles the Great is meant the Emperor Charlemagne, sou of Pepin; Charlemain is Charlechauve, or Charles the Bald, who, as well as Charles de Gros, assumed the title of Magnus. See Goldasti Animadversiones in Rinhardi praefationem. Edit. 1711, p. 157. But then Charlechauve had only one daughter, named Judith, married, or, as some say, only betrothed, to our King Ethelwulf, and carried off, after his death, by Baldwin the forester, afterward Earl of Flanders, whom, it is very certain, Hugh Capet was neither heir to, nor any way descended from. This Judith, indeed, had a great-grand-daughter called Luitgarde: married to a Count Wichman, of whom nothing further is known. It was likewise the name of Charlemagne's fifth wife; but no such female as Lingare is to be met with in any French historian. In fact, these fictitious personages and pedigrees seem to have been devised by the English heralds, to "fine a title with some shew of truth," which, "in pure truth was corrupt and naught." It was manifestly impossible that Henry, who hat no hereditary title to his own dominions, could derive one, by the same colour, to another person's. He merely proposes the invasion and conquest of France, in prosecution of the dying advice of his father:


to busy giddy minds "In foreign quarrels; that action, thence borne out, 3

"Might waste the memory of former days:"

that his subjects might have sufficient employment to mislead their attention from the nakedness of his title to the crown. The zeal and eloquence of the Archbishop are owing to similar motives. RITSON.

P. 11, 1. 18. King Lewis the tenth, The word ninth has been inserted by some of the modern editors. The old copies read tenth. Ninth is certainly wrong, and tenth certainly right. "Isabel was the wife of Philip the second, father of Lewis the ninth, and grandfather of Lewis the tenth. RITSON.

This is a mistake, (as is observed in the Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. LIM. P. H. p. 588.,) into which Shakspeare was led by Holinshed, whom he copied. St. Lewis, (for he is the person here described,) the grandson of Queen Isabel, the wife of Philip II. King of France, was Lewis the Ninth. He was the son of Lewis VIII. by the Lady Blanchr of Castile. MALONE.

P. 11, 1. 30. King Lewis his satisfaction,] He had told us just above, that Lewis could not wear the crown with a safe conscience, "till satisfy'd," &c. THEOBALD.

P. 12, first 1. Than amply to imbare their Mr.

Pope reads:

crooked titles]

Than openly imbrace,

But where is the antithesis betwixt hide in the preceding line, and imbrace in this? The two old folios read:

Than amply to imbarre IF

We certainly must read, as Mr. Warburton advised une:

Than amply to imbare

lay open, display to view. I am surprized Mr.

Dope did not start this conjecture, as Mr. Rowe had led the way to it in his edition; who reads: Than amply. to make bare their crooked titles. THEOBALD.

Mr. Theobald might have found, in the 4to. of 1608, this reading:.

Than amply to embrace their crooked causes: out of which line Mr. Pope formed his reading, erroneous indeed, but not merely capricious. JOHNSON.

The quarto, 1600, reads - imbace. I have met with no example of the word imbare. To unbar is to open, and might have been the word set down by the poet, in opposition to


To embar, however, seems, from the following passage in the first book of Stanyhurst's translation of Virgil, 1585, to signify to break or-cut off abruptly:

"Heere Venus embarring his tale," &c. Yet, as to bar, in Much Ado about Nothing is to-strengthen,


that is stronger made,

"Which was before barr'd up with ribs of


so, amply to unbar, may mean to weaken by an open display of invalidity.

As imbare, however, is not unintelligible, and is defended by the following able criticks, 1 have left it in the text. STEEVENS.

I have not doubt but imbare is the right reading. Though the editor who has adopted it, seems to argue against it, it makes the sense more clear than any of the other readings proposed. Imbare, in the last lines, is, naturally. opposed to hide, in that which precedes, and it


differs but little from the reading of the quarto, 1600. The objection that there is no such word as imbare, can have but little weight. It is a word so fairly deduced, and so easily une derstood, that an author of much less celebrity than Shakspeare, had a right to coin it.


In the folio the word is spelt imbarre. Imbare is, I believe, the true reading. It is formed like impaint, impawn, and many other similar words used by Shakspeare. MALONE.

P. 12, 1. 19-21. Whiles his most mighty father on a hill Stood smiling, to behold his lion's whelp Forage in blood of French nobility. This alludes to the battle of Cressy as described by Holinshed, Vol. II. p. 372. Col.. BOWLE Г. 12, 1. 25. - cold for action!] tion!] This epithet all the commentators have passed by, and I am unable to explain. I cannot but suspect it to be corrupt. A desire to distinguish themselves seems to merit the name of ardour, rather than the term here given to it. If cold be the true reading, their coldness should arise. from inaction; and therefore the meaning must he, cold for want of action. MALONE.

I always regarded the epithet cold as too clear to need explanation. The soldiers were eager to warm themselves by action, and were cold for want of it. A more recondite meaning indeed may be found; a meaning which will be best illustrated by a line in Strada's imitation of Statins:

Extremosque artus animosum frigus habebat.


P. 13, 11 3--25. They know, your Grace hath cause, and means, and might;

So hath your Highness;) We should read: - your race had cause,

which is carrying on the sense of the concluding words of Exeter:

- As did the former lions of your blood; meaning Edward III. and the Black Prince.


I do not see but the present reading may stand as I have pointed it. JOHNSON, *Warburton's amendment is unnecessary; but surely we should point the passage thus:

They know your Grace, hath cause; and means, and might,

So hath your Highness ; Meaning that the King had not only a good cause, but force to support it. So, in this place, has the force of also, or likewise.


P. 13, 1. 12. With blood, This and the foregoing line Dr. Warburton gives to Westmoreland, but with so little reason that I have continued them to Canterbury. The credit of old copies, though not great, is yet more than nothing. JOHNSON.

P. 13, 1. 23. The marches are the borders, the limits, the confines. Hence the Lords Marchers, i. e. the Lords Presidents of the marches, &c. STEEVENS,

P. 13, 1. 29. Intendment is here perhaps used for intention, which in our author's time signified extreme exertion. The main intendment may, however, mean the general, disposition. MALONE.

Main intendment, I believe, signifies - exer

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