1 This loathsome sequestration have I had; But now, the arbitrator of despairs, Just death, kind umpire of men's miseries, With sweet enlargement doth dismiss me hence; I would, his troubles likewise were expir'd, That so he might recover what was lost. Enter RICHARD PLANTAGENET. 1. Keep, My Lord, your loving nephew now is come. Mor. Richard Plantagenet, my friend? Is he come? Plan. Ay, noble unele, thus ignobly us'd, Your nephew, late-despised Richard, comes. Mor. Direct mine arms, I may embrace his neck, And in his bosom spend my latter gasp: stock, Why didst thou say - oflate thou wert despis'd? Plan. First, lean thine aged back against mine arm; 1 And, in that ease, I'll tell thee my disease. Therefore, good uncle, for my father's sake, In honour of a true Plantagenet, And for alliance' sace, declare the cause son'd me, And hath detain'd me, all my flowring youth, Within a loathsome dungeon, there to pine, Was cursed instrument of his disease. For I am ignorant, and cannot guess. Mer. I will; if that my fading breath permit, And death approach not ere my tale be done, Henry the fourth, grandfather to this King, Depos'd his nephew Richard; Edward's son, The first-begotten, and the lawful heir Of Edward King, the third of that descent: During whose reign, the Percies of the north, Finding his usurpation most unjust, Endeavour'd my advancement to the throne: The reason mov'd these warlike lords to this, Was for that (young King Richard thus re mov'd, Leaving no heir begotten of his body,) From Lionel Duke of Clarence, the 'third son then deriv'd i Marrying my sister, that thy mother was, Plan. Of which, my Lord, your Honour is the last. Mor. True; and thou seest, that I no issue have; And that my fainting words do warrant death: Thou art my heir; the rest, I wish thee gather: But yet be wary in thy studious care. Plan. Thy grave admonishments prevail with me: But yet, methinks, my father's execution Mor. With silence, nephew, he thou politick; Plan. O, uncle, 'would some part of my young years Might but redeem the passage of your age! as slaught'rer doth, the Which giveth many wounds, when one will kill. Mourn not, except thou sorrow for my good; Only, give order for my funeral; And so farewell; and fair be all thy hopes! And prosperous be thy life, in peace, and war! Plan. And peace, no war, befal thy parting soul! 1 In prison hast thou spent a pilgrimage, A [Exeunt Keepers, bearing out MORTIMER. Here dies the dusky torch of Mortimer, Or make my ill the advantage of my good. (Exit. ACT Iи. SCENE I. The same. The Parliament - House. Flourish. Enter King HENRY, EXETER, GLOSTER, WARWICK, SOMERSET, and SUFFOLK; the Bishop of Winchester, RICHARD PLANTAGENET, and Others. GLOSTER offers to put bill; Winchester snatches it, and a up tears it. 1 Win. Com'st thou with deep premeditated lines, With written pamphlets studiously devis'd, Humphrey of Gloster? if thou canst accuse, Or aught intend'st to lay unto my charge, Glo. Presumptuous priest! this place com- Win.. Glester, I do defy thee. vouchsafe Lords. To give me hearing what I shall reply. |