K. Hen. Prepare we for our marriage: on which day, My Lord of Burgundy, we'll take your oath, And all the Peers', for surety of our leagues. Then shall I swear to Kate, and you to me; And may our oaths well kept and prosperous be! [Exeunt. Entre CHORUS. Thus far, with rough, and all unable pen, Our bending author hath pursu'd the story; In little room confining mighty men, Mangling by starts the full course of their glory. Small time, but, in that small, most greatly liv'd, Whose state so many had the managing, bleed: Which oft our stage hath shown: and, for their 1 sake, In your fair minds let this acceptance take. Exeunt. PERSONS REPRESENTED. King Henry the Sixth. Duke of Gloster, uncle to the King, and Pro tector, Duke of Bedford, uncle to the King, and Regent of France. Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, great uncle' to the King. Henry Beaufort, great uncle to the King, Bishop of Winchester, and afterwards Cardinal. John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset; afterwards Duke. Richard Plantagenet, eldest son of Richard late Earl of Cambridge; afterwards Duke of York. Earl of Warwick. Earl of Salisbury. Earl of Suffolk. Lord Talbot, afterwards Earl of Shrewsbury: Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March. Vernon, of the White Rose, or York faction. Charles, Dauphin, and afterwards King of France. Reignier, Duke of Anjou, and titular King of Duke of Burgundy. Duke of Alençon. An old Shepherd, father to Joan la Pucelle. Margaret, daughter to Reignier; afterwards married to King Henry. Countess of Auvergne. Joan la Pucelle, commonly called, Joan of Arc. Fiends appearing to La Pucelle, Lords, Warders of the Tower, Heralds, Officers, Soldiers, Messengers, and several Attendants both on the English and French. SCENE, partly in England, and partly in France. |