Glo. I will not slay thee, but I'll drive thee back: Thy scarlet robes, as a child's bearing-cloth Win. Do what thou dar'st; I beard thee to thy face. Glo. What? am I dar'd, and bearded to Draw, men, for all this privileged place; beard; [Gloster and his men attack the Bishop. I mean to tug it, and to cuff you soundly: the Pope. Glo. Winchester goose, I cry rope! a rope! a Now beat them hence, Why do you let them Here a great tumult. In the midst of it, Enter the Mayor of London, and Officers. May. Fie, Lords! that you, being supreme magistrates, Thus contumeliously should break the peace! Glo. Peace, Mayor; thou know'st little of my wrongst: Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor King, Hath here distrain'd the Tower to his use. Win. Here's Gloster too, a foe to citizens; One that still motions war, and never peace, O'ercharging your free purses with large fines; That seeks to overthrow religion, Because he is Protector of the realm; And would have armour here out of the Tower, To crown himself King, and suppress the Prince. Glo. I will not answer thee with words, but blows. [Here they skirmish again. May. Nought rests for me in this tumultuous strife, But to make open proclamation: Orr. All manner of men, assembled here in arms this day, against God's peace and the King's, we charge and command you, in his Highness' name, to repair to your several dwelling-places; and not to wear, handle, or use, any sword, weapon, or dagger, henceforward, upon pain of death. Glo. Cardinal, I'll be no breaker of the law: But we shall meet, and break our minds at large. Win. Gloster, we'll meet; to thy dear cost, be sure: Thy heart-blood I will have for this day's work. May. I'll call for clubs, if you will not away: This Cardinal is more haughty than the devil. Glo. Mayor, farewell: thou dost but what thon may'st. Win. Abominable Gloster! guard thy head: For I intend to have it, ere long. [Exeunt. May. See the coast clear'd, and then we will depart. Good God! that nobles should such stomachs 1 bear! I myself fight not once in forty years. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. France. Before Orleans. Enter, on the walls, the Master - Gunner and his Son. M. Gun. Sirrah, thou know'st how Orleans is besieg'd; And how the English have the suburbs won. Son. Father, I know; and oft have shot at them, Howe'er, unfortunate, I miss'd my aim. rul'd by me: Cief master-gunner am I of this town; A piece of ordnance 'gainst it I have plac'd; If thou spy'st any, run and bring me word; And thou shalt find me at the governor's. [Exit. Son. Father, I warrant you; take you no care; I'll never trouble you, if I may spy them. Enter, in an upper chamber of a Tower, the Lords SALISBURY and TALBOT, Sir WILLIANT GLANSDALE, Sir THOMAS GARGRATE, and Others. Sal. Talbot, my life, my joy, again re turn'd! How wert thou handled, being prisoner? Tal. The Duke of Bedford had a prisoner, But, O! the treacherous Fastolfe wounds my heart!!" Whom with my bave fists I would execute, Tul. With scoffs, and scorn's, and contu- In open market-place produc'd they me, ground, To hurl at the beholders of my shame. spread, That they suppos'd, I could rend bars of steel, Ready they were to shoot me to the heart. Sal. I grieve to hear what torments you en 'dur'd; But we will be reveng'd sufficiently. Here, through this grate, I can count every one, Let us look in, the sight will much delight thee. Sir Thomas Gargrave, and Sir William Glansdale, Let me have your express opinions, Where is best place to make our battery next. Gar. I think, at the north gate: for there stand lords. Glan. And I, here, at the bulwark of the bridge. mish'd, Tal. For aught I see, this city must be fa Or with light skirmishes enfeebled. [Shot from the town. SALISBURY and Sir THOMAS GARGRAVE fall. Sal. O Lord, have mercy on us, wretched sinners! Gar. O Lord, have mercy on me, woful man! 1 |